Dicom Conference

DICOM 2008 Conference Program
Tuesday, 8 April
Seminar: Introduction to DICOM
Overview & Basic DICOM Concepts
This session is intended to make it easier to understand the rest of the sessions.
The DICOM standard is built from several conceptual elements. The abstraction provided by those elements provides
valuable structure to DICOM but can make it seem initially impenetrable to the newcomer.
These building blocks will be explained; including attributes, tags, macros, modules, services, IODS, SOP Classes
and UIDS. Topics including the types of functionality covered by DICOM, how to access the standard, the relationship
of DICOM to other standards and the use of DICOM Conformance Statements to communicate product capabilities
are also briefly introduced.
Exchanging Imaging Data
DICOM consists of both data specifications and protocol definitions.
This presentation describes the data specification for the main Classes of DICOM Objects: Images, Presentation
States, SRs, and Encapsulated Objects.
It explains the protocols for Pushing Objects, Pulling Objects, Finding Objects, Retrieving Objects, and the
Negotiation protocol for two systems trying to communicate.
The relationship of the DICOM data specifications to the Protocols, File Formats and product Internal Data
Representations is explained in addition to the use of Media (CDs, Memory Sticks), Email and WADO (Web Access
to DICOM Objects).
Managing Acquisition Workflow
Several DICOM Service Classes will be reviewed which are designed to optimize the workflow associated with data
entry, scheduling, image acquisition, post-processing, reporting and billing.
Modality Worklist – communicates patient demographics and order information from a scheduling system
(RIS) to an imaging modality, reducing errors and effort.
Modality Performed Procedure Step – communicates the status of requested procedures (scheduled, in
progress, completed, cancelled) and details of performed procedures (examination type, number of images,
materials used).
Storage Commitment – permits confirmation of image receipt, improving the reliability of transfer from
modalities to image management systems (PACS).
Instance Availability Notification – communicates availability of image objects, e.g. from a PACS to a RIS to
enhance reporting workflow.
These Service Classes significantly improve the efficiency, reliability and interoperability of imaging equipment.
DICOM 2008 Conference Program
Tuesday, 8 April
Consistent Presentation of Images
Lawrence TARBOX
[Pending from Larry]
Grayscale Standard Display Function
Grayscale Softcopy Presentation State
Print Presentation LUT
(Color/Blended Presentation State)(Hanging Protocols?)
Applications of DICOM SR
This session reviews the main concepts of DICOM Structured Reports including document templates, Content Items
and their relationships, data types, coding schemes and coded vocabularies.
Specific applications of SR, as a type of non-image document, include
listing images and other objects (such as for study content manifests or Key Image Notes);
procedure reports
collecting measurements, results of CAD operations;
simple diagnostic reports with sections and paragraphs, and
coded reports that describe precisely, using coded vocabularies, diagnostic findings and the evidence from
which the findings have been derived.
Q & A Panel / Discussion
DICOM Fields of Use
Following the introduction of DICOM in the early 1990s (as version 3 of the ACR-NEMA work of the 1980s), the
DICOM Standards Committee has expanded steadily and membership now includes representatives from user
organizations and vendors that represent a wide variety of the health sciences. The DICOM specification has even
been applied beyond health sciences to the area of Non-Destructive Testing (DICONDE).
DICOM objects have been defined for many applications. Maintenance and new development continues in DICOM
Working Groups representing specific imaging modalities or distinct DICOM fields of use.
Examples include: cardiology (WG 1), dentistry (WG 22), dermatology (WG 19), ophthalmology (WG 9), pathology
(WG 26), radiotherapy (WG 7), surgery (WG 24) and veterinary medicine (WG 25).
This seminar presents use cases from selected fields to demonstrate general and specific applications of the DICOM
DICOM 2008 Conference Program
Tuesday, 8 April
Tools for DICOM Implementation
[Pending from David Clunie]
Toolkits and Sample/Reference Code
Validators, Test Tools and Sample Data
IHE as Implementation Guide and Testing Venue for some features
Product Experiences
This seminar presents a viable common sense approach vendors may use for the creation of healthcare products
that use the DICOM Standard for the communication of medical information in order to achieve interoperability with
the connected products in the healthcare enterprise.
When a vendor wants to create a medical product that supports communication of diagnostic images, they are faced
with the challenge to correctly implement parts of the DICOM Standard.
The product needs to be positioned well in the clinical environment where it will be used. One needs to determine the
staff working in this environment, how the work is coordinated, what tasks need to be performed, which clinical
applications are used to support these tasks, and finally, what information is communicated between the systems that
host the clinical applications. Application Profiles specify what needs to be in an image for the clinical application to
work well.
Next, software design takes place. Based on the intended use of the product a small selection out of the
overwhelming DICOM Standard has to be selected and recorded in a DICOM Conformance Statement. Good design
rules can avoid common implementation mistakes due to limited understanding by the software development
engineers of the real intent and practical use of the DICOM Services.
For instance, an important design rule needed for an interoperable product in the various deployment environments is
to be tolerant of defective input information, but on the other hand create and send rich information with full
adherence to the DICOM standard. Multiple configuration options will be needed to create sufficient flexibility to adapt
to the various clinical environments, workflows and supporting systems.
Finally the DICOM functionality in the product will need to be verified and validated, in order to comply with worldwide
quality and safety regulations.
Security & Networking
Eric PAN
[Pending from Eric Pan / Rob Horn]
DICOM over secure channels
Media Security
Confidentiality Profile
Audit Trails
(Configuration Management)
DICOM 2008 Conference Program
Tuesday, 8 April
Deploying DICOM in a Hospital/Clinic
DICOM is the standard used to facilitate medical imaging solutions in your hospital/clinic. It supports many features
and as a hospital/clinic you need to understand the important questions to ask vendors when integrating DICOM.
This is first accomplished by relating the DICOM key features (SOP Classes) to the workflow needed for your system,
in terms understandable by users (i.e. help decide what parts of DICOM are right for you).
You will also learn how to evaluate each vendor's DICOM choices by reading a DICOM Conformance Statement.
Finally, it highlights some issues beyond DICOM but important for a successful integration, such as HIS/RIS
integration, network management, integration services, etc.
Keeping up with DICOM
DICOM is not static. To meet the expanding needs of medical imaging, it is maintained and extended on an on-going
This presentation will explain the process DICOM uses to expand while maintaining stability, explain how you can
monitor newly released updates, how you can participate in reviewing proposed changes and how to participate in
the DICOM committees themselves.
Some specific recent additions to DICOM will be reviewed that address Image Segmentation, Registration, Enhanced
Objects, Dose Reporting, and Radiotherapy.
Q & A Panel / Discussion
DICOM 2008 Conference Program
Wednesday, 9 April
Session 1: Clinical Domains
Pathology in DICOM – Progress from Working Group 26 and IHE
Bruce BECKWITH, Christel Daniel LE BOZEC, Marcial GARCIA-ROJO,
Pathology is a visually rich medical specialty, which has followed the lead of Radiology and is quickly moving toward
extensive use of digital images. However, there are a number of differences between the imaging processes in the
two specialties which make it desirable to adapt the current DICOM standard to accommodate the unique aspects of
imaging in Pathology. Working Group 26 was established in late 2005 with the two immediate aims:
1. Update and extend the data model used to describe pathologic specimens which are the subject of imaging
2. Create a mechanism to store, retrieve and view microscope whole slide images within the DICOM framework.
Working with representatives from pathology professional societies in Europe, Japan and the US, as well as with the
HL7 Anatomic Pathology and Laboratory Special Interest Groups, we have developed DICOM Supplement 122,
which defines a specimen data model to accommodate a wide variety of relevant information needed to interpret
pathology images, such as type of specimen, procedure used to obtain specimen, physical and chemical processing,
sampling and sub-sampling methods, etc.
An important part of the Supplement is establishing uniform definitions for the major concepts. In this consensus,
Specimen is defined as a physical object (or a collection of objects) when the laboratory considers it a single discrete,
uniquely identified unit that is the subject of one or more steps in the laboratory (diagnostic) workflow. This includes
objects at all levels of processing, including fresh tissue, dissected organs, tissue embedded in paraffin, sections
made from embedded tissue, and dispersions. Specimens are physically managed by being placed in or on a
container. The concept of container includes buckets, cassettes, vials, and slides. While there is usually one
specimen per container, it is possible, in some laboratory workflows, for multiple specimens to be in/on a container.
The Supplement also addresses compatibility between the new Specimen Module and the Specimen Identification
Module currently defined in the standard, and how existing Information Object Definitions can use the new module in
a fully backwards-compatible manner.
The second focus of WG26, whole slide microscopic images, present some unique challenges, both in terms of size
(they may contain billions or even trillions of pixels) and access functionality. A practical solution to viewing these
large images must involve sending small subsets of the image data in response to interactive user commands, in
order to mimic the experience of viewing a physical microscope slide. We have made progress toward a proposed
solution for incorporating these whole slide images into the DICOM standard in a manner that will enable
interoperability and support rapid and dynamic viewing.
This presentation will describe the major aspects of the revised specimen module and proposed method for
accommodating virtual microscopic slides currently under consideration within DICOM.
Implementing a Unified DICOM Broker for Cardiology – An
Clinical care facilities in a cardiology department typically use a variety of complex software applications from
different vendors to achieve Cardiac Catheterization (Cath) workflow or an Echocardiography (Echo) workflow. These
applications need to exchange data and typically do so via interfaces. The de facto “standard/language” used to
move this information between applications is HL7 (Health Level7) and DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communication
in Medicine). A Software broker (Interface Engine) is used as product/component to align with, and to facilitate the
workflow amongst specialized applications.
