Microwave chocolate cake (Word, 361KB)

Action for Blind People - part of RNIB Group
Microwave chocolate cake
Cooking time: six to seven minutes
100g/4oz butter
100g/4oz soft brown sugar
100g/4oz golden syrup
170g/6oz self-raising flour
50g/2oz cocoa
1 egg
240ml/quarter pint of milk
1 tablespoon of milk
1 to 3 Mars bars.
 Add the soft brown sugar, butter, and the golden syrup to a microwavable
bowl. Mix well and melt for one minute full power.
 Beat in the egg, slowly add the milk, and mix well.
 Sift in the flour and cocoa, and mix until smooth.
 Line a microwavable cake dish with cling film, pour in the mixture and cook
on full power for 6 to 6 and a half minutes.
 Lift the cake out of the container, place on a rack, peel down the cling film
from the sides but leave the cling film under the cake, and allow to cool.
To make the topping
 Slice the Mars bars into a microwavable bowl, and add the milk.
 Melt on full power for about one minute, and mix until smooth.
 Spread the topping over the cake, allow to set, and enjoy.
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Logo – Positive about Disabled People
Logo – Fundraising Standards Board
Action for Blind People Supporter Care, 105 Judd Street, London WC1H 9NE
Tel: 020 7874 1340 Email: supportercare@actionforblindpeople.org.uk
Website: www.actionforblindpeople.org.uk
Patron HRH Princess Alexandra, KG, GCVO Reg company no. 26688
Reg charity no. 205913 (England and Wales) SC040050 (Scotland)