Funding and service agreements - Public Libraries Victoria Network

Public Libraries Victoria Network Inc (PLVN)
Information kit for members
Welcome from PLVN President
Welcome to the Public Libraries Victoria Network.
This guide has been compiled to provide PLVN members with a quick overview of the
organisation, the services it provides to its members, and a little something about the
individuals who make up, and work with, this proactive organisation.
This guide also lists our relationships with the State Library, the Library Board of Victoria,
Vicnet, the Municipal Association of Victoria, the Department of Planning and Community
Development and provides a background to the Ministerial Advisory Council (MAC) and the
Advisory Committee on Public Libraries (ACPL).
As a PLVN member you are now supported by a network of library managers and Regional
Library CEO’s, an Executive Officer and a hard working Executive Committee. If you are new
to the network never be afraid to pick up the phone or send an email if you need advice, have
a question, or just want to pick someone’s brains about an issue or an idea. We are here to
support you.
For additional information about Library Service details please refer to the Directory of Public
Library Services in Victoria.
John Murrell
PLVN Vision
Victoria has the best public library services
PLVN Values and Behaviours
 Integrity
 Collaboration
 Action
 Innovation
PLVN Mission
To develop strategies and facilitate initiatives to enable Victorian Public Libraries to deliver the
best possible services to the community.
To be a critical component in the development of social capital in Victoria
PLVN Background
PLVN, formally known as Viclink is a collaborative advocacy organisation comprised of
Victorian Local Government Public Library Services.
The 45 members comprise all public library services.
Viclink was formed in 1989. In 1991, Viclink became an incorporated body under the
Associations Act. In 2008 Viclink changed its name to become PLVN to reflect the true
nature of what it is and who the members are. A revised constitution was formally adopted in
2008 by the PLVN members to formalise the name change.
PLVN will meet at least four times a year (March, June, September, December) for full day
meetings, usually in Melbourne; however some regional areas have been used for the
December meeting.
The PLVN Executive (9 elected members) will meet either monthly or bi-monthly depending
on the work to be completed. The Executive includes President, Vice President, Secretary,
Treasurer, Public Officer and four other committee members. At least two positions must be
The 2010-2011 Executive
Vice President
John Murrell, West Gippsland Regional Library Corporation
65 Victoria Street, Warragul, 56222849,
Currently vacant
Anne Holmes, City of Boroondara Library Service
584 Glenferrie Road, Hawthorn, 3122, 92784673
Joseph Cullen, Eastern Regional Library Corporation
7B Eastgate Court, Wantirna South 3152, 1300737277
Public Officer
Joseph Cullen
Committee Member
Carolyn Macvean, Goldfields Library Corporation
259 Hargreaves St, Bendigo 3550, 54492780
Committee Member
Katrina Knox, Darebin Libraries
PO Box 257 Preston 3072, 84708234
Committee Member
Natalie Brown, City of Greater Dandenong Library Service
397-405 Springvale Road
Springvale 3171 9239 5242
Committee Member
Karyn Siegmann, Bayside Library Service
14 Wilson Street
Brighton 3186 9599 4426
Committee Member
Chris Kelly, Brimbank Library Service
McCracken Street
Sunshine 3020 9249 4296
Committee Member
Trish Smyth, Kingston Information and Library Service
96 Parkers Road
Parkdale 3195 1300 135 668
Executive Officer
To assist with the day to day administration of PLVN an Executive Officer, under the direction
from the Viclink Executive, coordinates PLVN’s activities within the context of the strategic
plan, assists in promoting the interests of PLVN and its members, and manages the
administration of PLVN’s activities in a cost efficient manner.
Elisabeth Jackson’s contact details are
Level 12/60 Collins Street
GPO Box 4326
Melbourne 3001
9667 5542
0407 050 870
More information can be found on our website –
Role of Public Libraries Victoria Network Inc
To collaboratively promote and advocate for the interests of public libraries and the
provision of services by Victorian public libraries to their communities
To assist, encourage, protect and promote the interests of people using the library
services and the staff of libraries
To act as a forum for discussions of library issues
To foster, encourage, promote and enhance co-operation between organisations
involved in the provision and dissemination of information and knowledge
Improve resources in libraries to assist formal and informal education programmes
Promote the value and importance of the recreational role of libraries
Promote the value and importance of the cultural role of libraries
Lobby for improved funding for library and information services
Promote the services of libraries to the communities they serve
Liaise with and make recommendations to all levels of Government and other
appropriate bodies regarding library service issues
Work in conjunction and partnership with consortiums involved in the provision of
library services for purposes associated with the provision of information and
Undertake administrative arrangements to carry our the objectives of the network
Advocate that all people using public libraries have free borrowing rights of all library
materials available for loan
Act as a support group for members
Foster and provide continuing education for members, library managers and staff
Recognise and advocate on behalf of the rights of people with disabilities and/or
special needs for the provision of an appropriate information and library service
Advocate to improve the resources of libraries to enable them to enhance informal
self education
Initiate programmes that will enhance and promote library and information service
Who are the members?
Each library service is represented by the CEO or Library Services Manager. To provide a
profile about each CEO or Manager they were asked to outline the following
Work History/Background
Special interests/expertise/achievements
Social networking sites/websites
One sentence of what public libraries mean to them
Library CEO/Manager Profiles.
Karyn Siegmann, Manager Library Services
Bayside Library Service
Karyn began her career in the Latrobe Valley in the early 80s working as a library technician
in the following years she studied her degree externally and began building her career. Karyn
moved back to Melbourne in the late 1990s taking up a position at Bayside Library Service
where she remains to this day is and is now Manager Libraries and Culture.
Karyn has a special interest in marketing and ICT and has presented papers on both topics.
She set-up online training for staff at Bayside on Web 2.0 (thanks to Yarra Plenty) and fiddles
with IT stuff on the Internet (much to the dismay of the Council IT department). In mid 2007
Karyn spent two months in the Western Highlands of PNG as a volunteer at a college library
and is currently a member of the Statewide Project working group Being the Best We Can Be.
Karyn’s contact details are :
T 9591 5908
I love being able to make a difference in people's lives and being part of an organisation
which serves the entire community.
