AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT BUREAU FOR AFRICA Office of Analysis, Research, and Technical Support AFR/ARTS/FARA Washington, DC 20523-0089 February 17, 2016 Mr. George Jones, USAID/Asmara. We have enclosed herewith, two copies of the Supplementary Environmental Assessment for Locust Control In Eritrea (SEA). This document was prepared by the Africa Emergency Locust/Grasshopper Assistance (AELGA) Project, of the Bureau for Africa, Office of Operations and New Initiatives. The SEA is meant to provide country specific environmental information and supplement the Programmatic Environmental Assessment for Locust/Grasshopper Control in Africa and Asia that was developed in 1989. The presence of the SEA allows the Mission to provide assistance including procurement and use of pesticides for locust/grasshopper control operations. Please do not hesitate to contact us in case you need additional copies. Sincerely, Yene Belayneh, AFR/ONI/TPPI Tel.: 703-235-5441 FAX: 702-235-3805 CC: Vicky Dreyer, AFR/ONI/TPPI Allan Showler, AFR/ONI/TPPI TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF THE AFRICAN ARMYWORM AMENDMENT TO THE ERITREAN S.E.A. FOR LOCUST/GRASSHOPPER CONTROL I. LITERATURE REVIEW OF SPODOPTERA EXEMPTA, THE AFRICAN ARMYWORM A. Biology and Ecology B. Distribution C. Damage D. Control II. THE 1994 AFRICAN ARMYWORM OUTBREAK III. ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED IN ARMYWORM CONTROL IN ERITREA A. USAID B. National Crop Protection Departments C. Pesticide Regulatory Bodies D. The Desert Locust Control Organization of East Africa E. Donor Agencies F. NGOs G. United Nations IV. A. B. C. AFRICAN ARMYWORM CONTROL Control Operations of 1994 Future Directions Environmental Impact V. AREAS OF CONCERN IN THE 1994 AAW CONTROL OPERATION A. Main Problems B. National Capacity of Eritrea VI. CONCLUSIONS VII. RECOMMENDATIONS A. Pesticides B. Research C. Training D. Strategic Plans APPENDIX 1. Amendment of the to allow African armyworms to memo from John Gaudet, Bureau (AFR/SD/PSGE) to Paul Novick, 1994. SEA for locust/grasshopper control be dealt with in East Africa. A Environmental Coordinator Director (AA/AFR/DRC). August 9, 3 APPENDIX 2. Cable #02173: Armyworm and weather conditions in Eritrea. July 1994 APPENDIX 3. Cable #239673: Armyworm infestation in the Horn of Africa. Sept. 1994. APPENDIX 4. 1994. Ministry of Agriculture Organizational Chart. APPENDIX 5. 1994. Armyworm Control Operation in Eritrea 1994. APPENDIX 6. 31, 1994 Migrant Pest Situation Report by Amare Beiene. 4 Oct. Nov. Oct. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT OF AFRICAN ARMYWORM CONTROL IN ERITREA: AN AMENDMENT TO THE "ERITREAN SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR GRASSHOPPER AND LOCUST CONTROL" The 1994 African Armyworm (AAW) outbreaks in Eritrea most likely originated in Tanzania or Kenya in January 1994. From March through May 1994, AAW moths migrated from Tanzania to Kenya and Uganda. Moths from Kenya probably migrated to Ethiopia. In Ethiopia, the first outbreaks were reported from Borena on April 18, 1994. The outbreak then spread to eastern Ethiopia. By the end of May the outbreak spread throughout Ethiopia with the exception of the Afar region. By June the armyworms had entered Eritrea. The outbreak ended in August 1994. The Eritrean Ministry of Agriculture (MOA), requested pesticides and equipment for the armyworm control operations, but received no donor support until the outbreak was over. MOA used pesticides remaining from locust campaigns to treat for AAWs. MOA maintains that its pesticide stocks are now seriously depleted. Since USAID lacked an environmental impact assessment for armyworm control in Eritrea, USAID regulation 22 CFR 216.3(b)(1) prohibited USAID from providing pesticides or donating funds that would be used in conjunction with pesticide application activities. However, MOA used pesticides provided in 1993 by USAID for locust control, to control AAWs. DLCO/EA provided Eritrea with one aircraft for aerial applications of pesticide. To allow USAID to deal with AAWs in the future, AELGA sent Dr. Gary C. Jahn, an entomologist, to Eritrea to prepare an amendment of the "Supplemental Environmental Assessment for Locust/Grasshopper Control in Eritrea." During his TDY, Dr. Jahn interviewed members of MOA and the Desert Locust Control Organization of East Africa (DLCO/EA). He surveyed fields where insecticides were applied for AAW control. He also inspected the pesticide storage facilities of MOA and DLCO/EA in Eritrea. During the 1994 AAW outbreak the most serious problems in the Eritrean control campaign were insufficient warning time, poor international communication, inadequate communication between provinces, and a complete lack of pheromone traps in Eritrea for monitoring armyworm moths. 5 The national pesticide stocks were greatly depleted by the control operation. Currently the Government of Eritrea (GOE) has about 30,000 liters of emulsifiable concentrate (EC) pesticides, suitable for ground applications; and 7,600 liters of ultra-low volume (ULV) pesticide, suitable for ground and aerial spraying. GOE also has several hundred kilograms of insecticidal dust and powder. During the 1994 AAW campaign approximately 43,700 liters of liquid insecticide and 42,200 kg. of solid pesticide were applied in Eritrea. A locust outbreak could require from 10,000 to 50,000 liters of pesticides. MOA staff, including the Minister of Agriculture Dr. Tesfai Ghermatsion, told this consultant of the need for USAID or other donors to help replenish pesticide stocks. In accordance with these requests, this consultant inspected all of the pesticide storage facilities in Eritrea. All of the facilities were adequately maintained with the exception of the Gonderand facility in Asmara. The Gonderand facility is a serious public health hazard. The facility consists of a single room containing over 30,000 liters of expired pesticides in leaking containers. Pesticides stored there include Ekatin, Malathion, 2,4-D Amine, Sumithion, Diazonon, Dieldrin, and DDT. This chamber is constantly emitting pesticide fumes through a broken window. The chamber floor is coated with a thick oily layer of pesticides about 1 cm deep. The apartments above and adjacent to the store room are occupied by families with small children. These families are exposed to potentially deadly vapors continuously. The GOE was informed of this dangerous situation in March and April 1993 by AELGA. Since then approximately 4000 liters of ULV Fenitrothion and 2,600 liters of Sumithion have been removed from this facility and used for AAW control. Other than that no changes have been made in the Gonderand pesticide facility. Without importing additional pesticides, the 1994 AAW outbreak was brought under control by MOA. Large amounts of grain were apparently saved from destruction, though there are no estimates available of the amount of grain saved. RECOMMENDATIONS A. Pesticides 1. Relocate the residents of the Gonderand pesticide storage facility as soon as possible. This is a priority item. No other recommendations should be considered until this item is implemented. 6 2. Remove all pesticides from the Gonderand facility and store them outside Asmara in non-leaking containers. Cleanup all the spilled pesticides and pesticide residues at Gonderand. 3. Do not stockpile pesticides in Eritrea at this time. The dangerous situation at the Gonderand pesticide warehouse indicates that the Government of Eritrea is not prepared to handle a pesticide stockpile at this time. 4. Provide Eritrea with pesticides on an "as-needed" basis for AAW, just as is done for locusts. If USAID provides pesticides to Eritrea for AAW control, a technical expert from USAID should accompany the pesticides to verify proper storage, use, and ground surveys. 5. Support the development of a Pesticide Bank in Europe so that assistance organizations and African governments can be pre-positioned for major pest outbreaks. 6. Provide Eritrea with sufficient safety equipment. 7. Provide the Government of Eritrea with guidance on eveloping pesticide regulations. 8. Test old pesticide stocks to determine which ones are useable. 9. If pesticides must be used, use several different kinds of insecticides to avoid selecting for resistance. 10. Use a front door for storing and a back door for removing pesticides so that the oldest pesticides will be used first. B. Research 1. Develop formulations of nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV) for control of AAW. NPV is safer to humans than pesticides. 2. Determine if any commercial formulations of Bacillus thuringiensis (B.t.), an insecticidal bacteria, control AAW. 3. Develop formulations of B.t. isolates shown to be effective against AAW, e.g. B.t. isolate K-26-21. 4. Determine if natural enemies can control AAWs in Tanzania and Kenya, thus preventing outbreaks in Eritrea. 5. Find out what happens to the AAW that migrate to the north. 6. Devise a means of killing the AAW pupae. 7. Develop transgenic plants that incorporate the gene for B.t. toxin to protect crops from AAWs. 8. Identify egg parasites of AAWs. C. Training 7 1. Support increased pesticide safety training for crop protection workers and farmers. 2. Need for AAW control training similar to the AELGA training for locust control. 3. Teach workers how to maintain pheromone traps and how to report trap data. D. Strategic plans 1. Prevent outbreaks by controlling AAWs in Tanzania and Kenya before they reach Ethiopia or Eritrea. 2. Eritrea should be continuously informed of the status of AAW in Kenya through DLCO. 3. Place AAW pheromone traps throughout the country, concentrating more traps in southern Eritrea. 4. Have a planned response to possible monitoring outcomes. 5. All provincial crop protection units should be in radio communication with the MOA in Asmara. NOTE: The opinions expressed in this trip report are those of Dr. Gary C. Jahn and are not the official views of USAID. The draft AAW Amendment to the Eritrean Locust SEA also contains these views. At the time of writing this trip report (12 Nov. 1994), the AAW Amendment has not yet been approved by USAID/Washington D.C. I. LITERATURE REVIEW OF SPODOPTERA EXEMPTA, THE AFRICAN ARMYWORM A. Biology and Ecology The African armyworm (AAW), Spodoptera exempta (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), larvae feed on all types of grasses, early stages of cereal crops (e.g., corn, rice, wheat, millet, sorghum), sugar cane, and occasionally on coconut (Odiyo 1984; Yarrow et al. 1981). The armyworm gets it's name from it's habit of "marching" in large numbers from grasslands into crops. AAWs tend to occur at very high densities during the rainy season, especially after periods of prolonged drought (Haggis 1984, 1986). During the long dry season in eastern Africa AAW population densities are very low. Because outbreaks are never observed during the dry season, it is called the "off-season" by those that monitor AAWs (Odiyo 1981). S. exempta moths live about 10 days. The female can lay a maximum of about 1000 eggs in her lifetime. Eggs hatch in 2-3 days. Six larval instars are completed in 2-3 weeks. Larvae occur in two morphologically distinct forms: a 'gregarious' form, which is black with yellow stripes, and a solitary form, which is 8 green or brown. The morphological form is determined by density -- becoming 'gregarious' at higher densities. However, the AAWs do not exhibit the true gregarious behavior of locusts. It is the gregarious forms of AAW that cause outbreaks. Generally, AAWs are not noticed by farmers until the caterpillars are 10 days old and change from green to black (Brown 1972). In the last instar, larvae burrow 2-3 cm into the ground to pupate. Adults emerge in 7 to 10 days (Dewhurst 1985). The moths, migrate over tens, and probably over hundreds, of kilometers between their emergence sites and their oviposition sites (Riley et al. 1983). The observation that AAW outbreaks can suddenly occur in areas that were free of the pests for several months has lead to the hypothesis that the moths migrate hundreds of kilometers. Evidence for this hypothesis includes: 1) outbreaks in a geographical progression at one generation intervals (Rainey 1979); 2) outbreaks are often preceded by high catches of moths and associated with wind convergence (Blair et al. 1980); 3) results of isozyme analysis imply that AAW populations in Kenya, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe regularly inter-breed (Den Boer 1978); 4) laboratory tests show that the moths can remain in flight for several hours (Gatehouse and Hackett 1980); 5) results of mark and capture studies, and radar tracking indicate long distance, downwind migration of AAW moths (Rose et al. 1985). There is a trade-off between flight and reproduction, i.e. the longer the moths fly, the lower their fecundity (i.e., reproductive potential) (Gunn et al. 1989; Gunn and Gatehouse 1993). The moths tend to fly downwind and infest new areas in regions of wind convergence (Brown et al. 1969; Tucker et al. 1982). There are three distinct periods of flight activity each night for moths: dusk, late evening, and just before dawn (Rose and Dewhurst 1979). Migratory flights begin the night of emergence; or newly emerged moths congregate in trees and mass migration flights begin at dusk the following night (Riley et al. 1983). During seasons when there are no outbreaks, the AAW persists in it's solitary phase (in which caterpillars remain green, are less active, and therefore less conspicuous). The first outbreaks of the season probably result from concentrations of moths before the synchronized mating and egg laying (Pedgley 1989; Rose 1979). These outbreaks frequently follow periods of 9 prolonged drought. Janssen (1992, 1993) found that plant's have more nutrients than usual, especially nitrogen, following the first rain after a drought. While these nutritional differences may account for increased AAW moth fecundity, this has not been demonstrated. An alternative, and untested, explanation for outbreaks following droughts is that the effectiveness of predators and parasites in regulating population growth may be significantly reduced through droughts (Marcovitch 1957). It has been suggested that the outbreaks may result from synchronized ending of pupal diapause, as opposed to mass migration. However, no diapausing pupae have ever been found in the field. Diapause in a small proportion of pupae has been observed in the laboratory (Khasimuddin 1977). B. Distribution S. exempta is found throughout Africa south of the Sahara, with large infestations concentrated in the eastern half of the continent. The center of AAW breeding is around the MozambiqueZimbabwe area. Outbreaks progress from this area into 30 African nations, from Mauritania and Senegal in the north-west to Ethiopia and Somalia in the north-east, and to Namibia and South Africa in the south (Odiyo 1984). AAW also occurs in southwestern Arabia, and intermittently in the oceanic countries of South East Asia and the Pacific as far east as Hawaii, but not in the Americas (Haggis 1984, 1986). The species is found as far south as Australia and New Zealand (Commonwealth Institute of Entomology 1972). C. Damage An infestation of AAW covering 65 square km2 of rangeland with a larval density of 28/m2 consumes about 50 tons (dry weight) of herbage per day during their final instar. This feeding rate is equivalent to that of 8000 head of cattle (Odiyo 1979). D. Control 1. Forecasting African armyworm moths are monitored using pheromone traps that attract sexually receptive males. Light traps, Aldis beam observations, radar, and optical infra-red observations are also used to track the movement of the moths and improve forecasting ability (Tucker 1983). Dewhurst (1985) recommends controlling AAWs with insecticides in the first larval instar, thus preventing their northward spread. Control strategies could be improved by determining the conditions that lead to 10 concentrations of moths. If moth concentrations could be located and destroyed, then outbreaks could be prevented (Pedgley et al. 1989). 2. Biological control There is tremendous potential for biological control of AAWs. According to Dewhurst (1985), viruses can control AAWs under suitable, but restricted, conditions. In an effort to use viral control, farmers around the world have attempted to control caterpillars by collecting dead caterpillars from the field, grinding them up, mixing them with water, and spraying the mixture on threatened crops. The mixture is sometimes referred to as the "green milkshake." The green milkshake is unreliable as a control method. If the farmers are fortunate enough to find caterpillars infected with pathogenic viruses, if the virus are not degraded by enzymes in the grinding process, if the viruses are not rapidly degraded by sunlight, and if the virus can be transmitted orally, the green milkshake can be very effective; but a good deal of luck is needed. Even when the green milkshake works, the potency of the shake tends to decrease with each successive formulation. The Plant Protection Bureaus of Thailand have modified the green milkshake technique with some success. There, Spodoptera exigua are reared in government laboratories. A certain portion of the caterpillars are regularly infected with nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV). Infected caterpillars are harvested at the peak of the virus population and ground into the green milkshake. The green milkshake is distributed to farmers. By collecting the dead caterpillars from their fields, farmers are generally able to successfully re-create the green milkshake 2 or 3 times. After that, the potency is too low to be effective and farmers must be re-supplied with laboratory stock. Another drawback is that infectivity rates tend to be low, so large quantities of virus must be used. The rate of infectivity can be greatly enhanced by formulating NPV with adjuvants to provide protection from sunlight. For example, the addition of Tinopal, an optical brightener to NPV adjuvants prevents degradation of NPV by ultra-violet radiation, increasing the virulence of NPV to Spodoptera frugiperda 164,000 to 303,000 times (Hamm and Shapiro 1992). Bacteria can also be used to control Noctuid caterpillars. Bacillus thuringiensis (B.t.), an insecticidal bacteria, has reduced AAW populations by 95% in field trials. The literature 11 is filled with seemingly contradictory results when it comes to controlling Spodoptera with B.t.. This is because the insecticidal activities of various B.t. strains differ with the target pest species (Belda and Guerreo 1992; Jarret and Burges 1986; Lecadet and Mortouret 1987). Brownbridge (1991) screened 150 B.t. strains for insecticidal activity against AAWs. B.t. strain K-26-21, isolated from soil in Kenya, showed the highest level of toxicity to AAWs in the laboratory. In field trials, isolate K-26-21 provided almost total control of larvae on maize seedlings within 48 hours. In this experiment, ants and spiders played a significant role in suppressing the AAW population, especially early instars. Natural enemy populations were not effected by the B.t.. It is not known to what extent natural enemies keep AAW populations in check. A proposed sampling plan for AAW in maize cannot be used where natural enemies are most efficient and keep the AAWs at very low densities (Schulthess et al. 1991). Ants are known to significantly reduce Spodoptera frugiperda populations and associated damage in maize. Reducing applications of broadspectrum insecticides, or replacing them with biological insecticides, such as B.t., allows ants to contribute to Spodoptera control (Perfecto 1990). 