DICOM 2008 Conference Program
Wednesday, 9 April
This white paper details the experience of developing and deploying DICOM Broker to support seamless Cath/Echo
workflow in cardiology department to:
Influence the use of MPPS (Modality Performed Procedure Step) for Billing/Inventory Management and
tracking Image procedures. The broker under consideration utilizes the rich data set available in MPPS to
Track the Image procedure as an IHE (Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise) Performed Procedure
Step (PPS) manager and relaying the information as DICOM to a third party PACS (Picture
Archiving and Connectivity System).
Buffer the MPPS information (N-CREATE and Multiple N-SET) and sending the full data set to
Cardiology Information System (CIS) and also catering for Billing and Inventory report creation.
Provide a unique capability, to convert the full MPPS data as HL7 ORU message on completion of
procedure, and relay to a third party CIS system for Billing/Inventory management.
Realize the MWLM functionality for a PACS in a Echo department by
Acting as an Order Filler for the study coming from an Order placer or from an appointment system.
Providing worklist filtering via. AETitle/Modality Type, based on information in the requested
Acting as a DICOM MWLM SCP for worklist queries from Modality.
Accomplish a Multi-modality Cath lab, by utilizing the capability of MWLM (Modality Worklist Management)
and MPPS SOP class by
Adhering to Multi-modality cath Lab scenario as addressed by IHE, using Hemodynamic, X-Ray or
other modalities for diagnostic procedures.
Using Lab specific worklist and department specific worklist for effective scheduled study
management and MPPS status from different modalities to monitor study progress/completion.
Achieve a DICOM compliant Hemodynamic modality
From the industry need to treat Hemodynamic system as a DICOM modality, enable the
Hemodynamic system by acting as DICOM MWLM SCU, to retrieve the scheduled study
information from an external CIS system.
Further usage of DICOM SR (structured reports) for procedure logs may be considered.
While developing the Interface Engine, which includes a DICOM broker component, below challenges were faced to
achieve end to end workflow (i.e. from HIS/CIS to Modality to PACS to Reporting Station).
Connectivity to diverse systems viz. DICOM Modalities, external HIS/CIS systems, Cardiology Information
System/PACS (The system this broker is servicing, which normally will be in a non-standard format),
Hemodynamic systems (Mostly Non-DICOM modalities in a multi modality cath lab) and administrative
stations (which receive billing/Inventory/clinical reports).
Divergence in data exchange formats (Over TCP/IP or Shared file for HL7 Messages, DICOM format for
modalities, SQL stored procedures for CIS/PACS this broker is servicing)
Impedance mismatch in the interfacing between DICOM, HL7 and proprietary format.
Diverse workflow needs (lab/department centric cath workflow, modality centric Echo workflow, single/multi
modality workflow).
While deploying the Interface Engine below challenges were addressed. The MPPS and departmental echo worklist
capability are deployed at a Hospital in Germany and Multi-modality cath lab solution and DICOM compliant
Hemodynamic solution at Connectathon and ACC event.
Migration from the pre-existing broker at the hospital to the new interface engine without affecting the
topology. For instance, providing DICOM connectivity (for both MWLM and MPPS) over a single port/AETitle
for all the modalities and without affecting the workflow (no loss of data and minimal down time)
Custom requirements at the hospital site, for instance, the default MWLM query should return results for
scheduled studies for yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Divergence in the data sets and formats from different vendors.
In summary, it is possible to integrate the DICOM needs of Echocardiography workflow and Cardiac Catheterization
workflow in a single Broker solution in conjunction with the other broker needs (HL7). This solution can be extended
to other departments with in cardiology domain, for instance Electrophysiology department, to have a unified DICOM
broker for Cardiology department.
DICOM 2008 Conference Program
Wednesday, 9 April
Work Item Implants: Current State and Outlook
Michael GESSAT, Thomas TROMMER, Armin POLLMANN, Heinz U.
Implant Templates play an important role when planning surgical interventions. Based on templates and radiological
patient images the surgeon decides for the best fitting implant available and for the exact position and orientation he
wants to implant it to. Based on this information, navigation systems or other intraoperativ assistance systems can be
used to intraoperatively guide the implantation.
In orthopedic surgery, planning is nowadays mostly done on 2D radiographs, usually one A-P-image and one lateral
image with overlays presented as vector graphics. Other clinical fields, like dental, maxillofacial, neuro or cardiac
surgery do implant planning based on 3D images from different modalities and use 3D surface models as templates.
Currently, no standardized means of information exchange is available for both, the templates and the planning
results. HP-GL2 has been established as a de-facto standard for the geometrical 2D-information in orthopedic implant
planning. If available, the information on how different components are to be assembled is coded in vendor-specific
markup documents or databases. Planning systems also generate a proprietary description of the planning result,
which can, if at all, only be read by intraoperative assistance systems being able to read this specific data format.
The DICOM Committee installed a Work Item on Implants during its 2007 meeting in Taipei and assigned it to WG 24
(Surgery). Since orthopedic implants are among the ones which are actually planned and the planning is of high
economic relevance, it was decided to focus on them from the beginning. Extendibility to other surgical fields is one of
the prior design constraints.
After the first read of the supplement 131 in front of WG 06 (Base Standard), it was decided to split the work item into
two supplements, where supplement 131 takes care of the static (and not patient-specific) information contained in
the template repository and supplement 134 defines a SR Document for the planning results.
The Implant Templates will be implemented in an IOD that contains the geometric description in 2D or 3D, general
descriptive Attributes, such as the manufacturer and product name. In addition, it contains spatial fiducials that can be
used to register the template to a patient image or surface mesh. Several macros contain additional attributes which
are only applicable to certain types of implants.
A workshop is being organized with the orthopedic implant and implant planning industry that will take place in March
2008. In our presentation we will introduce our general approaches to the inclusion of Implant Templates into the
DICOM Standard together with the results of the workshop.
Model-Guided Therapy and the Role of DICOM in Surgery
Heinz U. LEMKE
A recent report predicted the rise in demand for surgical services to be up to 47% by 2020. Difficulties that are
already apparent in the Operating Room (OR), such as the lack of seamless integration of Surgical Assist Systems
(SAS) into the surgical workflow, will be amplified in the near future. There are many SAS in development or
employed in the OR, though their routine use is impeded by the absence of appropriate integration technology and
standards. This paper explores efforts to develop strategies for improving surgical and interventional workflow
assisted by surgical systems and technologies.
Appropriate integration technologies require correlative IT infrastructure as well as communication and interface
standards, such as DICOM, to allow data interchange between surgical system components in the OR. Such an
infrastructure system, called a “Therapy Imaging and Model Management System” (TIMMS) supports the essential
functions that enable and advance images. A TIMMS provides the infrastructure necessary for surgical/interventional
workflow management in the Digital Operating Room (DOR). Its main functionalities support the generation,
communication and interaction with patient models.
The design of a TIMMS should be based on a suitable DICOM extension for data, image, information, model and tool
communication in order to clarify the position of interfaces and relevant standards for SAS and their specific
DICOM 2008 Conference Program
Wednesday, 9 April
Engineering of ICT systems for the assistance of surgical interventional activities implies the specification, design,
implementation and testing of computer assisted surgery or image guided therapy systems. A number of components
for such systems have been developed in academic and industrial settings and are applied in various surgical
disciplines. In most cases, however, they are standalone systems with specific ad hoc propriety or vendor interfaces.
They can be considered as islands of IT engines and repositories with varying degrees of modularisation and
Such a system needs to be designed to provide a highly modular structure. Modules may be defined on different
granulation levels. A first list of components (e.g. high and low level modules) comprising engines and repositories of
an SAS, which should be integrated by a TIMMS, is currently being compiled within the DICOM WG 24 “DICOM in
The paper will provide examples on how patient models, engines and repositories may be integrated into a surgical
Session 2: Application Hosting and WADO
Application Hosting
Lawrence TARBOX
(No abstract)
A DICOM Mechanism for Multicast Streaming
Rafael MAYORAL, Adrian VAZQUEZ, Stefan BOHN, Oliver BURGERT
The traditional radiology environment is characterized by the exchange of independent and complete units of
information. The radiology workflow consists of a series of discrete steps without immediate feedback or interaction
during each of the individual steps. Imaging is performed on the patient and whole datasets are distributed for
visualization, reporting or archiving.
The communication mechanisms offered by DICOM (as the standard language of the Radiology PACS) closely
reflect this work and information flow.
Surgery (and to a certain extent radiation therapy) introduces a very different workflow. There is important interaction
between the surgery team, the assist devices and the patient. There is continuous feedback during the intervention
and during each of the intervention’s steps. Many of the decisions must be reached in real time relying on
continuously acquired and distributed information.
All of the surgical interventions are affected in one way or another. Some common examples include: tracking data
sent from a tracking camera to a navigation application; ultrasound data continuously transmitted for intraoperative
guidance; biosignals continuously generated for patient monitoring; and video images generated by endoscopes and
cameras used by the surgery team to perform the procedure.
Management of such signals can currently be achieved by keeping the systems monolithic (the same device basically
acquires, processes and displays the data) or by restricting the ways in which the participating devices may interact
(often depending on the intervention at hand). However, both alternatives reduce flexibility, are potentially wasteful
due to equipment redundancies and may preclude the creation of new functionalities only available through more
flexible interconnectivity.
The separation of data acquisition, processing and display into independent systems is fundamental for achieving
such flexibility. However, it poses new communication requirements. Data must be transferred continuously and be
processed and displayed as it arrives.
DICOM 2008 Conference Program
Wednesday, 9 April
We have analyzed the requirements of such a communication and have proposed a general framework for its
implementation. The framework prescribes the following aspects:
A client server architecture in which the source and the user of the information are logically separated. This
enables the source to offer its data to multiple users, whereas each user can easily integrate information
originating from several sources.
Finding and learning about the devices, being able to recognize the devices as possible communication
peers and query their capabilities.
