Open file

The atmospheric branch of the
hydrological cycle in Antarctica
Field report
Dr. Irina Gorodetskaya
Prof. Dr. Nicole van Lipzig
1. Project personnel and contact details
2. Introduction
3. Key Dates
4. Field sites
5. Field work
Dr. Irina Gorodetskaya (KUL, Belgium / LGGE, France) : postdoctoral researcher,
project scientist (instrument preparation, field measurements, data analysis)
Prof. Dr. Nicole van Lipzig (KUL, Belgium) : project PI
Prof. Dr. Michiel R. van den Broeke (IMAU, Netherlands) : collaborator (polar
D. Erik van Meijgaard (KNMI, Netherlands) : collaborator (regional climate
Dr. Hugo De Backer (RMI, Belgium) : collaborator (atmospheric chemistry and
remote sensing)
Prof. Dr. Susanne Crewell (IGM, Germany) : collaborator (remote sensing of clouds
and precipitation)
The main objective of the project is to contribute to a better insight into the current evolution
of the atmospheric branch of the hydrologic cycle covering the chain from evaporation at the
surface to snowfall. This is needed in order to get more understanding of the current evolution
of the surface mass balance of the ice sheet and associated sea-level changes. Meteorological
measurements (Automatic Weather Station), snow accumulation measurements (stakes), and
remote sensing measurements of clouds (Ceilometer and Infrared Pyrometer, and later also
Microwave Radiometer and Micro Rain Radar) are needed to be installed as part of this
project. The data together with existing and newly emerging data (both ground-based and
satellite) will be used to evaluate and improve the regional atmospheric climate model
RACMO/ANT2 after which an updated reconstruction of the climate of Antarctica will be
Campaign preparation:
1. June-Sep 2008: Purchasing instruments
Responsible: Nicole van Lipzig
2. Sep 2008 - Jan 2008: Testing, preparing, and shipping the instruments
Responsible: Irina Gorodetskaya
Supervisor: Nicole van Lipzig
Field work (Irina Gorodetskaya):
Jan 24-Jan 30: Transit (Europe-Cape Town-Novolazarevskaya-Utsteinen)
Jan 31-February 22 2009: Actual field work
Feb 22: Departure from Utsteinen
The main project work was performed either on the site or in the vicinity of the main
Automatic Weather Station: installed on February 2 for long-term operation about
300 m east of Utsteinen ridge.
Ceilometer and IR pyrometer: installed and operating during two weeks of the field
season (Feb 6-22) on the roof of the scientific container at the base camp (about 100
m south-west from Utsteinen ridge).
Additional measurements for GLACIOCLIM-BELARE project (also useful for HYDRANT
project but not part of it):
Glaciological stakes: installed during February 12-13 every 3 km of the 180 km
traverse from Crown Bay to Utsteinen
Snow density measurements: three sites (Feb 7: 1 km south-east from Utsteinen ridge;
Feb 12: at Crown Bay; Feb 13: about 10 km south from Crown Bay along the traverse
to Utsteinen)
The Automatic Weather Station (AWS) was successfully installed on February 2, 2009
at the location about 300 m east from Utsteinen ridge, providing basic meteorological
data and radiative fluxes about 4 m above the snow surface, snow temperature profile
down to 1 m depth, and changes in snow height. Measurements during the campaign
have been recorded continuously on the data logger and backed up on the memory
card. Regular (3-hourly when possible) manual data readings were performed during
the entire field campaign providing weather updates for Neumayer Antarctic Station
meteorologist and Novolazarevskaya logistical air base.
There was a technical problem with the ARGOS antenna needed for the real-time data
transfer to Europe. The problem was unfixable in the field and the antenna was
unmounted and brought back to the engineering group of IMAU, which provides
technical support for the AWS. The memory card was also brought back to IMAU for
retrieving the measurements during the campaign. Currently measurements are being
recorded on the data logger and will be retrieved during the next season.