3. Antifeedants The pyrrolidine 2(R), 5(R)-dihydroxymethyl-3(R), 4(R)dihydroxypyrrolidine (DMDP) deters feeding in S. exempta as well as in the locusts Schistocera gregaria (Forsk.) and Locusta migratoria L. (Blaney et al. 1984; Fellows et al. 1989; and Simmonds et al. 1989 cited in Simmonds et. al. 1990). Due to incomplete coverage, antifeedants alone are rarely sufficient to protect a crop. However, antifeedants can be an important part of an IPM program. 4. Pesticides Several pesticides are used for AAW control, including malathion, endosulfan, cypermethrin (a pyrethroid), carbaryl, fenitrothion, and chlorpyriphos (Brown et al. 1970; Hewitt and Meganasa 1993; Wheatley and Crowe 1967). Insect growth regulators (IGRs) have only been used experimentally so far. In laboratory studies IGRs have been shown to significantly increase the mortality of another species of armyworm, S. frugiperda. The addition of a feeding stimulant to the IGR increases its effectiveness (Chandler 1993). 12 When spraying AAWs with cypermethrin the optimal droplet size is 35 microns diameter or more. Field trials in Kenya indicate that a minimum of nine droplets of 2.4% ULV formulation of cypermethrin per square centimeter is required for 50% AAW kill, whereas 95% mortality requires at least 28 droplets per square centimeter. To achieve 50% AAW mortality requires track spacing of 25 m for back-mounted sprayers and 45 m for vehiclemounted sprayers. As the track space is decreased, the AAW mortality increases (Hewitt and Meganasa 1993). II. THE 1994 AFRICAN ARMYWORM OUTBREAK Eritrea is normally not a breeding area for African armyworms. AAW outbreaks occur in Eritrea when moths migrate there from Ethiopia or further south. The 1994 AAW outbreaks in Eritrea most likely originated in Tanzania in January 1994. Moths may have migrated from Tanzania to Kenya and Uganda in March. From late March through May there were AAW outbreaks in the Coastal, Nyanza and Rift Valley provinces of Kenya. These outbreaks were monitored by the Desert Locust Control Organization (DLCO) and sprayed by the Kenya Plant Protection Department. Moths from Kenya probably migrated to Ethiopia. In Ethiopia, the first outbreaks were reported from Borena Zone, Teltele Wereda on April 18, 1994. Initial infestations in southern Ethiopia were followed by small outbreaks in central Ethiopia. It is possible that the moths detected in Ethiopia resulted from primary outbreaks originating in southern Ethiopia. In May 1994, the northeastern third of Ethiopia, the provinces of Tigray and Wello, suffered widespread severe outbreaks. Two or three days after the infestations began in Tigray, the AAWs entered Eritrea. The first reported AAW outbreaks in Eritrea came from Hamassien and Serai provinces in June. Within one week, seven of the nine Eritrean provinces were infested: Serai, Akeleguzay, Hamassien, Senhit, Sahil, Semhar, Gash, and Setit. In the Serai, Hamassien, and Senhit provinces alone, about 220,000 hectares were infested. Armyworms attacked African finger millet, taff, maize, sorghum and various grasses that serve as livestock fodder. Larval densities were 60 to 100 larvae per square meter in the Hazemo plain. The highest density recorded during the outbreak was 500 larvae per square meter. Spraying is recommended when caterpillar densities reach or exceed 15 larvae per square meter (Appendix 6). Depending on the area, 25 to 90% of crops were destroyed; forcing many farmers to resow their crops. The outbreak ended in August 1994. 13 III.ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED IN ARMYWORM CONTROL IN ETHIOPIA A. USAID The Eritrean Ministry of Agriculture (MOA), requested pesticides and equipment from USAID and other donors to control the AAW outbreaks (Appendix 2). Since USAID lacked an environmental impact assessment for armyworm control in Ethiopia, USAID regulations [22 CFR 216.3(b) (1)] prohibited USAID from providing pesticides or donating funds that would be used in conjunction with pesticide application activities (Appendix 3). According to USAID/Eritrea, the Mission did not participate in AAW control operations, or provide any support. However, according to Mr. Mehari Tesfayohannes, (Head of the Agricultural Rural Development Department of MOA), MOA used malathion provided in 1993 by USAID (for locust control), to control AAWs. Interviews with Mr. Kidane Ghebrekidan, (a crop protection specialist), and with Mr. Woldu Tekle-Giorgis, (Assistant Head of Plant Protection), confirmed that USAID pesticides were used in the armyworm control operations. To allow USAID to deal with AAWs in the future, AELGA sent Dr. Gary C. Jahn, an entomologist, to Eritrea to prepare this amendment of the "Supplemental Environmental Assessment for Locust/Grasshopper Control in Ethiopia" (Appendix 1). B. National Crop Protection Departments The structure of the Eritrean Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) down to the department level is shown in Appendix 4. MOA is divided into 15 departments. The Department of Agricultural Rural Development (ARD), which deals with armyworm outbreaks, works under the authority of the Vice Minister of Operations. ARD is divided into four divisions: Extension, Plant Protection & Quarantine, Crop Production, and Home Economics & Domestic Handicrafts. The consultant met with Dr. Tesfai Ghermatsion, Minister of Agriculture; Mr. Mehari Tesfayohannes, Head of ARD; Mr. Kidane Ghebrekidan, Plant Protection Expert; and Mr. Woldu TekleGiorgis, Assistant Head of the Plant Protection Section. C. Pesticide Regulatory Bodies As of Nov. 1994 Eritrea had no pesticide regulatory body and no pesticide regulations. D. Desert Locust Control Organization of East Africa (DLCO/EA) 14 The DLCO/EA has an AAW unit which monitors the movement of armyworms. A single Beaver spray aircraft was provided to the Government of Eritrea (GOE) by DLCO/EA. All of the DLCO/EA pilots wear protective clothing (i.e. respirators, helmets, and coveralls) during spray operations. Fenitrothion 96% technical and malathion 95% technical were the pesticides applied by air. E. Donor Agencies GOE did not receive any donor support for the 1994 AAW control campaign. F. NGOS GOE did not receive NGO support for the 1994 AAW control campaign. G. United Nations The UN sent Dr. C. F. Dewhurst to Asmara to present a 2 day seminar on AAWs to MOA/ARD. FAO donated 5600 liters of Dursban to Eritrea for armyworm control. Unfortunately, it arrived in Eritrea in October 1994, two months after the outbreak ended. MOA is saving the pesticide to use next year. IV. AFRICAN ARMYWORM CONTROL A. Control Operations of 1994 1. Forecasting Current "forecasting" methods for Eritrea rely on light trap collections made in and around Asmara. Light traps attract all varieties of insects and are poor devices for monitoring AAW moths. It would better if Eritrea had a network of pheromone traps. ARD was notified in June by the Ethiopian Ministry of Agriculture that AAWs were infesting Ethiopia. The Ethiopian AAW outbreak began in April. This delay in reporting was quite costly to Eritrea (in terms of crop loss) which only had a week to prepare for the outbreak. DLCO/EA only informed ARD of the outbreak situation in Kenya after ARD had already heard from the Ethiopian Ministry of Agriculture. Based on the data collected by DLCO, the 1994 AAW outbreak in Ethiopia and Eritrea could have been predicted months in advance. Eritrea would have had time to prepare for the outbreak if the DLCO information had gone to Asmara promptly. Just as 15 DLCO notifies Ethiopia and Kenya of locust breeding in Eritrea, so too should DLCO notify Eritrea and northern Ethiopia of AAW outbreaks in Tanzania, Kenya, and southern Ethiopia. 2. Pesticide applications ARD was responsible for coordinating AAW control operations throughout Eritrea. A total of 22,970 hectares were treated from the ground with 17,388 liters of liquid pesticide and 42,183 kg of insecticidal dust. A total of 62,246 hectares were treated by air with 26,316 liters of insecticide at an average application rate of 0.42 lt./ha (Appendix 5). This is consistent with the recommended application rate of 0.25 to 0.5 lt./ha for ULV insecticides. Due to the control operations, a second generation of AAWs was not able to re-infest Eritrea. Malathion 96% ULV and fenitrothion 96% ULV were applied by airplane and truck-mounted Micronair. Cypermethrin (a pyrethroid), fenitrothion (an organophosphate or OP), diazinon (an OP), Sevin (carbaryl, a carbamate), propoxur (a carbamate), and Dursban (chlorpyriphos, an OP) were applied by backpack sprayer. Though it was probably unintentional on the part of ARD, using a variety of insecticides to control pest outbreaks is a good strategy for avoiding pesticide resistance. Ground applications were made by extension agents and village brigades. Village brigades consist of farmers that volunteer to apply pesticides with backpack sprayers. There were 15 to 20 teams per province. Each team consisted of 20 to 30 men. ARD does not send women on spray operations out of concern that breast milk may be contaminated by pesticide exposure. Considering that the pesticides are generally applied without protective clothing, this precaution is not unfounded. Certain organophosphates are exceptionally prone to storage in fat tissue, which may be released back into circulation during lactation. No organochlorine pesticides (e.g. aldrin, endosulfan, DDT) were used in the 1994 AAW control operation, but it is worth noting that all organochlorines are highly lipophilic and therefore likely to be excreted in the milk of lactating women (Morgan 1982). 3. Mechanical and cultural control Mechanical control for AAWs was not used in Eritrea in the 1994 outbreak. B. Future directions 16 1. MOA plans to: a. Conduct research on the effectiveness of mechanical control for AAW. b. Request training on AAW control, similar to the AELGA locust training. c. Request more ULV pesticides and more carbamates. 2. DLCO/EA plans to: a. Standardize pesticide emission rates. b. Increase the use of malathion over fenitrothion for AAW control to decrease the environmental impact. c. Conduct quick ground surveys as crops start growing. d. Be pre-positioned with pesticide stocks. e. Have aircraft on stand-by. C. Environmental Impact of the 1994 AAW Control Operations The GOE did not conduct an environmental impact assessment in conjunction with the control operations. No pesticides were applied to sanctuaries or wilderness areas. There were no reports of human health impacts in treated areas, though there was no GOE program to look for such effects. Likewise, there were no reports of birds, fish, or mammals being killed by the pesticides, but GOE made no effort to look for any dead animals. The only reported environmental impact came from bee keepers, who claimed that the treatments caused the death many honey bees. V. AREAS OF CONCERN IN THE 1994 AAW CONTROL OPERATION A. Main Problems 1. Safety equipment shortage While GOE had enough pesticides to control the AAWs, there was a severe shortage of safety equipment. 2. Inadequate warning system Outbreaks were not always reported in a timely manner. There was poor communication between the Ethiopian Ministry of Agriculture and the Eritrean Ministry of Agriculture; between the Eritrean MOA and the Eritrean provincial offices; between DLCO/EA and MOA; and between DLCO/Kenya and DLCO/Eritrea. 3. Damage to honey bees Aerial control operations in Eritrea killed many honey bees. B. National Capacity of Eritrea 1. Pesticides and Safety Equipment 17 The national pesticide stocks were greatly depleted by the control operation. As of Nov. 1994, MOA had about 30,000 liters of emulsifiable concentrate (EC) pesticides: Dursban and Cypermethrin. The EC pesticide formulations are suitable for ground applications. MOA also has 7,600 liters of ultra-low volume (ULV) pesticide, suitable for ground and aerial spraying. The ULV pesticide stock includes the 5,600 liters of ULV Dursban received from FAO in Oct. 1994. The remaining 2000 liters of ULV pesticides are fenitrothion and malathion. In addition, MOA has several hundred kilograms of insecticidal dust and powder. During the 1994 AAW campaign approximately 43,700 liters of liquid insecticide and 42,200 kg. of solid pesticide were applied in Eritrea. A locust outbreak could require from 10,000 to 50,000 liters of pesticides. MOA staff, including the Minister of Agriculture Dr. Tesfai Ghermatsion, told this consultant of the need for USAID or other donors to help replenish pesticide stocks. According to Mehari Tesfayohannes, ARD needs more ULV pesticides and more carbamate insecticides, especially Sevin. The GOE has no B.t. stocks at all, and has never had any. There is a shortage of all types of safety equipment. 2. Facilities a. Pesticide Storage (I) The Eritrean Ministry of Agriculture The majority of useable MOA pesticides are stored at Daropaulos, former military barracks that have been renovated to store pesticides. The pesticides stored at Daro-paulos are properly labeled and are not leaking. The only problem observed at Daro-paulos was that older pesticides were stored in the back of the building while newer pesticides were piled in front of those. There is only one door on the facility, so workers must take out the new pesticides to get to the old pesticides. A simple solution would be to place a back door on the facility so that pesticides could be loaded in one door and removed from the opposing door. In this way, the oldest pesticide would be used first. Other pesticides are stored in a government warehouse while awaiting transfer to Daro-paulos. Several hundred kilograms of solid pesticides are stored near the ARD office in steel shipping cars. All of the facilities were adequately maintained with the exception of the single room at the Gonderand facility in Asmara. The Gonderand facility contains pesticides donated to Eritrea by the Government of Ethiopia and the DLCO/EA 25 years ago. 18 Presently, the Gonderand facility belongs to the Eritrean Ministry of Agriculture. The Gonderand facility is a serious public health hazard. As of Nov. 1994, the facility contained over 30,000 liters of expired pesticides in leaking containers. Pesticides stored there include Ekatin, Malathion, 2,4-D Amine, Sumithion, Diazonon, Dieldrin, and DDT. This chamber is constantly emitting pesticide fumes through a broken window. The chamber floor is coated with a thick oily layer of pesticides about 1 cm deep. The apartments above and adjacent to the store room are occupied by families with small children. These families are exposed to potentially deadly vapors continuously. The GOE was informed of this dangerous situation in March and April 1993 by AELGA. Since then approximately 4000 liters of ULV Fenitrothion and 2,600 liters of Sumithion have been removed from this facility and used for AAW control. Other than that no changes have been made in the Gonderand pesticide facility. II) DLCO/EA The DLCO office in Asmara has a small pesticide stock consisting of approximately 1000 liters DDT and 1000 liters of organophosphates. The barrels are stored outside beneath a roof. The containers are not leaking. VI. CONCLUSIONS The 1994 AAW outbreak was brought under control and large amounts of grain were apparently saved from destruction, though no agency has estimates of the amount of grain saved. Any crop loss was the result of delays in the control operation. Several problems hindered the operation: 1) Poor communication from Kenya and Ethiopia to Eritrea; and inadequate internal communication within Eritrea. Proper communication would have given Eritrea more time to prepare for the outbreak. 2) Improper monitoring. Eritrea relies on light traps to detect AAW moths. Eritrea needs a network of pheromone traps for AAW male moths. GOE also needs personnel trained in the operation and maintenance of the traps. Finally, there must be simplified, standardized reporting of moth data so that Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, and Eritrea and easily and efficiently share AAW data. AAW outbreaks in any of these five nations should be reported to the other four 19 nations as rapidly as possible. Reliance on regional monitoring (i.e. limited to a single province) makes sense for non-migratory pests, but not for migratory pests such as locusts or African armyworms. 3) A shortage of trucks, safety equipment, and application equipment. RECOMMENDATIONS A. Pesticides 1. Relocate the residents of the Gonderand pesticide storage facility as soon as possible. This is a priority item. No other recommendations should be considered until this item is implemented. 2. Remove all pesticides from the Gonderand facility and store them outside Asmara in non-leaking containers. Cleanup all the spilled pesticides and pesticide residues at Gonderand. 3. Do not stockpile pesticides in Eritrea at this time. The dangerous situation at the Gonderand pesticide warehouse indicates that the Government of Eritrea is not prepared to handle a pesticide stockpile at this time. 4. Provide Eritrea with pesticides on an "as-needed" basis for AAW, just as is done for locusts. If USAID provides pesticides to Eritrea for AAW control, a technical expert from USAID should accompany the pesticides to verify that they are being stored and used in a manner consistent with USAID regulations. The USAID technical expert should also verify that ground surveys for pests are conducted prior to aerial spraying. Donors should only provide pesticides in conjunction with adequate amounts of safety equipment. 5. Support the development of a Pesticide Bank in Europe so that assistance organizations and African governments can be pre-positioned for major pest outbreaks. 6. Provide Eritrea with sufficient safety equipment; so that the Government of Eritrea can provide village brigades of farmers with respirators and other protective gear as easily as they provide farmers with pesticides. 7. Provide the Government of Eritrea with guidance on developing pesticide regulations. 8. Test old pesticide stocks to determine which ones are useable. 9. If pesticides must be used, continue using several different kinds of insecticides to avoid selecting for pesticide resistance in AAWs. 20 10. Place a front and back door on all pesticide storage buildings. Use one door for storing pesticides and the other for removing pesticides. In this way, the oldest pesticides will be used first without having to constantly re-arrange the inventory. B. Research 1. Develop formulations of nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV) for control of AAW. NPV is much safer to humans and the environment than pesticides. 