Anne Holmes, Manager City of Boroondara Library Service
9278 4673
Chris Kelly, Manager Libraries & Learning
Brimbank Libraries
Chris worked in various industries for 11 years before returning to study and completing a
Bachelor of Education in 1992 and a Graduate Diploma in Information Management
(Librarianship) in 1993. She worked as a teacher for 2 years and then started working as a
Children's Librarian at the Lalor Library (YPRLC) in December 1995. After 15 months she was
appointed as the Branch Manager at the Eltham Library (YPRLC). In 1999 Chris started
working for GEAC (a LMS system vendor) as an Account Manager and returned to public
libraries in February 2001 as the Library Operations Coordinator at the City of Monash. In
October 2003 was appointed in the position of Library Manager for Hume City Council and the
in June 2007 moved to Brimbank City Council as the Manager of Libraries & Learning where
she currently works
Chris is passionate about changing social and economic outcomes for communities and
individuals by supporting lifelong learning. She had the opportunity to be part of the team
responsible for developing a learning community in Hume City and learnt a great deal in this 4
1/2 years. Her current role at Brimbank City Council is Manager of Libraries & Learning and
learning is seen as a key area for community development and Brimbank Is in the process of
developing a Learning Strategy.
Chris is also passionate about reshaping library services to ensure that they are positioned to
support community development and partner with organisations and other Council
departments to strengthen community outcomes. In the two years that she has worked at
Brimbank she has restructured the senior team and realigned service point staffing to
strengthen the delivery of services and programs. As part of these reviews Chris has
managed the re-banding of library staff to create parity with other local government
professionals. The final part of the departmental review is currently underway with review of
library central services.
Chris was member of the Statewide Training working group for a number of years, then
became a member of the Workforce Analysis & Planning working group that supported the
Workforce Sustainability and Leadership: Stage 2 and 3 - Survey Analysis and Planning
research. By way of following this passion In 2006 she established the Promoting Library
Careers working group that is an industry wide working group that has established to promote
careers in the library & information industry. The working group has established the wiki, and has held 2 Library & Information Industry
Careers evenings and a range of other promotional activities.
She has been involved in a number of building projects and has used the opportunity to
rethink the delivery of services and to remodel interiorsto provide dynamic community spaces.
At Brimbank the implementation of RFID and self service circulation has supported the
redesign of the customer service model to be proactive rather than passive and staff
circulation spaces have been changed substantially to achieve 95-100% self service, reduce
manual handling and to redeploy staff to value added tasks.
Thinking outside the square and continuous improvement are high on Chris’s list.
Chris’s contact details are
Public Libraries play an important role in supporting lifelong learning and have the potential to
change the social and economic outcomes for individuals and communities.
Jenny Mustey, Library Services Manager
Campaspe Regional Library
Jenny’s first introduction to public libraries was as a casual shelver at Blackburn Branch while
studying at Melbourne College of Advanced Education to obtain a Bachelor of Education
(Librarianship). This was back in 1982 and after completing the course in 1985 she
commenced at Echuca High School as Teacher Librarian and remained in this role until 1996.
Jenny then moved to the local government setting with the Shire of Campaspe as a casual
reliever, then worked at Tongala and Echuca as Branch Librarian. In 2003 she job shared the
Library Services Manager role and since 2004 have been in this position full time.
Jenny has always been interested in providing a varied and mixed outreach program for
children and adults and enjoyed these opportunities as a Branch Librarian. Campaspe has
developed a very successful Homebased library service including Books on Wheels and
Words on Wheels. Jenny has also completed four library refurbishments and is currently
working on the Echuca Community Hub Library. She is right into social networking sites and
would like to see all staff and customers using these tools.
Jenny’s contact details are :
T 5482 1997
Public libraries are for everyone; free, friendly and full of great stuff
Peter Carter – CEO , Casey-Cardinia Library Corporation
5990 0100
Tania Paull, Chief Executive Officer
Central Highlands Regional Library
Tania has worked in public and state libraries all her career starting in South Australia,
Queensland and now Ballarat.
Peterborough Community Library (Public/TAFE Joint Use Library) Library Manager, 19861989Port Lincoln Community Library (Public/TAFE Joint Use Library) Library Manager, 19891998 City of Salisbury - Library Manager, 1998-2002 Associate Director PLAIN Central
Services - State Library of South Australia, 2002-2006 Director Public Library Services, State
Library Queensland, 2006-2008 Central Highlands Regional Library Corporation - CEO, since
August 2008
Tania’s interests and achievements include;
Joint Use Libraries - experience in running Public/TAFE libraries and developing the Mawson
Centre at Mawson Lakes a joint use library with a primary school and university learning hub.
Regional library management - assisted libraries across SA and QLD with management
issues, policy and state-wide projects including wireless internet, materials procurement,
Indigenous services, school community library management, IT traineeships, reader
development through the Big and Little Big Book Club programs
Early literacy - established the Little Big Book Club in SA and QLD and see early literacy as a
very important role for public libraries and reaching out to every child in our communities
Tania’s contact details are
T 5332 2615
Community engagement - taking the library to the community and linking to Council and
community priorities
Roslyn Cousins- Chief Executive Officer
Corangamite Regional Library Corporation
Roslyn Cousins commences as CEO at Corangamite on 5 July. She was previously Manager
of Library Services at the Towoomba, Queensland and prior to that held senior library roles at
Alice Springs and in South Australia.
T 52321160
Katrina Knox, Manager Darebin Libraries
Darebin Libraries
Preston Library:
Coburg Library:
Work experience and casual work while studying at RMIT
First qualified position in 1977 as Assistant Children’s
Librarian, followed by Inter Library Loans and Homebound
Librarian, Children’s Librarian and Campbell Turnbull Branch
Moreland City Libraries: 1994-2000 Technical Services Librarian
Moreland City Council: 2000-2001 Contracts Consultant
Victoria Police:
2001-2003 Executive Officer APU Secretariat
Darebin Libraries:
2003-current Manager Darebin Libraries**
After a stint in State government Katrina is glad to be back in direct service provision where
one can experience first hand the impact (both good and bad) of decisions on your local
**She is based at Preston Library where it all began!
Library Interests
The role public libraries play as a conduit for social inclusion
Disability services (with a focus on ICT)
IT from the perspective of how it enhances our services what it enables us to provide and
the opportunities it opens up for our community.
Katrina’s contact details are :
T 8470 8234
A place where all are welcome and encouraged to participate and engage in activities that
support learning, the exchange of information or simply the enjoyment of reading.
Anna Cook, Manager Community Building & Citizen Service
East Gippsland Shire Library
Anna’s first degree is in Sociology with further qualifications in Library and Information
Management. While she has have lived and worked in New Guinea, Africa and Europe most
of her working life has been in East Gippsland.
Anna’s interests and expertise include a particular interest in integrating the work of Libraries
with that of Community Development and Access and Outreach.
Anna’s contact details are:
T 5152 4225
Community Libraries lie at the heart of a community; they build capacity, promote citizenship,
facilitate engagement and support wellbeing in the most inclusive of manners.