Selecting the appropriate data source and retrieving the data using a protocol and hardware infrastructure
appropriate to the specific data type.
A mechanism to report configuration changes and problems which may arise with the data transfer to ensure
a reliable transmission.
Several technology alternatives are readily available to implement such a solution for distributing continuous signals.
However, in most cases the appropriate technology depends on the nature of the data being transmitted.
Implementing such a system within DICOM would provide a common layer for the different technologies. Additionally,
we believe that in surgery it would be advantageous to capture the data within DICOM as soon as possible to for
example allow seamless further processing within the scope of a PACS.
The basic principle is based on the same idea used in the DICOM JPIP Referenced transfer syntax. Using this
transfer syntax, only the context information of an image dataset is transferred through normal DICOM mechanisms.
The actual pixel data is obtained from a pixel source whose address is referenced in the DICOM dataset. The pixels
are then transmitted using an established protocol. In that case the JPEG 2000 Interactive Protocol.
To distribute other types of continuous data we propose a similar method in which the dataset establishing the clinical
context is transferred using DIMSE services. The continuous data is then streamed using an appropriate protocol
from a source address referenced within the dataset.
Other mechanisms provided by DICOM which are useful for this application include the multicast DNS service to
discover DICOM devices and services in a network, the N-GET/N-SET services to query and set device and
transmission attributes, and the N-EVENT-REPORT service to supervise the progress of the transmission.
We are currently working on the implementation of such a communication for the integration of a tracking system into
a navigation application separating the physical connection between the tracking and the navigation hardware.
However, this is a general mechanism which should be applicable to any kind on continuously transmitted data using
appropriate protocols.
Combining JPIP with WADO within an XDS-I Framework for Efficient,
Standard-Compliant Streaming of EHR Imagery
Large volumes of medical imagery outputted by modalities present a problem for efficient delivery and review of data.
The problem is amplified in a constrained bandwidth environment.
XDS-I is the imaging extension to the IHE XDS protocol for sharing medical documents. It uses a DICOM Key Image
Note (or Key Object Selection, KOS) as the stored object in a Document Repository. The KOS document contains
information that points to the images that can then be accessed using WADO and JPIP. WADO in defined in Part 18
of the DICOM standard. It describes a protocol for web access to DICOM objects. Part 9 of the JPEG 2000
Standard defines JPIP, the JPEG 2000 Interactive Protocol. JPIP was approved as an International Standard in
October 2004 and was included in DICOM through Supplement 106, which was finalized in Jan. 2006.
This presentation will describe a sample framework and architecture for combining XDS-I, WADO and JPIP to
provide a standard-compliant solution for streaming of EHR imagery. The architecture provides a solution for the
efficient access to images between the data providers and consumers. Compliance with open standards ensures
interoperability in a heterogeneous environment. The architecture is especially useful for remote access of medical
image data over low bandwidth connections and for browsing of large data sets.
A software demonstration of the architecture will also be presented.
DICOM 2008 Conference Program
Wednesday, 9 April
WADO and Beyond
DICOM started in 2000 a strategy for “opening” its ways of communicating with IT systems. WADO (Web Access to
DICOM Objects) was adopted as the DICOM PS 3.18. The presentation will make an overview of the classical use
cases of WADO, including the contexts for which WADO has been officially referenced by other organizations (e.g.
IHE RAD XDS-I). It will explain why WADO is the adequate mechanism to address such use cases (e.g. enabling to
retrieve the image in DICOM or in jpeg). It will give some explanations about the implementation of WADO in
different contexts (e.g. using WADO and JPIP to have a streamed access at the still images). It will list the limits of
the present WADO (e.g. only one instance can be retrieved in one single operation). It will conclude on the
perspective of defining a “WADO like” web services which can cover the “WADO and beyond” needs in a
complementary method (e.g. web services for study/series retrieve). Some technical details on web services
necessary for image transfer will be detailed (e.g. MTOM). The evolution towards web services may cover in a better
way the environment necessary “around WADO” like security issues or portability of reference to medical images.
Session 3: Applications I
Advantages of Providing DICOM Encapsulated PDF Support (DICOM
3.0 Supplement 104) Directly within Adobe Acrobat
With over 600,000,000 copies of Adobe Acrobat used worldwide for creating and reading files stored in the Portable
Document Format (PDF), PDF is a leading standard in faithfully portraying and storing electronic documents and
forms. With the addition of Supplement 104 to the DICOM standard in 2005 adding the ability to encapsulate PDF
files within a DICOM wrapper, PDF has the potential of becoming as effective a container for storing Electronic Health
Record data as it has become for general electronic documents.
In order to encourage the adoption of PDF within health facilities for storing and transmitting reports, electronic forms
and legacy scanned paper documents, DesAcc undertook the task of directly adding functionality to Adobe Acrobat 8
such that it could natively read, write, transmit and archive DICOM Encapsulated PDF files. To this end a plug-in was
written to the Adobe Acrobat and PDF Library Application Programmer Interface (API) specification. The resulting
plug-in, titled “Health Data Explorer” (HDE) adds menu controls and toolbars directly to the Acrobat User Interface
(UI) allowing for seamless integration of DICOM Encapsulated PDF document control into the general operation of
the Acrobat product.
Integrating a local database of stored DICOM files, HDE can receive DICOM files transmitted using the DICOM Send
operation from PACS, DICOM compatible devices and other copies of Acrobat running HDE. DICOM Query/Retrieve
has been added for directly accessing remote DICOM devices and retrieving DICOM images, DICOM Structured
Reports (SR) and DICOM Encapsulated PDF files. DICOM Encapsulated PDF files are opened directly within
Acrobat, displaying exactly as collected at their creation source. For SR and DICOM Image files (MR, CT,
Ultrasound, etc.) a specified PDF Form is used as a template for mapping DICOM elements and image data into PDF
Form elements prior to rendition of a final PDF/DICOM hybrid document. As PDF Forms are “smart documents” that
can contain JavaScript commands for each contained field, this allows DICOM elements to generate additional PDF
sub-forms, database queries, or directly control advanced Web Services during the creation of the final PDF
document. Examples of PDF Forms included with HDE show DICOM image files being converted into “pseudo-films”
showing image data, patient demographics and directly generated barcodes of patient identifiers.
To aid workflow, HDE adds a Toolbar to the Acrobat UI showing received DICOM Encapsulated PDF and SR
documents, with a drop-down list allowing access to received health records. This means that the user does not
need to utilize the standard HDE interface for querying the local database for DICOM documents. For melding
patient demographics to displayed Health Records, a “Clinical Context” Toolbar has also been added. This Toolbar
shows the Patient Name and Patient ID of the currently selected document, if present, at all times. With HDE DICOM
DICOM 2008 Conference Program
Wednesday, 9 April
patient demographics can be embedded within standard non-DICOM PDF files, using Adobe’s Extensible Metadata
Platform (XMP) standard, allowing a standard PDF to be transmitted just like a DICOM Encapsulated PDF file.
To convert PDF documents into DICOM, Modality Worklist support has been added, allowing any Radiology
Information System (RIS) to be queried and a global Clinical Context set within Acrobat from the selected result. Any
PDF document can then be assigned with the specified Clinical Context, transmitted to PACS or locally stored as a
DICOM Encapsulated PDF. For those PACS and other DICOM devices that do not yet support DICOM Encapsulated
PDFs, HDE transparently provides support for on-the-fly conversion to DICOM Secondary Capture (SC) images for
most faithfully rendering the original PDF document. Both single frame and multi-frame grayscale/color SC is
supported to ensure compatibility with other DICOM devices.
In conclusion, the DICOM Encapsulated PDF supplement to the DICOM Standard represents an effective mechanism
for faithfully and efficiently reviewing, transmitting and archiving electronic health records. The efficiency in disk
space with which a PDF document can store a report relative to the same document being converted into static SC
images was found in trials to range from 20:1 (30 KB original to 600KB DICOM SC Image) for a 1-bit single page
PDF document transmitted as a JPEG baseline encoded SC image, to 30:1 (200KB original to 6000KB DICOM SC
Image) for a complex single page RGB PDF document converted to a non-compressed SC image.
By adding support for the creation, display, transmission and storage of DICOM Encapsulated PDF files to Adobe
Acrobat, it is felt that a significant number of users worldwide will be able to most efficiently and effectively utilize the
DICOM Encapsulated PDF standard for Electronic Health Record storage.
DICOM in Ophthalmology, an Example of a New Enhanced
Multiframe Object
The Ophthalmic specialty has made major strides with regard to standardization over the past few years. This was
caused by a pro-active approach by vendors who were starting to open up their systems to allow for interoperability,
as well as a major push for interoperability by large user organizations such as the US Department of Veterans
Affairs. Not only is the DICOM standard enhanced with several new SOP Classes to facilitate the imaging of the eye,
the Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) activity also has included the definition of a profile for eye care.
Demonstrations at tradeshows, in particular the AAO annual meetings, have helped to publicize this activity even
The advent of new imaging technologies, in particular Ophthalmic Tomography has given another push to
standardize the output of these devices in a DICOM format. The resulting Storage SOP Class definition with its
corresponding IOD is a good example on how new DICOM multiframe objects are being encoded using the enhanced
object definitions, which was first introduced by the new enhanced MR/CT Storage SOP Classes. The definition and
implementation of this first generation of these new SOP Classes was a major break from the traditional SOP
Classes, which were defined based on a simple Study-Series-Image information model. The new enhanced SOP
Classes are much more flexible in that they allow a more or less dynamic creation of multiple dimensions, such as
space, time, location, and others to allow sophisticated hanging protocols. In addition, these new SOP Classes
contain much more required attributes and an extensive use of coding schemes to eliminate ambiguity.