2. Determine if any commercial formulations of Bacillus thuringiensis (B.t.), an insecticidal bacteria, provide adequate AAW control. B.t. is more host specific than conventional pesticides, is biodegradable, and is non-toxic to humans. 3. Develop formulations of B.t. isolates shown to be effective against AAW, e.g. B.t. isolate K-26-21. To obtain K26-21 contact Dr. Michael Brownbridge of the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE), P.O. Box 30772, Nairobi, Kenya. 4. Determine if natural enemies can reduce AAW populations at the centers of origin, e.g. Tanzania and Kenya, thus preventing outbreaks in Eritrea 5. Find out what happens to the AAW that migrate to the north. 6. Devise a means of killing the AAW pupae. 7. Develop transgenic plants that incorporate the gene for B.t. toxin to protect crops from AAWs. 8. Identify egg parasites of AAWs. C. Training 1. Support increased pesticide safety training for crop protection workers and farmers. 2. Need for AAW control training similar to the AELGA locust control training. Dr. Dewhurst gave a two day seminar on AAW. The seminar was very popular but it wasn't enough. 3. Teach workers how to maintain pheromone traps and how to report trap data. D. Strategic plans 1. Prevent outbreaks by controlling AAWs in Tanzania and Kenya before they reach Ethiopia or Eritrea. 2. Eritrea should be continuously informed of the status of AAW in Kenya through DLCO. 3. Place AAW pheromone traps throughout the country, concentrating more traps in southern Eritrea. 21 4. Have a planned response to possible monitoring outcomes. 5. Improve the internal communications of Eritrea. All provincial crop protection units should be in radio communication with the MOA in Asmara. 22 REFERENCES Belda, J. and Guerrero, L. 1992. Evaluation of some insecticides against beet armyworm Spodoptera exigua in watermelon. Tests of Agrochemicals and Cultivars 13. Ann. appl. Biol. 120 (Supplement), 12-13. Blair, B. W., Rose, D. J. W., and Law, A. B. 1980. Synoptic weather associated with outbreaks of African armyworm Spodoptera exempta (Walker) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae), in Zimbabwe in 1973 and 1976/77. Zimbabwe Journal of Agricultural Research 18, 95110. Blaney, W. M., Simmonds, M. S. J., Evans, S. V., and Fellows, L. E. 1984. The role of the plant secondary compound 2,5dihydroxymethyl-3,4-dihydroxypyrroline as a feeding inhibitor for insects. Entomol. Exp. Appl. 36, 209-216. Brown, E. S. Summaries. 1972. Armyworm control. Pest Articles and News Brown, E. S., Betts, E. and Rainey, R. C. 1969. Seasonal changes in distribution of the African armyworm, Spodoptera exempta (Wlk.) (Lep. Noctuidae) with special reference to Eastern Africa. Bull. ent. Res. 58, 671-684. Brown, E. S., Stower, W. J., Yeates, M. N. D. 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Publ., S.B.J. Menken, J.H. Visser & P. Harrewijin (eds.), pp. 49-51. Janssen, J. 1993. Soil nutrient availability in a primary outbreak area of the African armyworm, Spodoptera exempta (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), in relation to drought intensity and outbreak development in Kenya. Bulletin of Entomological Research 83, 579-593. Jarret, P. and Burges, H. D. 1986. Isolates of Bacillus thuringiensis active against Mamestra brassicae and some other species: alternatives to the present commercial isolate HD 1. Biol. Agric. Hort. 4, 39-45. Khasimuddin, S. 1977. On the occurrence of an aestivating/diapausing phenomenon in the African armyworm, Spodoptera exempta (Walk.) (Lep., Noctuidae). East African Agriculture and Forestry Journal, 42, 350. Lecadet, M. M. and Martouret, D. 1987. Host specificity of the Bacillus thuringiensis delta endotoxin toward Lepidopteran species: Spodoptera littoralis Bdv and Pieris brassicae. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 49, 37-48. Marcovitch, S. 1957. Forecasting armyworm outbreaks - a possibility. J. Econ. Entomol. 50, 112-113. Morgan, Donald P. 1982. Recognition and Management of Pesticide Poisonings. Third Edition; United States Environmental Protection Agency publication no. EPA-540/9-80-005; 120 pages. Odiyo, P. O. 1979. Forecasting infestations of a migrant pest: the African armyworm, Spodoptera exempta (Walk.). -pp. 403-413 in Gunn, D.L. & Rainey, R.C. (Orgs.). Strategy and tactics of control of migrant pests. -Phil. Trans. R. Soc.(B) 287, 245-488. Odiyo, P.O. 1981. Development of the first outbreaks of the African armyworm Spodoptera exempta (Walk.), between Kenya and Tanzania during the 'off-season' months of July to December. Insect Science and its Application 1, 305-318. 25 Odiyo, P. O. 1984. A guide to seasonal changes in the distribution of armyworm infestations in East Africa. Insect Sci. Applic. 5, 107-119. Pedgley, D. E., Page, W. W., Mushi, A., Odiyo, P., Amisi, J., Dewhurst, C. F., Dunstan, W. R., Fishpool, L. D. C., Harvey, A. W., Megenasa, T. and Rose, D. J. W. 1989. Onset and spread of an African armyworm upsurge. Ecological Entomology 14, 311-333. Perfecto, I. 1991. Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) as natural control agents of pests in irrigated maize in Nicaragua. J. Econ. Entomol. 84 (1), 65-70. Rainey, R. C. 1979. Control of the armyworm Spodoptera exempta in eastern Africa and southern Arabia: report of a mission to formulate an inter-regional project. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, FAO AGPP: MISC/32. Riley, J. R., Reynolds, D. R. and Farmery, M. J. 1983. Observations of the flight behaviour of the armyworm moth Spodoptera exempta, at an emergence site using radar and infrared optical techniques. Ecological Entomology 8, 395-418. Rose , D. J. W. 1979. The significance of low-density populations of the African armyworm Spodoptera exempta (Walk.). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, B, 287, 393-402. Rose, D. J. W. and Dewhurst, C. F. 1979. The African armyworm, Spodoptera exempta -- congregation of moths in trees before flight. Ent. exp. & appl. 26, 346-348. Rose, D. J. W., Page, W. W., Dewhurst, C. F., Riley, J. R., Reynolds, D. R., Pedgley, D. E., and Tucker, M. R. 1985. Downwind migration of the African armyworm moth, Spodoptera exempta, studied by mark and capture and by radar. Ecological Entomology 10, 299-313. Schulthess, F., Bosque, N. A., and Gounou, S. 1991. Sampling lepidopterous pests on maize in West Africa. Bulletin of Entomological Research 81, 297-301. Simmonds, M. S. J., Blaney, W. M. and Fellows, L. E. 1990. Behavioral and electrophysiological study of antifeedant mechanisms associated with polyhydroxy alkaloids. Journal of Chemical Ecology 16 (11), 3167-3196. 26 Simmonds, M. S. J., Fellows, L. E. and Blaney, W. M. 1989. Wild plants as a source of novel anti-insect compounds: Alkaloidal glycosidase inhibitors, pp. 365-377, in G. Wickens, N. Haq, and P. Day (eds.). New Crops for Food and Industry. Croom Helm, England. Tucker, M. R. 1983. Light trap catches of African armyworm moths, Spodoptera exempta (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Entomophaga 26, 179-190. Tucker, M. R., Mwandoto, S. and Pedgley, D. E. 1982. Further evidence for windborne movement of armyworm moths Spodoptera exempta, in East Africa. Ecological Entomology 7, 463-473. Wheatley, P. E. and Crowe, T. J. 1967. Pest Handbook. The Recognition and Control of the More Important Pests of Agriculture in Kenya. Government Printer, Nairobi, Kenya, 35 pp. Yarrow, J. G. Otindo, B. L., Gatehouse, A. G., and Lubega, M. C. 1981. Dwarf variety of coconut, Cocos nucifera (Palmae), a host plant for the African armyworm, Spodoptera exempta (Walk.) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). Insect Science and its Application 1, 361-362. 27 TRIP REPORT: GARY C. JAHN IN ERITREA, 3-11 NOV. 1994 AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT OF AFRICAN ARMYWORM CONTROL IN ERITREA: AN AMENDMENT TO THE "ERITREAN SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR GRASSHOPPER AND LOCUST CONTROL" The 1994 African Armyworm (AAW) outbreaks in Eritrea most likely originated in Tanzania or Kenya in January 1994. From March through May 1994, AAW moths migrated from Tanzania to Kenya and Uganda. Moths from Kenya probably migrated to Ethiopia. In Ethiopia, the first outbreaks were reported from Borena on April 18, 1994. The outbreak then spread to eastern Ethiopia. By the end of May the outbreak spread throughout Ethiopia with the exception of the Afar region. By June the armyworms had entered Eritrea. The outbreak ended in August 1994. The Eritrean Ministry of Agriculture (MOA), requested pesticides and equipment for the armyworm control operations, but received no donor support until the outbreak was over. MOA used pesticides remaining from locust campaigns to treat for AAWs. MOA maintains that its pesticide stocks are now seriously depleted. Since USAID lacked an environmental impact assessment for armyworm control in Eritrea, USAID regulation 22 CFR 216.3(b)(1) prohibited USAID from providing pesticides or donating funds that would be used in conjunction with pesticide application activities. However, MOA used pesticides provided in 1993 by USAID for locust control, to control AAWs. DLCO/EA provided Eritrea with one aircraft for aerial applications of pesticide. To allow USAID to deal with AAWs in the future, AELGA sent Dr. Gary C. Jahn, an entomologist, to Eritrea to prepare an amendment of the "Supplemental Environmental Assessment for Locust/Grasshopper Control in Eritrea." During his TDY, Dr. Jahn interviewed members of MOA and the Desert Locust Control Organization of East Africa (DLCO/EA). He surveyed fields where insecticides were applied for AAW control. He also inspected the pesticide storage facilities of MOA and DLCO/EA in Eritrea. The most serious problems in the 1994 Eritrean AAW control campaign were insufficient warning time, poor international communication, inadequate communication between provinces, and a complete lack of pheromone traps in Eritrea for monitoring armyworm moths. 28 The national pesticide stocks were greatly depleted by the control operation. Currently the Government of Eritrea (GOE) has about 30,000 liters of emulsifiable concentrate (EC) pesticides, suitable for ground applications; and 7,600 liters of ultra-low volume (ULV) pesticide, suitable for ground and aerial spraying. GOE also has several hundred kilograms of insecticidal dust and wettable powder. During the 1994 AAW campaign approximately 43,700 liters of liquid insecticide and 42,200 kg. of solid pesticide were applied in Eritrea. A locust outbreak could require from 10,000 to 50,000 liters of pesticides. MOA staff, including the Minister of Agriculture Dr. Tesfai Ghermatsion, told this consultant of the need for USAID or other donors to help replenish pesticide stocks. In accordance with these requests, this consultant inspected all of the pesticide storage facilities in Eritrea. All of the facilities were adequately maintained with the exception of the Gonderand facility in Asmara. The Gonderand facility is a serious public health hazard. The facility consists of a single room containing over 30,000 liters of expired pesticides in leaking containers. Pesticides stored there include Ekatin, Malathion, 2,4-D Amine, Sumithion, Diazonon, Dieldrin, and DDT. This chamber is constantly emitting pesticide fumes through a broken window. The chamber floor is coated with a thick oily layer of pesticides about 1 cm deep. The apartments above and adjacent to the store room are occupied by families with small children. These families are exposed to potentially deadly vapors continuously. The GOE was informed of this dangerous situation in March and April 1993 by AELGA. Since then approximately 4000 liters of ULV Fenitrothion and 2,600 liters of Sumithion have been removed from this facility and used for AAW control. Other than that no changes have been made in the Gonderand pesticide facility. Without importing additional pesticides, the 1994 AAW outbreak was brought under control by MOA. Large amounts of grain were apparently saved from destruction, though there are no estimates available of the amount of grain saved. RECOMMENDATIONS A. Pesticides 1. Relocate the residents of the Gonderand pesticide storage facility as soon as possible. This is a priority item. No other recommendations should be considered until this item is implemented. 29 2. Remove all pesticides from the Gonderand facility and store them outside Asmara in non-leaking containers. Cleanup all the spilled pesticides and pesticide residues at Gonderand. 3. Do not stockpile pesticides in Eritrea at this time. The dangerous situation at the Gonderand pesticide warehouse indicates that the Government of Eritrea is not prepared to handle a pesticide stockpile at this time. 4. Provide Eritrea with pesticides on an "as-needed" basis for AAW, just as is done for locusts. If USAID provides pesticides to Eritrea for AAW control, a technical expert from USAID should accompany the pesticides to verify proper storage, use, and ground surveys. 5. Support the development of a Pesticide Bank in Europe so that assistance organizations and African governments can be pre-positioned for major pest outbreaks. 6. Provide Eritrea with sufficient safety equipment. 7. Provide GOE with guidance on developing pesticide regulations. 8. Test old pesticide stocks to determine which ones are useable. 9. If pesticides must be used, use several different kinds of insecticides to avoid selecting for resistance. 10. Use a front door for storing and a back door for removing pesticides so that the oldest pesticides will be used first. B. Research 1. Develop formulations of nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV) for control of AAW. NPV is safer to humans than pesticides. 2. Determine if any commercial formulations of Bacillus thuringiensis (B.t.), an insecticidal bacteria, control AAW. 3. Develop formulations of B.t. isolates shown to be effective against AAW, e.g. B.t. isolate K-26-21. 4. Determine if natural enemies can control AAWs in Tanzania and Kenya, thus preventing outbreaks in Eritrea 5. Find out what happens to the AAW that migrate to the north. 6. Devise a means of killing the AAW pupae. 7. Develop transgenic plants that incorporate the gene for B.t. toxin to protect crops from AAWs. 8. Identify egg parasites of AAWs. C. Training 1. Support increased pesticide safety training for crop protection workers and farmers. 30 2. Need for AAW control training similar to the AELGA training for locust control. 3. Teach workers how to maintain pheromone traps and how to report trap data. D. Strategic plans 1. Prevent outbreaks by controlling AAWs in Tanzania and Kenya before they reach Ethiopia or Eritrea. 2. Eritrea should be continuously informed of the status of AAW in Kenya through DLCO. 3. Place AAW pheromone traps throughout the country,concentrating more traps in southern Eritrea. 4. Have a planned response to possible monitoring outcomes. 5. All provincial crop protection units should be in radio communication with the MOA in Asmara. NOTE: The opinions expressed in this trip report are those of Dr. Gary C. Jahn and are not the official views of USAID. The draft AAW Amendment to the Eritrean Locust SEA also contains these views. At the time of writing this trip report (12 Nov. 1994), the AAW Amendment has not yet been approved by USAID/Washington D.C.. 31 Allan, I think that the way AELGA handled the Eritrean/Ethiopian situation is an excellent example of rapid response, health & environmental responsibility, and even cultural sensitivity (AELGA treated Eritrea as an independent entity in anticipation of the upcoming referendum). This was a good example of using the participatory approach that is being emphasized by the current Administrator. Participatory, in that all of the control opertions and surveys were made by DLCO and DOA/Eritrea. We proved guidance but the Africans were entirely in control of the operation ----- as it should be. This was a good example of USAID team work: Jahn (R&D, then) did the Eritrean SEA and started an Ethiopian SEA, Schroeder completed the Ethiopian SEA, Belayneh provided expert advice on toxicology, Showler returned to Eritrea and Ethiopia for follow-up (follow-up is something that many agencies fail to do!). OFDA, FAO, DLCO, and the Eritrean Dept. Agr. were of course indispensible to the success of this mission. So, in case you guys want to write the Eritrean/Ethiopian experience up into a story for Brain Atwood, I'm resending you my trip report as a quick reference (I know these kind of things always get misplaced... at least around here they do). My trip report does not include descriptions of how we got DLCO to clean-up their dangerous pesticide storage facility, nor the terrible situation at the Gowonderan apartment/storage site. You may want to include those, though I imagine the press could put a negative spin it, so it should be handled carefully. If you'd like more input from me on this just let me know. Gary ***************************************************************** TRIP REPORT: Ethiopia & Eritrea (4-24 March 1993) Gary C. Jahn AAAS Science & Diplomacy Fellow Major desert locusts outbreaks in the Eritrean desert were reported by the Desert Locust Control Organization for East Africa (DLCO-EA) in January and February of 1993. Scientists at DLCO-EA determined that it was necessary to control the desert locusts with pesticides in order to prevent a plague. All crops in the region, except coffee and prickly pear cactus, were at risk. Based on the history of grain loss in Eritrea and Ethiopia during locusts plagues, 150,000 to 170,000 metric tons of grain could be destroyed by locusts if the outbreak became a plague. While this represents a loss of only 2-3% of the expected grain 32 yield, it is enough grain to feed 1 million people for a year. DLCO-EA did not have adequate stocks of the appropriate insecticide to bring the locusts under control. AID's Environmental Procedures [22 CFR part 216] governing the provision of pesticides require that a Supplemental Environmental Assessment (SEA) be made for a country before USAID is permitted to provide assistance in the form of pesticides. The SEA identifies critical habitats in the country where pesticides should not be applied, provides an overview on the state of pesticide management in the country, and makes recommendations on all aspects of pest control that effect the environment. The USAID Mission in Ethiopia, and their branch office in Eritrea, requested that an entomologist be sent to Eritrea to prepare an SEA and to make recommendations on locust control. Dr. Allan Showler (AFR/ONI/TPPI) asked me to travel to Eritrea to prepare the SEA. I arrived in Asmara on 4 March 1993. Originally I was scheduled to return to the U.S. on 16 March 1993. However, the USAID/Ethiopia Mission requested that I stay until 24 March 1993 to help coordinate locust control operations, to provide oversight for the environmental aspects of the effort, and to gather the background information for an SEA for Ethiopia (in addition to Eritrea). On March 5th I flew from Asmara to Alg Ma'amas with members of DLCO-EA to observe the locust situation first