Joseph Cullen CEO, Eastern Regional Libraries
1300 737 277
Kim Kearsey, Acting Manager, Libraries and Learning
Frankston Library Service
T 9784 1025
Nerida Dye, Library Manager
Gannawarra Library Service
Nerida has been with the Gannawarra Library Service for 13 years commencing as a library
volunteer before undertaking my Certificate III Library & Information Services and securing a
casual position in one of the branch libraries. From those early days she has studied hard
and worked through a number of varied positions including Library Assistant, Inter
LibraryLoans Officer, IT Officer, and Branch Coordinator, until securing her current position as
Manager Library Services in December 2007.
Nerida now holds a Diploma of Library & Information Services, Diploma of Business Impact
Leadership, Diploma of Business Human Resources and has recently commenced a Diploma
of Business Management.
Her personal vision is to be successful in my current and future studies, thus further
enhancing her position prospects and all the while improving her career and personal
potential, providing balance to professional, personal and family responsibilities. She is
committed to raising the standards of leadership and management currently in place in
today's workplace and constantly strives to improve skills and abilities personally and
Nerida’s professional vision is to assist libraries in moving beyond their traditional information
and education functions and to take leadership in developing as places for civic, cultural and
social exchange. Libraries are evolving as a meeting place for sharing information, ideas and
experiences; as places where people gather and where information comes alive through
personal interaction. As libraries develop connections, make partnerships and link up with
other services and community ties, networking resources and financial support are
strengthened, thus further reinforcing the value of libraries in our communities.
Nerida’s contact details are
T 5452 1546
Libraries are the one universal absolute equitable meeting place where people can learn how
to access quality information, and librarians provide the human dimension in that search for
Patti Manolis, Chief Executive Officer & Regional Library Manager
Geelong Regional Library Corporation
Patti had her own library card from the age of 4 and her first introduction to the world of
working in libraries was at the age of 15 on work experience in Form 4 (Year 10). Just a year
later she was fortunate enough to be given a casual position at the most innovative library in
the world-Carringbush Regional Library (now part of City of Yarra Libraries) and enjoyed it
very much and upon completing high school enrolled in the Bachelor Of Education at
Melbourne College of Advanced Education majoring in librarianship. Patti’s first full time job
post graduating was at Footscray Girls Secondary College. From there she has worked in a
number of public libraries including City of Northcote Library Service, Carringbush Regional
Library, Yarra-Melbourne Regional Library Corporation, City of Boroondara Library Services,
Maribyrnong Library Service and now Geelong Regional Library Corporation.
What Patti enjoys most about working in public libraries is the variety of roles available. She
has worked on desk providing information services, as a reference librarian, collections
coordinator, children's and youth services coordinator, technical services coordinator, branch
coordinator, Manager and now CEO. Her main interest is in community capacity building
through library services in both Victoria and Timor-Leste.
Patti’s contact details are :
T 5241 6151
Public libraries are, have always been, and always will be – about people and community.
Sue Webster, Manager, Library and Information Services Glen Eira
Library and Information Service
9524 3245
Wendy Down, Library Manager
Glenelg Library
Wendy has spent most of her previous history working for Glenelg Regional Library
Corporation, based at Hamilton and was heavily involved with IT, communications, public
training, Internet, and Special projects across the Shires of Southern Grampians and Glenelg.
When the Corporation dissolved in 2005 she spent a couple of years working for a private
company in Melbourne, and in July 2007 took up her current position of Library Manager at
Glenelg Libraries in Portland, now owned by the Glenelg Shire.
Wendy has keen interests in technology and education, and the way in which technology can
be used to promote retrieval and sharing of information. She believes we still have much work
to do to reach all areas of our communities to assist them in overcoming their technophobias
so that all may feel comfortable with the new and emerging technologies, and thereby realise
the ever increasing range of information and resources available to them through their
Wendy’s contact details are :
T 5522 2385
Public Libraries are 'social hubs' through which communities can access and share the
combined technical and recreational knowledge, history and literature of mankind.
Carolyn Macvean, CEO, Goldfields Library Corporation
5449 2780
Cheryl Smith,
Regional Library Manager, Goulburn Valley Regional
5832 1628
Natalie Brown, Acting Manager Libraries Arts and Heritage Services
City of Greater Dandenong
9239 5242
Elaine Richmond, Chief Executive Officer
High Country Library Corporation
Elaine’s first foray into public libraries was as Hamilton Branch Librarian (Glenelg Regional
Library) after graduating from RMIT in 1975 with a Bach. Soc.Sc. (Librarianship). She then
travelled overseas and spent two years working in public and special libraries in the U.K.
before returning home and taking on the Branch Librarian position at Elsternwick followed by
Malvern City Librarian.
After another stint in academic and specials in London, Elaine
returned to Australia via Perth and lingered there throughout the 1980s in the role of
Kalamunda Shire Librarian. She then joined the Upper Goulburn Regional Library,
Alexandra, as Regional Librarian in 1991 and post-amalgamations and the demise of UGRL
in 1996, joined the newly created High Country Library Corporation in Wangaratta as Chief
Executive Officer and remain in that role.
Elaine has always been interested in collection development and is pleased there is a
renewed interest in reader development. Thankfully, ICT responsibilities have been
relinquished in recent years. Elaine is now more involved in developing alternative service
models, especially for rural communities. The successful operation of the joint-use library at
Wangaratta, established in 2007 in partnership with the Goulburn Ovens Institute of TAFE, is
really pleasing. She is also interested in library design, probably because there have been so
many building projects in her career and she is hoping Benalla Library will be the next and
then all six HCLC libraries will have been redeveloped or refurbished since 1996.
Elaine’s contact details are :
T 5722 4211
Public libraries are the quiet achievers in the community - people friendly, lots on offer to
nurture and challenge the brain - and we care.
Suzanne Gately, Library Manager
Hobson’s Bay Libraries
Suzanne came into public libraries as Childrens Librarian in 1994. Previously she had had 12
years experience as a primary school teacher in schools ranging from rural and very small
(enrolments of 12)schools to large metropolitan (400+)
Suzanne has been lucky to have been able to make building projects a specialty as she is
about to build the second new library of her career at Altona North. She also has undertaken
numerous refurbishments. Suzanne has a broad range of interests, developing leadership
and excellence and a positive staff culture comprises the core values of how she approaches
managing Hobsons Bay . Also she likes to promote the case of the Library as the third place the community lounge room and that we are "the go to" place for information on anything and
everything. Lastly if community expectation is to put everything online then public libraries are
well placed to help people connect in this environment
Suzanne’s contact details are :
T 9932 1333
Community focused public libraries play an integral role in connecting, supporting and
empowering people.