The Ophthalmic Tomography Image Storage SOP Class will be reviewed in detail, with the emphasis on using it as
an illustration in how to define and interpret a new enhanced multiframe object. The definition and creation of
functional groups and other specific enhanced multiframe components will be shown and discussed.
DICOM 2008 Conference Program
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Enhanced MR Objects Address Multi-Vendor Interoperability Issues
in Clinical Radiology
Changing acquisition parameters, enabling patient motion, changing (voluntarily or induced) the brain activity, or
administering a contrast medium, are examples of changes that may result into an image set with many parameter
Magnetic Resonance measurements can be performed continuously, with or without pauses, while parameters may
be changed simultaneously, parameters that need to be known when the images are used for post-processing or
Therefore the MR modality is one of the few that intrinsically contains such a multi-dimensional dataset in its image
In the early days of MR, the implications of such multi-dimensionality were solved with dedicated MR workstations
from the MR scanner vendor, which provided the interoperability required by the user. As such the DICOM standard
played only a marginal role; a large number of private attributes were introduced by different vendors, even private
networks were used.
In recent years the field of operation has changed: more and more PACS systems and dedicated workstations are
available in hospitals. PACS systems intrinsically need to support images from a multi-vendor, even multi-modality
origin, with a range of DICOM workstations of different maturity and functionality.
In itself this has not increased the interoperability, in particular due to the presence of the many private attributes.
Also many PACS systems and workstations have not kept up with the latest DICOM improvements, while some
vendors have tried to solve the issues in a proprietary way.
Interoperability for images in medicine, without specific arrangements between partners, is in practice ONLY
achieved when adhering to the DICOM standard.
The most promising DICOM improvement was the creation of a multi-dimension concept for Enhanced MR,
recently followed by the same architecture for Enhanced CT, XA, XRF and X-Ray 3D (where PET and US will follow
Though not intended as a panacea for interoperability, it contains standardized elements for all new techniques
which eliminates the need for most private attributes and it is modeled as a multi-frame object with major transport
performance gains.
Finally the dimension module provides the receiving viewing stations, when these have no specific MR application
knowledge, with a mechanism to handle the multi-dimensional datasets, resulting in an image ordering beneficial to
the reading radiologists.
The presentation will include examples of the benefits of the new objects and a direction for future development.
Application Cases using the Enhanced XA SOP Class
Francisco SUREDA
After years of experience in using the X-Ray Angiography SOP Class, the community of users and manufacturers
have realized progressively that the DICOM definition of this so-called “Traditional XA Image” presents more and
more limitations due to two inter-dependent factors: On one hand, the evolution of the technology of the acquisition
equipments, which manipulate more data, and the data can vary in a frame-by-frame basis. On the other hand, the
evolution of the applications which demand more and more data to exchange in standard way between different
The DICOM Supplement 83 “Enhanced XA/XRF SOP Class” was created to provide a replacement solution that
overrides the current limitations of the “Traditional XA Image”. The definition of the new requirements in terms of
number of attributes and their type was basically driven by two aspects: the current technology and its potential
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evolution at short- and mid-term, and the application cases. Additionally, the basic mechanisms introduced by the
Enhanced CT and MR SOP Classes were reused.
After the completion of the Supplement 83, the WG-02 undertook the effort of describing the different application
cases that were discussed during this Supplement and that motivated the definition of the new attributes. The
intention of this new document is to help identifying the scenarios where the Enhanced XA SOP Class will be applied,
and to understand the purpose and usage of the new attributes depending on the specific applications and scenarios.
This presentation gives details about these application cases. It is structured by domains of application, covering from
the acquisition to the image display, review, post-processing, and finally the applications that use the position of the
projected objects in an equipment-defined Iso-center coordinate system.
The presentation starts with general concepts of the X-Ray Angiography equipment and the way these concepts are
described in the DICOM attributes. It covers the description of the time relationships during the image acquisition, the
description of the X-Ray generation parameters, as well as the description of the acquisition geometry including the
patient position, table, positioner, image detector, and Field of View transformations. Special attention has been paid
to the description of the conic projection in X-Ray Angiography and the pixel size calibration.
Five categories of application cases are described with specific scenarios and examples:
Acquisition: ECG Recording at Acquisition Modality, Multi-Modality Waveform Synchronization, Mechanical
Movement of the equipment like Rotational Acquisition and Peripheral/Stepping Acquisition, Exposure
Regulation Control, Field of View, Acquisitions with Contrast, and Acquisition Parameters for X-Ray
Multi-frame Review: Variable Frame-rate acquisition and Skip Frames during review.
Image Display Pipeline: Standard Pipeline with Enhanced XA, Case of Subtractive Display, Single-mask
Subtraction, Multi-mask Subtraction, and Complex Pixel-shift.
Image Processing: Projection Pixel Calibration, and Image Derivation (Pixel data Properties).
Image Registration: 3D-2D Registration using the Iso-center Reference System
Session 4: Applications II
DICOM from a Preclinical Perspective
IMALYTICS – The Pre-Clinical Workspace is designed to support the unique requirements of research users. The
researchers would typically use in-vivo imaging as a tool to evaluate hypotheses quantitatively to advance biomedical
understanding and/or for the development of novel diagnostics and therapeutics. Imaging systems, existing
knowledge bases, analysis and quantification tools are used to test hypotheses and/or to draw insight from
experiments. The result of the work (images, reports etc.) are archived and fed back to the existing knowledge, either
informally through peer-reviewed journal papers or more formally by actual computer knowledge base updates and/or
pre-market approval submissions to regulatory bodies such as the FDA.
Pre-Clinical imaging modalities, such as PET, SPECT, and CT, provide unique opportunities for imaging of diseases
implanted in genetically altered animals. Preclinical Workstation, by the virtue of the breadth of application needs, is
inherently multi-modality. DICOM being the standard for interoperability in the clinical world also become inherently
applicable for preclinical domain.
DICOM conventionally focuses on patient-centric information model. However, the research workflow in Pre-Clinical
is based on the context of a research project. The project is funded by a Principal Investigator and involves imaging
studies using multiple subjects (animals). Coupled with the fact that researchers are not ‘mouse doctors’ (i.e. the
objective of the project is not to diagnose/cure the subject), this results in an information model that is different from
the existing patient-centric information model.
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Also DICOM Real-world model already provides an extension for clinical trials. The Clinical Trial Identification
modules are a means for identifying images and related data acquired for subjects involved in clinical trials The
descriptive parameters outlined in these modules include the clinical trial sponsor, clinical trial protocol, clinical trial
site, clinical trial subject identification number, etc. This has been leveraged in IMALYTICS – the Preclinical
workspace from Philips.
There were multiple options of mapping the conceptual information model of preclinical to DICOM. Two of the major
options that were considered have been discussed below:
Clinical Trial Subject
-Clinical Trial Sponsor Name
-Clinical Trial Protocol Name
-Clinical Trial Protocol ID
-Principal Investigator
-Strain Name
Image Data
Image data
Option 1
Option 2
Figure 1 Conceptual Information model in Preclinical and mapping to DICOM
In Option 1, the Project related information is mapped to the Clinical Trial module in DICOM and the Subject is
mapped to the Patient.
In Option 2, Project related information is mapped to the Patient module in DICOM and the subject is mapped to the
Study module.
The following considerations were taken into account while evaluating the mapping:
Semantic correlation between the two models: mapping a Subject to Patient is a natural choice and
therefore Option 1 has a higher correlation.
Compatibility of the model with existing clinical applications (one of which could be a candidate for use in
preclinical). Option 1 would easily support the existing applications.
Compatibility with clinical DICOM data, so that proven preclinical applications can be extended to clinical
world. Option 1 would have no impact on the data compatibility.
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Option 2 depicts the conceptual model of the preclinical world, where a Project could contain a study of
more than one subjects.
Data mining at the level of a Project is an important need in Preclinical. Option 2 would provide ease of
querying information for use in data mining.
Compatibility being an important requirement, Option 1 was chosen for mapping the preclinical model to the DICOM
model. The advantages of Option 2, are handled in implementation (e.g. a project-oriented UI that depicts the
conceptual model).
During the implementation of IMALYTICS, a number of challenges were encountered given the fact that the
preclinical domain is not yet mature. A few of the challenges encountered with respect to interoperability are:
Non-availability of data from different vendors (products). This is one of the key requirements for
interoperability testing.
IMALYTICS workspace provides a project-oriented view of the Preclinical data. This is provided by using the
Clinical Trial Module. In cases where data from other vendors does not contain the Clinical trial module,
interoperability will be an issue and hence the workspace needs to provide a facility to key-in this
In days to come, the research labs would have a wide range of preclinical products from different vendors
and interoperability between them would become the key thing to be addressed. As the DICOM
conformance statements of preclinical systems are not widely available, this definitely becomes a bottle
neck to resolve interoperability issues.
Preclinical datasets received from various sources are many a times not DICOM complaint. One of the
reasons could be the mandatoriness of the DICOM attributes. For example “Patient's Birth Date”, “Patient's
Sex”, “Referring Physician” are Type 2 attributes defined in the Patient and the General Study module.
Though they are relevant in the Clinical domain, they are not applicable for the preclinical domain.
This definitely points to the fact that as in the Clinical world, interoperability would soon become the key for the
preclinical domain. Specific platforms/forums (e.g. IHE & Connect-athon) for addressing the needs and workflow in
preclinical domain need to be initiated.
Identity and Trust Management Platform in DICOM
Huiping SUN, Bo LIU, Zhong CHEN
In china, applications of PACS in each hospital are isolated from others. The communication of medical image data
between hospitals will therefore be difficult. For using resource more effectively, NIH has launched a project to
building local medical image sharing centers for sharing data among different hospitals. But, when the medical image
data is accessed from various locations by various people in the share environment, security and privacy becomes a
major concern. There have many problems should be paid attention, for example, user authentication, data origin
authentication, data content trust, authorized access, and user privacy etc. Without a proper security and privacy
protection mechanism, it would be highly difficult to maintain the privacy and confidentiality of DICOM data.