hand. It is not possible to observe the locust bands from an airplane, but the first part of our journey had to be made by plane since the area from Massawa to Alg Ma'amas was landmined; a grim reminder that the 30 year Eritrean-Ethiopian war had ended only two years earlier. The recent rains made the land mined area green with new vegetation. Historically, the area has been a major site for desert locust breeding. Given that the weather conditions were perfect for locust breeding, and that locust outbreaks had been observed in the surrounding area, DLCO-EA assumed that locusts were breeding in the mined area. To prevent a locust plague, DLCO-EA used Beaver aircraft to blanket spray the entire mined area with fenitrothion in February. In terms of locust control the decision to blanket-spray was reasonable. However, fenitrothion is highly toxic to birds and aquatic invertebrates. Had DLCO-EA sprayed malathion, carbaryl, or acephate the risk of environmental damage would have been less. DLCO-EA wanted the Eritrean military to remove the landmines as soon as possible. Aerial spraying is inefficient and costly. To control hoppers (immature, wingless locusts) it is necessary 33 to send in ground teams that can spray the pesticides directly where needed. Mr. Franz Herder, the USAID representative in Asmara, discussed the situation with Eritrean and U.S. military officers. The U.S. military was not able to assist in the mine removal operations for political and logistic reasons. At the time, the U.S. military was committed to aiding Somalia. Meanwhile, the Eritrean military was clearing mines with tanks fit with rollers in the front. The tanks were driven along slowly, setting off the mine in front of them with the heavy rollers. The process was slow and dangerous. One Eritrean colonel claimed that the landmines did not present a major obstacle to locust control operations, since the mines were designed to be set-off by tanks. He suggested that unless the mines were rusting or defective, automobiles and humans were probably not heavy enough to trigger an explosion. Tragically, an Australian journalist lost his leg a few days later when he unknowingly stepped on a mine intended for tanks. Wisely, the DLCO-EA has maintained a strict policy of never sending ground teams into mined areas. It took us about an hour to fly over the mines to a crude runway near the DLCO-EA camp site. We moved into the desert in land rovers to find the locusts. On the way to a wadi (a temporary river) we saw nomads, camels, and a variety of wildlife. These observations underscored the need for extreme caution in applying pesticides to the area. We first spotted a small swarm of adult locusts feeding on bulrush millet. This swarm had already been sprayed a few days earlier at another location. DLCO-EA estimated that the ground teams had killed about 75% of this swarm with fenitrothion. The surviving locusts covered an area of less than a hectare at an estimated density of 3 locust per square meter. Approximately one fifth of the locusts were already bright yellow, indicating sexual maturity. Conditions were ideal for oviposition (egg-laying) and rapid development. Each female has the potential to lay 200 eggs, although 160 is more typical. For reasons not yet understood, a number of eggs will never hatch, so that the actual reproductive capacity of each female is about 100 eggs. About half of the locusts are female, so within a single generation the locusts can increase their numbers 50 times. It takes only 120 to 130 days for a new generation of desert locusts to reach adulthood. Over the next four hours I saw two large bands of hoppers marching across the sand. These bands were extremely dense, having an estimated 50 to 100 locusts per square meter. Bands were 1 to 2 meters wide and 10 to 20 meters long. It is not known why the hoppers all march in the same direction within a 34 band. If the hoppers are approached they will initially scatter and then move in unison in a different (apparently random) direction, rather like a school of fish. Based on my own observations and on reports from DLCO-EA, the Eritrean Department of Agriculture, and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) I estimated the extent of the locust infestation. Approximately 1022 km2 of land needed to be sprayed for desert locusts. After ascertaining the pesticide inventories of DLCO-EA and the Eritrean Department of Agriculture I determined that Eritrea needed an additional 25,000 liters of 96% ULV malathion to prevent a locust plague. Dr. Karrar, the director of DLCO-EA independently came to the same conclusion. Dr. Karrar and I presented our observations and conclusions at the donor meeting in Addis Ababa on 10 March 1993. Representatives of USAID/Ethiopia, FAO, the European Economic Community (EEC), the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), and donor organizations from Italy and Japan supported our conclusions. Following the donor meeting, Mr. Mike Harvey and Ms. Wendy Fenton of USAID/Ethiopia requested 25,000 liters of malathion for locust control from AID's African Emergency Locust and Grasshopper Assistance (AELGA) Project. Dr. Allan Showler, who helps runs AELGA, and Ms. Carol Siegel of the Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) procured the malathion for Eritrea in less than 2 weeks. In addition to pesticides, AELGA & OFDA supplied Eritrea with safety equipment and radio communication equipment vital to the locust control operation. Ms. Siegel's and Dr. Showler's experience with locust emergency situations made the entire operation run smoothly. Surveys by DLCO-EA in April 1993 indicated that the malathion applications successfully controlled the desert locusts and prevented a locust plague. My other activities in Eritrea and Ethiopia included: evaluating the effectiveness and environmental impact of control operations; meeting with donors to discuss the relative roles of donor agencies (see attached list of contacts); inspecting pesticide storage and disposal facilities; recommending safer pesticide storage and disposal practices; evaluating locust research at DLCO-EA; determining priority needs for locust control; making long term recommendations for locust management to minimize pesticide usage; identifying key areas of research for a sustainable program of integrated locust management; and identifying critical habitats in Eritrea and Ethiopia where spraying should be restricted. 35 SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF THE ERITREAN LOCUST CONTROL PROGRAM United States Agency for International Development Mission to Eritrea In Cooperation with the Provisional Government of Eritrea Asmara, Eritrea March 1993 36 xxxvii xxxviii xxxix TABLE OF CONTENTS Section LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES iii PREFACE LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS v 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2.0 PURPOSE AND PROCEDURES 4 2.1 Background 2.2 Drafting Procedure 5 2.3 Previous Assessments 2.4 Environmental Procedures 6 Page iv 1 4 6 3.0 LOCUST SITUATION IN ERITREA 8 3.1 Locust Infestation of July 1992 to March 1993 8 3.2 Agricultural Resources 10 3.3 Desert Locusts 11 3.4 Locust Management - Overview 12 3.5 Locust Management Operations 14 3.6 Pesticide Management 18 3.7 Cultural and Biological Management 20 3.8 Safety and Human Health 21 ii 4.0 ENVIRONMENT 4.1 Eritrea - Environmental Profile 23 4.2 Climate 4.3 Restricted Habitats 24 23 23 5.0 REFERENCES 25 APPENDIX 29 APPENDIX 30 APPENDIX 39 APPENDIX A. LIST OF PREPARERS/CONTACTS B. ANALYSIS OF PEA RECOMMENDATIONS C. RELEVANT DOCUMENTATION D. MAPS iii APPENDIX E. APPENDIX F. PESTICIDES TABLES CABLE: UPDATE ON A.I.D.-APPROVED LIST OF FOR LOCUST/GRASSHOPPER CONTROL LIST OF TABLES iv LIST OF FIGURES PREFACE This document is a supplement to the Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) concerning USAID assistance in Locust control Programs. This Supplementary Environmental Assessment (SEA) was prepared by an AID/W Technical Assistant with the support from the Provisional Government of Eritrea. Document Preparers and contact persons are listed in Appendix A. v This document has been reviewed by A.I.D./Ethiopia, the Provisional Government of Eritrea, and AID/W. It reflects the best current description of future options for the USAID assistance programs to the Eritrean Department of Agriculture (DOA) and to the Desert Locust Control Organization for Eastern Africa (DLCO-EA) for locust management. It contains the best available estimates of environmental impact and possible mitigating strategies. This may include training programs covering improved health and environmental protection, as well as support for early survey and spot treatment programs. Encouragement is given for the use of alternatives to chemical pesticides, along with prudent and environmentally sound use of pesticides when these materials are necessary. The commitments for any possible future program are contingent on the future needs for locust control, the capabilities of the DLCOEA, and on a decision by A.I.D. to provide assistance. LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AcetylCholinesterase AELGA African Emergency Locust/Grasshopper Assistance Project - USAID/Washington A.I.D./W Washington, Agency for International Development, D.C. APHIS of USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service CFR U.S. Code of Federal Regulations CIDA Canadian International Development Agency DLCO-EA Desert Locust Control Organization for Eastern Africa DOA Eritrean Department of Agriculture EA Environmental Assessment EEC European Economic Community vi AChE U.S. Environmental Protection Agency EPLF Eritrean People's Liberation Front FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations GTZ German Technical Assistance Agency ha hectare (100 m x 100 m) IFAD Development International Fund for Agricultural IPM Integrated Pest Management km kilometer mg/kg ODA Kingdom milligrams per kilogram Overseas Development Administration, United OFDA Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance OP Organophosphate insecticide PEA Programmatic Environmental Assessment PGE Provisional Government of Eritrea ppm parts per million (ambient concentration) SEA Supplemental Environmental Assessment SIDA Swedish International Development Agency vii EPA USAID United States Agency for International Development viii USAID/Ethiopia - USAID Mission to Ethiopia, head office located in Addis Ababa, field office in Asmara, Eritrea 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This assessment is a supplement to the Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) for Locust and Grasshopper Control in Africa and Asia. It was developed to provide explicit, country-specific environmental details and guidance in Eritrea to allow A.I.D. assistance in regard to locust management. The material in this document considers the specific locusts and species in Eritrea, and the potential environmental impact of control operations. This environmental assessment is an extension of the PEA and is, as such, an integral part of it. Both documents should be consulted during planning and operational stages of implementation . The information contained in this document is intended for use by USAID/Ethiopian Mission in Eritrea, the Eritrean Department of Agriculture (DOA), the Desert Locust Control Organization of Eastern Africa (DLCO-EA), and the Food Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO/UN) to guide environmentally sound desert locust management in Eritrea. Additional relevant information should be added to this SEA in the future as appropriate, in the form of appendixes. Survey and immediate treatment operations prevent locust outbreaks. Prevention reduces crop loss and operational costs. Early season intervention requires less pesticide than late season emergency operations, and therefore has less impact on the environment. 2 This document therefore, recommends that any U.S.funded assistance concerning locust management should promote the development of preventive pest management program for locust control. An IPM program reduces pesticides usage by relying on effective monitoring, 3 forecasting and a variety of locust control methods; using insecticides only when necessary. Non-chemical methods of locust control include: destroying locust eggs by turning the soil, burning abandoned fields in wadi areas to destroy potential locust breeding grounds, and applying micro-organisms (that are pathogenic to locusts, but not humans) to locust breeding ares. This SEA recommends that FAO take the lead in this area, as this organization has had considerable experience in Africa with such efforts. Environmental awareness is emphasized. The fragile ecosystems surrounding rivers, the Red Sea coast, and the Dahlak Islands merit special attention. Fragile ecological areas need to be protected from chemical pesticides, as the impact can be both dramatic and long lasting. Buffer zones of 2.5 to 5 km surrounding protected areas should be observed in any U.S.-funded locust control operation. Training must be part of any USAID pest control assistance program. Pesticide safety and the environmental effects of pesticide use and misuse should be conveyed to DOA personnel, to DLCO-EA personnel, and to the general public through education and public awareness campaigns. Farmer training and Village Brigades can be an important part of management operations, and their use should be stressed. Proper pesticide management must be a priority in locust control operations. Because misused pesticides affect both the environment and crop production in terms of increased costs, any locust control program must consider possible consequences carefully. Pesticide storage and application are important components of pesticide use. Pesticides should only be stored with other pesticides and should never be stored with flammable or potentially explosive materials. Pesticide containers must be disposed of in a manner that will prevent food or water from being stored in them. This SEA encourages the Provisional Government of Eritrea to enforce Ethiopian regulations dealing with pesticides, until Eritrea drafts its own pesticide regulations. These issues must be fully considered and monitored in a USAID-funded activity. 4 Monitoring of pesticide effects on non-target species and the environment should be included as an integral part of any pesticide use program. Monitoring results should be used in the planning and operational phases of future locust control programs to adjust or curtail environmentally damaging operations. This SEA suggests that Eritrea should monitor environmental pesticide residues. Analysis of blood acetylcholinesterase levels in organophosphate (OP) insecticide handlers and applicators is recommended, and should be part of a U.S.-funded program. As of March 1993 the DLCO-EA in Eritrea had 10,000 liters of fenitrothion and 4,000 liters of malathion. DOA in Eritrea had a variety of pesticides, including 7000 kg of expired Actellic. DOA has four storage sites for pesticides: two of the facilities are buildings in the DOA compound; one site is at a shipping-container stock yard; and the final facility is a 10 m X 10 m X 5 m room in the Gwonderan district of Asmara. Families reside in the rooms above and adjacent to the Gwonderan storage facility. The barrels of pesticides stored there are leaking. Decontamination of the Gwonderan facility should begin as soon as possible. 5 2.0 PURPOSE AND PROCEDURES 2.1 Background 2.1.1 The Purpose of this SEA Due to an outbreak of locusts in Sahelian Africa in 1987, the Administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) declared an emergency waiver of the Agency's Environmental Procedures [22 CFR part 216] governing the provision of pesticides. The waiver permitted USAID to provide assistance for procurement and use of pesticides for locust control without full compliance with the Agency's environmental procedures. The waiver expired on 15 August 1989. Since then, all USAID assistance for procurement and use of pesticides must fully comply with the Agency's environmental procedures. The 1989 Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) and the country-specific Supplemental Environmental Assessments (SEAs) will serve as the basis for these regulatory procedures. The SEAs contain specific environmental information and provide guidance on environmentally sound pest management procedures for pesticide use against locusts and grasshoppers in a particular country. SEAs have been completed and approved for most of the Sahelian countries as well as for Morocco, Tunisia, and Madagascar. In 1991, A.I.D.'s African Emergency Locust and Grasshopper Assistance (AELGA) Project reviewed the PEA and SEAs in a Review of Environmental Concerns in A.I.D. Programs for Locust and Grasshopper Control, Publ. Series No. 91-7. Locust and grasshopper control involves preventive intervention as well as emergency response. Ideally, locust management will negate the need for emergency response. The current outbreak of locusts in Eritrea requires rapid, coordinated preventive measures to avoid 6 the development of a locust plague. Such a plague would certainly devastate Eritrea's and Ethiopia's agricultural production, and would threaten that of North Africa and parts of Western Asia. Unfortunately the Desert Locust Control Organization for Eastern Africa (DLCO-EA) is severely limited in its preventive capacity due to funding problems and the civil strife. The most urgent task is to supply DLCO-EA with the necessary funding, equipment, and labor to prevent a massive upsurge of locusts that could develop into a full scale plague. The long range goal of U.S. assistance should be to help effect a sustainable preventive approach to locust management in Desert Locust outbreak areas. This SEA will describe both the immediate and long term measures necessary to achieve environmentally sound locust management in Eritrea. 2.1.2 Eritrea and Problem The Unique Political Situation in its Relation to the Locust In May 1991, the Eritrean-Ethiopian war ended. A referendum on 24 April 1993 will determine whether or not Eritrea is an independent nation. Eritrea is no longer under Ethiopian rule, but it is not yet a fully independent nation. Eritrea is currently governed by a provisional government established by the Eritrean People's Liberation Front (EPLF). This SEA will apply to the pre- and post-referendum period of Eritrea, regardless of the outcome of the referendum. Eritrea currently has no laws regulating the use, storage, or disposal of pesticides. The Provisional Government of Eritrea's Department of Agriculture (DOA) use DLCO-EA guidelines for pesticide usage in lieu of national regulations when treating for locusts. Eritrea has no effective intrinsic capacity to deal with the locust outbreak. Access roads to northern Eritrea are land-mined, making access by land extremely 7 dangerous. Land mines also prevent DLCO from surveying key areas by ground for locust outbreaks. The Provisional Government of Eritrea requested motorized and manual sprayers from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN). Spray aircraft were mobilized through the DLCO-EA (with a special allocation from the FAO) for aerial control operations. 