George Osborne, Manager, Learning and Community Development
Hume City Council
Work history / background
a. Military background with 22years as an officer in the Australian Army,
including a 2-year appointment as a Strategic Planner with the US Marines,
for which he was awarded the US Meritorious Service Medal.
b. During his military career he completed training in the UK and USA, and in
turn has delivered training in Malaysia, Singapore, Australia and New
George left the Army in 2000 to take up an appointment as Manager Training
and Development with the Country Fire Authority in Ballarat with
responsibility for approx 3000 volunteers and 100 staff.
d. In 2006 he became the General Manager of Training and Community
Services with BEST Community Development, a multi award winning not for
profit organisation based in Ballarat. This included responsibility for a range
of youth and disability support services.
e. In January 2008 George commenced as Manager Learning Community with
Hume City Council in Melbourne.
George’s special interests have evolved from working to support disengaged youth and
disadvantaged communities, with a particular emphasis on providing access and opportunity
for people of all abilities. He is an experienced project manager and strategic planner and
operates his own consultancy (part time) providing Strategic Planning and Leadership
solutions. Military History is his preferred personal reading genre.
George’s contact details are :
T 9356 6900
To me Libraries play a significant role in local communities as safe and accessible places
where there is a positive emphasis on social inclusion and learning for all.
Trish Smyth, Library Manager
Kingston Information & Library Service
Trish has worked in both Academic and Public Libraries, she started as a library shelver when
studying at University. Since then she has worked in 2 Academic Libraries and 8 Victorian
Municipal Library Services. Trish has an undergraduate degree and has complemented that
with Librarianship qualifications, a Graduate Diploma of Business and a Masters in Public
Trish has worked in Library Information Services, Collections, Children's
Librarianship, and Library Management.
Trish’s work interests include :
Management - has led and motivated up to 150 people.
Customer Service - in Libraries and Council as a whole. managing Kingston Council's
Customer Service for 5 years.
Library Collections, particularly interested in tailoring collections to reflect the community's
Strategic/ Business Plans - Competitive Tendering, Best Value and Strategic Planning
Library Buildings – Trish has been involved in the Building or refurbishment of 17 library
branches libraries
Trish notes her achievements to be being able to survive and get the best outcome for the
community no matter what political doctrine is in fashion - economic rationalism or community
Trish’s contact details are :
T 1300 135 668
Local government is the level of government closest to the community, local government
librarians are able to provide one of the community's most valued and appreciated services.
Julie Kyriacou, Manager Community Information Services
Latrobe City Library Service
Over 20 years experience in the areas of Customer Service, Administration and Staff
Management in the private sector. Over 10 years Local Government experience in Customer
Service, Staff Training & Development, Administration and Project and Staff Management.
Julie’s interests and expertise include :
Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Accredited
Diploma of Business Management
Project Management - $500,000 refurbishment and centralisation of M&CH Centres.
Change Management - Integrated Service Delivery
Julie’s contact details are :
T 5128 5607
We have something for everyone, at every stage of their life!
Michael Byrne, Manager Community Learning and Libraries,
Maribyrnong Library Service
Barry McGuren, Library Services Coordinator
Melbourne Library Service
Barry was appointed to the newly created position of Library Services Coordinator when MLS
was established in March 2007. This required a move interstate as prior to that he had
worked in Sydney for 30 years. His previous position was that of Client Services Coordinator,
Randwick City Library 2000-2007. Prior to that Barry worked for the Department of Defence
(Defence Library Service), initially as Manager - Defence Centre Library, Sydney and then as
Assistant Director of Library Services - Client Services 1995 - 1999. He also managed the
library services for Legal Aid NSW 1992-1995. This was preceded by ten years in various
public libraries in Sydney.
Barry’s special interests and achievements include a project managed and leading the
Defence Library Client Information Needs Analysis in 1999-99. This was the largest single
client information needs project ever undertaken by a special library service and required him
to live out of s suitcase for a year as he covered every Defence outpost in the country.
Barry’s contact details are :
T 9658 9470
Public libraries are the great levellers - anyone and everyone can use them.
Michael Scholtes, Library Services Coordinator
Melton Library & Information Service
Michael’s library career has been wholly served in public libraries in the northwest area of
metropolitan Melbourne. His first library role, in the late 80s, after a 5-year stint as full-time
househusband and part-time library studies student at RMIT was at Moonee Valley Regional
Library Service as the Gladstone Park Branch Librarian, the sole metropolitan joint-use
Library in Victoria at the time. Michael has been a Bookmobile Librarian; a Branch Librarian
and a senior team member of Hume-Moonee Valley Library Corporation and also Hume
Libraries with operations and systems responsibilities before moving to Melton Shire Council
as Library Services Coordinator in August 2004. In recent times he has been a part of the
design and delivery of Melbourne’s newest joint-use public Library at Caroline Springs and
am based at this Library.
He is currently a member of the PLVN Executive; the Being The Best We Can Statewide
Project Work Group; the LibraryLink Victoria Steering Committee and have previously served
on the Work Group for the Libraries Building Communities project.
Michaels interests and expertise include:
 how Libraries can develop and support a Reading Culture in their communities.
 anything that promotes the value of libraries to their communities’ health and
wellbeing and offers increased opportunities for their access and use, particularly by
locating libraries within Community Hubs of complementary services.
 in technology as applied to libraries in service enhancement.
 the continuous improvement of our industry through good leadership and “critical
Michael’s contact details are :
Libraries are the lounge rooms of their communities; places where one can be comfortable,
connected, creative and cared-for; with the resources to support this.
Sue Kelly, Library Service Manager
Mildura Rural City Council Library Service
Sue went to Ballarat College of Advanced Education 1981 - 1983 obtaining a BA
(Librarianship). Came back home to Mildura and worked for the Mildura Development Council
for 6 months as an Information Officer.
She was successful in August 1984 in obtaining full time work with the then Mildura Regional
Library Service as a Technical Services Librarian and eventually worked her way up to
Regional Librarian. On amalgamation in 2005 the Library Service became the Mildura Rural
City Council Library Service and Sue became the Library Service Manager.
Sue is very interested in Local History. Her achievements include participating in the design
of the Mildura Library in the Alfred Deakin Centre and obtaining Living Libraries funding to
both redevelop Red Cliffs library and build a new Mobile Library Trailer.
Sue’s contact details are
T 5018 8340
Public Libraries mean access to knowledge, information and recreation for all people.
