Supplementary Information Migration of a Late Cretaceous Fish Scott J. Carpenter1†, J. Mark Erickson2, F.D. Holland, Jr.3 1 Paul H. Nelson Stable Isotope Laboratory, Department of Geoscience, Center for Global and Regional Environmental Research, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 522421379, USA. 2 3 Geology Department, St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY 13617, USA. Professor Emeritus, Department of Geology and Geological Engineering, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND 58202, USA. † To whom correspondence should be addressed: Department of Geoscience, Center for Global and Regional Environmental Research, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242-1379, USA. e-mail: 1 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Figure 1: UV Fluorescence photomicrographs of a portion (near kernel) of the unprepared inner surface of two V. vulpes otoliths. There is an overall high level of organic matter throughout the otoliths and a higher concentration along concentric growth bands. Growth Curves for Vorhisia vulpes The growth curves for the four V. vulpes otoliths are found in Fig. 2. These are typical growth curves for an organism that has rapid juvenile growth and decreasing growth rates with ontogeny. It appears that the death of these fish occurs prior to or coincident with achieving their maximum size. 2 Distance from Kernel (in mm) Vorhisia vulpes Growth Curves 10 10 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 Otolith #1 Otolith #2 Otoltih #3 Otolith #4 2 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Age (in Years/Winters) Figure 2: Growth curves for V. vulpes otoliths #1-4. Age (in years/winters) is assigned on the basis of 18O value maxima (winter temperature minima). The green shaded area represents the estuarine phase of growth and the blue shaded area represents the marine phase of growth. Strontium Isotope Data Specimens described here are from rocks within or above the Jeletzkytes nebrascensis Zone as it is currently being applied in the region. However, it should be noted that neither relative position of the Campanian-Maastrichtian boundary vis-à-vis Western Interior ammonite zonation, nor absolute ages assignable to parts of the Maastrichtian in the region, are as yet established with certainty or with general agreement among workers1. The sediments from which V. vulpes was collected are Hell Creek equivalent occurring in incised channels within the Iron Lightning Member of the Fox Hills Formation. On the basis of the floral zonation of the Linton Member and Hell Creek Formation2, we conclude that the age of these materials is 65.8 to 66.0 Ma (near the C29r-C30n boundary)3,4. This age assignment and our 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the marine phase of V. vulpes are consistent with analyses of Western Interior marine fauna from the 3 underlying Hoploscaphites nicolletti Zone of the Fox Hills Formation (and older units)5 and of marine barite 6. Marine 87Sr/86Sr ratios during the Latest Maastrichtian are not well constrained and global correlations are not precise point in the marine where 87 6,7 . It is generally agreed that there is an inflection 87 Sr/86Sr ratio curve during the Late Maastrichtian-Early Paleocene Sr/86Sr ratios reach a maximum value of near 0.70780 near the K-T boundary (~65 Ma) 6, 8-10 . Our 87 Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.70778 to 0.70779 for the marine phase of V. vulpes are consistent with an age between 67 and 65.5 Ma (Fig. 3). Strontium isotope ratios of selected micro-samples of marine and estuarine phases of V. vulpes otoliths suggest that the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of river water entering the Fox HillsHell Creek estuary is lower than that of ambient seawater (Table 1) 11. Like McArthur et al. 5, we conclude that the river systems entering the Fox Hills-Hell Creek estuary have both relatively low 87 Sr/86Sr ratios and [Sr], thereby yielding little change in marine Sr/86Sr ratios with even significant degrees of mixing. As a result, the 18O values of 87 estuarine carbonates may be more sensitive indicators of the degree of freshwaterseawater mixing than their 87Sr/86Sr ratios. A detailed discussion of the mixing relations in the Fox Hills-Hell Creek estuary during the Late Maastrichtian is described in Carpenter et al. 11. 4 Western Interior Fauna 60 60 62 62 64 66 64 Tertiary 66 Cretaceous 68 70 68 Vorhisia vulpes This Study 70 72 74 74 76 76 78 78 80 80 82 82 84 84 86 86 88 88 McArthur et al. (1994) Western Interior Fauna 90 0.7072 90 0.7074 87 0.7076 Sr / 86 0.7078 0.7080 Sr 87 Sr/86Sr ratios ratios of Western Interior Seaway fauna during the late Cretaceous from McArthur et al. 2 with marine V. vulpes data plotted at 65.9 Ma (V. vulpes data are normalized to a 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.710248 for NBS-987 for direct comparison) 5. The Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary is plotted at 65.5 Ma. Figure 3: Table 1. Age (in Ma) 72 87 Sr/86Sr ratios of marine and estuarine phases of V. vulpes. Sample ID Environment 18O (PDB) V. vulpes #2.05 V. vulpes #2.07 V. vulpes #2.14 Estuarine Estuarine Marine V. vulpes #1.04 V. vulpes #1.08 V. vulpes #1.22 V. vulpes #1.25 Estuarine Estuarine Marine Marine ? * 87Sr/86Sr 87 Sr/86Sr* (±) -7.0 -4.1 -1.5 0.707754 0.707761 0.707799 14 17 14 -6.5 -3.8 -0.9 -2.7 0.707738 0.707730 0.707784 0.707777 12 17 15 16 ratios are not normalized. 