FAPE Parent Letter

Dear ____________________:
On ____________________, your [son/daughter], ____________________ was involved in
____________________ resulting in a suspension of ____ days. This results in a total of
____ days for the current school year.
Pursuant to federal special education regulations, if needed, we will meet to conduct a
manifestation determination review (MDR) meeting. At this meeting, we will review
information to determine if the behavior subject to disciplinary action was caused by, or had a
direct and substantial relationship to, the student’s disability. Additionally, we will determine if
the conduct in question was the direct result of the school district’s failure to implement the
current Individualized Educational Plan (IEP).
The suspension begins on ____________________ and your child can return to school on
____________________. While your student is suspended, the following instructional
services will be provided:
Services to be provided to enable student to participate in the general education
curriculum and progress toward meeting the goals:
Goals to be addressed:
Educational setting during removal:
Service date(s) and time(s):
o Special Education Teacher: [Name]
o Building Administrator: [Name]
Please note that extreme or repeated behavior problems may result in a student being
referred to the ____________________ Board of Education for expulsion consideration.
Parents of a child with a disability have protection under the Procedural Safeguards of the
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act relative to issues of discipline. We have enclosed a
copy of the Procedural Safeguards Notice describing these protections.
____________________ is not to return to any classes or be on any school properties
during school hours or school activities outside of that listed above until the suspension has
been served. Disregarding this notice and returning to school property during school hours or
school activities prior to the date mentioned above will/may result in trespassing charges
being filed against the student.
Parent Rights and Procedural Safeguards document enclosed.
Form Revised: 8/6/2012