This paper develop a IDTMP (Identity and Trust Management Platform) to provide identity, authentication,
authorization, access control, audit, trust for DICOM data share based CPK (Combination Public Key). In IDTMP,
authentication model is provided based text and graphic password, one time password, USB key, biometrics;
authorization model use role, time, context to assign right and access control model verify this right based on user
trust and resource risk; audit model track medical image data operation record and trust model compute user
reputation based history event. IDTMP solve security and privacy problem in DICOM data sharing by building a
identity and trust infrastructure
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Medical Image Quality Assurance with Automated Constraint
Dongbai GUO
PURPOSE: We describe a method to automate the quality assurance of DICOM images based on formal validation
of the DICOM metadata.
METHOD AND MATERIALS: Advances in medical imaging lead to rapid changes in image metadata. Image
analysis applications such as computer aided detection, processing, visualization and mining have strict requirements
to the input images. Because DICOM images generated at imaging facilities have different degrees of conformance
to the DICOM standard, some images do not satisfy the requirements and thus require human intervention. To solve
this problem, we introduce a formal language definition of image constraints. Receiving imaging application provides
a formal specification of its input image set with the constraint language. The specification can be distributed to all
imaging sources. Each source can validate a DICOM image according to this specification before sending it to the
receiving imaging application. Only validated DICOM images are exchanged between the sources and the imaging
application. The formal language contains logical combination of predicates to check one or more DICOM attributes
and/or their relationships (co-constraint). The language also defines event logging and user-defined functions. The
event logging can trigger automated workflow that can send a image to the imaging application, display an error
message for an invalid image or encode an image with compatible transfer syntax (encoding rule) required by the
imaging application.
RESULTS: We use schema-bound XML to enforce the language syntax. We can model all DICOM image-related
modules of the DICOM standard (2007) with this language. We tested the validation system with 15000 sample
images collected from clinical trial sites. 121 of them failed validation. All images passed validation can be analyzed
by image processing software.
CONCLUSION: With a formal language, DICOM image validation can be delegated to imaging sources. It can avoid
human intervention and computation and network bandwidth waste.
Use and Transformation of DICOM SR and CDA Release 2 Diagnostic
Imaging Reports
The communication of imaging evidence document and report data is an important step in coordinating clinical tasks
that involve multiple specialties in intra- and cross-institutional settings. Relevant images, image-based quantitative
measurements and interpretations are needed by the clinician for planning diagnostic and therapeutic activities.
DICOM WG20 has specified the transformation of DICOM SR (Structured Reporting) Basic Diagnostic Imaging
Reports to HL7 CDA (Clinical Document Architecture) Release 2 and the use of CDA artifacts for diagnostic imaging
reports. The harmonization of structured document standards (i.e. DICOM SR and HL7 CDA) is a prerequisite for the
exchange of document data between imaging and clinical information systems.
An overview on the current activities of DICOM WG20 and how they are related to the DICOM reporting strategy will
be given.
Image data, evidence documents and imaging reports are produced as a result of diagnostic and interventional
imaging procedures (Fig.1). Relevant document information can be conveyed from imaging to clinical information
systems by transforming the original SR evidence document / imaging report to a CDA document or by creating a
CDA imaging report directly. The document contents or relevant parts thereof may then be incorporated into clinical
reports (e.g. clinical summary report).
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Patient Medical
History / Relevant
Prior Documents
Clinical Summary
HL7 Message
Inclusion into
Image Data
CCOW Access
* Convey relevant information
Imaging Report Export
of clinical document
Format: DICOM SR, HL7 CDA,
Text, PDF
Evidence Doc ExportSR -> CDA Rel.2
Evidence Doc Import
On one or more
Imaging procedures
Fig 1: Document Types and Formats
The artifacts DICOM WG20 has produced to support the described process consist of:
a) DICOM SR “Basic Diagnostic Imaging Report” to HL7 CDA Release2 “Diagnostic Imaging Report” Transformation
Guide (specifies the mapping of DICOM SR Basic Diagnostic Imaging Reports to CDA Release 2)
b) Implementation Guide for CDA Release 2 – Diagnostic Imaging Report (describes constraints on the CDA
Header and Body elements for Diagnostic Imaging Reports and how they are encoded)
c) CDA Diagnostic Imaging Report Refined Message Information Model (HL7 Version 3 RMIM)
d) Sample Documents (SR Chest X-Ray report, corresponding CDA report plus XSL stylesheet)
The goal of this effort is to provide guidance on the use of the SR and CDA document format for imaging reports.
Requirements of both, the imaging and the clinical domain are addressed to facilitate the exchange of imaging
document data.
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Integrating Ultrasound Measurements to PACS and other Imaging
Informatics Modalities
Dominick ANGGARA
Purpose: To explain the DICOM SR technology, use cases, workflows, challenges and future of sending
measurements from ultrasound modality to be integrated with PACS or other imaging informatics modalities.
DICOM Structured Reporting (SR) has been proposed as a means for transmission of evidence, measurements and
structured reporting information. For ultrasound scanners, DICOM SR has been implemented to submit different
types of measurements in Vascular, OB/GYN, or Echocardiography studies. This is clinically important information to
accompany the images created during the examination.
As an infrastructure, the current DICOM standards have adopted 3 public templates which can be used in Ultrasound
applications; TID 5000 OB-GYN Ultrasound Procedure Report, TID 5100 Vascular Ultrasound Report, and TID 5200
Echocardiography Procedure Report. Along with the DICOM Standards, there are also Integrating the Healthcare
Enterprise (IHE) Technical Framework and Integration Profile Evidence Documents, which try to address the
integration workflow from Ultrasound Modality to PACS or other reporting and imaging systems. The IHE and RSNA
also sponsor a yearly activity called The Connectathon where large numbers of vendors demonstrate real
connectivity testing; simulating the basic ‘real world’ health care workflow.
There are challenges in establishing DICOM SR solutions to be used in the average hospital network. First, there are
the different flavors of implementation using the existing open-standard templates. Second, there are open gaps in
the coding and standards for certain applications and measurements. Third is the slow adoption by PACS and
reporting vendors in enabling their systems to receive DICOM SR and render it correctly.
Despite the above challenges, there are opportunities for improvements to accelerate the adoption. First, each
modality that provides DICOM SR should support a clear DICOM conformance statement section for DICOM SR
templates and list supported measurements. Second, there must be increasing participation and specialization in
testing different templates in yearly RSNA IHE Connectathon among vendors. Third, the DICOM Standard working
groups should consider improvements for existing templates and introducing new templates to fill the gaps in
implementations. And last, each vendor should solicit clinical inputs from real radiologists and technologists who are
using structured reporting.
Ultimately, the smooth integration of both images and measurements will mean that radiologists won’t need to reenter the measurements on diagnostic workstations or dictations; improving analysis, accuracy, workflow and
diagnosis, resulting in better quality patient care.
Application Hosting: Supporting Applications on Different Systems
Manufactured by the Same Vendor
Balasubramanian ARUN
The DICOM WG 23 aims “to create a mechanism where applications written by one party could be launched and run
on systems created by multiple other parties”. This is a critical need driven initially from molecular imaging
applications wanting to perform agent specific analysis. There are many other areas where application hosting will be
of great use.
We have attempted to implement a limited form of application hosting within our product lines. While the broad
definition of party includes any vendor, we narrow down the scope to different systems created by a single vendor.
The high level approach taken is to define a set of interfaces for applications to interact with the system on which they
are running. Application developers program to these interfaces to enable portability. The system developers have
the responsibility of providing and maintaining concrete implementations of these interfaces. The interfaces cater to
the following needs of the applications :
DICOM 2008 Conference Program
DICOM data set accesss
Result data creation and storage
Printing and data export
Wednesday, 9 April
If we compare our interfaces with the suggested staging steps of WG 23, we seem to be covering stages 1 and 2.
While the goal of WG 23 is to propose a platform and language independent API, we have 2 sets of API, one each for
C++ and Java.
The biggest challenge for applications has been to manage their GUI for various monitor configurations (different
resolutions, single vs. dual monitory). The interface definition for C++ had some platform dependencies that created
some difficulties in porting the applications/interfaces to multiple platforms.
Overall the efforts have been reasonably successful with some of the more popular applications being available on
multiple generations of acquisition systems, standalone review workstations and PACS workstations.
Dynamic IOD Conversion: A Practical Approach to Drive New IOD
SMITA Singh, Balasubramanian ARUN
Overview :
While the DICOM standard introduces new IOD’s to cater to upcoming needs of products, the actual use of the new
IOD’s is delayed due to immediate adoption. Usually we have a ‘chicken-and-egg’ kind of a problem – the
workstation/PACS vendors do not plan on supporting the new IOD’s claiming that no system are actually generating
the new IOD’s while the acquisition system vendors delay implementation stating that no other workstation/PACS
support the new IOD’s ! In order to break this vicious cycle, one possible approach is for systems generating the new
IOD’s to dynamically transform the new IOD to an existing/old IOD when interacting with other systems that do not
support the new IOD’s. We present a case study of one such effort where our system generated the DX IOD and had
the capability to convert to CR IOD when transferring to systems that did not support the DX IOD. We also plan to
implement a similar strategy for the support of Enhanced MR and CT IOD’s.
Background :
Early experience with integrating images for general single frame projection radiography applications with PACS was
largely based on the use of CR technology.
But the CR object had some limitations. Primary among these limitations is the restricted number of fields available to
describe the anatomy being examined. The other big problem area is with respect to clear definition for consistent
display of CR images
Also problematic is the lack of definition of what the image pixel values mean and how they are to be displayed.