5 Mixing Relations in the Fox Hills-Hell Creek Estuary 18O values of the marine growth phase of V. vulpes are consistent with those of the infaunal marine bivalves Cucullaea nebrascensis, Cymbophora warrenana, Protocardia subquadrata and the gastropod Drepanochilus evansi of the Timber Lake Member of the Fox Hills Formation reported by Carpenter et al.11,12 (from –2 to 0 ‰). Preliminary micro-sampling of the marine bivalve Tancredia americana (Timber Lake Member) from two years of shell growth yields a range of 18O values from –2.6 to 0.03 ‰ (mean = – 1.4 ‰) and 13C values from –0.4 to 1.1 ‰ (mean = 0.4 ‰) 11. These values confirm the overall marine isotope ratios and the seasonal temperature variation observed in the marine phase of V. vulpes discussed here (Fig. 4). Specimens of the bivalve Corbicula sp. and the gastropod Euspira subcrassa occurring with V. vulpes otoliths have markedly different 18O values (-20.4 to –12.7 ‰ and –2.8 to –0.5 ‰, respectively) 11 (Fig. 4). The high 18O values of E. subcrassa are comparable with the marine phases of V. vulpes and other marine mollusks from the Fox Hills Formation 12 . Exceptionally low 18O values of Corbicula sp. are consistent with those of Late Maastrichtian freshwater bivalves (unionids) from the Western Interior 11,13. Dettman and Lohmann 13 concluded that the oxygen isotope ratios of rivers of the Late Mesozoic and Early Cenozoic of west-central North America (e.g., the Hell Creek fluvial system) were dominated by high-altitude precipitation or snow/ice meltwater. Data from Corbicula sp. suggest that waters sourced at high-elevation in the Laramide Orogen flowed eastward with minimal dilution and mixed with the Western Interior Seaway in the central Dakotas 11. The low 18O values of Corbicula and unionids 11,13 represent riverine conditions upstream from the estuarine locations where V. vulpes lived as a juvenile and that 6 Corbicula shell fragments were transported downstream into the Fox Hills-Hell Creek estuary where V. vulpes had returned to spawn. As one specimen of V. vulpes is abraded (SLU FR476 - specimen #3), some post-mortem transport may have occurred in the tidal channel or perhaps it was abraded in place on a wave-washed shore along the estuary. There is no evidence to suggest that V. vulpes lived for an extended period of time, in the isotopically distinct freshwaters of the Hell Creek delta platform in which Corbicula sp. and unionids grew. Juxtaposition of specimens with such a wide range of 18O values requires a diverse and dynamic system where specimens representative of several habitats can be readily mixed in facies that were either brackish or marine 14 . Presence of significant storm deposits in the top of the barrier bar facies implies frequent wash-over transport and deposition of marine bioclasts into back-barrier estuary settings 15,16 . Furthermore, V. vulpes is not found among the fully marine faunas of the Fox Hills Formation. Although it is remotely possible that V. vulpes otoliths were transported from a marine environment, concentrations of well-preserved otoliths of a similar age class in channel lag deposits more likely indicates these V. vulpes migrated back to their natal waters to spawn and die. Such an interpretation is consistent with the migratory behavior of modern fishes and is constrained by the 18O and 13C values of various biogenic carbonates from the Fox Hills-Hell Creek estuary 11. 18O and 13C values of marine, estuarine, and freshwater biogenic carbonates from the Fox Hills and Hell Creek Formations produce a linear mixing trend interpreted as the mixing of Fox Hills seawater and Hell Creek river water over a range of ~20 ‰ for 18O values and ~7 ‰ for 13C values 11 . If we assume that marine mollusks and marine phases of V. vulpes were precipitated from seawater with a 18O value of –1 ‰ SMOW 17 7 and that unionids and Corbicula sp. were precipitated from freshwater of –20 ‰ SMOW13, the lowest 18O values of the juvenile growth phases of the V. vulpes (–7.0, 6.5, -5.7, -4.2 ‰ (PDB)) indicate that these fish grew in waters composed of 68 to 83 % seawater (using a simple two endmember mixing model). Our data indicate that V. vulpes did not live in freshwater as suggested by Waage 18 and Frizzell 19 , but instead preferred shallow marine waters for much of its adult life and spawned in brackish waters. Figure 4: 18O and 13C values of V. vulpes otoliths plotted relative to data from marine, estuarine, and riverine mollusks from the late Cretaceous of North and South Dakota. The estuarine portions of V. vulpes represent a mixture of 68 to 83 % seawater. A linear mixing trend of this sort requires that [HCO3-] is similar in both seawater and river water. Specimens from the estuarine Iron Lightning Mbr. of the Fox Hills Fm., include: Vorhisia vulpes, Euspira subscrassa, and Corbicula sp. collected in the 1960s from the Colgate Lithofacies, Fox Hills Fm., Iron Lightning Badlands (Type Locality for Iron Lightning Mbr.), Redelm NE Quadrangle, Ziebach Co., South Dakota. 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