Placement at the Regional Program

Referral Process to Regional
Programs for Students with
Emotional Disabilities and
Other Behaviorally Related
The Howard County Public School System
Ellicott City, Maryland 21042
November 2011
Table of Contents
....................................................................................................................................................... 1
RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE HOME SCHOOL PRIOR TO REFERRAL................................................. 1
Identify Emotional Disability(ED) or Other Behaviorally Related Disability .................... 1
Complete and Implement the IEP ......................................................................................... 2
Complete, Develop and Implement a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) and
Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) ......................................................................................... 2
Address Academic Concerns ................................................................................................ 2
Involve School-Based and Countywide Personnel to Support the Student’s Program ........ 3
CONTACT WITH THE REGIONAL PROGRAM ................................................................................ 3
Alert Regional Program and Department of Special Education of Student’s Needs ............ 3
Schedule the IEP Team Meeting........................................................................................... 3
IEP TEAM MEETING FUNCTIONS ............................................................................................... 3
Review the IEP and Define Needs that Cannot Be Met at the Home School ....................... 4
Encourage the Parent to Visit the Regional Program ........................................................... 4
Send Complete Records to the Department of Special Education and Regional Program
10 Days Prior to the IEP Team Meeting ............................................................................... 4
Complete Transportation Form and Other Documentation .................................................. 4
Develop a Plan for the Student’s Transition to the Regional Program ................................. 5
PLACEMENT AT THE REGIONAL PROGRAM................................................................................. 5
Regional Program Supports Orientation of Student and Parent ........................................... 5
Parent Enrolls Student at Regional Program ........................................................................ 5
Home School Continues Communication with Student ....................................................... 5
Home School Representative Attends IEP Team Meetings ................................................. 5
SAMPLE TRANSITION PLAN ................................................................................................ 6
EMOTIONAL DISABILITY..................................................................................................... 7
November 2011
Students are referred to a regional program through the Individualized Educational Program
(IEP) team process at their home school or by the Central Educational Placement Team (CEPT)
process when a student has been in a more restrictive placement (separate day or nonpublic
Special education for all students with disabilities, including those identified as having an
emotional disability (ED), is provided in the least restrictive environment (LRE). Therefore,
prior to considering a regional program as the LRE for a student, the student’s IEP and behavior
intervention plan (BIP) is implemented within the home school setting. The student’s needs are
addressed to the maximum extent possible within the home school program.
Identify Emotional Disability (ED), or other behaviorally related disorder as the
Educational Disability
The regional program provides services for students who have been identified by the
Individualized Educational Program (IEP) team as having an educational disability of emotional
disability and who require a highly structured setting with positive behavioral supports and crisis
intervention. It may be appropriate for the IEP team to consider referring a student to a regional
program who displays an educational disability other than ED and who exhibits significant
behavioral or emotional concerns or a behaviorally related educational disability. In such
situations, the student’s IEP clearly documents and addresses areas of concern and needs in
social skill development, emotional and behavioral functioning, and/or behavioral self-control.
Students with ED who also have other concomitant educational disabilities, such as specific
learning disability or other health impairment due to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
(ADHD), may be referred. When designating emotional disability as the educational disability,
the IEP team follows the Guidelines for Terms and Assessments Used in the Educational
Definition of Emotional Disability and a school psychologist serves as the qualified personnel to
assist in identifying this disability and the related service needs of the student. The IEP team
completes the Evaluation Report Emotional Disability (ED) Supplement (SE 2 ED) during the
meeting and attaches the form to the IEP Team Meeting Summary (SE 2). The student’s current
level of performance and abilities in areas of social, emotional, and behavioral functioning are
addressed in the assessment reports and in the IEP. The IEP team reviews data and documents
the student’s need for a highly structured setting with behavioral supports and crisis intervention
to address the IEP goals and objectives. As with all referrals to a more restrictive educational
setting within a regional program, the IEP team consults with the Department of Special
Education (DSE) regarding the student.
For students identified as ED who transfer into the Howard County Public School System from
out-of-county, the parent registers, not necessarily enrolls, the student at the home school. The
IEP team follows procedures as with any student with an IEP who transfers from out-of-county.
November 2011
Complete and Implement the IEP
Goals and objectives to address behavioral/emotional concerns are included on the student’s IEP.
Goals are designed to address specific skills that the student needs to learn to develop improved
behavioral self-control and social interaction and enable the student to demonstrate educational
competencies and performance in the general education setting. The student’s IEP should be
designed to allow the student to receive maximum benefit in the LRE.
Complete, Develop and Implement a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) and Behavior
Intervention Plan (BIP)
The IEP team recommends completion of a functional behavior assessment (FBA) and
development of a behavior intervention plan (BIP) for students whose behavior interferes with
learning of self or others. Refer to Guidelines for Completing a Functional Behavior Assessment
(FBA) and Developing a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) for detailed procedures and reporting
format. Observations by a staff member(s) other than the classroom teacher are completed and
used as part of the FBA to identify possible reasons for the behavior(s). A BIP is developed to
address the targeted behaviors related to behavioral goals on the IEP. Documentation of the
effectiveness of the BIP is collected. Revision of the BIP may be needed at any time if the
student is not making progress.
