Energy Emergency! Our environment is in danger. Humans are hurting the environment by overuse of certain energy sources, and because of this, the world is facing an energy crisis. Gas prices rise higher and higher as the demand for oil far exceeds the supply. Alternative energy sources are desperately needed if we are to maintain our current way of life. But what is energy? We can't imagine life without it. How do we preserve the environment and at the same time continue to supply energy to meet our needs? Begin on a local level by looking at the energy used in your school and community. What are the different sources of energy used? What are some alternative sources of energy your community could use so as not to harm the environment? Your help is needed to research this problem, including current media findings, and make a proposal to your local government on how to make your community more energy efficient and environmentally responsible. Keep a journal of your research, as well as news articles which relate to the crisis. You will prepare a proposal and a brief presentation for a class summit on the crisis. Your community needs you! Modified from copyrighted material of IDE Corp. © 2001-2008, Permission to duplicate for registered users of the IDEportal only. 201 934 5005 Energy Emergency Rubric Task Energy Research Novice definition of energy 3 renewable or nonrenewable sources Apprentice definition of energy 3 nonrenewable sources 3 renewable sources Journal Proposal all research all research newspaper article about crisis description of the energy problem 2 possible solutions predicted ways each solution will help detailed information on the problem 2 proposed solutions predicted ways each solution will help description of the energy problem 2 possible solutions Oral Presentation information on the problem 2 proposed solutions Practitioner definition of energy 3 non-renewable sources 3 renewable sources energy crisis effects on people ways school & community members contribute to the crisis all research newspaper article about energy crisis summary of article description of the energy problem 2 possible solutions plan for putting each solution into effect predicted ways each solution will help detailed information on the problem 2 proposed solutions predicted ways each solution will help solutions and predictions supported by data Expert all of Practitioner plus 3 ways school & community members can be more energy efficient all of Practitioner plus multiple news articles summaries include connection to your school or community all of Practitioner plus approximate cost for each solution one solution can be implemented by your school all of Practitioner plus visual to accompany presentation audience participation Modified from copyrighted material of IDE Corp. © 2001-2008, Permission to duplicate for registered users of the IDEportal only. 201 934 5005 Energy Emergency Websites Energy Information Administration kids’ page – this government site includes classroom resources and activities. Kids’ site from the US Dept. of Energy – information on renewable energy and home connections. Energy Quest, from California’s state energy commission hosts an interactive room, full of various kid-friendly energy activities. Alliant Energy Kids offers energy-related info, projects, and links to online games. BrainPop activities and video on energy sources.,28277,1734120,00.html Time for Kids article about a California school that went ‘green’ due to the efforts of the student environmental club,28391,1610917,00.html Time for Kids article, “Welcome to the City of the Future” sheet=cms_ngkids&output=xml_no_dtd&oe=UTF-8&q=energy Listing of many artcles from National Geographic Kids on energy and conservation. Modified from copyrighted material of IDE Corp. © 2001-2008, Permission to duplicate for registered users of the IDEportal only. 201 934 5005 Energy Emergency Scaffold Modified from copyrighted material of IDE Corp. © 2001-2008, Permission to duplicate for registered users of the IDEportal only. 201 934 5005