Whether or not the image data have been processed into a form suitable for presentation
is not specified. Because of variation in how vendors encode CR image pixel data and what transformations
workstations subsequently apply there is considerable inconsistency in image appearance. The consequence has
been considerable dissatisfaction among users trying to integrate equipment from different vendors, which is
alleviated only by extensive tuning of lookup tables until a tolerable (if not desirable) result is achieved.
The primary design goal for the DX IOD was to support the new flat panel digital sensor technologies. The DX objects
had to take into account the characteristics of the new technologies, both in terms of the image pixel data and the
description of the acquisition process. Of particular importance was the need to encode quality control information
related to the acquisition, dose, detector behavior, and detector identification. Because the modality groups and
PACS groups within manufacturers typically operate separately, it was deemed necessary to include many
mandatory attributes in the DX objects to encourage modality vendors to take PACS needs into account.
Deployment challenges:
After the virtues of the DX objects have been so loudly proclaimed, it is only fair to say that the status of adoption in
products, at least for general radiography, is somewhat disappointing. A review of DICOM conformance statements
available toward the end of 2002 revealed that three DR modalities supported the DX object. Of 13 PACS reviewed,
nine supported the DX object, and four did not.
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How did we overcome the challenges :
From the perspective of a modality vendor, there is a risk that the PACS of the user may not accept DX images. This
risk is easily mitigated by implementing a fallback to encoding images as CR images if negotiation with the PACS
indicates that DX cannot be used.
For our Definium range of DX scanner, we use Dynamic DX to CR fallback, where at the time of association
negotiation it is determined whether the PACS(or any other DICOM SCP), supports DX, CR, both or none. If it
supports both DX and CR, then of course the DX image is pushed. If only CR is supported, then DX to CR conversion
is done on the fly i.e. after getting the image from the local system, it is converted to CR in memory with a new SOP
instance UID and sent to the SCP. This conversion is done dynamically and no copy of the CR object was stored in
the local system as the applications on the scanner do not support CR.
Experiences in Providing DICOM Extended Character Set Support for
an Acquisition System
SMITA Singh, Balasubramanian ARUN
Overview :
Contrary to popular belief, DICOM is not a US standard, nor is it strictly for applications in English-speaking
environments. The DICOM Committee consists of vendors, trade organizations, users and members of professional
societies from all over the world, including Asia and Europe. Though the standard is written in US English,
implementations of the standard can use almost any language.
With increasing economic growth seen in Asian markets there has been a corresponding increase in the demand for
medical equipment in these markets. With country specific regulations and need for better representation of patient
information driving the changes in the DICOM standard to include support extended character sets for languages
including Chinese, Japanese and Korean, it became imperative for equipment vendors to enable support for these
changes. In this presentation, we share our experiences in providing support for extended character set in a DICOM
platform in an acquisition system.
Background :
In developing software products, internationalization and localization pose challenging tasks for engineers,
particularly if the software is not designed from the beginning with these concerns in mind.
According to the DICOM standard all interactions between AEs have to be in the native encoding, so it would be
GB18030 for Chinese (as mandated by the Peoples republic of China), ISO IR 87/14 for Japanese, ISO IR 149 for
Korean. DICOM also supports ISO IR 192, which is basically UTF-8 encoded Unicode character set.
Challenges :
The first and foremost challenge was understanding the encoding standards themselves - especially the concept of
escape sequences and how different encodings compare and contrast to the UTF encodings.
Since UTF-8 was a standard encoding that encompassed all the different language characters it was the chosen
option for exchanging data within the system. Languages like Java treating strings as encoded in Unicode by default
made it easier for some applications in the system. This brought us to the second challenge – while languages like
Java had support for conversion of strings between different encodings, similar standard libraries for C/C++ were
Availability of valid DICOM data sets with the standard encodings was probably the biggest challenge faced by us.
Even if data were available from Asian hospital sites, they would come to the engineering team in an “anonymous”
form which defeated the purpose of having the data sets in the first place !
Having access to other systems that supported extended character set so that we could test all the data interchange
use cases was an equally daunting task.
How we overcame the challenges :
Detailed discussions with in-house DICOM experts and referring to information available on the internet helped
overcome the basic understanding issue.
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After some analysis, IBM’s ICU library was found to be a good off-the-shelf solution for translating between
encodings. Evaluation proved that it was suitable for our needs.
Parts of the software that made assumptions on specific encodings had to be modified. DICOM parsers had to be
updated to consider the (0x08,0x5) tag while interpreting the impacted values. All external interactions used DICOM
specified character sets.
For data entry in the user interface, tools like SCIM were employed.
Test data sets still proved to be a challenge that we could not completely overcome. Limited DICOM data sets were
available from the internet. A large number of data sets that we came across did not have encodings as specified by
the DICOM standard. While this helped in testing some error handling scenarios, the “happy path” was not exercised
As the development team did not have any knowledge of these languages, initial verification was mainly using
“pattern matching”.
David Clunie’s PixelMed software package provided means of doing some amount of verification of the DICOM
networking use cases while the PixelMed Image viewer application helped in verifying data integrity after transfer.
Overall it was a tremendous learning experience for the entire development team. Hopefully with more and more
compliant products with complete support of extended character sets getting into the market, the situation will
IHE for Product Planners
Healthcare enterprises are looking for smooth, efficient workflows that will provide accurate and timely information
that is critical to good medicine. This main goal is unachievable without a standard method for integrating the
systems involved.
Connecting and integrating systems depends on the products involved having a shared interface and a shared
understanding of the model. Standards such as DICOM & HL7 are absolutely necessary but not sufficient. IHE is a
neutral forum where vendors agree on how to use these standards to effectively achieve integration at customer
The IHE Technical Framework defines Healthcare Workflows and Solutions for Integrating Products based on
Standards: DICOM & HL7. Product Planners can acquire ideas from the Technical Framework as of what needs to
be supported in the Radiology Workflows for: Procedures Schedule, Reconcile Patient Information, Post Processing
and Reporting. Furthermore, the IHE addressed healthcare Key solutions for: Consistent Presentation of Images,
Basic Security and Portable Data Image.
The main benefits of planning products by these IHE Profiles and Actors are as follows:
Products interact interoperable with other systems in the integrated solution.
Clinical Workflows are optimized
Data Accuracy, Integrity and Availability is improved
Products are Global for international marketing.
Costly propriety solutions are replaced with Generic Standards and reusable solutions
An important key in planning products and integrated solutions is the product/solution “Business Case” evaluation.
The IHE provides several information sources for “business case” evaluation:
Connectathon Score Card
IHE Integration Statements
IHE Success Story
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IHE – Changing the Way Healthcare Connects in Hospitals
Healthcare enterprises require smooth, efficient workflows to provide accurate and timely information critical to
enabling good medical practice. Poorly integrated systems result in data entry errors, redundant activity, inefficient
throughput, confusion about order status, ineffective access to results and, ultimately, poor patient care.
Integration depends on multiple systems having the same understanding of their role in a shared task, using the
same standards, in the same way, and making the same design choices. Previously, either vendors would make
independent design choices and document a myriad of details in their Conformance Statements (leaving it to
purchasers to estimate the compatibility of the systems); or else purchasers would try to document the myriad of
design details in their RFPs (leaving it to vendors to interpret different designs and requirements in every RFP).
The IHE integration solutions are Changing the way Healthcare products connects in Hospitals. IHE documents all
the roles, standards and design choices for specific integration problems in concise, standardized Integration Profiles
and it encourages vendors to cross-test their implementations at annual Connectathons.
This session will explain how the new integration solutions improves the Patient Healthcare practice and reduces the
healthcare cost:
Understand how IHE Integration Profiles improve the ability of products to connect and integrate with other
systems, using Healthcare Standards: DICOM, HL7.
Learn the kinds of clinical and economic benefits that integration provides to customers.
Learn from types of integration currently addressed by IHE and the most implemented, used and valuable
IHE Integration Profiles.
Using Model-Driven Software Development (MDSD) Methodology to
Implement the Digital Imaging and Communications In Medicine
(DICOM) Standard
Dongbai GUO
We explain a scheme to implement the DICOM standard with model driven software development (MDSD)
The DICOM standard is extremely complex and is constantly evolving. Each release of the standard grows by
hundreds of pages. New attributes, objects, templates and parts are introduced and many old ones are retired.
Software supporting the DICOM standard is often bound to a particular release of the DICOM standard. A newer
release of the standard can invalidate a product. The traditional solution through software upgrade is both lengthy
and expensive. To solve this problem, we implement the DICOM standard with model-driven software development
methodology. We define a data model, which are a collection of canonically defined and validated documents, to
represent the DICOM standard. We introduce to our software a data model repository (DMR) module, which
manages the entire set of model documents. We implement DICOM features on top of the DMR. Each feature
consists of a group of functions to perform one or more DICOM services. The functions go through the DMR to
access definitions of the DICOM standard. From the set of functions using the DMR, we can derive DMR's data
content. However, tradeoffs may be necessary to improve the runtime performance. Because the functions may
change over time, a DMR should be extensible, customizable and version-controlled.
Based on this design, we have implemented a system to integrate the DICOM standard with a database and we can
modify the data model at runtime without any disruption to the services. We have successfully captured from the
DICOM standard definitions such as attributes, UIDs, objects and conformance rules. We have also incorporated into
the data model non-standard information such as runtime preferences and private attributes.
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Wednesday, 9 April
With model driven design, we can separate DICOM services from the standard definitions (data model). The data
model can be modified without any disruption to the services.