The first Library Sue worked in Mildura was the Mildura Carnegie Library. It was one of
several built in Australia through a grant from Andrew Carnegie in 1908, therefore I also like
the quote made from Andrew Carnegie "There is not such a cradle of democracy upon the earth as the Free Public Library, this
republic of letters, where neither rank, office, nor wealth receives the slightest consideration
Sue Wilson, Library Coordinator
Mitchell Shire Library & Information Service
T 5734 6240
Anne-Maree Pfabe, Manager, Community Information and Arts, Monash
Public Library Service
9518 3529
Sally Jones, Manager Library Service
Moonee Valley Library Service
Sally does not have a library background or qualifications, she has worked in local
government for almost 10 years in varied positions, generally with a view to carry out service
reviews and take a 'fresh' look at the service. Sally began her local government career at
Maribyrnong City Council in 2000 as Customer Service Co-ordinator and took that from a twoperson reception desk to a centralised customer service department incorporating service
level agreements and internal staff recruitment. She then moved to Moonee Valley City
Council in the position as Co-ordinator of Parking Control and Local Laws. Again a service
review was carried out with a view to streamline existing processes and ensures appropriate
resource allocation. In August 2008 she successfully applied for the position of Library
Manager and have since settled into library life. Before entering local government Sally was
employed in many industries, these include: educational publishing, fashion, registrar's office
within a private school, and assistant to the surgeons at the RMH. Very varied!
Sally’s interests and expertise include :
Studying for Executive Certificate of Business (Management) at Monash, and she is currently
studying for a Grad Cert through Swinburne - sponsored by Moonee Valley City Council. A
particular interest in seeing the social inclusion of youth become a priority for both public
libraries and local government in general.
Sally’s contact details are
T 8325 1903
Let's make it the lounge room away from home.
Genimaree Panozzo – Manager, Cultural Development, City of Moreland
9240 2275
Geoff Carson, Manager Library Services
Mornington Peninsula Library
Geoff has 40 years experience across a range of libraries including 10 years as a library
His interests include library and cultural strategy development & library building planning
Geoff’s contact details are:
T 5950 1703
Optimising community access to information, print and electronic literacy and lifelong learning
Ann Le Lievre, Manager Library & Customer Services
Murrindindi Library Service
Ann is currently Manager Library and Customer Service, Murrindindi Shire Council.
Ann enjoys working in a creative environment, thinking outside the square, and supporting
staff to deliver a state-of-the-art public event program.
Ann’s contact details are :
T 5772 0349
Public libraries are spaces where people can just hang out, share ideas or network with like
minded people in the community.
Damien Tyquin, Library Service Coordinator
Port Phillip Library Service
After completing his first degree (Media Studies) Damien dabbled in a variety of media gigs,
including production roles in ABC radio and event management, followed by various team
leading roles in the hospitality industry. When a change of scene beckoned he returned to Uni
and completed post-grad studies at the now defunct faculty Library School at the University of
Melbourne. After qualifying Damien worked in Osaka, Japan for a year teaching and doing
editing/indexing work with an English-language magazine (old habits die hard!). In the early
90’s he commenced work as a reference librarian with what was then the Royal Victorian
Institute for the Blind; and subsequently moved through a range of middle-management roles,
including Collections/IT, Special Projects and Customer Service. After 8 or so years at RVIB
he moved across to join the Public Libraries Unit at the State Library, working closely with
public library services across the State in a project management role. Since early 2004
Damien has been Library Services Coordinator for the City of Port Phillip.
Not surprisingly given Damien’s background, he has always enjoyed working on online
service delivery and cultural planning topics, along with supporting staff developing programs
and events. A fascination with all things architectural has been indulged by involvement in
some really interesting building projects, particularly grappling with contemporary design
responses to heritage challenges.
Damien’s contact details are :
T 9209 6576
Public libraries for me are all about connection and engagement - places where people
intersect with possibility, enabling us to learn where we've come from and engage with ideas
about where we might be headed (Creative Futures)
Dianne Panjari , Library Coordinator
Stonnington Library & Information Service
8290 8002
Camille Cullinan, Manager Cultural Development & Libraries
Swan Hill Regional Library Service
Camille has worked in various roles at Wyndham Public Library Service for 21 years. She
began life in public libraries as a Mobile Library Driver, then became Adult Services Librarian,
followed by a few years as Reference Librarian. Camille was the first manager of the
Werribee CBD Branch Library. This position initially involved setting up the new branch
through hiring staff, establishing a collection, creating a floor plan, and working with builders,
architects and other tradesmen prior to, and during the building works and coordination of the
move of the branch to its second location. Several years were spent rotating annually as
branch manager between the branches of the Wyndham Library Service. During this time she
was involved with the Heaths Road Library refurbishment project. As part of her role in this
project, she planned and coordinated the move of the entire collection while the library
remained open to the public. Camille finally decided it was time for a change and new
challenges and moved from one of the fastest growing municipalities to a more sedate and
much warmer (temperature wise) environment.
Camille commenced in her current position in September 2007. This role involves the
management of the Swan Hill Regional Library Service and coordinating the cultural team.
This team consists of the Regional Art Gallery Director, Performing Arts Director, Regional
Arts Development Officer and the Town Hall/Performing Arts Centre. One of the main
achievements so far has been overseeing the development of the local Culture Week into the
region wide Go North Arts Festival, which will be held on an annual basis.
Camille’s contact details are:
T 5036 2473
Public libraries are a place for the entire community, be it a physical building or virtual place,
providing everyone with equal access to a large variety of resources.
Annie Roennfeldt – Acting Manager
Upper Murray Regional Library
T 02 6022 9102
Tony Iezzi, Manager
Vision Australia Information Library Service
Tony Iezzi is National Manager Vision Australia Information Library Service (VAILS)
Tony has worked in public libraries since the early 1980’s and performed most roles in that
environment, including seven years as second in charge of an inner city library service.
Management in a media library has complemented his work with accessibility of information
and the i-access suite of projects currently being implemented by VA.
Previous experience as production co-ordinator at VA has given Tony a unique understanding
of library services to community and how downstream production considerations impact on
Tony has been responsible for a number of major projects at Vision Australia (VA), including:
a national trial and rollout of DAISY technologies, implementation of a certified QMS for the
library, development of the VAILS online gateway accessing DAISY materials, the design,
development and testing of new technologies and online services. These developments
provide the basis for partnerships and collaborations with the wider public library network,
which is Tony’s current focus.
The most exciting/interesting projects he's worked on are:
Project member of a working group developing a Global Library for the world community
of print disabled.
Managing a national rollout of a new technology to the print disability community.
Lead a quality management project group to implement a QMS system achieving QMS
certification on the first attempt.
