Integrated Safeguards Data Sheet

Report No.: AC6255
Date ISDS Prepared/Updated: 06/07/2011
A. Basic Project Data
Country: Haiti
Project ID: P126346
Project Name: Haiti Disaster Management and Vulnerability Reduction
Task Team Leader: Pierre Xavier Bonneau
Estimated Appraisal Date:
Estimated Board Date: November 24, 2011
Managing Unit: LCSUW
Lending Instrument: Specific Investment
Sector: Flood protection (50%);Roads and highways (50%)
Theme: Other urban development (34%);Municipal governance and institution building
(33%);Natural disaster management (33%)
IBRD Amount (US$m.):
IDA Amount (US$m.):
GEF Amount (US$m.):
PCF Amount (US$m.):
Other financing amounts by source:
B. Project Objectives [from section 2 of PCN]
The project aims at reducing the country#s vulnerability to adverse natural events through
investment in risk management activities. The objective of the proposed project will be to
contribute to reducing Haiti#s vulnerability to adverse natural events by strengthening
institutional disaster risk management and emergency response capacity and enhancing the
resiliency of critical infrastructure.
C. Project Description [from section 3 of PCN]
Component One: Hazard risk and Identification (US$5 million)
To mitigate the impact of future adverse natural events in Haiti, risk must first be identified.
Once known, natural hazard risk can be integrated into land use planning and other vulnerability
reduction efforts. This component would identify current gaps in understanding of
vulnerabilities to adverse natural events and would finance studies required to fill the knowledge
gaps. Technical assistance would be provided to assist the GoH in incorporating new
vulnerability awareness in reconstruction and territorial planning. The project would finance an
information needs assessment, hazard risk and vulnerability analysis, and the provision of
technical assistance to maximize the impact of new vulnerability understanding.
Component Two: Building capacity of the National Disaster Risk Management System and
mitigating disaster vulnerability (US$10 million)
The National Disaster Risk Management System (SNGRD) has achieved important results in
the areas of disaster preparedness and response. However, the system is relatively young and
requires additional support to consolidate the gains achieved in the last five years. This
component will seek to improve the capacity of the SNGRD to prepare for, and respond to,
adverse natural events and mitigate the impact of such events through physical investments. The
component will finance the provision of training, provision of technical advisory services,
acquisition of goods, and the implementation of community level disaster mitigation works.
Activities under this component would be divided into two categories # emergency preparedness
and response, and disaster mitigation, and would include the following:
Preparedness and Response: Through the provision of technical assistance and training for key
SNGRD participants, operational emergency policies and procedures would be reinforced at the
national level. At the municipal level the network of Civil Protection Committees would be
expanded from 73 to over 100. In addition, the nationwide Early Warning System would be
enhanced through training and the provision of equipment in order to strengthen the chain of
command between various levels of government.
Disaster Mitigation: In consultation with mayor#s offices, the community level Civil Protection
Committees would benefit from training and technical assistance to more effectively conduct
community level disaster vulnerability assessments. Based on local vulnerability assessments,
physical mitigation measures will be designed and implemented. Possible types of investments
include river training, slope stabilization and the retrofitting of critical infrastructure such as
small bridges and culverts.
Component Three: Rehabilitation of vulnerable and damaged transportation network
infrastructure ($30 million)
Damage from the earthquake continues to limit the efficiency of the transportation network,
particularly the secondary road system outside of Port-au-Prince. The project will strengthen the
institutional capacity of the SEPRRN (MTPTC Directorate for Road Maintenance), MTPTC
preparation and crisis emergency response unit, Departmental Directorates of Public Works and
the FER (Road Maintenance Fund) to prepare and supervise mitigation works or repairs to
critical infrastructures, and to prepare and operate in an emergency response environment to
restore access to isolated areas.
The project would also finance the rehabilitation and reconstruction of damaged and vulnerable
transport infrastructure, including: repairs of damaged critical points of infrastructures damaged
by adverse natural events; consolidating existing infrastructure or critical points in order to
improve resiliency, and completion new of works to support an all-weather transportation
network. The institutional capacity to continue reducing vulnerabilities will also be
Component Four # Emergency Response Contingent Reserve (US$2 million)
Following an adverse natural event, and subject to the GoH#s declaration of a national
emergency in accordance with national law, this component would allow the GoH to request the
World Bank to re-categorize financing and/or add contingent financing to cover early recovery
and rehabilitation costs. Additional funds could also be made available through this window or
funds could be re-allocated to this window from other components. Disbursements are expected
to be made against a positive list of critical imports or the procurement of goods, works, and
consultant services required to support the needs of the GoH.
Component Five - Project Management and Implementation Support (US$3 million)
Activities under this component would relate to the institutional support and capacity
development for project management and implementation. Support will be provided to the two
implementing agencies of the project, including the UCE-MTPTC and the UCP-MICT.