2.1.3. Relation to USAID/Ethiopia Program Should USAID/Ethiopia choose to provide chemical pesticides to Eritrea, the Environmental Procedures in Regulation 16 (22 CFR 216) must be followed. The PEA and this document fulfill the requirements necessary to allow USAID to provide assistance to Eritrea. 2.2 Drafting Procedure A.I.D. Environmental Procedure 22 CFR 216.3 (a) (4) describes the process to be used in preparing an Environmental Assessment. The rationale and approach for country-specific SEAs are outlined in cables State 258416 (12 Aug. 1989) and State 275775 (28 Aug. 1989). This SEA was produced in March 1993 by a consultant, Dr. Gary C. Jahn. The USAID/Ethiopia Mission and AFR/ONI/TPPI in AID/W assisted in the preparation of this draft by providing logistical support for needed field work, reference documentation, and contacts within the Eritrean government. 2.3. Previous Assessments The previous assessment concerning this subject, and the primary supportive document is the Programmatic Environmental Assessment for Locust and Grasshopper Control in Africa/Asia (TAMS/CICP, 1989) (PEA). The PEA covers grasshopper and locust control operations in Africa and Western Asia. This SEA is a supplement to 8 the PEA, and should be considered an integral part of the PEA. This document concerns the country-specific environmental issues not addressed in the PEA. The following documents were used in preparing this assessment: (1) Review of Environmental Concerns in A.I.D. Programs for Locust and Grasshopper Control (U.S. Agency for International Development, Washington, D.C., September 1991); (2) Final Report on the Handling of Pesticide in Anglophone West Africa. (Youdeowei, 1989 FAO Conference report, Accra, Ghana); (3) Final Report on Pesticide Management in Francophone West Africa. (Alomenu, 1989 Report on the FAO Conference at Accra, Ghana); (4) Supplemental Environmental Assessments for Chad, Cameroon, Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, and Madagascar; (5) The Africa Emergency Locust/Grasshopper Assistance Midterm Evaluation (with specificcountry case studies for Chad, Mali, Niger, Mauritania, and Cape Verde) (Appleby, Settle & Showler, 1989). (6) Needs Assessments of SEAs to be conducted in Botswana, Tanzania, and Zambia. These documents, Internal USAID/Ethiopia data, and Internal USAID/Eritrea data were used in this SEA without citation. Other relevant documents are cited in section 5.0 and Appendix C. 9 2.4 Environmental Procedures 2.4.1 Eritrean Pesticide Regulations Eritrea does not have procedures equivalent to the U.S. National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) or USAID Environmental Procedures. The provisional government does not have any regulation governing pesticides. Instead, Eritrea is relying on the FAO guidelines established for DLCO-EA to govern pesticide usage. These guidelines are consistent with the USAID environmental regulations: 22 CRF Part 216, A.I.D. Environmental Procedures; Foreign Assistance Act, Section 117, Environment and Natural Resources; and the 1991 A.I.D. Pest and Pesticide Management Guidelines. Eritrea is also using Ethiopian pesticide regulations until Eritrean pesticide regulations can be enacted. This SEA recommends that A.I.D. support FAO leadership in assisting Eritrea to develop national pesticide regulations. The FAO codes of conduct regarding pesticide safety may be a logical starting point for those concerned with creating Eritrean pesticide regulations. 2.4.2 Other Environmental Regulations in Eritrea While Eritrea has national parks and forests where building of homes is prohibited, there are no restrictions on where pesticides can be applied. This SEA recommends that the Provisional Government of Eritrea establish designated zones, especially of fragile habitats, that are protected from pesticide use. 2.4.3 U.S. Regulations 10 It is USAID policy to ensure that any negative environmental consequences of an A.I.D.-financed activity be identified and mitigated to the fullest extent possible prior to a final funding and implementation decision. This document covers specific environmental consequences involved with chemical pesticide use, and necessary safeguards and mitigation for any future control programs. In addition, alternatives to chemical pesticide use are recommended when appropriate, and considered to be part of an overall integrated pest management (IPM) program. According to Pest Management Guidelines of the Agency for International Development (1991): "A.I.D.'s regulations require that the potential environmental consequences of A.I.D.financed activities are identified and considered by A.I.D. and the host country prior to the final decision to proceed with an activity. The procedures that guide this regulation are set forth in 22 CFR Part 216. Section 117(c) of the Foreign Assistance Act and Section 533(g) of the 1991 Approbation Act require that A.I.D. review its projects, programs, and activities in accordance with requirements of 22 CFR Part 216. A.I.D.'s policy is to approve for procurement or use only those pesticides that are critically needed and proven safe." U.S. pesticide contributions to Eritrea will be regulated by U.S. pesticide regulations and procedures (as described in the PEA). Only those pesticides listed in the PEA (or amendments thereof) as being approved for use against locusts or grasshoppers are acceptable (see Appendix F). In a U.S. operation, pesticides are to be used according to label instructions only. Used 11 pesticide containers and any unwanted pesticide resulting from a U.S.-funded operation must be disposed of properly and safely. No U.S. funds shall be used to purchase, transport, or apply any pesticide that has been banned in the U.S.. This includes the chlorinated hydrocarbons, such as dieldrin and lindane. 3.0 LOCUST SITUATION IN ERITREA 3.1 Locust infestation of July 1992 to March 1993 The origins of the infestations are uncertain. Locust breeding occurred on the central Tihama of Saudi Arabia between April and June 1992. These locusts were presumably controlled, but survivors may have moved westward. In July 1992 a locust upsurge in the central and southern Red Sea coastal plains of Eritrea, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Egypt was reported by DLCO. In late July there was widespread heavy rain on the Eritrean coast and on the Tihama of Yemen. There was also localized breeding in the interior of Sudan during the summer rains. Thus, the latest infestation probably has multiple origins. This is typical of locust upsurges in the Red Sea trench in winter and spring. Above average rainfall in September and October of 1992 led to an upsurge of desert locust in the winter breeding areas along the Red Sea Coast of Yemen, Sudan, and Eritrea (Map 1). Adult locust started breeding and two generations probably occurred before the first swarms were observed in early November 1992. In November 1992 adults were found at an average density of 500 per hectare. DLCO-EA initiated spraying activities in the infested areas of Sudan and Eritrea to control the locust populations before they reached the adult stage, where they develop wings and start to swarm. Unfortunately, these efforts were not sufficient and the 12 locusts produced a third generation of gregarious hoppers. By January 1993 there were desert locust outbreaks in at least three separate areas of Eritrea, though the locusts were still in the desert. Locust outbreaks usually result in partially gregarised populations that die without producing hopper bands. In February 1993, however, fully gregarised populations produced hopper bands in Eritrea and Sudan. There were over 1000 adult desert locusts per hectare, and more than 5000 hoppers per hectare. All of the locusts in a band were at the same stage of development. Desert locusts infested a total area of approximately 1180 km2. By late February 158.08 km2 were treated: 608 hectares were sprayed from the ground and 15,200 hectares were sprayed from the air using 8,130 liters of fenitrothion. The sprayed area included land mined areas from Masawa to Alg Ma'amas. The land-mines prohibited ground survey and ground spraying. Air surveys indicated that the conditions and vegetation in the mined areas were suitable for locust breeding. However, air surveys were not sufficient to indicate whether or not locusts were present. DLCO-EA assumed that locusts were in the mined areas and blanket sprayed ULV fenitrothion by air. While this decision made sense in terms of locust control, it may not have been the best environmental choice. Given that the spraying was done near the Red Sea coast, the potential for damage to wildlife, especially aquatic wildlife, was high. Under these conditions it may have been better to apply acephate or malathion to the mined areas. Acephate and malathion are less toxic than fenitrothion to fish, birds, and aquatic invertebrates. Bioaccumulation is also less of a problem with acephate and malathion than with fenitrothion. However, fenitrothion is one of the A.I.D.-approved insecticides. A complete list of pesticides approved by A.I.D. for locust control is given in Appendix F. Each of these pesticides can be 13 used in a locust control operation that receives assistance from A.I.D., but only after consulting the labels for safety and usage information. More detailed information on each of the insecticides listed in Appendix F can be found in the PEA. As of 1 March 1993, 1022 km2 of locust-infested desert remained to be treated. After assessing the pesticide inventory (section 3.6) of DLCO-EA and DOAEritrea, USAID determined that 25,000 liters of 96% ULV malathion were needed to prevent a locust outbreak. If the desert locust infestation was not controlled successfully, it could have spread into the northeastern and eastern parts of Ethiopia, the Ogaden, and Somalia in April and May. More rain was expected from late June through the beginning of September. Temperatures were expected to increase steadily from March until September. All of these factors tended to favor plague formation. It was possible that a plague could begin early enough to affect the 1993 main rainy season planting. The outbreak of locusts in Eritrea required rapid, coordinated preventive measures to avoid a locust plague. A plague cycle would have serious consequences for agriculture in Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Sudan, and possibly points further West to Sahel. 3.2 Agricultural Resources The donor community and the Provisional Government of Eritrea expect food stocks to exceed those of the past 30 years which were extremely low due to war and drought. Whether or not Eritrea has adequate food stocks for it's expected needs is a source of controversy. First of all, there are no reliable statistics on the population of Eritrea. Estimates range from 2.7 to 4 million. The number of refugees that will return to Eritrea is unknown. Another problem in making these estimates is in determining crop production. Given the decades of drought and war that 14 have ravaged Eritrea, there is no historical basis for estimating production in peace time with favorable weather conditions. USAID/Ethiopia estimates that undelivered 1992 food assistance and present food stocks will provide Eritrea with a 1993 surplus of 42,000 metric tons. However, a locust plague could result in losses of 150-170 thousand metric tons of food. Due to unusually heavy rains in September 1992 (Map 2) and the end of the war in May 1991, Eritrea has an opportunity to achieve food self-sufficiency for the first time in 30 years. It would indeed be a tragedy if this opportunity were lost to a locust plague. If the plague spreads to Ethiopia the situation could be even worse. Even without a locust plague the Food and Agriculture Organization/World Food Program (FAO/WFP) forecasts a structural food aid import need of 530,000 metric tons of cereal and an emergency food need of 340,000 metric tons for Ethiopia for 1993. These emergency requirements do not include the food needs of refugees and returnees. In 1991/92 Ethiopia produced approximately 7.1 million metric tons of cereals and pulses (Table 1). Thus, the estimated need for imported food is at least 12.4% of last year's production, without including the needs of refugees and returnees. According to FAO/WFP, approximately 4.5 million people in Ethiopia are at risk of not having enough food in 1993. A locust plague in Ethiopia could place an additional 1 million people at risk of starvation. 3.3 Desert Locusts The following plague species of locust are found in Eritrea: the Desert Locust (Schistocera gregaria), the African Migratory Locust (Locusta migritoria migratoriodes), and the tree locusts (Anacridium melanorhodon and A. m. arabafrum). 15 The Desert Locust is potentially the most dangerous of the locust pests because of the ability of swarms to fly rapidly across great distances. It has two to five generations per year. The northern highlands of Ethiopia (Tigray and Eritrea) slow the movements of desert locusts to the breeding areas of the Red Sea coast. This means that potential desert locust plagues originating in east Africa can be prevented if action is taken during or before localized outbreaks in Eritrea and Sudan. Most of the crops grown in Eritrea are subject to desert locust infestation, including: bulrush millet, sorghum, maize, wheat, barley, fruit trees, and vegetables. Coffee is not usually attacked, though locusts occasionally defoliate bushes. Locusts do most damage to coffee at the flowering stage or when they settle on bushes in such large numbers that branches break under their weight. In addition, the rangelands used for feeding livestock are vulnerable to the desert locust. Thus, a locust plague can have a major impact on the supply of grain, fruit, vegetables, meat, and dairy products. By destroying seeds, a locust plague can affect local crop production for years. Eritrea hosts the spring, summer, and winter breeding areas of the desert locust. Egg incubation periods vary from region to region, and vary with the change in seasons due to differences in the weather. Below 1500 m eggs incubate for 15 to 17 days in June, 10 to 23 days in July, 10 to 20 days in August, and 10 to 12 days in September. Above 1500 m, eggs incubate for 13 to 23 days in July and 14 to 20 days in August. Along the Red Sea coast eggs incubate for 12 to 29 days in January, 11 to 22 days in February, 10-15 days in April, 15 days in June and July, 12 to 16 days in August, 10 to 16 days in September, 9 to 17 days in October, 1 to 18 days in November, and 9 to 25 days in December. Desert locust eggs are generally not found 16 along the Red Sea coast in May. Hopper development to adulthood takes 24 to 48 days. Between plagues, swarms and hopper bands are rare and the desert locust inhabits the central, drier part of its distribution area. Populations tend to be scattered and the locusts exhibit solitary behavior. They are not economically important pests while solitary. Such periods of time are called locust recessions. Adult desert locusts and hoppers are found in Eritrea during recessions. If the locust population rapidly increases in a fairly localized area, this is known as an outbreak. If the population increase continues and gregarization spreads across regions while swarms move well beyond the initial outbreak areas, a plague may result. When there are many bands and swarms over large areas (perpetuated by large scale breeding, a plague is in process. Ideally, swarming should be prevented through locust management, rather than controlled as an emergency measure. Prevention is more economical and is less damaging to the environment than emergency response. 3.4 Locust Management - Overview 3.4.1 Past Locust Campaigns The longest recorded desert locust plague began in 1941 and lasted, with one short lull, more than twenty years. This plague began in India. In 1940, the Indian Locust Warning Service reported locusts invading from the west. The locusts were not yet swarming when they were first detected, but during the Indian monsoon season swarms began to form in north-western India. These locusts invaded Persia (Iran) and the Arabian Peninsula where fresh breeding began. By the summer of 1941 the plague had spread to Egypt, Sudan, and Eritrea. Due to the war preventive actions could not be taken and 17 the locusts could not be controlled in Eritrea. Within weeks the locusts invaded British Somaliland, Somalia and eastern Ethiopia. The British mounted a crop protection campaign against this plague with the assistance and cooperation of the World War II Allies. A complete account of the campaign has never been published. The description of the campaign that follows is summarized from The Desert Locust (1972) by Stanley Baron. An Interdepartmental Committee on Locust Control was established in England, to ensure that every department of the government could be utilized as needed in the operation. Emphasis was placed on military cooperation. Control operations began in Sudan in 1941, but the first major expedition to control the locusts was in 1943-4. The plague temporarily subsided in 1947. Applications of sodium arsenate and BHC (used for the first time against locusts) had prevented major crop losses. There is no record of the health and environmental effects of applying these two highly toxic chemicals. Only Eritrea and Sudan sustained major crop losses. In Eritrea, the campaign cost 150,000 British pounds for one year alone. The locust situation in Eritrea, Sudan, and other Red Sea coastal areas was worsened by the system of cultivation dependent on seasonal rains and floods. This is still the case today (see section 3.7 "Cultural and Biological Management"). In October 1948 renewed locust outbreaks were reported from parts of Saudi Arabia that had received rain. By 1949 the swarms had spread back to India, Pakistan, and Iran. Campaign plans by FAO could not be implemented due to a lack of funds. The estimated cost of the proposed campaign was $1.5 million. According to Baron, it was the failure to take action in 1948 that led to the next ten years of locust disasters. The worst of these disasters was the 1958 plague that 18 destroyed 167,000 metric tons of grain in Ethiopia, enough food to feed 1 million people for a year. In 1963, the plague's epicenter in Saudi Arabia died out. It is not know if the control efforts contributed to the end of the plague, or if weather conditions were sufficient to stop the plague. A period of recession followed until November 1967. Heavy rains initiated a new locust breeding season in Eritrea and Sudan. The situation worsened when locusts from southern Arabia flew into Eritrea. FAO issued a warning on 27 December 1967 that 30 countries were in danger of locust plagues if there was successful breeding in the spring of 1968. A coordinated control effort by DLCO and the Ministries of Agriculture in affected countries brought the plague to an end in 1969. Dieldrin and BHC were the main insecticides used. Dieldrin, BHC, and all other chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides are no longer used for locust control, due to the environmental damage caused by these chemicals. In 1986, desert locust populations in Ethiopia (including Eritrea) and Sudan developed to plague status. Swarms reached Morocco and Algeria in 1987. By 1988, Tunisia was also invaded (Showler 1993). From 1986-89 DLCO coordinated a campaign against locust outbreaks in Eritrea, using fenitrothion (also called Sumithion, and Folithion). In spite of the war between Eritrea and Ethiopia, DLCO was given permission by both parties to fly spray planes from Ethiopia to Eritrea and return. Neither the Eritrean People's Liberation Front (EPLF), nor the Ethiopian military interfered with DLCO operations. In fact, some members of the EPLF and of the Ethiopian military worked for DLCO. Apparently weather conditions, and not crop protection tactics, caused a decline in desert locust activity in early 1989 (Potter and Showler 1990, Showler and Potter 1991). 