Leading a team working on accessible technology devices, programs and web sites
accessible to print disabled people.
Member of the ICT Working Group (Advisory Panel)
Developing collaborative, resource sharing programs with public libraries.
Developed successful adult and children’s programs in the public library environment.
Tony regularly presents papers on accessibility issues, DAISY technologies, implementation
projects and VAILS services.
Tony’s contact details are
T 1300 654 656
The opportunity for people to be informed participants in the world around us
Stephen Dempsey, Manager Cultural Services
Wellington Shire Library
Stephen worked previously as Reference Services/Inter-Library Loans Officer at St Kilda
Public Library, then Deputy Regional Librarian/Regional Children’s Librarian at Central
Gippsland Regional Library Service, including a stint as the inaugural Mobile Library operator,
and later employed as Manager - Libraries at Wellington Shire Council.
Stephen believes you have to be a bit of a generalist when you work in a rural-based library
service, so over the years he has gained some experience in all manner of subjects, including
new building projects, the introduction of library automation (ICT) and mobile library services,
and so on.
Stephen’s contact details are :
T 5142 3468
Provides valuable opportunities and resources for all ages of people in community to learn
and develop throughout their lives.
John Murrell – CEO West Gippsland Regional Library Corporation
5622 2849
Geoff Rockow – CEO, Whitehorse-Manningham Regional Library
9890 1005
Paula Clark, CEO, Wimmera Regional Library Corporation
5832 1777
Clare Erickson-Petrie, Team Leader, Wodonga Library
02 6022 9117
Note that Wodonga Library is part of Upper Murray Regional Library but the staff are
employed by Wodonga Council.
Rhonda Rathjen, Library Services Manager, Wyndham City Library
9748 9333
Jenny Ruffy, Manager Cultural and Library Services
City of Yarra
Jenny completed a Graduate Diploma of Librarianship while working for an antiquarian
bookseller in 1986 and commenced at Northcote Library as Local History Librarian in 1987.
In 1991 she joined Carringbush Library as Senior Librarian, then moved to Boroondara
Library Service in 1996 as Collection Services and Hawthorn Librarian. In 2001, Jenny was
appointed Manager Community Information & Arts at City of Monash, where she spent almost
eight years before moving to City of Yarra last year to take up the position of Manager
Cultural and Library Services.
Over 20 years in local government has provided Jenny with great experiences, great
colleagues and satisfying achievements. She is particularly interested in building individual
and team capacity in staff. Public library architecture is experiencing renewed innovation and
vibrancy: developing innovative spaces for public libraries is a significant interest for her. She
has enjoyed being part of the development of some great spaces to develop and deliver
library services and looks forward to more in the future. Arts and cultural development
services have been an important part of her work for many years. These aspects of individual
and community life inform strategies for both public libraries and cultural development,
providing creative and learning opportunities for individuals and groups, strengthening
wellbeing, social inclusion and participation.
Jenny’s contact details are
T 9205 5096
Christine McKenzie, Chief Executive Officer
Yarra Plenty Regional Library Service
Christine Mackenzie is the CEO of Yarra Plenty Regional Library Service, a position she has
held for five years. Prior to this she was Manager - Library Services at Brisbane City Council
for six years. Other positions she has held include Manager - Library and Information
Services at Mornington Peninsula Shire Council in Victoria, and various senior roles in public
libraries in Victoria.
Christine is past President of the Australian Library and Information Association, and has held
a number of executive positions on various ALIA sections and branches. She is the past chair
of the Public Libraries Advisory Committee of the Library Board of Queensland. She was a
member of the Bertelsmann Foundation s International Network of Public Libraries, a select
group of leading practitioners. She is currently a committee member of the International
Federation of Library Association’s Metropolitan Libraries Section; and ALIA’s Public Libraries
Reference Group and Online Content Regulation Group and the Australian Government s
Public Lending Right Committee. She was recently awarded a Fellowship of ALIA.
Christine’s interests and expertise include implementing web 2.0 technologies, global
librarianship, RFID implementation, technical services outsourcing and outreach programs.
Christine’s contact information
On Facebook and Linked in
Public libraries are about people, not about books.
What are the benefits of being a PLVN member?
Information exchange
 Opportunities to interact and share information both in person and virtually through elists, wikis etc
 Opportunity for peer introduction to the Victorian public library sector, key issues,
colleagues, especially valuable to new managers or managers new to the Victorian
landscape and managers confronting major issues in their own patch
 Social and professional networking opportunities at a range of events each year
Advocacy, opportunities to participate in and provide input to
 A range of campaigns to the State Government, Ministerial Advisory Committee on
Public Libraries, Library Board of Victoria, Municipal Advisory Association of Victoria
on a range of issues
 National projects
Policy Development, opportunities to have input to the development of policy and advocacy
for Victoria public libraries. Some of the key issues are
 Internet filtering
 Broad band standards
 Work force planning
Participation with the State Library of Victoria in the development of the Statewide Projects.
So many wonderful and outstanding pieces of work and projects have been achieved through
enthusiastic participation by many PLV Network Inc members in the past, this will continue
into the future with the latest triennium of projects. More detail about the previous triennium
and current Statewide projects later in this pack
Database and resources; access to a range of databases and other information related
resources at a reduced cost, these include
Libraries Australia
Picture Victoria
Library Link Victoria
Collaborative purchasing schemes, including new technologies (e-audio, RFID)
Opportunity for involvement in local networks.
PLVN Connections
PLVN has a number of strategic relationships with
Australian Library and Information Association
Public Libraries Australia
Councils and Regional Library Corporation Boards
National Library of Australia
Friends of the Library Australia
PLVN Partnerships
State Library Of Victoria
Anne-Marie Schwirtlich, Chief Executive Officer & State Librarian
Library Board of Victoria
The Library Board of Victoria consists of up to 11 members, appointed by the Governor in
Council on the recommendation of the Minister for the Arts. Members represent interests in
academia, business, government, information technology and the humanities. They are
appointed for terms of up to three years and are eligible for reappointment.
The Board members are:
The Hon John Cain, President
Mr Kevin Quigley, Deputy President
Ms Robyn Annear
Mr Tom Bentley
Ms Catherine Dale
Ms Merran Evans
Ms Sherryl Garbutt
Ms Susan Halliday
Mr Stephen Kerr
Mr Glenn Mescher
Advisory Committee Public Libraries (ACPL), Library Board State
Library of Victoria
SLV CEO & State Librarian Anne-Marie Schwirtlich
Robyn Annear, John Cain and Kevin Quigley for the Library Board of Victoria
Rod Fyffe, for the Municipal Association of Victoria
Sue Hamilton for the State Library of Victoria
John Murrell, PLVN
Karyn Siegmann, PLVN
Jenny Mustey, PLVN
State Library of Victoria (Public Libraries Unit)
The role of the State Library in relation to public libraries is aligned to the responsibilities of
the Library Board of Victoria (its governing body) defined in the Libraries Act 1988.