Activities financed under this component would include training, staffing and project
development activities associated with project execution.
D. Project location (if known)
The project would be implemented on the national level, benefitting all ten departments. The
majority of physical works, which will be identified during project implementation, will take
place in areas outside of Port-au-Prince.
E. Borrower’s Institutional Capacity for Safeguard Policies [from PCN]
Despite the emergency situation, environmental and social safeguards measures have been
applied in various CDD and transport sector rehabilitation projects. Experiences and instruments
developed for the HIIERP, PRODEP and PRODEPUR projects will serve as a foundation for the
proposed project#s safeguard policies and procedures.
The project will be implemented by two agencies. Components 1, 2, 4 and 5 will be the
responsibility of the Project Implementation Unit of the Ministry of Interior and Collective
Territories (Unité de Coordination de Projet du Ministère de l#Intérieur et des Collectivités
Territoriales: UCP # MICT). They would also be responsible for overall project reporting
responsibilities. The UCP has experience with Bank safeguards policies.
The majority of the physical investments will take place under Component 3 of the proposed
Project. Similar to other World Bank financed operations, the Project Implementation Unit of
the Ministry of Public Works, Transportation and Communications (Unité Centrale d#Exécution
du Ministère des Travaux Publics, Transports et Communications: UCE - MTPTC) will be
charged with implementation of physical investments. The UCE has a history of implementing
Bank financed projects and supervising implementation partners in the application of social and
environmental safeguards. A social specialist is in place at the UCE to cover safeguards aspects
of Bank projects and they are in the process of including an environmental specialist to provide
further assistance with the application of the Bank#s environmental safeguard policies.
Physical works will be completed by implementing partners and supervised by the UCE. Many
large implementing partners are experienced in Bank safeguard policies; however, additional
training will be provided to ensure that the implementing partners comply with safeguards
policies. If necessary, the UCE will also benefit from training and capacity building in the
supervision of Bank safeguards.
The Bank has been collaborating closely with other donors, including the IDB on consistent
application and enforcement of safeguards. For example, a joint Bank/IDB social and
environmental safeguards workshop was organized in September 2010 to raise the importance of
these issues with the GoH and discuss their integration in all projects. The proposed Project will
benefit from this partnership and will aim to strengthen coordination.
F. Environmental and Social Safeguards Specialists
Ms Nyaneba E. Nkrumah (LCSEN)
Mr Fabio Pittaluga (LCSSO)
Safeguard Policies Triggered
Environmental Assessment (OP/BP 4.01)
OP/BP 4.01 is triggered due to: i) the construction of emergency operation centers under
Component 2; ii) rehabilitation of damaged assets under Component 3; and, iii) community level
investments under Component 2, which may include river training, slope stabilization and
critical infrastructure construction retrofitting (e.g., small bridges, culverts, etc). For each of
these activities, every effort will be made to minimize their environmental impact. For example,
large scale river diversions will not be funded and every effort will be made to ensure that the
scale of river training is small with no impact on aquatic and terrestrial habitats. An ESMF will
be prepared to assess these impacts and, where required, an Environmental Management Plan
(EMP) will be prepared.
The project is being processed under emergency guidelines (OP/BP 8.00). Under these
guidelines, the preparation of impact assessments and safeguards instruments, along with
disclosure of documents, will be finalized following Board approval. However, a draft
Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) will be prepared prior to the
Decision Meeting. The ESMF will indicate the processes and procedures for all actors to ensure
compliance with all applicable Bank policies both in environment and social matters. In so far as
needed, if specific plans are required by individual infrastructure investments, these will be
Scope and Scale of Impacts: Physical activities considered under this project relate to the
rehabilitation and strengthening of existing infrastructure and are not expected to produce any
large-scale, significant and/or irreversible impacts. As a result, we recommend that the Project be
given an environmental category of B.
Safeguard Policies Triggered
Works to be financed by the project will be identified during project implementation. The
majority of investments will be the rehabilitation of existing transportation network
infrastructure based on the principle of greatest loss avoidance and would generally focus on
rehabilitating damaged assets before they fall to a level beyond repair. Community level works
would be identified through a consultative process among the community affected and
investments envisioned include river training, slope stabilization, and critical infrastructure
construction retrofitting (small bridges, culverts, etc).
Recent Experience: In the post-earthquake context in Haiti, where the social and
environmental context has changed significantly, the Bank has financed the rehabilitation of
roads and community level infrastructure. The proposed project will incorporate these
experiences and lessons learned in the drafting of the ESMF. Training in the implementation of
Bank safeguards will be provided to the UCE and implementing partners to ensure compliance.
Completion and disclosure of key safeguards instruments are expected within the first six
months after the project has been approved; however, the Project Operational manual, to be
prepared for Grant effectiveness, will include the ESMF core principles.