Two cloud instruments (Ceilometer measuring the vertical atmospheric backscatter
profile and cloud base height at several levels, and IR Pyrometer measuring cloud
base temperature) were installed temporarily during the field season on the roof of a
scientific container at the base camp (about 100 m south-west from Utsteinen ridge).
Long-term (over-winter) installation necessary for the project was not possible
because both instruments need continuous power supply from the main station,
which was not available during the past season. Even though the measurement period
was short (February 6-22), this allowed to test instrument behaviour during changing
weather conditions and provided valuable data on cloud properties and occurrence of
the snow fall/drift during the end of the summer season. Special efforts were made to
have the instruments running continuously during both day and night times.
Ceilometer measurements of the cloud base height were also regularly reported as
part of the weather updates to Neumayer station and Novolazarevskaya air base
(valuable information for flight operations).
Recording meteorological and cloud conditions during storms is a key goal of our
project. Past season showed that simultaneous measurements by ceilometer and
pyrometer can give a picture of a storm evolution (changes in the cloud height and
temperature). Each storm during February was characterized by strong south-east
winds and blowing snow in a layer at least 300 m high. Cloud conditions prior to the
storm onset however showed different patterns with different times of occurrence of
high, mid and low-level clouds. All storms were associated with warm advection and
increased cloud base temperatures (by up to 500C) as recorded by IR pyrometer. This
is valuable information for understanding the role of clouds in the surface radiative
budget and surface air temperature changes.
With these instruments however we cannot see if there was snow precipitation from
the clouds or only snow redistribution by the wind during the storm events, which is
important for understanding surface mass balance. Such information can be derived
from micro-rain radar measurements, installation of which is planned during later
phase of the project (possibly next season).
As part of collaboration with GLACIOCLIM-BELARE project with Christophe Genthon
from Laboratoire de Glaciologie et Géophysique de l'Environnement (France) and
Alain Hubert (IPF), glaciological stakes were installed during the traverse from Crown
Bay to Utsteinen every 3 km during 180 km from Crown Bay to Utsteinen during
February 12-13. GPS position and emergence above the snow surface were recorded
for each stake. Redoing such measurements each year will show changes in snow
accumulation and ice movement between Utsteinen nunatak and the coast. The data
on snow accumulation along the traverse are valuable for our project as most of
precipitation in this region is associated with synoptic systems originating over the
To convert the snow height measurements to a surface mass balance value (in water
equivalent), knowledge of the density distribution of the observed sample is required.
Several snow density profiles have been made aiding both GLACIOCLIM-BELARE and
HYDRANT projects. Three snow cores were extracted using manual drill: 4m core near
Utsteinen site (1 km south-east from Utsteinen ridge, on Feb 7), 2m core at Crown Bay
(next to the coast logistical camp at the first glaciological stake point, Feb 12) and 2m
core about 10 km south from Crown Bay along the traverse line to Utsteinen, Feb 13.
Obtained data and problems encountered during measurements have been reported
to Christophe Genthon (LGGE) and will be discussed with him in more detail to ensure
more complete measurements during future seasons.
This project has been possible thanks to many people.
We would like to thank Wim Boot, the engineer at IMAU, for providing support for the
AWS station both during the preparation and field work.
Many thanks to Alexander Mangold from RMI, who helped with the AWS installation.
Big thanks to Marie Dumont and Hélèn Castebrunet (LGGE) for the training in snow
density measurements in the Alps.
Many thanks to Toon Helsen for helping with cloud instrument installation and snow
density measurements in Antarctica.
Special thanks to the engineers at the Department of Earth and Environmental
Sciences at KU Leuven Jos Meersmans, Valentijn Tuts and Mustafa Ayyad for working
with us on cloud instrument preparation and testing (this includes ordering additional
material, constructing a set up for pyrometer, helping with installation of the
instruments for test runs at KU Leuven site, and helping with shipping the
We would like to acknowledge great help from the military, engineering, field guides
and management staff during the field work in Antarctica.
Also we would like to thank Laurence Vanlede (IPF) and Michel de Wouters (IPF) for
efficient communication and organization before and after the campaign in Belgium
and Cape Town.