Often when the BIP is implemented and revised to address a student’s individual needs and
challenges, the student is able to remain in the home school placement. Although there is no
specific timeline for implementing the IEP and BIP, staff needs to continue to collect data and
determine the appropriateness of the intervention(s).
Continuous and ongoing monitoring of the effectiveness of the academic and behavioral
interventions being implemented is required. Initial intervention plans may not be sufficient to
address all of the student’s needs. There may be a need to modify and revise the plan several
times based on the data collected. The student is given ample opportunity to demonstrate
reasonable progress with the intervention plan prior to considering a more restrictive
The parents are encouraged to participate in the IEP process with school staff from the onset of
special education services. The school works with the parents in the development and
implementation of intervention strategies.
If the student also has a medical condition, the IEP team designates qualified personnel to
coordinate between the family and private physician regarding medical information relevant to
the student’s educational program. The IEP team identifies personnel who will communicate
with the parents and private physician (with written parental consent) regarding observations and
student progress to aid the doctor in determining effectiveness of the medical intervention.
Address Academic Concerns
November 2011
Academic and behavioral difficulties often coincide with one another. Staff should continue to
collect data and develop appropriate instructional programs for the student.
Involve School-Based and Countywide Personnel to Support the Student’s Program
It is important to involve all appropriate school-based resource staff, such as the guidance
counselor, school psychologist, and special educator, as part of the problem-solving process as
soon as concerns are noted. Ensure that administration is also involved in this process. Strategic
supports and interventions are implemented to enhance the student’s positive school experience.
The pupil personnel worker may offer assistance as a home-school contact to clarify family
issues impacting the student’s performance in school. It is advised to involve the DSE Resource
Teacher and/or Behavior Specialist of the particular home school to provide consultation,
support and recommendations to the staff.
When the special education services provided at the home school do not adequately assist the
student in meeting the goals and objectives on the IEP, the IEP team seeks consultation or
support from personnel outside the home school. The Department of Special Education
Resource Teacher and Behavior Specialist is consulted to assist the IEP team in developing
interventions and strategies. The DSE Resource Teacher and/or Behavior Specialist representing
the home school contacts and collaborates/consults with the DSE Resource Teacher and/or
Behavior Specialist for the Regional Programs. Both DSE Resource Teachers and/or Behavior
Specialists will collaboratively problem solve any additional resources, such as a regional
program consult, to support the student in the home school.
Alert Regional Program and Department of Special Education of Student’s Needs
If, after consulting with the DSE staff and implementing suggestions from that staff and any
other additional resources, it is the consensus of the IEP Team that the student be considered for
placement in a regional program, that program is alerted as soon as possible. The IEP team
ensures that documentation required for referral to the regional program is completed. (Refer to
list on page 4 of this document.)
Schedule the IEP Team Meeting
The home school schedules an IEP team meeting that includes the parent and representatives
from the regional program and DSE. Efforts are made to schedule the date and time for the
meeting at a mutually convenient time to allow all parties to participate. The parent must be
present at the IEP team meeting to review the student’s IEP and current needs. The IEP team will
review current data and student progress to determine if the home school or regional program
can meet the student’s needs.
November 2011
Review the IEP and Define Needs that Cannot Be Met at the Home School
The IEP team discusses and documents the student’s needs to determine LRE. The following is
 Under what conditions is the student successful?
 What is the student’s response to the interventions provided within the home school?
 What interventions are needed within the regional program for the student to be
The team considers if the regional program for students with emotional disability is the least
restrictive environment in which the IEP can be implemented based on team discussion
Encourage the Parent to Visit the Regional Program
Once a decision has been made, the parent is apprised of the possible referral to a regional
program and encouraged to visit the program to be considered by the IEP team. Familiarity with
the regional program will assist the parent during the decision-making process and the review of
placement options.
Send Complete Records to the Department of Special Education and Regional Program
10 Days Prior to the IEP Team Meeting
The home school sends the following student records to the regional program and Department of
Special Education Instructional Facilitator for the home school at least 10 days prior to the IEP
team meeting:
 Current evaluations (psychological, educational, related services, and psychiatric, as
 Current IEP developed following designation of ED or other behaviorally related
disability, with specific behavioral/social/emotional goals and objectives including
those skills targeted in the behavior intervention plan
 Functional behavior assessment (FBA)
 Behavior intervention plan (BIP) and documentation of progress over time (The BIP
includes measurable benchmarks, reward system, and criteria for success.)
 Pertinent developmental, social, and medical information
 Attendance and report card information.
Complete Transportation Form and Other Documentation
The home school IEP team completes the Transportation Form (SE 25 R), obtains the signature
of an administrator or DSE Instructional Facilitator, and sends the form to the Office of
Transportation. The home school IEP team completes changes to the IEP (SE 7a R), the IEP
Data Entry form (SE 7 Data R), and other IEP pages, as appropriate. The student’s IEP is
revised collaboratively with sending and receiving school. Arrangements are made for the
transfer of the student record prior to the student attending the regional program.