Natural Habitats (OP/BP 4.04)
The primary purpose of river training is flood control. This activity may have the potential to
alter the river flow, gradient, temperature, etc, which, in turn, may particularly impact the habitat
of aquatic species. At the concept stage, and without an assessment, it is not possible to
determine whether natural habitats will be negatively impacted. This depends on the river course
chosen to prevent flooding, the scale of the training and the extent to which the water course is
altered. However, as per Bank safeguard policies, no conversion or alteration of critical habitat
or fragile ecosystems will occur and large scale river diversions will not be financed. Minimal
river training, if selected as an activity, will be technically assessed prior to implementation. An
EMP will prepared if there is going to be a significant impact on the natural habitat.
Forests (OP/BP 4.36)
Pest Management (OP 4.09)
Physical Cultural Resources (OP/BP 4.11)
Small rehabilitation works and new minor mitigation works may result in the chance find of
culturally significant objects. A section governing chance finds will be addresses in all physical
works contracts
Indigenous Peoples (OP/BP 4.10)
Involuntary Resettlement (OP/BP 4.12)
Works financed under the project are envisioned to be focused on the repair of existing
infrastructure. The likelihood of resettlement as a result of construction is expected to be very
minimal; however, in some cases, this may be required on a limited basis. In the case that a
small number of individuals and/or families need to be moved, abbreviated resettlement plans
will be prepared prior to construction.
The exact location of the specific activities to be financed will only be defined during
project implementation. Thus a Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) will be prepared and
integrated into the Environmental and Social Management Framework for the project. The
RPF/ESMF will illustrate the modalities by which compliance with OP 4.12 will be ensured, and
Safeguard Policies Triggered
lay out a series of processes for the identification of resettlement impacts and the modalities by
which these can be mitigated or avoided as needed. The resettlement framework will be based on
that which was developed for the recent CDD projects, which has application for both rural and
urban areas. The RPF/ESMF will illustrate a clear and simple procedure to be applied to each
project that is easily understood by implementing partners.
Recent Experience: The proposed Project will benefit from the lessons learned in the
implementation of several post-earthquake rehabilitation projects. For example land tenure and
property tenure in Haiti is especially unclear as a result of the earthquake; however, ongoing
CDD projects are in the process of carrying out social assessment studies to develop better
understand these challenges, including a study on gender issues to better understand how
resettlement could affect women differentially than men. These studies are in the process of
being conducted and will provide useful information on any resettlement for the project and if
and when needed. In the case of resettlements, the proposed Project would provide additional
training and capacity building to the UCE and the implementing partners and the Bank will
ensure that the UCE receives necessary inputs throughout the process.
Conflict Resolution mechanisms: During the preparation and implementation phases,
community members may have various disputes, complaints and/or grievances on a variety of
issues including inclusion in the community-based mapping lists, entitlement to assistance, or on
the manner in which the assistance is provided. It is important, therefore, to have widely
disseminated, easily accessible, and well functioning conflict resolution mechanisms in place
prior to the beginning of any works under the housing component that clearly distinguish
between different types of problems: (a) disputes / disagreements on fact (e.g., property
boundaries), (b) grievances from parties who do not like the outcome of the project activities,
and (c) complaints about the project processes themselves. The Conflict Resolution Mechanisms
should build on existing community-based practices and processes. The newly recruited social
specialist in the UCP will oversee all project grievance mechanisms. Representatives of the
Mayor#s office, other NGOs involved in the reconstruction effort, and international stakeholders
experienced in facilitating transparent processes, are some of the possible candidates for
participation in the conflict resolution mechanism.
Safety of Dams (OP/BP 4.37)
Projects on International Waterways (OP/BP 7.50)
Projects in Disputed Areas (OP/BP 7.60)
Environmental Category: B - Partial Assessment
A. Target date for the Quality Enhancement Review (QER), at which time the PAD-stage ISDS
would be prepared: N/A
B. For projects that will not require a QER, the target date for preparing the PAD-stage ISDS:
C. Time frame for launching and completing the safeguard-related studies that may be needed.
The specific studies and their timing1 should be specified in the PAD-stage ISDS.
The project is processed under OP 8.00 as an emergency operation, which allows for the
preparation of impact assessments and safeguards instruments, along with disclosure of
documents, to be completed following Board approval.
However, the team will develop a draft Environmental and Social Management Framework
(ESMF) prior to the Decision Meeting. This ESMF will be based on recent Frameworks
developed in Haiti in the post-earthquake environment. Completion and disclosure of the
ESMF is expected to be finalized within the first six months after the project has been made
Signed and submitted by:
Task Team Leader:
Approved by:
Regional Safeguards Coordinator:
Sector Manager:
Mr Pierre Xavier Bonneau
Mr Glenn S. Morgan
Ms Sylvie Debomy
Reminder: The Bank's Disclosure Policy requires that safeguard-related documents be disclosed before appraisal (i) at the
InfoShop and (ii) in-country, at publicly accessible locations and in a form and language that are accessible to potentially affected