A Discussion about Schemes to Realize Chinese Support in DICOM
Dagang LIU, Lixin PU, Jianmin OU
Characteristic of Chinese character sets GB18030 was introduced and why GB18030 was included in DICOM
standard was analyzed. How to associate Chinese character sets in communications were introduced and the data
element provided in DICOM standard that need transfer to Chinese were enumerated. Several important service
classes such as DICOM work-list and DICOM print were introduced and Chinese support in these DICOM service
class was discussed. Several information objects such as DICOM image, DICOM Waveforms were introduced and
Chinese definition in these DICOM information objects was discussed. The Chinese support work-list used in Huaxi
Hospital of Sichuan province and in Chinese was as a example to verify the way narrated upon was correct. The
Conclusions that from Chinese character sets association and special service class and information object definition
to think of realizing Chinese support in DICOM was got at last.
From Connectivity to Interoperability: More than 10 Years DICOM
Experience at Philips MRI
In 1995 we started with our first DICOM export server. This was the start for switching from a private protocol to the
standard DICOM protocol for communication with other systems.
The first step was only focused on Connectivity (exchange of data). Interoperability (correct use of exchanged data)
was at that time less important.
During years more and more systems are supporting the DICOM standard to communicate with other systems. This
enables hospitals to switch to an almost complete digital workflow. The change to a digital workflow means that the
focus is shifting from just storage of data (Connectivity) to real usage of the data at a workstation (Interoperability).
In practice this means that the environment in which the MR system has to operate has become a complex multivendor environment.
In the presentation we want to give an overview of topics we have encountered during these years:
How to store data for later usage, dealing with legacy.
What is the best configuration for the connected systems
How to handle differences between different vendors
How to get the right expectations at the customer
How to handle the fast changes in MR
How to handle the evolving DICOM standard
What is the influence of IHE
In the presentation we will include examples of the interoperability problems encountered and the way we handle
these now and in the future.
DICOM 2008 Conference Program
Wednesday, 9 April
Experiences in Implementing DICOM SR in Ultrasound Modality
Rajeev MOHAN
Ultrasound Workflow
In Ultrasound domain, measurements on images are as important as images themselves. Without measurements, it
would be hard for the clinicians to make right diagnosis. In a conventional Ultrasound workflow, measurements are
usually burnt as a graphics overlay onto the clinical images before archival. Having the measurement graphics burnt
onto the image poses several problems to clinicians for further analysis of the images. Some of the common
problems are 
Clinicians cannot figure out the linking between a measurement and the corresponding image.
The measurements can't be re-activated since measurement graphics overlay cannot be modified.
Measurement graphics overlay can obscure anatomy image data.
Measurement graphics overlay can also obscure new measurements, if any, performed at the PACS.
Role of DICOM SR
Capturing measurements details in the form of DICOM Structured Report (SR) documents and archiving DICOM SR
documents to the PACS along with the clinical images helps to address the afore mentioned problems.
Capturing Measurement details in DICOM SR
DICOM provides a generic template for capturing measurements. This template can be invoked by any DICOM SR
templates irrespective of the exam type. Apart from capturing measurement details like name, unit, measurement
method, derivation, finding site, laterality, etc the measurement template also captures the details of the image and
the coordinate information using the template for Image/Spatial Co-ordinates. Using the Image/Spatial co-ordinates
template, following details can be represented in the DICOM SR:
Image details: details of the image on which measurement is performed. Image details helps in linking the
measurement to the corresponding image using Image Reference macro.
Type of the measurement: Measurement type gives information on whether measurement is linear, poly-line
or circular etc. Type of the measurement determines the number of coordinates that need to be captured as
part of DICOM SR document.
Coordinate information. Captures measurement location on the image.
Spatial Coordinate Macro is used for capturing measurement type and coordinate information.
Linking Measurement to Image
There are two different ways to implement the Image linking within an SR document.
By making use of Image Library section which is present in all DICOM SR templates. This section captures
details of images referred by other sections within a DICOM SR document. In this method, measurement
section refers an image in the Image library section to indicate the image linking.
Advantage: Details of all images referenced with in the DICOM SR document are available at one location.
Disadvantage: This method is complicated and difficult to implement. Associating a particular measurement
to an image within the image library section is not straight forward and is an extra burden on the developer.
Also from a report viewer point of view, this method may not be efficient during importing DICOM SR
documents. Reason lies in the fact that report viewer does not get the image details directly from the
measurement section rather it gets an index to the image library section to retrieve the image. This extra
referencing may not be efficient for big DICOM SR documents.
Give image details directly under the measurement rather than referring an entry in the Image library.
Advantage: In this method, Image Library section itself is not needed. Image detail is given directly under the
measurement and hence, PACS can retrieve the image details faster than method 1. Also, from the
developer’s perspective this method is straight forward and easy to implement.
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Disadvantage: As details of all images referenced within the DICOM SR document is not available at a
single location, images might need to be fetched individually.
DICOM SR Generated by Philips Ultrasound
In Philips, we have chosen second approach due to its advantages over the first one to link measurements to images.
Xcelera, the Cardio Vascular PACS product from Philips, allows importing of DICOM SR document corresponding to
Echo Cardiogram and Vascular examinations.
Users benefited from DICOM SR in the following areas
Can successfully import the measurements performed on Ultrasound machine into its database.
Clinicians can successfully link a measurement to the image it is performed.
Clinicians can modify already performed measurements.
By generating DICOM SR documents, Ultrasound modalities can store measurements in a more structured way than
just presenting results on the screen. This is a big leap from the conventional workflow where measurements were
burnt as graphics overlay before sending to a report viewer there by achieving better interoperability with other
DICOM Configuration in Mobile Modalities – an Experience Sharing
Easwara MOOTHY
Traditionally, Philips Ultrasound systems used to have only one set of DICOM configuration. It consisted of
configuration of various systems like RIS, PACS, Print, etc (which provide various services like MPPS, MWL,
Storage, Print, etc.) along with the system’s own configuration like AE Title, Hostname, and port number.
Unlike other modalities, an Ultrasound system is highly portable. It can be moved to different departments within a
hospital or to different hospitals. For example, consider a case of a conglomerate of hospital networks (e.g., Veterans’
Affairs hospitals in the USA). In case, such hospitals in a particular vicinity need to share an Ultrasound system, the
Radiologist would physically have to take the portable Ultrasound system with him/her and use it within the hospital.
Often, the Ultrasound system needs to be connected to the local hospital DICOM network of RIS server and PACS.
In this scenario, where there is a need to use the Ultrasound system in multiple locations, there is a need to
frequently reconfigure the DICOM configuration to match the hospital's local configuration.
Another example is that of a Marketing / Training system. Marketing engineers often take the Ultrasound system
around the country to demonstrate the functionality. Again, there is a need to frequently configure the DICOM settings
to suit the location where the sales demo is planned.
As it is obvious from above examples that the Ultrasound system is highly portable, the following requirements need
to be incorporated:
Facility to store a DICOM profile of a remote node under a name.
Possibility to create many named DICOM configurations.
Possibility to activate a DICOM configuration from the list available depending on the need or network
Possibility to export / import (also known as backup / restore) DICOM configuration(s) for reuse across
multiple systems.
This is how the concept of DICOM preset was born. DICOM Preset is implemented in Philips Ultrasound HD11 XE
and EnVisor.
DICOM preset consists of a complete DICOM configuration required by an Ultrasound system within a particular
network domain. It consists of configuration details of various systems within that domain along with the network
configuration of the current system. For example, a PACS SCP (Service Class Provider) configuration will consist of
basic details like AE Title, IP/Hostname, Port number and also its other specific properties like transfer syntax,
photometric interpretation etc. A Printer SCP configuration will consist of basic details similar to PACS SCP and
specific properties like layout configurations, orientation, film size, media type, number of copies etc.
DICOM presets of various networks can be saved under different names and radiologists can switch from one preset
to the other based on the need. For example, presets can be created for ‘Radiology Department’, ‘Cardiology
DICOM 2008 Conference Program
Wednesday, 9 April
Department’ etc, with each preset containing the information required to communicate with the systems belonging to
the respective department. When the system is taken from the Radiology to the Cardiology department, the DICOM
configuration can be switched by just selecting the preset for the Cardiology department.
1. DICOM presets are helpful for portable diagnostic modalities like Ultrasound systems. Just by switching to the
appropriate DICOM preset, a user will be seamlessly connected to the appropriate network and the respective
systems within.
2. DICOM presets can be stored on a media as a back-up. These backed-up presets can be restored later on the
same system or on any other Philips Ultrasound system. This is helpful during field upgrades.
The DICOM Preset is a convenient feature to have on highly portable systems like diagnostic Ultrasound equipment.
This feature has been very well received by our customers and Service engineers. DICOM preset feature can be
extended to support the Configuration Management profile as mentioned in DICOM Chapter 15.
ABO Compression for Medical Imaging in DICOM
Krishnan SIVAJI, Thiagarajan ARVIND and Venkatraman SRIDHAR
Digital image compression of medical images in DICOM is a fascinating field in healthcare informatics owing to the
pixel wise reproduction of the original image without any loss in the quality, for ease in storage and communication.
Lossless compression plays a key role in medical imaging as it move towards complete film-less imaging and in teleradiology. Though high compression ratio is in lossy compression techniques, the medical society is unwilling to
adopt these methods owing to clinical relevance. In general lossless compression is widely used in clinically relevant
regions and lossy compression is used in everywhere else. High level compression ratio is very much in need for
teleradiology applications, especially when there is a limitation in transmission and bandwidth, The main objective is
to have high compression ratio and by also maintaining the clinical relevance of information.
