Supplementary Methods text Sediment sampling at SPG 11 and SPG 12. Freshly retrieved multicores containing sediment and overlying water were removed to a 4° C cold room for subsampling. Two 50-mL Falcon tubes of supernatant were collected from the overlying water of the multicore, and subsequently frozen at -80°C. SPG11 multicore sediments were sampled using three autoclaved 60mL syringes with the tip cones cut off. To sample sediments, the core liner was pulled down so that it was nearly flush with the sediment surface. Syringes were then pushed into the sediment, taking care to avoid sampling within ~1cm of the core liner. Pulling the core liner down further to just above the bottom of the cutoff syringe, the syringes were pulled laterally out of the core. The sediment was then extruded from the syringe and rounds of sediment were sliced off at specific intervals using a flame-sterilized scraper. Sampling intervals were 1 cm for 0-20 cm depth, 2 cm for 20-30 cm depth, and 5 cm for 30-40 cm depth. Samples from the same interval were pooled in a sterile Whirl-Pak bag and then frozen at -80°C. The sampling horizon was reestablished after each syringe sampling by using a flame-sterilized scraper to smooth the sediment flush with the syringe depressions. SPG12 sediments used in this study were collected via gravity coring, with a total recovery of 401 cm. Cores were split into approximately 1m-long sections, and further sectioned into ~30 cm rounds. Cores were sampled by pushing autoclaved cut-off 60 mL syringes into the core cross-section, avoiding an approximately 1-2 cm margin inside the core liner, and then extruding the sample 1 cm at a time while slicing off subsamples using a flame-sterilized spatula. Subsamples were stored in sterile Whirl-Pak bags or sterile 50-mL Falcon tubes (BD Biosciences) and frozen at -80°C until analysis. Statistical analyses of sequence diversity. SONS (Schloss and Handelsman 2006a) estimated the Chao1 (Chao 1984) species diversity of each depth, and crosscomparied community structure using abundance-based Jaccard (Smith et al. 1996, Yue et al. 2001) and Theta (Yue and Clayton 2005) diversity indices. Both individual community Chao1 estimates and estimates of the Chao1 diversity shared between two communities (shared Chao1) were calculated. The abundance-based Jaccard index measures the intersection of the combined assemblage of phylotypes, and can be considered the probability that given a phylotype present in one assemblage, it is present in both assemblages (Schloss and Handelsman 2006a). By contrast, ThetaYC corrects for the differences in relative abundance of phylotypes in each assemblage, taking into account both the incidence of shared phylotypes and the similarity of their relative abundances in each assemblage. Thus, it can be considered a percentile measure of the similarity of community structures. Treeclimber (Schloss and Handelsman 2006b) was used to test the hypothesis that the overall structure of two communities is statistically the same. P values indicate the probability that a similar association between phylogeny and sample origin would occur by chance. Taq error correction. The number of unique OTUs was plotted versus distance, based on a collector’s curve using all SPG11 and SPG12 MG-I sequences as calculated in DOTUR, and corrected for the contribution of Taq error to divergence according to Acinas et al. (2004), based on an error rate of 2x10-5 per site per duplication (Klepac- Ceraj et al. 2004) and an average amplicon length of 1400 base pairs, yielding an average of 1.6 errors per 16S rDNA sequence, or ~0.11%. Supplement references: Acinas, S.G., Klepac-Ceraj, V., Hunt, D.E., Pharino, C., Ceraj, I., Distel, D.L., and Polz, M.F. (2004) Fine-scale phylogenetic architecture of a complex bacterial community. Nature 430:551-554. Klepac-Ceraj, V., Bahr, M., Crump, B.C., Teske, A.P., Hobbie, J.E., and Polz, M.F. (2004) High overall diversity and dominance of microdiverse relationships in salt marsh sulfate-reducing bacteria. Environ Microbiol 6: 686-698. Schloss, P.D., and Handelsman, J. (2006a) Introducing SONS, a tool for operational taxonomic unit-based comparisons of microbial community memberships and structures. Appl Environ Microbiol 72: 6773-6779. Schloss, P.D., and Handelsman, J. (2006b) Introducing TreeClimber, a test to compare microbial community structures. Appl Environ Microbiol 72: 2379-2384. Smith, W., Solow, A.R., and Preston, P.E. (1996) An estimator of species overlap using a modified beta-binomial model. Biometrics 52: 1472-1477. Yue, J.C., Clayton, M.K., and Lin, F.C (2001) A nonparametric estimator of species overlap. Biometrics 57: 743-749. Yue, J.C., and Clayton, M.K. (2005) A similarity measure based on species proportions. Commun Stat Theory Meth 34: 2123-2131.