the Honors Scholars agreement - Eastern Connecticut State University

Honors Theme Housing Participant
I, __________________________________________, wish to be assigned to the Honors Housing Community for the
20_____-20_____ academic year at Eastern CT State University. I understand and agree that by requesting and accepting
such an assignment, I will abide by the following conditions:
I understand that I must maintain enrollment in the University Honors Program and meet expectations associated with
Honors Program requirements or maintain a 3.0 GPA and be invited to live in Honors Theme housing by a Honors
Program Participant.
I understand that I must attend the Theme Housing Orientation Retreat that is tentatively scheduled for Friday, April
17, 2015. I must also complete associated orientation learning modules by the fall semester.
I will attend and participate in the fall and spring campus-wide Theme Housing event. Date and time will announced in
advance and attendance is mandatory.
I will participate in the Honors Housing Leadership council as needed for the success and advancement of our Honors
Community (attendance at meetings may be required).
I will regularly participate in the ongoing educational and social programs that are offered within the Honors Theme
Housing Area to develop and maintain my own personal advancement as well as that of my living community
(minimally attending one program per month).
I understand that my suitemates and I must jointly sponsor one workshop, program, or activity per semester for the
Honors Community or the residence hall community. The program can be on a topic of our choosing and can include
guest speakers, trips, socials, current event debates, educational initiatives, etc. The program can also fall into any of
the categories within the leadership council ((1) Academic, Career, and Scholarship, (2) Community Service, (3) Social
and Personal Development). My suitemates and I will collaborate with the Honors Housing Leadership Council to plan
and schedule the program as well as obtain any needed funds for executing the program.
I will participate in at least one community service or service learning project per semester. This can be done on my
own or through one planned by the Honors Housing Leadership Council (either option must be registered with the
Center for Community Engagement).
I will serve as a mentor to a first year honor student who resides in Honors Housing in Constitution Hall.
I will participate in the assessment and evaluation processes developed by the Residential Life Office to help further my
own academic success and the development of this program.
I understand that failure to comply with any of the above expectations and all other policies and procedures set forth by the
Office of Housing and Residential Life and Eastern CT State University may result in one or more consequences: removal from
the Honors Housing Program with room reassignment to be determined by the Housing Office; or the loss of the ability to
reapply for this specific residential area for the next academic year.
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Student ID #