Lab Exam 2 Review Sheet

Lab Exam 2 Review Sheet
1) Read the overviews on the four handouts for Desert, Mountains, Rocky Shore, and Wetlands
Use the handout as a guide to the species found in each of these different Ecosystems and how the species
are adapted to live in the Communities there.
2) Review the Lab Notes Intro to Marine & Wetland Environments [Chapter 5 (pp 105-110)] (4 questions) &
Read about Biodiversity [Chapter 5 (pp110-122, 108-120 in older edition)] (4 easier questions over this part)
What are the factors that lead to the creation of the Anza-Borrego Desert in eastern San Diego County?
How much rainfall occurs on average in the Anza-Borrego desert compared to San Diego’s coast?
Know the three different sub-communities or ecosystems of the desert: Low desert scrub; Desert Wash; Desert
Water is obviously very limiting to plant growth in deserts, yet we find many, many different kinds of plant species
there. Explain this paradox.
Know all [or at least all that we saw] of the plants that are on Web as well as an adaptation (or attribute) for each plant
Where are California fan palm & Elephant tree found (besides the Visitor Center)?
Typical lab practical question over plants specimens & photos:
a. What is the name of this shrub? Ans: Creosotebush (or Larrea), as an example that will be on the test
b. What is an adaptation for the desert? Ans: Waxy coating on leaves; or Ability to “pull” water from very dry soil;
or Small leaves.
Be able to describe several mammal species that live in the desert basins, washes, or canyons of Anza Borrego
What is an adaptations that each has for living in the desert?
You do not be able to identify all the rodents that live the desert – but am example question might be:
Describe three different ways that rodents (e.g., kangaroo rat) are adapted to the desert.
Likewise, be able to name three different reptiles and how they are adapted to live in the desert
Same question for three birds (e.g., Costas or black-chinned hummingbirds, Gambel’s Quail, Roadrunner,
Phainopepla, Loggerhead shrike, …)
One doesn't normally think of the desert as a place for fish, but there are indeed fish in the desert canyons. Name one
kind of fish that could be found there, and describe the specific habitat it lives in.
Describe two distinct features of the climate of the Mountains that make it distinct from the climate of the coastal
plains (2 pts)
What group of trees is well adapted to living in the cold, dry mountain climate of San Diego County?
Be able to identify and provide a description of the trees in the on Field Trip images on the Web or in the lab handout
Be able to name and describe four animals (other than birds) that could be found in the Mountain communities. What
adaptation would each have for living in the mountains?
Be able to name and describe four birds that could be found in the Mountains. Birds listed in the lab handout include:
mtn chickadee, nuthatches, and Juncos are all small and similar; live on and around trees; Mtn quail and wild turkeys
are larger ground birds that live in family groups; stellar’s jay is like scrub jay with black head crest (noisy); raven;
red tail hawk; know the acorn woodpecker and how it lives
Rocky Shore & Wetlands:
Read the text info regarding Marine and Wetland Ecosystems on pages 105-109 (Pages 103 to 107 in older edition)
Use the Handout as your primary guide for both Rocky Shore & Wetlands and supplement with the pictures on the
Website for Rockyshore & Estuary.
Be able to describe how tides along the San Diego Coast vary during the day and also during the month and what
factors cause this variation.
Know the approximate zones in the Rocky shore & wetlands and what causes these zones.
What are the environmental stresses that organisms of the Rocky Shore habitat must deal with? What about the
What are the primary producers of the Rocky Shore? What about the Estuary?
Be able to describe the different community types of the Estuary (there were three) and know how humans have
impacted these communities (esp. in San Diego and California).