19 3.4.2 Crop Loss Assessment All crops in the region, except coffee and prickly pear cactus, are at risk. Based on the history of grain loss in Eritrea and Ethiopia during locusts plagues, 150,000 to 170,000 metric tons of grain could be destroyed by locusts if the current outbreak becomes a plague. While this represents a loss of only 2-3% of the expected grain yield, it is enough grain to feed 1 million people for a year. Eritrea does not have the financial resources to buy 150,000 metric tons of grain, or to pay for the transportation of it. 3.5 for Locust Management Operations 3.5.1 The Desert Locust Control Organization Eastern Africa (DLCO-EA) The Desert Locust Control Organization for Eastern Africa (DLCO-EA) was established by an international convention signed in Addis Ababa on 22 August 1962. DLCO-EA headquarters were originally in Asmara, but were moved to Addis Ababa during the war. Headquarters remain in Addis Ababa. DLCO-EA has a branch office in each member nation, as well as an office in Asmara. Member nations are Ethiopia, Djibouti, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda. The objectives of DLCO-EA are: 1) to promote the most effective control of the desert locust in the region; 2) to offer services in the coordination and reinforcement of national action against desert locust in the region; 20 3) to assist member governments in the control of other major pests provided that the locust situation so permits and that the member governments requiring such services avail chemicals and ground logistics for such operations. The other major pests are Tsetse fly, Quelea quelea, and Armyworm. The DLCO-EA staff consists of 60 professional and 290 general service staff who serve under three specialized departments: Operations, Scientific Research, and Administration and Finance. Finances are obtained from annual contributions paid by member countries. Only Ethiopia has paid its contribution in full. The lack of steady funding has made DLCO-EA difficult to operate. Salaries are often paid several months late. In addition to the contributions of member countries, DLCO-EA receives external assistance from a variety of donors including, FAO, the Swedish International Development Organization (SIDA), ODA(UK), EEC, GTZ, CIDA, and IFAD. The external assistance is generally given during emergency locust outbreaks. External assistance is in the form of money, equipment, and technical assistance. On 10 March 1993 the capacity of DLCO-EA in Eritrea, prior to assistance from donor agencies, was as follows: 1) Aircraft: 2 Beaver airplanes in Eritrea, 5 Beaver airplanes total; 2) Ground transport: two land rover pickups in Eritrea; 3) Protective clothing: only a few respirators; immediate need for 25 suits of protective clothing/equipment; 21 4) Insecticides: (see section 3.6); 5) Spray equipment: Four exhaust-driven mist blowers and 40 hand operated sprayers; 6) Communication: DLCO-EA headquarters in Addis Ababa had radio linkages with DLCO offices in Eritrea, Sudan, and Kenya; planes were in communication with Asmara, but trucks could not communicate with planes or other trucks; 7) Camping equipment: 4 sets; 8) Salaries: staff of DLCO-EA had not been paid for the past three months. Only fenitrothion was being applied by DLCO-EA and DOA for desert locust control when the drafter of this document arrived in Eritrea on 4 March 1993. USAID and DLCO-EA independently determined that there was an immediate need for 25,000 liters of ULV malathion in order to prevent a locust plague. USAID supplied the malathion to DOA (see 3.5.2). SIDA sent $70,000 to DLCO of Eritrea for vehicles. FAO sent $50,000 to DLCO-EA in Eritrea for aircraft parts and fuel. Helicopters for surveying and spraying were not an immediate priority, since the locusts were still in the lowlands where they are accessible by aircraft. In the event that locusts move into the highlands, helicopters could be leased by USAID. Locust breeding generally does not occur in the highlands until July. 3.5.2 The Provisional Government of Eritrea Department of Agriculture (DOA) DOA is officially under the direction of the Ethiopian Ministry of Agriculture although at times it had been functioning independently. During the last few 22 years of the war, DOA was non-functional for all practical purposes. Since May 1991, when the war ended, DOA has functioned independently of the Ethiopian Ministry of Agriculture. Most of DOA's supplies were originally provided by the Ethiopian Ministry of Agriculture. This includes most of the pesticides (see section 3.6). The Provisional Government of Eritrea DOA received additional supplies in March 1993 from USAID and SIDA. USAID/OFDA sent 25,000 liters of ULV malathion, 25 sets of protective clothing and safety equipment, and 5 mobile radios for locust control operations in Eritrea at an approximate total cost of $300,000. SIDA donated $500,000 to DOA for vehicles, fuel, spare parts, and camping equipment. 3.5.3 Village Brigades The staff of DOA is quite small, about 20 people, so DOA relies on volunteers for large scale operations. The volunteers are mainly local farmers. According to Mr. Bereke Ogbamichael, the assistant secretary of DOA, DOA gave 360 farmers one month of training in pesticide application and safety procedures in 1992. In 1993 DOA plans on training 600 more farmers. The trained farmers have already been utilized (though not all at once) for some locust control operations. Farmers can play a major role in a desert locust control campaign: from reporting population levels to actively protecting crops from hopper infestations. Farmers that are enlisted to apply insecticides must first pass a training course on pesticide usage and safety. A.I.D. and FAO have had highly successful "Train the Trainer" pesticide use and safety programs. Since 1987, these programs have been implemented in some parts of Africa that are subject to locust infestations. The drafter of this document did not observe any farmer brigades or any training programs in Eritrea. 23 Given the lack of safety equipment at DOA, and that DOA personnel seemed unfamiliar with the correct way to wear and use a pesticide respirator, it seems unlikely that Eritrean village brigades are receiving appropriate instruction (or equipment) for safe pesticide usage. Future A.I.D. trips to Eritrea should include an analysis of the effectiveness and adequacy of the DOA village brigade program (see Appendix B.9, 15, 23, 30, 37, and 38 for recommendations concerning village brigades). 3.5.4 Crop Protection versus Strategic Control The goal of crop protection is to destroy locusts near or in crops during plagues, while strategic control is an attempt to prevent plagues by managing sexually immature desert locusts in major breeding areas (Duranton et al. 1989, FAO 1989, Showler and Potter 1991). This SEA recommends that strategic control be implemented whenever possible. If strategic control is successful, then locust plagues will be prevented and there will be no need to implement crop protection. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is an important part of a strategic control program. An IPM program uses a variety of methods to keep locust populations below levels where crop loss is imminent. Pesticides are only used when necessary, thereby reducing the environmental impact of locust control operations. To apply pesticides at the optimal time, it is necessary to survey for locusts early in the season with trained personnel and proper equipment. A successful locust survey program requires survey teams that: 1) know the physical and temporal distribution of locusts; 24 2) monitor environmental conditions which could lead to increased numbers of locust; 3) conduct vulnerability assessments of the crops threatened by locusts; 4) have access to pest management support resources that can be rapidly mobilized for control, such as: pesticides, safety equipment, and application equipment. The DLCO-EA should ensure that each DLCO-EA station is prepared to respond to a locust infestation. Adequate preparation includes: radio communication, vehicles, application equipment, clean protective clothing and safety equipment, and a sufficient amount of the proper pesticides carefully stored and ready for use. 3.6 Pesticide Management As of March 1993 the DLCO-EA in Eritrea had 10,000 liters of fenitrothion and 4,000 liters of malathion. These were stored outside under relatively safe conditions. There were an additional 14,600 liters of malathion and 7,600 liters of fenitrothion at the DLCO in Addis. The pesticides in Addis were available for desert locust control in Eritrea or any member nation of DLCO-EA. These pesticides were held in a large concrete, well-ventilated building. The pesticides at the DLCO storage facility in Addis were stored with fertilizer, old papers, broken electronics equipment, and used jet fuel containers. Many of the pesticides containers were unlabeled though the contents were known. Expired pesticides were not separated from useable pesticides. The problems with this facility were explained to Dr. Karrar, the director of DLCO-EA. 25 Within a week the facility was cleaned and organized properly. All flammable materials were removed, all pesticide containers were labeled, and all pesticides were stored in order of their expiration date (with oldest pesticides near the front and most accessible). Expired pesticides were kept separate from usable pesticides and clearly labeled. The Eritrean DOA has the following stock of pesticides: 1) Fenitrothion 1000 ULV = 2) " 95 ULV 3) " 98 ULV 4) Basudin 60 ULV = 5) Cypermethrine ULV = 6) Fenitrothion 50% E.C. = 7) Sumithion 50% E.C. 8) Cypermethrine 5% E.C. 9) Malathion 65% E.C. 10) Actellic 50% E.C. = 11) Actellic 2% dust = (Expired) 12) Propoxur 2% dust = 13) Endosulfan/Thiodan 35% E.C. 14) 2,4-D Amine liquid = 15) DDT dust = 16) Dursban (Chlorpyrifos) dust 7,200 liters = 800 " = 600 " 5,800 " 600 " 60,000 " = 9,000 " = 15,100 " = 13,000 " 20,000 " 7,000 kg 5,000 kg = 20,000 liters 7,920 " 5,000 kg = 6,500 kg DOA-Eritrea keeps these pesticides in three storage facilities at their office and two shipment containers outside of Asmara. In addition, there is another storage area in an abandoned factory in the Gwonderan district of Asmara. The Gwonderan facility is a public health hazard. The facility is a room of approximately 10 m X 10 m X 5 m. located in the ground floor of a former factory. The factory has been converted into an apartment building. 26 Families reside in the rooms above and adjacent to the storage facility. The barrels of pesticides stored there are apparently leaking, as the floor is oily and sticky. Dust and oil cover most of the drums of pesticide. Manufacturing dates and expiration dates are absent, or not visible, in most cases. The smell of the pesticides is extremely strong. Although the door to the room is always locked, the window to this facility is broken, and fumes are noticeable even when the garage-type door is closed. Decontamination of the Gwonderan facility should begin as soon as possible: First, powdered limestone should be placed on the floor to neutralize certain pesticides, hazard signs should be placed on the facility, and the broken window should be securely covered to prevent people and animals from entering the facility. Second, all containers of pesticides should be removed from the area. Then, at an alternate storage location, the pesticides should be transferred to barrels which do not leak. If any of the pesticides are still viable they should be properly stored at the alternate site for future use. Otherwise, they should be stored at the alternate site until they can be properly disposed of. A possible storage location is a former Ethiopian military barracks, now held by the Eritrean People's Liberation Front (EPLF). The site is approximately 40 km. from the city of Asmara and is continuously guarded by the EPLF. Third, the room must be completely decontaminated so that it can be put to a better use.A toxicologist should be consulted to determine the proper procedure for decontamination. A physician specializing in pesticide poisoning should examine the residents of the building. 27 The Gwonderan storage room contains these pesticides: 1) Ekatin (#27407 038) 13 (100 l) drums = 1,300 liters 2) Malathion 75% in oil 61 (200 l) drums = 12,200 liters 3) 2,4-D Amine (91/02) 371 (5 l) bottles = 2,055 liters 4) Sumithion (Pharmecor) 13 (200 l) drums = 2,600 liters 5) Diazonon 11 (100 l) drums = 1,100 liters 6) Dieldrin 10 (200 l) drums = 2,000 liters 7) DDTox 20% 71 (200 l) drums = 14,200 liters 8) ULV Fenitrothion 96% 20 (200 l) drums = 4,000 liters 3.7 Cultural and Biological Control Tactics The major locust habitats in Eritrea are created by the practice of shifting cultivation, mainly within wadi areas (i.e., river beds, superficially dry except during floods). After wild plants are destroyed, millet is usually planted. The millet patches are a suitable habitat for locusts, particularly if the patches are not weeded. Abandoned fields invaded by certain weeds (e.g., Heliotropium pterocarpum, Dipterygium glaucum, and Aerva persica) are excellent locust habitats. The patchy nature of the vegetation cover leads to locust concentration which promotes gregarization. Among the cultural practices which discourage locust plagues are: use of irrigation to avoid dependence on seasonal rains and floods for growing crops, weed control, and destroying abandoned fields (e.g., by burning). To prevent erosion, or maintain the water table it may be desirable to have plant cover in an abandoned area. In 28 such cases, plants which locusts do not favor should be planted in the area. Coffee and most types of cactus are examples of plants that locusts generally will not feed on. These cultural practices could be part of an integrated pest management (IPM) program for desert locusts. IPM utilizes all available control methods to achieve the most economically and environmentally sound management program. A.I.D. supports the implementation of IPM programs whenever possible. IPM is not an alternative to chemical pesticides; instead it is an integration of methods which may reduce the use of pesticides by employing them more judiciously. Some examples of IPM techniques are: determination of intervention thresholds, correct timing of sprays based on pest population dynamics, and biological control agents. Among the biological control agents with the potential for use in locust management are: the bacteria Coccobacillus acridiorum d'Herelle; the fungal pathogen Beauvearia bassiana, Metarhizium flavoviridae; various microsporidia in the genus Nosema; and nematodes. An important research project would be a search for local strains of egg parasites of locusts in Eritrea. Until such parasites are discovered or other exotic straines are screened against the desert locust eggs in Eritrea, the eggs can be destroyed by cultural control. When egg-laying sites are discovered the soil is turned to expose eggs to the sun and to predators. This practice is apparently quite effective for eliminating locust eggs. The difficulty lies in finding the eggs. Missions to destroy locust eggs could utilize Village Brigades (section 3.5.3). Each Village Brigade could consist of a group of 5-10 or more interested and enthusiastic villagers, farmers, or nomads. The participants would receive intensive training for 3 or more days and the training could covering the identification and biology of local pests and beneficial insects, the fundamentals of good survey techniques, the 29 safe handling and use of pesticides, and instructions on locating desert locust egg laying sites, collection and egg-destroying techniques. 3.8 Safety and Human Health 3.8.1 Public Awareness It is important that the Provisional Government of Eritrea monitor the effects of pesticides on human health and the environment. The medical community and pesticide applicators need to have an understanding of the potential hazards of pesticides, of the precautions to prevent mishaps, and of the steps taken to solve problems associated with pesticide mishaps. Before applying pesticides in an inhabited area, pesticide handlers and the general public should be educated on pesticide safety. The Eritrean public must be informed that pesticides are dangerous and that empty pesticide containers should not be used for food or water storage. People should also be warned against eating locusts in areas where insecticides are being sprayed. In Tunisia, public warnings against locust consumption discouraged people from eating locusts in treated areas (Potter and Showler 1990, Showler (in press)). A good public information program would include: 1) warnings against eating pesticide-treated locusts; 2) information on specific pesticides and labels; 3) safe methods of pesticide transport and storage; 4) measures in cases of container leakage; 5) conditions for pesticide use; 30 6) safe use of application equipment; 7) prevention of pesticide poisoning. 8) warnings against the use of empty pesticide cont aine rs for the purp oses of stor ing wate r, feed , or anim al feed This information can be spread through newspapers, posters, radio, and public lectures. 31 3.8.2 General Pesticide Safety Concerns Pesticide misuse and improper storage presents hazards to the health of the general public and to the environment. Pesticides should be stored away from humans and animals. The situation at Gwonderan clearly violates this principle (section 3.6). Unwanted or leaking pesticide containers must be repackaged or disposed of as soon as possible. Until the Provisional Government of Eritrea drafts its own pesticide legislation, the Ethiopian pesticide regulations should be enforced. 3.8.3 Handler & Applicator Safety Training A.I.D. supports pesticide safety training in Africa. Pesticide handlers and applicators working for DLCO-EA or DOA should be trained in pesticide safety. Every U.S.