TEAM: Year 2 Lesson Plan Template Teacher: Kimberly Varner Grade level: 5th Date of lesson plan: April/May 2012 School name: Walt Disney Magnet Subject: Art/Literature Lesson Plan title and Summary: Illuminated Manuscripts and Applying Thinking Skills Focus Art Work Title "Zal Climbing to Rudaba" Date 1580/1590 Artist Shiraz Fars Accession Number Supplemental Artwork: "Saint George Slaying the Dragon", Book of Hours "Saint George Killing the Dragon", Bernardo Martorell, 1400/35 Big Idea(s): How do artists use images to tell a story? Objectives Students will: Observe and Describe an Illuminated Manuscript page Compare and Contrast two paintings with similar themes Reflect and Respond to prompts about their personality Create an illuminated manuscript initial in watercolor Activities/Procedure 1. Examine painting number one: "Zal Climbing the Rudaba". Record the name of the artist, the title, the year, the medium, and the location of the painting. Answer the prompt: What do you see? Discuss. 2. Pass out second and third painting. Students will use a Venn Diagram to list similarities and differences between "Saint George Slaying the Dragon" manuscript page and the painting "Saint George Killing the Dragon" by Bernardo Martorell. Discuss. 3. Students will make a list of five characteristics that describe their personality. 4. Students will make a list of three images that reflect their personality. 5. Students will look at two examples of Illuminated manuscript initials completed by students. Students will use the images and personality characteristics to draw an illuminated manuscript Initial utilizing either their first or last initial. 6. Students sketch will be transferred to watercolor paper and painted using watercolor paints. Standards Addressed: Standard Descriptor National Art Standard Number 1: Given a primary medium, convey ideas with evident artistic intent. National Art Standard Number 5: Analyze how the arts shape and reflect ideas, issues, or themes in a particular culture or historical period. National Art Standard Number 5: Formulate questions about an artwork based on descriptions of formal elements. Student Assessment (attach) Name: ________________________________________ Room ____ OBSERVE/DESCRIBE Examine painting number one. Identify the credit line information. Artist: Title: Year: Medium: Location: What do you see? COMPARE/CONTRAST Identify the similarities and differences in the two paintings. St. George Slaying the Dragon (detail), Book of Hours, in Latin, Belgium, Bruges, ca. 1450, illuminated by Master of Jean Chevrot. The Morgan Library & Museum; MS M.421, fol. 23v. Saint George killing the dragon, by Martorell, 1430-1435, Art Institute of Chicago REFLECT/RESPOND Make a list of five characteristics that describe your personality. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. List three images that reflect your personality. 1. 2. 3. Look at two examples of an illuminated initial. On the back, select either your first initial or last initial and create an illustrated letter using your images that reflect your personality.