November 2011
Implementation of the possible use of physical restraint or seclusion to keep the student and
others safe are explained to the parent and included in the IEP and/or BIP. When appropriate,
the parent signs the BIP to approve the use of physical restraint or seclusion in addition to the
Develop a Plan for the Student’s Transition to the Regional Program
The IEP team from the home school and representatives from the regional program develop a
transition plan for the student to begin attending the regional program. Dates are scheduled for
each transition step. A Sample Transition Plan is included on page 6.
Regional Program Provides Orientation for Student and Parent
The transition plan for the student to begin attending the regional program is followed. The plan
includes an orientation for the family and the student that familiarizes both with the regional
program guidelines and procedures. The “welcoming” of the student to the regional program
serves to establish positive expectations for student adjustment and progress.
Parent Enrolls Student at Regional Program
Before the student can begin attending the program, the parent enrolls the student in the school
where the regional program is located. The parent completes all required registration forms prior
to the first day of attendance.
Home School Continues Communication with Student
The home school maintains communication with the regional program regarding the student’s
Home School Representative Attends IEP Team Meetings
The regional program is responsible for notifying the home school IEP team of the schedule for
IEP team meetings and for providing a copy of the IEP team meeting summary to the home
school. It is especially important to include the home school team when there is a review of the
student’s progress and discussion of the student meeting success within inclusive settings.
Effective communication with the student’s parents and home school staff as a regular part of the
student’s educational program is critical.
November 2011
Responsible Party
Both IEP Teams
and Parent
Transition Activity
1. Determine when and who will inform the student of
the change of placement.
Regional Program
2. Plan orientation at the regional program for the family
and student to meet administrator, special education
teacher, and other staff and to tour school.
Regional Program
3. Familiarize the parent and student with the regional
program guidelines, school handbook, Code of
Conduct, PTA information, transportation procedures,
and school activities. Provide the student and parent
copy of regional program handbook.
4. Complete registration at the school housing the
regional program and provide the school with consent
for release of information and permission to dispense
medication at school, if appropriate. Emergency
cards, health card, transportation card and booklet, and
all required forms are completed prior to the student
attending the regional program.
Regional Program
5. Schedule the first days of attendance. Some students
may benefit from attending the program for a portion
of the school day during the first few days.
Regional Program
6. Determine which portion of the school day is most
enjoyable for the student and schedule a “welcoming”
activity for the class.
Both IEP Teams
7. Review the BIP to identify the critical components of
intervention to enable the student to return to the home
Home School
8. Maintain communication with the regional program
regarding the student’s progress.
Regional Program
9. Notify the home school of IEP team meetings.
Provide a copy of the IEP team meeting summary to
the home school.
Both IEP Teams
and Parent
10. Participate in IEP team meetings to review progress.
November 2011
Special education for all students with disabilities, including those identified as emotionally
disabled (ED), must be provided in the least restrictive environment (LRE); therefore, prior to
considering a regional program as the LRE, the home school implements an IEP and behavior
intervention plan (BIP) that address all of the student’s needs. When such a program cannot
effectively provide the special education services necessary to assist the student in making
progress toward the goals and objectives of the IEP, the following referral process shall be
1. Determine the student as having an emotional disability or other behaviorally related
disability as a primary disability and provide the maximum possible special education
services within the home school.
2. Include goals and objectives to address behavior/emotional concerns in the student’s
3. Provide opportunity for the student to receive the benefit of special education services
within the home school.
4. Address academic concerns by differentiating instruction based on assessment data and
ensuring that the student has been taught at their instructional level.
5. Implement a behavior intervention plan (BIP). Base this intervention on a functional
behavior assessment (FBA) including Antecedent-Behavior-Consequence (ABC) data and
parent input. Clearly document progress. Review and revise the plan as needed.
6. Involve appropriate school-based resources in planning for this student. Involve
countywide services to provide additional support including the Department of Special
Education Resource Teacher and/or Behavior Specialist. Revise the student’s IEP or BIP
as needed to address areas of concern and include objectives and goals related to skills the
students needs to learn to demonstrate improved behavioral self-control and emotional
7. Alert the Department of Special Education staff that the student may need a more
restrictive educational environment. DSE staff will collaborate to determine any additional
supports necessary, which may include consultation with Regional Program staff.
8. Contact the Instructional Team Leader at the regional program, Department of Special
Education Instructional Facilitator, and parent to schedule the IEP team meeting in
sufficient time to provide at least 10-day notice to the parent and regional program.
9. In preparation for the IEP team meeting, compile data and document the student’s
performance in the home school setting.
10. Hold IEP team meeting with DSE staff, Regional Program staff, and parent(s) to review
IEP, current needs of student and determine LRE.
11. If more restrictive placement of regional program is needed, make decision.
12. Encourage the parent to visit the regional program.
13. Develop transition plan for the student to begin at the regional program placement.
14. Complete transportation form.
15. Forward the student file to the regional program.
November 2011