-funded pesticide donation should be overseen by a properly trained pesticide handler. A.I.D. can encourage the University of Asmara, College of Agriculture to include hands-on pesticide safety and application courses as an essential part of an agricultural degree if such courses are not currently offered. Properly trained DOA and DLCO-EA personnel are encouraged to work with farmers and Village Brigades in "Train the Trainer" programs. This type of training allows essential information on pesticide safety and application to reach everyone working with pesticides. A.I.D. encourages this type of training. 3.8.4 Monitoring of Human Exposure DLCO-EA and DOA probably do not have the capability to monitor either the behavioral or chemical symptoms of 32 pesticide poisoning. Behavior symptoms include the loss of muscular control. Chemical symptoms include acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibition. Testing all pesticide handlers for blood AChE inhibition should be a part of the requirements for all U.S.-funded pesticide operations that use organophosphates (OP). This is a fairly simple and inexpensive test. It can be performed by trained health workers in the field. The background cholinesterase level for each person involved with organophosphate insecticides must be determined before OP exposure. Then testing should be performed at intervals throughout the season to ensure that no worker is being overexposed to OPs. 4.0 ENVIRONMENT 4.1 Eritrea - Environmental Profile An air and ground-based 8 hour field trip to northern Eritrea was undertaken as part of the preparation of this document. In addition to the locust bands and swarms, the drafter observed a tremendous variety of plant and animal life in the Eritrean desert. Among the animals observed were hawks, swallows, snakes, and jackals. There are also Nubian ibex found in the northern tip of Eritrea. Plants observed included cacti, wild melon, and various wild and domestic cereals. Eritrea and Ethiopia are also the home of the Abyssinian Rose, the only rose that is indigenous to Africa. Even in very remote desert regions of Eritrea, nomadic people and their camels were seen. The desert is not a collection of lifeless sand dunes, but a unique and thriving ecosystem, rich in biological diversity, as well as supporting human life. This is why environmental protection, including human health 33 protection, must be given due consideration during locust control operations. 4.2 Climate Eritrea can be divided into three major climatic zones: the central highlands, the coastal region, and the western lowlands. Highlands: the hottest month is May with highs around 85oF; coldest months are December through February with lows around 32oF. The difference between each day's high and low temperatures is about 33 degrees. There are two rainy seasons. The short rainy season is in March and April. The main rainy season is from late June through the beginning of September. Fog is common during the main rainy season and from December through February. Coast: the hottest months are June - August when daily temperatures range from 72oF to 105oF. During the coldest season, December - February, the temperatures range from 65oF to 90oF. The northern coast has a rainy season from December through February. Rain is rare along the southern coast. Western lowlands: high temperatures can reach 105oF during the hottest months, April - June. During the coldest month, December, the temperature falls to 55oF. The difference between each day's high and low temperatures is about 38 degrees. Rainy seasons are similar to the highlands. 4.3 Restricted Habitats Under current Eritrean law there are no protected areas, though the Dahlak Islands are being considered. 34 Until the referendum in April 1993 (to vote on the issue of Eritrean independence), there will be no legislation concerning national parks or other forms of protected land. Based on aerial and land surveys, and on discussions with DOA, DLCO, and the Eritrean Dept. of Marine Resources and Inland Fisheries this SEA identifies the following areas as critical habitats (Map 2): 1) Red Sea coast: the Red Sea is a major source of seafood for the Middle East. The Red Sea coast provides a unique habitat for a variety of wildlife, including birds. The migration routes of storks pass through this area. Acacia and fig trees are grown in the human settlements along the coast. The Dahlak Islands are off the Eritrean coast. It has been proposed that some of these islands be protected as the Dahlak Marine National Park. There are unspoiled coral reefs and multitudes of brightly colored fish surrounding the 200 islands. Some of the islands are occupied by dwarf Soemmerring gazelles. Turtles, porpoises, dugongs, ospreys, Arabian buzzards, and a variety of sea birds occupy these islands. There is tremendous potential for wildlife tourism in these islands. But care must be taken so that tourism, pollution, or pesticide run-off do not destroy this precious wildlife sanctuary. 2) Tekeze River: between Eritrea and Ethiopia, this is the major source of fresh water for many people and animals in Eritrea and Ethiopia. According to the DOA this area is rich in wildlife, including a colony of baboons and a herd of about 80 elephants, the only elephants in all of Eritrea. The drafter of this document was not able to visit the area to confirm that these animals are there. 35 3) Gash River: passes through Tessani. Antelopes, hawks, swallows, and snakes have been reported near this river in the rainy season. Wild melons, cacti, and cereals grow along the banks. 4) Barka River: passes through Tokhar. Jackals, small rodents, snakes, hawks, insects, and cacti live along the banks of this river. 5) Anseba River: nomadic tribes rely on this river as a source of fresh water for themselves and their domestic animals, including camels, mules, goats, and sheep. Cereals are grown along the banks. It is recommended that no pesticides be applied within 2.5 to 5 km of these areas. Large portions of Eritrea remain unexplored by biologists. Future scientific expeditions may identify additional critical habitats. 36 5.0 REFERENCES A.I.D. 1989a. Locust/Management, Operations Guidebook. Office of Federal Disaster Assistance, Agency for International Development, Washington, D.C., USA. A.I.D. 1989b. Implementation Plan for Government of Niger to Reduce Hazard of Surplus an Unusable Insecticides Acquired for Use in the Locust Control Program. Agency for International Development, Washington, D.C., USA. A.I.D. 1991a. Integrated Pest Management and Pesticide Management. Report to Congress. Washington, D.C. USA. A.I.D. 1991b. Pest Management Guidelines of the Agency for International Development. Washington, D.C. USA. Alomenu, H.S. 1989. Provisional Report on Pesticide Management in Francophone West Africa. Food & Agriculture Organization, Accra, Ghana, 58 pp. Appleby, G., W. Settle and A. Showler. 1989. The Africa Emergency Locust Assistance Mid-term Evaluation, Tropical Research & Development, Inc. Gainesville, Florida, 146 pp. Baron, S. 1972. The Desert Locust. Sons, New York, 228 pp. Charles Scribner's Boberschmidt, L., S. Saari, J. Sassaman and L. Skinner. 1989. Pesticide Background Statements, Volume IV, Insecticides. Agriculture Handbook No. 685, US Forest Service, Washington, D.C., USA, 578 pp. Coppel, H.C. and Mertins, J.W. 37 1977. Biological Insect Pest Supp ress ion. Spri nger Verl ag, Berl in, 314 pp. DLCO-EA. 1986. Desert Locust Control Organization for East ern Afri ca: Stru ctur e and Acti viti es. DLCO -EA, 19 pp. Duranton, J.F., M. Launois, M.H. Launois-Luong, M. LeCoq a n d T 38 . R a c h a d i . 1 9 8 9 . L a l u t t e p r e v e n t i v e 39 c o n t r e l e c r i q u e t p e l e r i n e n A f r i q u e . 40 P r o g r a m m e d e R e c h e r c h e s I n t e r d i s c i p l i n 41 a i r e F r a n c a i s s u r l e s A c r i d i e n s d u S a h 42 e l , M o n t p e l l i e r , F r a n c e . Dynamac. 1988a. Results of the Mali Pesticide Testing Trial Against the Senegalese Grasshopper. Dynamic Corporation, Rockville, Maryland, USA, 111 pp + 9 Appendices. Dynamac. 1988b. Results of the Locust Pesticide Testing Trials in Sudan. Dynamac Corporation, Rockville, Maryland, USA, 84 pp + Appendices. FAO 1989. International strike force to control the desert locu 43 st, Schistoce rca gregaria (Forsk); plan for 1989 and early 1990. FAO, Rome. Jahn, G.C. 1992. Effect of neem oil, monocrotophos, and carbosulfan on green leafhoppers, Nephotettix virescens (Distant) (Homopera: Cicadellidae) and rice yields in Thailand. Proc. Hawaiian Entomol. Soc. 31: 125-131. Morgan, D.P. 1989. Recognition and Management of Pesticide Poisonings. 4th Edition. EPA-450/9-88001. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, USA, 207 pp. N.R.C. 1992. Neem: a tree for solving global problems. Report of an Ad Hoc Panel of the Board on Science and Technology for International Development, National Research Council (NRC), National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., 141 pp. Potter, C.S., M.G. Rutanen-Whaley, H. Khoury and A. Messer. 1988. Draft Environmental Assessment of the Tunisia Locust Control Campaign. Agency for International Development, Tunis, Tunisia, 48 pp. Potter, C.S. and A.T. Showler. 1990. "The Desert Locust: Agricultural and Environmental Impacts", in Tunisia: the Political Economy of Reform (edited by 44 I. William Zartman), Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder & London; pp. 153-165. Schwartz, T.K., M.F. Speers, G.P. Owens, J.B. Hannum, O . M . A l i , A . G a m e l a n d S . E l B a s h 45 i r . 1 9 8 8 . E n v i r o n m e n t a l A s s e s s m e n t o f 46 t h e S u d a n L o c u s t C o n t r o l P r o j e c t . A g e n 47 c y o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l D e v e l o p m e n t , K h a r t 48 o u m , S u d a n , 6 2 p p . Shaikh, A., E. Arnould, K. Christopherson, R. Hagen, J. Tabor, and P. Warshall. 1988. Opportunities for Sustained Development, Successful Natural Resources Management in the Sahel. Agency for International Development, Bureau for Africa, Sahel Office, Four Volumes. Shannon, M. et al. 1987. Rangeland Cooperative Management Program, Final Environmental Impact Statement. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC, 251 pp + Appendices. Showler, A.T. (in press). Desert Locust Plagues in North Afri ca: Environme ntal 49 Protectio n and Human Safety. Showler, A.T. 1993. Desert locust, Schistocera gregaria (For skal) (Orthopte ra: Acrididae ), Campaign in Tunisia, 1988. Agricultu ral Systems 42: 1-15. Showler, A.T. and C.S. Potter. 1991. Synopsis of the 1986-1989 Desert Locust (Orthoptera: Acrididae) Plague and the Concept of Strategic Control. American Entomologist 37 (2): 106- 110. Steedman, A. (ed.) 1988. Locust Handbook. 2nd Edition. Overseas Development Natural Resources Institute, London, England, 180 pp. TAMS. 1989. Locust and Grasshopper Control in Africa & Asia, A Programmatic Environmental Assessment. TAMS Consultants, Inc., Arlington, Virginia, USA, 305 pp + Appendices. Ware, G. 1978. Pesticides: Theory and Application. H. Freeman and Company, New York, 308 pp. 50 W. 51 APPENDIX A. LIST OF CONTACTS AND PREPARERS CONTACTS DLCO-EA Dr. A.H. Karrar - Director Mr. Ronald Funa - Manager Provisional Government of Eritrea Dr. Tesfai Ghermazien - Secretary (Director), Department of Agriculture Mr. Bereke Ogbamichael - DOA Mr. Mehari Tesfa-Yohannes - DOA Mr. Ermias Tsegay - DOA Dr. Saleh Meky - Secretary (Director) of Department of Marine Resources & Inland Fisheries Other Donor Organizations Mr. Michael Askwith - Chief, UNDP Liason Office Mr. Olivier Gordon - Financial Sector Specialist, The World Bank Mr. Tomio Ota - Second Secretary, Embassy of Japan Mr. Gunnar Thunstrom - First Secretary, Swedish Embassy USAID/Ethiopia Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Franz Herder - USAID Coordinator for Eritrea Michael T. Harvey - Food and Humanitarian Assistance Wendy Fenton - Food Aid Monitor James E. Beck - Food Aid Monitor USAID/Washington Ms. Carol Siegel - Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance Mr. Bill Douglas - AFR/EA Ms. Vickey Dreyer - AFR/ONI/TPPI, Project Officer 52 PREPARERS USAID/Washington Dr. Gary Jahn - Entomologist and AAAS Fellow, USAID/R&D/H Dr. Yeneneh T. Belayneh - Ecotoxicologist and Assistant Technical Advisor for AELGA Project, USAID/AFR/ONI/TPPI Dr. Allan T. Showler - Entomologist and Technical Advisor for AELGA Project, USAID/AFR/ONI/TPPI APPENDIX B. ANALYSIS OF PEA RECOMMENDATIONS BASIC PRE-CONDITION OF PROGRAM 1. A.I.D should continue its involvement in locust control. Operationally, the approach to be adopted should evolve toward Integrated Pest Management (IPM). This recommendation should be applied in the context of the specific needs of Eritrea. USAID/Ethiopia & Eritrea support IPM in the management of locusts, as well as other insect pests. USAID should also encourage the Peace Corps to get involved in locust control in Eritrea. Peace Corps Volunteers in Eritrea could: 1) Keep organize village brigades 2) Teach pesticide safety 3) Conduct research on biological control of locusts 4) Teach nomads agricultural techniques that would reduce the number of locust habitats 5) Teach cultural locust control techniques 6) Teach the principles of IPM 53 INVENTORY AND MAPPING PROCEDURES 2. An inventory and mapping program should be started to determine the extent and boundaries of environmentally fragile areas in Eritrea. A.I.D. should encourage the Provisional Government of Eritrea to define and establish areas where pesticide use is banned or limited, and to designate such areas on official maps. 3. A system for dynamic inventory of pesticide chemical stocks should be developed. Poor pesticide management in Eritrea has resulted in an accumulation of old and degraded pesticide stocks. Pesticides are often transported, applied, and disposed of carelessly. Improvements in the system for managing pesticide stocks must be implemented to protect human health and the environment. Proper storage and recordkeeping will reduce pesticide degradation. 4. A.I.D. should take an active role in assisting host countries in identifying alternate use or disposal of pesticide stocks. A plan for disposal of obsolete or excess pesticide stocks should be drafted by the Eritrean DOA and DLCO-EA with the support of USAID and FAO. Additional activities should include the periodic testing of stored pesticide stocks to insure that the material is usable. The future accumulation of unwanted pesticides should be minimized. 5. FAO should be requested to establish a system for the inventory of manpower, procedures and equipment. 54 USAID/Ethiopia-Eritrea and AID/Washington support this recommendation. It should be implemented by the DOA with the assistance of the DLCO-EA and FAO, during and following the control campaign. MITIGATION OF PESTICIDE EFFECTS ON NON-TARGETS 6. There should be no pesticide applications in environmentally fragile areas and in human settlements. Pesticides should only be donated to Eritrea with the understanding that pesticides cannot be used in certain areas, such as protected wetlands (if any), national parks, national forests, and fragile areas and in human settlements. 7. Pesticides should be those with the minimum impact on non-target species. Pesticide recommendations in the PEA should be followed until research indicates that safer pesticides are available. USAID/Ethiopia & Eritrea is strongly encouraged to investigate traditional and cultural locust control methods. This SEA repeats the list of preferred pesticides given in the PEA and the recently up-dated list (see Appendix F). 8. Pre- and post-treatment monitoring and sampling of sentinel organisms, water, and soils should be carried out as an integral part of each control campaign. This recommendation should be implemented as appropriate to the local conditions in Eritrea. The expense of sampling and the lack of supportive infrastructure will make it difficult to implement this recommendation in Eritrea. A program of research monitoring is important both as a basis for design of operational monitoring and as a means of establishing 55 statistically verifiable base line data. In addition, periodic sampling of target and non-target mortality, population numbers, and behavior should be made at locations where pesticides are used. APPLICATION OF INSECTICIDES 9. The minimum area should be sprayed. 1) Emphasis should be placed on an early and vigorous surveillance program. This allows early treatment applications and reduces the amount of pesticide used. 2) Establish economic thresholds. 3) Identify non-treatment areas and minimum treatment areas. 4) Training of decision makers should emphasize restraint in pesticide use. 5) Include farmers and village brigades in pesticide training, survey, and application. 10. Helicopters should be used primarily for survey to support ground and air control units. In the flat lowlands of Eritrea, airplanes are sufficient for surveying and spraying. But in the rugged highlands it is necessary to use helicopters. 11. Whenever possible, small planes should be favored over medium to large two- of four- engine transport types (for application of pesticides). In all cases, experienced contractors will be used. 56 This SEA supports this recommendation. However, medium sized aircraft may be needed in Eritrea to spray areas far from supportive infrastructure. 12. Any USG-funded locust control actions which provide pesticides and other commodities, or aerial or ground application services, should include technical assistance and environmental assessment expertise as an integral component of the assistance package. This SEA agrees with this recommendation. should be a part of USAID assistance. Training 13. All pesticide containers should be properly labeled. the and the FAO This SEA agrees with this recommendation and urges EPLF to give high priority to pesticide legislation implementation of laws requiring pesticide labels in regional language Tigrinya. EPLF should follow the pesticide label guidelines. DISPOSAL OF PESTICIDES 14. A.I.D. should provide assistance to host governments in disposing of empty pesticide containers and pesticides that are obsolete or no longer useable for the purpose intended. A.I.D. Washington and FAO have developed guidelines on disposal programs for unwanted pesticides and empty containers. Several pilot disposal projects have been implemented. USAID/Ethiopia & Eritrea should follow such disposal guidance, and should continue to assist with pesticide management. Disposing of empty pesticide barrels properly is especially important. PUBLIC HEALTH AWARENESS 57 15. A.I.D. should support the design,reproduction, and presentation of public education materials on pesticide safety. USAID, DLCO-EA, and ministries of agriculture should develop public and applicator education materials on pesticide safety, pesticide poisoning recognition, avoidance, and treatment. These materials could be used in "Train the Trainer" programs, and in village brigade training courses. 16. Training courses should be designed and developed for health personnel in areas where pesticides are used frequently. This SEA supports this recommendation and advocates intergovernmental collaboration in training programs. 