Marine Sediments Worksheet

Marine Sediments Worksheet
Name + Period:
1. List the different types of sediment texture from in order of largest to smallest.
2. What two factors determine whether sediment is transported, deposited or eroded?
3. What are three things that happen as sediment matures?
4. What are the four classes of marine sediment?
5. List four facts about lithogenous sediment.
6. Deposits around Continental are mainly?
7. Continental shelf deposits are usually carried there by ?
8. What kind of deposits show graded bedding?
9. Why is abyssal clay usually red-brown?
10. Shells of microscopic organisms are called?
11. What are the two compounds that make up most Biogenous sediment?
12. Name a protozoan with a silica shell.
13. What algae contributed to the petroleum fields off California?
14. Why are cocolithophores considered nanoplakton?
15. What compound is limestone made of?
16. Stromatolites were made from what organism?
17. What is the CCD and why is there usually no calcite deposits below that depth?
18. Where does hydrogenous sediment come from?
19. What are the two main factors that cause precipitation of chemicals?
20. Name 5 chemicals found in hydrogenous sediment.
21. Black smokers make what type of sediment?
22. What % is Carbonate Pelagic Sediment?