To oversee cooperation in libraries and information organizations to promote access
to library and information services
To exercise leadership and promote high standards in the provision of library and
information services
To provide advice and information to the Minister on any matters concerning libraries
and information organizations
Sue Hamilton, Director, Community, Learning and Public Library
Partnerships at the State Library of Victoria since 2004.
Thirty years executive experience in policy, strategic and operational roles with both Federal
and State governments. Policy areas include community access, government information,
child care, women's policy and disability services. Major managerial roles in Comcare (the
federal government worker's compensation agency), the Commonwealth Rehabilitation
Service and the ACT Electricity and Water Authority. Academic qualifications are in classics,
art history and law, and began her working life in the publishing industry.
Sue interests and expertise include strategic planning, organisational change and capability
development, social inclusion programs.
Sue’s contact details are :
T 8664 7513
Public libraries :the unleashing of potential.
Debra Rosenfeldt, Manager Public Libraries
Debra’s role at the State Library is Manager, Public Libraries who is responsible for managing
the State Library’s relationship with public libraries, and for advocacy and strategy in relation
to public libraries. She also provide executive support to the Library Board of Victoria’s
Advisory Committee on Public Libraries and have overall responsibility for the Statewide
Public Library Development Projects.
Debra’s professional working life began in Victorian public libraries, where she worked for
over ten years in three lovely metropolitan library services and in a variety of management
roles covering collection development, information services, children’s and youth services,
public programs and marketing. She has worked at the State Library for slightly less time,
initially in the public programs area.
Qualifications include an Arts Degree and Graduate Diplomas in Librarianship and Business,
Certificate in Writing and Editing.
Public libraries in general are her special work interest. an enthusiast and have been excited
by most of the development initiatives that we’ve worked on with public libraries, from training
and marketing programs, to investigating business cases, conducting audits, researching
issues and, at present, developing an evaluation and continuous improvement framework for
public libraries.
She is particularly proud of the work done over six years on the Libraries Building
Communities project, and of two initiatives that won Victorian Arts Portfolio Leadership
Awards – Writers on the Road and Memory Victoria. In public libraries, Debra was probably
best known for and most proud of her work linking children and reading, for which she
received the Dromkeen Librarians Award.
In recent years Debra has developed a degree of competence in managing projects, planning
processes, nurturing partnerships and dealing with tricky situations.
Debra’s contact details are :
T 8864 7041
Public libraries are a source of unending interest, challenges and joy, a vital community asset,
a place of solace, inspiration and practical help in an increasingly complex world.
Cathy Milward-Bason, Coordinator of Public Libraries
Cathy’s role is to support the manager in building and maintaining the State Library's
relationship with Victorian public libraries.
She started out in public libraries twenty years ago at Frankston and Mordialloc-Chelsea
Libraries Until recently, Cathy managed a membership library (open to the public) which
specialised in the history of Victoria called the Prahran Mechanics' Institute. As president of
the Mechanics' Institutes of Victoria Inc. she lobbied for extant libraries and remnant library
collections that had been established in the nineteenth century as part of the mechanics'
institute movement.
Her expertise is in library management and advocacy and also the history of Victoria.
Cathy’s contact details are:
T 8664 7411
They are places - real and virtual - where I feel at home, where information is freely available,
and there are experts to help you find it who are committed to building their communities and
enabling them to reach out to the wider world.
Melanie McCarten, Senior Project Manager, Community Engagement
and Libaries, Vicnet
Responsible for ensuring the delivery of the Projects with the team as well as directly project
managing specific projects and works very closely with Debra, who is the Projects Sponsor,
and the Reference and Workgroups for the projects.
In July 2006 she joined the State Library, which was a big change in her career, previously
working for publishers Thomson Legal & Regulatory for nine years in a variety of roles
including: editing and electronic publishing, web development and management, electronic
product development, and project management. Prior to that Melanie worked in publication
coordination at IBM and also for a media monitoring company in lots of different roles. It's
been a very interesting journey so far and she hopes it continues to be.
Melanie loves to make things happen and tick things off (hence why project management is
so appealing) and really likes the variety this role provides. She wouldn't call myself an expert
in anything but her interests are broad-ranging and she is prepared to give most things a go.
Melanie’s contact details are :
T 8664 7416
Working in this role has exposed me to the fantastic things public libraries do for and in the
community - I really had no idea before. So now I tell all my friends and family!
Public libraries have a huge role to play in so many different arenas - we just need to get the
message out there of all the great things and the huge potential
Beata Wacek, Project Officer
Beata’s role is to contribute to the development, coordination and delivery of the Statewide
Public Library Development Projects.
She has had a career spanning over 20 years working primarily in the corporate sector with
experience in the banking, property and retail industries, extensive experience in marketing
and am versed in public relations, event management and sponsorships. For five years she
was Marketing Coordinator - Publicity and Sponsorship for Officeworks Superstores Pty Ltd.
Until that time, she was the Marketing Coordinator for Como Centre (formerly Como Gaslight
Gardens), a multi-purpose complex located in South Yarra.
While at Officeworks she gained a keen interest in ‘corporate citizenship’ by way of employing
cause-related marketing. The principles in cause-related marketing also translated to her
interest to be involved in the Libraries Building Communities Project (2005/08)
Beata’s key achievements in her current role have been to provide event management
expertise to the development, coordination and delivery of the launch of the MyLanguage
portal; the 2004 and 2006 Open Road Conferences; the 2004 and 2005 Library Books for
East Timor Trivia Nights; and, many Professional Development Seminars and Scholarships.
And also regards her work on the Memory Victoria Project as a significant achievement. This
project received a Victorian Arts Portfolio Leadership Award in 2007.
Beata’s contact details are :
T 8664 7046
Public libraries represent ‘possibilities’ as they are the gate keepers for knowledge and
information gathering which opens the world of possibilities.
Donna Brown Administrative Officer for the Statewide Public Library
Development Projects
Also provides administrative support to other groups in Vicnet
Donna has a special interest in organising events for the Statewide Public Library
Development Projects held at the State Library; expertise in Mail Merge; and regard
mastering the art of minute taking at Project Workgroup meetings as a key achievement.
Working in the SPLDP unit I have a new understanding of how the public library system works
that I would not have been aware of previously.
