Questions/Main Ideas Ancient China’s Geography A. Where is China located? China is a large country in eastern Asia. B. How is China divided? China into two main areas: Outer China and Inner China C. What is located in In the southwestern part of China, the Himalaya the southwestern Mountains prevented settlement. region of China? D. What is the name The world’s largest plateau is called TIBET-QINGHAI of the world’s PLATEAU and is often called the “roof of the world” largest plateau? E. What is the weather like in in the Taklimakan Desert? F. (Main Idea) The Gobi Desert The weather can vary from ice storms in the high mountains to the dreaded sandstorms of the Taklimakan Desert. Hot, howling winds fill the air with sand and gravel. Its surface is made up of small pebbles and tiny bits of sand. No Vegetation Summary Questions/Main Ideas Ancient China’s Geography G. (Main Idea) NORTHWESTERN DESERT Very hot, low hills and plains and long winters! H. (Main Idea) North China Plain Drier and often cooler, flat at region of grassland and is known as the “Land of the Yellow Earth” because the ground is covered by yellow limestone silt. I. (Main Idea) CHANG JIANG BASIN Warm and wet, natural vegetation, the water flows from the west, when it floods it enriches soil and provides water for irrigation. J. (Main Idea) Hunag He Natural vegetation and consists of scrubs and grass. It is the longest river in the world and the silt is carried to fertilize surrounding land. Summary