This paper presents the lossless method of encoding medical images to a mathematically lossless quality. ABO™
(Adaptive Binary Optimisation), the patented mathematically lossless compression technology is adopted in this
present work. ABO™ is a feature-rich technology that delivers high data compression rates and security by a method
of Repetition and Correlation Coding (RCC). In this process a byte-matrix and bit-matrix is constructed and further rerepresented or re-ordered without adding or removing any values. This re-ordering generates repetitions that can be
represented intelligently in bits rather than bytes. The ABO saturation curve for compression is more prolonged than
other methods, thus ensuring better compression ratios. This task is accomplished using a logical operation and no
complex mathematical operations. Similarly, the decompression task requires only the same type of simple
operations. For medical image compression ABOVE2000 SDK, a platform technology developed over the core
ABO™ technology has been used for the analysis. The compression performance has been evaluated over other
lossless image compression algorithms that could be employed in the PACS and Teleradiology to minimize the
demand on computing resources and in network transmission.
This study is presented in two phases, quality and performance analysis of the original images and ABO™ processed
(compressed/decompressed) images. It is important to evaluate the quality of the images for
telemedicine/teleradiology upon which clinical decisions are made. In order to evaluate the quality of the
decompressed image digital test patterns recommended by the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers
(SMPTE) was used after ABO and JPEG 2000, respectively. High compression ratios and fast compression speed
was achieved form the test patterns. It is attributed to the high degree of repetitive pixel values with similar patterns.
The ABO™ decompressed image showed precise pixel values and the patterns identically matching with that of the
original without any deviations. Though the JPEG method showed similar quality, it exhibited lower compression ratio
and compression time due to its inherent method of compression.
The performance is demonstrated in terms of compression ratio, compression/ decompression speed and over the
savings. A large dataset of more than 1200 DICOM images, divided into groups according to the types (CT,CR, MR,
MG and US), region and image size sourced from different vendors was used, ABO™ method is found to be the most
suitable lossless compression technology, offering good compression ratios combined with high compression and
decompression speed compared to JPEG 2000. A sample analysis of ABO™ compressed image files of various
sizes showed a 15.95% and 9.56% savings in storage and compression/decompression time, respectively.
DICOM 2008 Conference Program
Orig. Size
Compressed size (Kb)
Wednesday, 9 April
Compression Ratio
Time (ms)
20301 25074
Time (ms)
17312 16514
The results have shown that ABO™ compression method yields greater compression ratio gains over its lossless
counterpart without inducing any loss in the picture quality and has been verified by medical experts. Detailed results
on different type images and their advantages over the savings in storage, process time leading to savings in
transmission will be demonstrated. The ABO™ compression method can be embedded into the DICOM standards
without affecting its stream and compliance and therefore a new branch in DICOM standard can be evolved.
Next-Generation DICOM RT Objects
Johannes STAHL
The DICOM RT objects which were first published as Supp. 11 in 1996 are mostly static descriptions of the Radiation
Therapy World. They are no longer fitting to be used in advanced, dynamic workflows in such as Virtual Simulation or
Adaptive Radiation Therapy. Therefore, a new generation of RT objects will be developed which provide a higher
level of granularity and which will better conform to such workflows.
The presentation will discuss typical RT workflows, outline the limitations which are inherent in the current RT objects,
and will point out the concepts which are being used to overcome these obstacles in the future generation of RT
WG-02: Recent, Current and Future Activities
After finalization of the “Enhanced XA/XRF SOP Class” in 2005, WG-02 concentrated on working for the “X-Ray 3D
SOP Class”. This SOP Class was finished in early 2007.
The presentation gives details about the benefits of the “X-Ray 3D SOP Class” as a format for calculated 3D data
sets from projection images. It discusses the general concept, a combination of syntax from enhanced CT with
references to the original contributing projection images used for reconstruction.
Furthermore, a summary of the current and future work of WG-02 is provided. The Enhanced XA/XRF SOP Class
defines an augmented context for acquisition and presentation. However, there is no comparable context for
presentation in the existing GSPS. For instance, the existing GSPS does not allow settings on a per-frame basis
of attributes that were defined per-frame in the image object. Additionally, viewing applications have increased their
presentation capabilities with more complex algorithms and more functionality. To support interoperability for these
presentation capabilities, GSPS has to support new functionalities. WG-02 has already started working on these
additional Presentation States for projection images (2D for enhanced XA/XRF) and will continue working on
Presentation States for volumetric data sets (3D for X-Ray 3D).
The presentation describes some use cases focusing on clinical needs of the presentation functionality and
demonstrates the advantage of an augmented GSPS versus having no GSPS.
Finally, the presentation explains the need for interdisciplinary cooperation between different working groups of the
DICOM community.
DICOM 2008 Conference Program
Wednesday, 9 April
Towards a Guideline to Avoid Arbitrariness between Structured
Reports and Information Object Definitions
Thomas TROMMER, Michael GESSAT, Rafael MAYORAL, Oliver
The DICOM Standard is facing challenges integrating new domains. Therefore new use cases have to be integrated
of which some require the specification of new modules and Information Object Definitions (IODs). Though, there is
the possibility to realize new use cases with the help of Structured Reports (SR). While most Structured Reports deal
with human readable information it is possible and intended to use SRs for non human readable structured
information, too [1]. Consequently for many cases, SR Documents could be used instead of IODs. This leads to
arbitrariness in the standard since authors can specify data objects in two nearly equipollent ways.
It is not possible to provide a generic answer to the question of how to implement a new information object
corresponding to a use case in DICOM. Because of this it seems necessary to propose a guideline to decide which
alternative would be best for a given entity. This guideline would overcome the current situation of arbitrariness of this
decision in the standardization process making the DICOM standard more coherent.
We screened the DICOM standard looking for uses cases that contain the described arbitrariness. We then tried to
reconstruct the criteria on which the decision between SR and IOD might have been based on during the
standardization process. To maintain as much coherence with existing IODs and SRs, we developed a guideline
based on those criteria.
At the moment the standard contains IODs which could have become SRs and vice versa. For example RT Ion Plan
Information Object Definition could be described as a SR but isn’t since other RT information objects are IODs.
The criteria developed from the current Standard can help to find a clear decision whether to use the IOD or SR
concept for new supplements. We list the following rules that are consistent with the current standard:
One reason for choosing SR or IOD is the historic one. This means that if similar or related information
objects are already IODs or SRs, then the new information object will also be coded as the same type.
Not all content can be covered usefully by an SR. If the information entity contains a huge amount of plain
data (e.g. pixel values) it should be implemented as an IOD.
If the information object is intended to be reused as part of another information object it should become an
SR since IODs don’t provide this functionality.
If the information object should be easily converted to human readable text it should become an SR.
Additional rules which may not be consistent with all IODs contained in the standard but might be applied to new work
items are the following. These rules should be used only if no decision can be reached based on the rules above.
Everything that has a paper based predecessor should become an SR. This is needed to preserve the
possibility to run legacy workflows using the paper-based version.
Information Objects that summarize procedures or whole workflows have to become SRs, even if they are
not intended to be read by humans.
If there is notable amount of human readable text, it should become an SR, maybe using concepts as
“rendering intent” introduced by the Mammography CAD SR.
If the decision between SR and IOD is still not clearly biased using the above criteria, it is recommended to
break the use case down into two parts, where one considers the plain data resulting in an IOD and the
other one, containing especially the human readable parts, resulting in an SR.
With our work we attempt to give decision support for persons defining new DICOM features. It could initiate a
discussion within WG06 on whether clear and unambiguous guidelines for the usage of IODs or SRs can be given
and serve as a basis for such a guideline.
[1] Clunie, David A.: DICOM Structured Reporting. Bangor, Pennsylvania: PixelMed Publishing, 2000
DICOM 2008 Conference Program
Wednesday, 9 April
Integration of a Teaching File System into a PACS Environment -Experiences from the User’s Perspective
Yang YANG, Gordon KLOS, Christopher AHLERS, Peter
Scope: Digital image management systems (PACS) are introduced in many radiological departments. These will be
used for normal work in healthcare providing, but also there is a relevant interest for collecting interesting studies for
research or teaching. Integrating such a digital teaching file solution was an open issue for a long time.
Methods: The IHE (Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise) profile TCE (Teaching file and Clinical study Export) based
on different DICOM definitions, esp. Structured Reporting (SR) and Key Objects (KO). Three actors for integration a
teaching file are defined: the Selector for marking and coding while reporting, the Export Manager for some study
related workflow management and the Receiver as image archive (and display) solution. With MIRC (Medical Image
Resource Center) from RSNA (Radiological Society of North America) there is an open and free available software
for Export Manager and Receiver available, but an easy usable integration with PACS workstations was missing. We
build such a software, which can add the TCE Selector functionality to most workstations, and this will be available for
free too. Together with MIRC we are now running a complete TCE solution for collecting teaching files. For coding we
use RadLex, a lexicon for radiological terms from RSNA too.
Experiences: introduction of such a solution is possible in some weeks, In a very short time (about 6 month) we
collected about 500 cases. Each day 3 to 5 new cases will be added. Acceptance and usability are very good.
Creating a new case is possible in less than 5 minutes. Also, there is an option to add non-radiological images (digital
photography, drawings, others) in this database.
Conclusion: DICOM SR and KO are essential parts building a teaching file solution which is seamlessly integrated in
a fully PACS environment
IHE China Activity Introduction
(1) China is developing a new healthcare infrastructure. To promote Regional Co-operation Healthcare System is a
new strategy for China central government and local government.
(2) To deploy DICOM, HL7 and IHE will help China Healthcare Information Infrastructure. China is big. There are
many different vendors and users. Standardized protocol and profile will encourage more vendors to work together
for the same system. For an example, XDS help big hospitals in capital cities to work together.
(3) Meanwhile, as China is well centralized, we may also develop a cascade model in the provincial level. From the
teaching hospital, to county level, to rural level. We may develop a new profile based on such a practice. An example
will be provided.
(4) China governance procedure is better for deployment of DICOM, IHE, if they are accepted by government.
(5) Some detail will be provided on how we deploy IHE in China and learning.