Brendan Fitzgerald, Manager Vicnet
Brendan has worked in Vicnet for ten years on a range of ICT projects, including Libraries
Prior to coming to the State Library he worked for 15 years in public libraries at the cities of
Brunswick, Moorabbin, Sandringham and Bayside where he worked primarily in the reference
and information areas and senior management roles.
ICT is his special area of interest, expertise and achievement, especially in a community
context. Information literacy and local history are other areas of special interest.
Brendan’s contact details are :
T 8664 7432
Public libraries are an important element in the creation and maintenance of a vibrant, free
and civil society.
Leanne Trembath, Operations Manager, Vicnet
Her role is to ensure the smooth operations and delivery of all Vicnet activities and projects.
She has a particular interest in continual improvement processes and practices.
Leanne has worked on a variety of projects including, most recently, WikiNorthia.
Before coming to Vicnet she worked in the areas of education, information technology and
management and has formal qualifications in each of the areas. Leanne has worked in the
Computer Literacy and Information Competence Centre (CLiC) at AMES. The main focus of
her work is website development.
Essential components of our communities through the provision of free access to information,
meeting places, community engagement etc.
State Wide Projects
In collaboration with the State Library of Victoria PLVN also forms project groups to deliver
three year statewide projects as determined by the membership. These projects are funded
by the State Library of Victoria and the workgroups are project managed by the SLV Public
Libraries team.
Being the Best We Can Workgroup – Christine McKenzie, Briengan Rodgers, Karyn
Siegmann, Leneve Jamieson, Micheal Scholtes, , Suzanne Gately
For more information
Building Knowledge of Library Advocacy Workgroup – Katrina Knox, Andrew Hiskens, Chris
Kelly, Jane Grace, Jenny Ruffy, Joseph Cullen, Patti Manolis, Peter Carter
For more information
Shared Leadership Workgroup – Carolyn McVean, Barry Farrow, Beck Henshall, Genimaree
Panozzo, Suzanne Gately
For more information
Digitising Victorian Newspapers Reference Group – Chris Payne, Andrew Castle, Anne
Holmes, Carolyn MacVean, Deborah Mould, Heatehr McKay, Liz Jesty, Tim Hogan
Travelling Exhibition – Trish Smyth, Darryl Woodhouse, Elizabeth Bernard, Fiona Wilson,
Judy Bell, Robert Heather, Samantha Tidy, Steve Grimwade
In 2008 the following Statewide Public Library Development Programs were completed.
Contact the Public Libraries Unit at the SLV for further details.
Libraries Building Communities – including survey, census, reports, Showcasing the Best,
demonstration projects, Connecting the Community
Collections and Access – included Building Audit, Collection Management Standards and
Cataloguing and End Processing, Memory Victoria, DX Courier
Workforce Sustainability and Leadership – included workforce survey, mentoring, professional
development, Ramsay and Reid scholarships, Pierre Gorman Award
Please contact the Public Libraries Unit for more information on these projects
PLVN Sub Committees
At the AGm in September 2009 three new subcommittees were established as follows:
Community Access:
Community Engagement and
Customer Service:
Provide economies of scale in sharing resources
across the sector
Provide improved access to High quality resources for
the broader Victorian community
Maximising opportunities for community participation
and engagement
Libraries Building Communities
Work closely with partners across the sector to further
develop services and other areas of cooperation for
the benefit of the community
Terms of Reference for the Subcommittees and the Special Interest Groups which will
report to them can be found on the PLVN website.
Working and Interest Groups
From time to time the members may decide to work on additional special initiatives, currently
these include:
Collections Depreciation Project
Collaborative Purchasing
Annual Survey
Funding and policy partners
Ministerial Advisory Council (MAC)
In early 2005 the MAC began a process of defining a vision and strategic direction for public
libraries. The process embraced a shared vision for the future of Victorian libraries. The vision
is both progressive and ambitious, stretching well beyond the boundaries of public libraries.
MAC’s Vision is:
“…that The Library will be your consistent partner throughout your journey of lifelong learning,
acting as a broker and trusted guide to a wealth of valuable content”.
And “…that The Library is seen by decision makers as one of the most important and
effective investments in building an innovative state with caring communities”.
Colin Morrison, DPCD
John Murrell, PLVN
Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV)
For our relationship with the MAV please refer to the Public Libraries Resources page on their
A range of links, papers and documents that relate to collaborative projects and activities are
on this website. Details regarding the SWIFT Consortium are also available from here or
refer to
Department of Planning and Community Development (DPCD) – Local
Government Victoria
Local Government Victoria supports public libraries through a range of grants and other
funding. Local Government Victoria is also responsible for governance issues relating to
regional library corporations and Mechanics’ Institutes.
Funding and service agreements
Local Government Victoria administers the Government’s grants to libraries. This includes
managing three year funding and service agreements with:
13 regional library services (each serving two or more councils)
33 single-council library services
a state-wide library services for people with print disabilities
These funding and service agreements cover two program areas:
core funding, which helps councils provide public library services
local priorities funding, which supports specific local services identified by the library
as a priority
Other one-off grants are also provided for public library services.
Key Contacts
Director Local Government Programs
Colin Morrison, Level 10, 1 Spring Street, Melbourne 3000,
Public Library Services
Dan Harper, address as above, 92083579,
Kane Roach, address as above
Public Libraries Victoria
Network Inc.
PLVN Executive 9 elected
representatives for 3 year term. One
third retiring each year.
PLVN Membership is organisational
1 vote per organisation
PLVN Collaborative Projects:
- Gulliver
- Collaborative Procurement
State Library of Victoria
Library Board of Victoria
- Framework for Collaborative Action
(with related document).
- Advisory Council on Public Libraries
State wide Projects
- 3 year cycle (currently 2008/09 2010/11). 3 million over three years.
- Building Knowledge for Library
- Being the Best We Can
- Developing Leadership
- Digitising Victorian Newspapers
- Travelling Exhibition
Ministerial Advisory Council
Department of Planning and
Community Development
MAC Vision (with
related document)
Annual Return
Funding programs:
- Public Libraries Grants Program
(Annual recurrent)
- Small Grants Program (Annual by
- Living Libraries - Library
Infrastructure (current to 2009)
- Premiers Reading Challenge
(Current to 2010/11 - $5mil )
- Wireless Internet Access & PC
Booking ($2mil)
- LibraryLink Victoria ($380k, 1 year,
includes DX Courier)
PLVN Relationship Map
September 2009
Municipal Association of
- Employment of Executive
- SWIFT agreement
- Collaborative Procurement
- Lobbyist