17. Each health center should be provided with posters describing diagnosis and treatment of pesticide poisonings, as well as medicines and antidotes required for treatment of poisoning cases. This SEA supports this recommendation. Eritrea should be in Tigrinya. Posters in 18. Presently available tests for monitoring human exposure to pesticides should be implemented in the field. This SEA supports the need to monitor the health of pesticide applicators and handlers during control operations. PESTICIDE FORMULATION AND MANAGEMENT 58 19. Specifications for A.I.D. purchase of locust insecticides should be adapted for all insecticides. This is an AID/W activity that should be implemented through a revision of A.I.D's Pest Management Guidelines. No Eritrea-specific recommendation is included in this SEA, since it is an AID/W activity. 20. Pesticide container specifications should be developed. This is an AID/W activity that has been implemented through a revision of A.I.D's Pest Management Guidelines. BIOLOGICAL CONTROL 21. Beauvearia, Metarhizium and other biological control agents such as plant extracts should be field tested under African and Asian conditions in priority countries. AID/W is currently supporting research on biological control in Africa. USAID/Eritrea should support local research on parasites, pathogens, and predators of locusts. TRAINING 22. A comprehensive training program should be developed for A.I.D. Mission personnel who have responsibility for control operations. Currently, USAID/Eritrea is a branch of USAID/Ethiopia. There are no personnel at USAID/Ethiopia that have responsibility for pest control operations. Such a position should be developed. 59 23. Local programs of training should be instituted for pesticide storage, management, environmental monitoring and public health (see Recommendation 16). This SEA support this recommendation, and recommends that priority be given to teaching on how to use pesticides safely and appropriately, especially in village brigade programs. 24. When technical assistance teams are provided, they should be given short-term intensive technical training (including language if necessary) and some background in the use and availability of training aids. This SEA supports this recommendation as an AID/W activity. ECONOMICS 25. Field research should be carried out to generate badly needed economic data on a country-by-country by basis. This SEA supports this recommendation. Implementation in Eritrea should begin with agricultural productivity analysis. 26. No pesticides should be applied unless the provisional economic threshold of locusts is exceeded. Research should be conducted in Eritrea to establish an economic threshold for the desert locust. 27. A.I.D. should provide assistance to host countries in drawing up regulations on registration and management of pesticides and in drafting environmental policy. 60 This SEA supports this recommendation. AID/W and EPA have developed a program to assist LDCs with drafting pesticide regulations and policies. Dr. Allan Showler (AID/AFR/ONI), Mr. Bill Douglas (AID/AFR-EA), and Dr. Gary Jahn (AID/R&D) met with Mr. Hagos Ghebrehiwet the Chief Delegate of the Provisional Government of Eritrea (i.e., Eritrean People's Liberation Front (EPLF)) to inform him that AID/W, EPA, and FAO have documents that would be useful guidelines for writing environmental regulations for Eritrea. The Chief Delegate was also told about the public health hazard at the Gwonderan pesticide storage facility (see section 3.6). He was given AID guidelines on safe pesticide storage. PESTICIDE USE POLICY 28. A pesticide use inventory covering all treatments in both agricultural and health programs should be developed, on a country-by-country basis. This SEA supports this recommendation and considers this to be a topic appropriate for EPLF action. In addition, DLCO-EA should keep an up-to-date, accurate inventory of all of their pesticides. This inventory should be made available to any donor agencies upon request. PESTICIDE HANDBOOK 29. A.I.D. should produce a regularly updated pesticide handbook for use by its staff. AID/W has produced a number of documents, which are regularly up-dated: Integrated Pest Management and Pesticide Management, Pest Management Guidelines of the Agency for International Development, pesticide training manuals in Arabic, English, French and Portuguese, which can be made available on request from the Bureau for 61 Africa, Office of Operations and New Initiatives, Technical Projects Program Implementation. This SEA supports the continued up-dating of these handbooks. SUPPORT AND TRAINING 30. Technical assistance, education and training, and equipment should be provided to crop protection services of host countries with a view to making the services eventually self-sustaining. This SEA supports this recommendation, but the actual needs of DLCO-EA and DOA should be thoroughly assessed by USAID before providing assistance. USAID should support and encourage changes in DLCO-EA that promote the efficient use of donated equipment. For example, if the DLCO-EA head-quarters were moved back to Asmara, less time, money, and fuel would be spent on sending people and equipment from Addis Ababa to Eritrea. Originally DLCO-EA headquarters were in Asmara since Eritrea contains the major locust breeding grounds. Due to the war, the head office was re-located to Addis Ababa. Now that the war is over, there is no logical reason for the head office to remain 700 to 1000 km from the locust breeding grounds. "Train the Trainer" programs for village brigades are a potentially valuable contribution that A.I.D. can make in Eritrea. The current village brigade program in Eritrea should be evaluated by A.I.D.. PESTICIDE STORAGE 31. More pesticide storage facilities should be built. Until that occurs, emergency supplies should be stored in the United States. 62 Establish a pesticide bank run by the United Nations to reduce the need for on-site storage and disposal of pesticides. FORECASTING 32. A.I.D. should make the decision whether to continue funding forecasting and remote sensing or to use FAO's early warning program. This SEA is in favor of continuing and improving forecasting as an AID/W or FAO activity. USAID should support thorough field research programs for studying the ecology of outbreak areas in northeastern Africa and Arabia, so that plagues can be predicted with greater accuracy. PUBLIC HEALTH MONITORING AND STUDY 33. A series of epidemiological case-control studies, within the countries involved in locust control, should be implemented in areas of heavy human exposure to pesticides. While this is desirable, it seems far fetched even under ideal conditions, to conduct case-control epidemiological studies on a continuous bases. However, this SAE agrees that routine monitoring activities should be carried out to determine pesticide relatedtoxicities in areas where heavy human exposure to pesticides and residues are suspected. This could be done in collaboration with FAO and DLCO-EA. RESEARCH 34. Applied research should be carried out on the efficacy of various pesticides and insect growth retardants, as well as pesticide application. 63 The main function of DLCO-EA is currently locust control, not research. An international locust research facility is needed. Research should focus on the following areas: 1) Improved aerial spraying. drift are major problems. Coverage and 2) Identify pathogens and parasites of locusts for each stage of the locust life cycle and develop systems to deliver and apply these natural enemies. By targeting each stage of the locust life cycle, it is unlikely that sufficient numbers of locusts could reach adulthood for swarms to develop. When a pesticide is sprayed it serves only to kill locusts at that particular place and time. A pathogen would have the advantage of spreading and multiplying to kill future generations of locusts. 3) Determine the conditions which cause solitary grasshoppers to become gregarious and swarm. Determine the physiological response of grasshoppers to those conditions. Finally, investigate ways to interfere with that response (e.g., through applications of synthetic hormones). 4) Develop safer pesticides. This would include "pesticide cocktails" that mix pyrethroids with organophosphates to promote rapid knockdown. 5) Find a safe, biodegradable dye to mix with the insecticides, so that it would be obvious to farmers, shepherds, and nomads which plants 64 and locusts are sprayed. A colored pesticide would also aid pesticide applicators evaluate the effectiveness of coverage and existence of contamination. Ideally the dye should be added at the factory that is producing the insecticides so that leaks and contamination would be obvious throughout operations. The dye must not interfere with the efficacy of the pesticide. 35. Applied research should be carried out on the use of plant extracts as anti-feedants. Plant species which desert locusts in Eritrea do not eat should be identified. Next, investigators should determine why certain plants are not eaten by locusts. In some cases, such as certain types of cactus, thorns and other physical barriers will be found to deter locusts. In other cases, such as coffee, a physical explanation may not suffice and research should focus on a finding the chemical deterrents in the plant. If such chemicals can be identified and isolated, they may be useful in locust control. Small scale laboratory and field studies should be used to determine which botanical extracts are the most promising anti-feedants and repellents. A common error in repellant research is to give the insect a choice of treated vs. untreated food. If insects are seen to prefer the untreated food the repellent is declared effective. However, under field conditions, where an entire crop is treated, the insects may choose to consume the treated crop instead of starving. This is one of the reasons that neem tree extracts are so effective in laboratory choice tests, but frequently ineffective in field trials (Jahn 1992, N.R.C. 1992). 65 36. Research should be carried out to determine the best techniques for assessing the environmental impact of organophosphates used for locust control. This research is an appropriate activity for AID/W to fund. ENHANCING AND ACCELERATING IMPLEMENTATION 37. AID/W should provide guidance in locust control to missions in the field. This guidance to Eritrea should include a program for training village brigades, and should encourage the following agricultural practices: 1) Develop irrigation systems if possible so that crops are not entirely dependent on local rainfall. Growing crops in accordance with local rainfall insures that locust and crops will be in synchrony. 2) Nomadic farmers that shift agricultural sites should be encouraged to weed their fields. 3) After harvest, nomads should burn their old fields to destroy weeds and any remaining crop which could serve as locust habitat. 38. Detailed guidelines should be developed for A.I.D. to promote common approaches to locust control and safe pesticide use among UN agencies and donor nations. Coordination of efforts is becoming increasingly important because of the increasing number and magnitude of multilateral agreements and follow up efforts in subsequent years by various donors. 66 This SEA supports this recommendation. The guidelines should include information on forming and training village brigades. International cooperation must continue and should be strengthened. Suggestions that each country should only be concerned with their own locust problems are short-sighted. Nations that host breeding areas should not be expected to bear the entire burden of plague prevention. It is in the best interest of all nations effected by plagues to pool their resources in the campaign against locusts as an insurance policy. It is also in the best interest of donor agencies to coordinate their efforts so that assistance is used as effectively as possible. If there is evidence of poor management or mismanagement of DLCO-EA, donors should not hesitate to withhold funding. The director and staff of DLCO-EA should be held accountable by FAO and other donors for the management and condition of the facilities, including: 1) Locust survey and control 2) Keeping well-organized, accurate, accessible records of all locust survey and control operations 3) Keeping well-organized, accurate, accessible records of inventory of pesticides, pesticide application equipment, and pesticide safety equipment 3) Research 4) Pesticide storage 5) Pesticide disposal 6) Pesticide drum disposal 7) Maintenance and proper use of equipment 8) Following all safety procedures for pesticide handling and application 67 APPENDIX C. RELEVANT DOCUMENTATION FAO Pesticide Management Documents: a) International Code of Conduct for Distribution and Utilization of Pesticides. b) Guidelines for safe pesticide distribution, storage, and handling. c) Guidelines for pesticide disposal and container disposal. d) List of FAO approved pesticides. e) Pesticide storage and packaging guidelines. f) Guidelines for pesticide approval and management. g) Ecotoxicological guidelines. h) Ground and aerial application guidelines. i) Insecticide poisoning: prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. j) Guidelines for effective labeling. k) Efficacy requirements for pesticide approval. Other Documents on Pesticides and Locust Control a) Guidelines for selection, procurement, and use of pesticides in World Bank-financed projects. b) Crop protection Service Organization (D.310) T. 1. PRIFAS. Dec. 1988. 68 c) Effectiveness of localized pesticide treatment. (D.309) T. 2. PRIFAS - Dec. 1988. d) Effects of locust and control on the environment. (D. 308) T. 3. PRIFAS - Dec. 1988. e) Locust and Control - Inter-ministerial Instruction No. 3 related to protection of man and environment. Algerian doc. - March 1989. f) First aid in cases of poisoning by locust and control products. CIBA-GEIGY. USEPA Pesticide Fact Sheets: Acephate # 140 October 1987 Bendiocarb # 195 June 1987 Carbaryl # 21 March 1984 Chlorpyriphos # 37 September 1984 Diazinon # 96.1 December 1988 Fenitrothion # 142 July 1987 Malathion # 152 January 1987 Lindane # 73 September 1985 These are some of the many Pesticide Fact Sheets issued by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, selected for relevance to locust and grasshopper control. The Pesticide Fact Sheets summarize data, including information on acute and chronic toxicity to humans and other non-target organisms, handling precautions, and instructions for use. They are available from: Office of Pesticide Programs US Environmental Protection Agency 401 M Street, SW Washington, DC 20460 USA 69 APPENDIX D. MAPS 70 APPENDIX E. TABLES [insert Table 1 here] 71 [insert Table 2 here] 72 i APPENDIX F. PESTICIDES CABLE: UPDATE ON A.I.D.-APPROVED LIST OF FOR LOCUST/GRASSHOPPER CONTROL ii UNCLASSIFIED AID/AFR/ONI/TPPI:YBELAYNEH:YB 04/08/93 {703} 235-5411 AID/AFR/ONI/TPPI:ZHAHN AID/AFR/ONI/TPPI:VDREYER{DRAFT} AID/NE:GJACKSON{DRAFT} AID/AFR/ARTS:JGAUDET{DRAFT} AID/GC/AFR:ESPRIGGS{DRAFT} ROUTINE APPR: ZH { } DRAFT: YB { } CLEAR: { } CLEAR: { } CLEAR: { } CLEAR: { } CLEAR: { } AID/AFR/ONI/TPPI:ASHOWLER{DRAFT} AID/POL:JHESTER{DRAFT} AID/AFR/FHA/OFDA:GHUDEN{DRAFT} AID/ASIA/DR/TR:MKUX{DRAFT} AIDAF iii AIDAC NAIROBI FOR REDSO/ESA; ABIDJAN FOR REDSO/WCA; NE/ENA E.O. 12356: N/A TAGS: SUBJECT: UPDATE ON A.I.D.-APPROVED LIST OF PESTICIDES FOR LOCUST/GRASSHOPPER CONTROL 1. SUMMARY: AID/AFR/ONI IS IN THE PROCESS OF REFINING THE LIST OF PREFERRED PESTICIDES PRESENTED IN THE 1989 PROGRAMMATIC ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT {PEA} FOR LOCUST AND GRASSHOPPER CONTROL IN AFRICA AND ASIA. THE INFORMATION IN THIS CABLE UPDATES SIMILAR TABULAR DATA IN THE PEA, AND SUPERCEDES SIMILAR DATA IN A.I.D.'S 'REVIEW OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS IN A.I.D. PROGRAMS FOR LOCUST AND GRASSHOPPER CONTROL, PUBL. SERIES NO. 91-7'. THE INFORMATION ON PESTICIDES IN THIS CABLE SHOULD BE iv UNCLASSIFIED v v UNCLASSIFIED vi CONSIDERED TO BE AN AMENDMENT TO THE PEA. THE TABLE LISTING PESTICIDES IN THE ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS DOCUMENT WAS ONLY MEANT TO INDICATE PESTICIDES THAT CAN BE PURCHASED WITH A.I.D. FUNDS, BUT IT SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED AS GUIDANCE FOR PESTICIDE SELECTION, END SUMMARY. 2. WITH MORE AND MORE INFORMATION ON PESTICIDES BEING GENERATED, AID/AFR FINDS IT NECESSARY TO REFINE ITS LIST OF A.I.D.-APPROVED ANTI-LOCUST/GRASSHOPPER PESTICIDES. THE FOLLOWING IS AN ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF THE PESTICIDES APPROVED IN THE PEA. THE LIST INCLUDES RELEVANT INFORMATION ON TOXICITY, BIO-ACCUMULATION AND SIGNAL WORDS {TO INDICATE THE RELATIVE TOXICITY OF EACH INSECTICIDE}. THIS INFORMATION PROVIDES A SKETCH OF PROPERTIES OF THE A.I.D.-APPROVED ANTI-LOCUST/GRASSHOPPER PESTICIDES. ALL OF THE CHEMICALS LISTED BELOW ARE CURRENTLY REGISTERED EITHER BY THE U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY {EPA} OR ITS EQUIVALENT IN OTHER COUNTRIES FOR LOCUST AND GRASSHOPPER CONTROL. == == == 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. TOXICITY TO --------------------FISH INVER BIRD MAMML ACEPHATE BENDIOCARB CARBARYL CHLORPYRIFOS DIAZINON FENITROTHION LAMBDACYHALOTHRIN 8. MALATHION 9. TRALOMETHRIN BIOAC PERS SIGNW L M L M M L L M L H H H L M L M M-H H M M L M L L L M L-M M M M L M L L M L C W C C-W C-W W H L H H L H L M L H L-M L H L H M L M D C D LEGEND: NON-TARGET ORGANISMS: FISH, INVERTEBRATES {INCLUDING HONEYBEES}, BIRDS, MAMMALS BIOAC = BIO-ACCUMULATION, PERS = PERSISTENCE, L = LOW; M = MODERATE; H = HIGH {APPLY TO TOXICITY LEVELS TO NON-TARGET ORGANISMS, BIOACCUMULATION AND PERSISTENCE; RELATIVE TOXICITY IS ALSO A FUNCTION OF FORMULATION AND ACTIVE INGREDIENT CONCENTRATION} vi UNCLASSIFIED vii SIGNW = SIGNAL WORD: C = CAUTION; W = WARNING; D = DANGER {POISON}; {APPLIES TO THE RELATIVE TOXICITY OF PESTICIDES IN ASCENDING ORDER; RELATIVE TOXICITY IS ALSO A FUNCTION OF FORMULATION AND ACTIVE INGREDIENT CONCENTRATION} SPECIFIC DOSAGES MUST BE WORKED OUT BY HIGHLY EXPERIENCED PERSONNEL FAMILIAR WITH THE APPLICATION EQUIPMENT, PESTICIDE FORMULATION, ETC., TO BE USED. FOR ELABORATION ON THE PROPERTIES OF A.I.D.-APPROVED ANTI-LOCUST/ GRASSHOPPER PESTICIDES, CONSULT THE PEA AND COUNTRYSPECIFIC SUPPLEMENTARY ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENTS {SEAS}. 3. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT ALL PRECAUTIONS INDICATED ON THE PESTICIDE LABELS, E.G., APPLICATION DOSAGES, SAFETY MEASURES, INSTRUCTIONS ON HANDLING AND STORAGE PROCEDURES, DISPOSAL OPTIONS, ENTRY BY UNPROTECTED PERSONS INTO TREATED AREAS, EMERGENCY GUIDELINES, ETC., BE CAREFULLY OBSERVED, AS OUTLINED IN THE COUNTRY-SPECIFIC SEAS. 4. AID/W WILL KEEP MISSIONS INFORMED OF FUTURE UPDATES ON THE LIST OF A.I.D.-APPROVED ANTI-LOCUST/GRASSHOPPER PESTICIDES. ___________________ ADDITIONAL CLEARANCES: AID/AFR/EA:PGUEDET{INFO} AID/AFR/CCWA:MGOLDEN{INFO} AID/AFR/SWA:JGILMORE{INFO} AID/AFR/SA:KBROWN{INFO} AID/AFR/ARTS/FARA:WKNAUSENBERGER{DRAFT} AID/RD/AGI:RHEDLUND{INFO} U:\..\YENE\AELGA\SEA\SEA4ERTR.EA vii UNCLASSIFIED viii viii UNCLASSIFIED 9 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 10 UNCLASSIFIED