Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service

REF: 30565D
We are seeking applicants to 2 ST4 LAT posts. These posts are based in
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Services from as soon as possible until 4th February 2014. You would
participate in all aspects of patient care, including weekly MDT meetings.
You would be expected to attend the local and national Child and
Adolescent Psychiatry Postgraduate Training Programme. The ST4 LAT
posts hold Educational approval from the Postgraduate Dean and will be
a Locum Appointments for Training or Clinical Fellows dependant on
experience. If the posts are recruited to as a ST4 LAT it will count
towards training recognition. If appointed as a Clinical Fellow this post
will not be recognised for training.
The ST4-6 post forms part of the West of Scotland Training Scheme in
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. The Scheme has full training approval
from the Royal College of Psychiatrists and follows PmetB and closely
the training guidelines of the College. The training programme is
supervised by the Regional Specialty Training Committee.
The Post provides three years training in all aspects of Child and
Adolescent Psychiatry, successful completion of which leads to the award
of the Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training (CCT).
Trainees rotate through several of the clinical departments that
participate in the Scheme and are allocated a training supervisor in each
placement. Trainees normally rotate into at least one post outwith
Glasgow during their training. Performance assessment is carried out on
a regular basis throughout training. Summative assessment is conducted
annually. Study leave conforms with the terms and conditions of service
for the Specialist Registrar grade.
Candidates must have passed the MRCPsych Part II and have
completed Core Psychiatry (ST1-3) Training or equivalent, recognised for
training by the Royal College of Psychiatrists.
On appointment the trainee will be given a National Training Number
(NTN) or a Visiting Training Number (VTN), if they do not have rights of
indefinite residence in the UK, and a provisional date for award of the
CCT. This date will be subject to confirmation by the Royal College of
Award of CCT will be dependent upon successful completion of the three
year training programme. Subject to the approval of the Postgraduate
Committee, trainees may apply for Consultant posts in advance of this
date, the date of interview for the post must be within 6 months of CCT
date. Posts cannot be taken up, however, until the training period of
three years has been completed, and the CCT awarded.
(i) Training
The trainee must make full use of the training opportunities provided.
(ii) Clinical
Clinical responsibilities will be arranged with the trainer in each
(iii) Administration
The trainee will be expected to take administrative responsibility for
their own cases. When appropriate there may be additional tasks
such as organisation of on call rotas or undergraduate teaching.
(i) Academic Training
Trainees are required to participate in those educational activities that
are arranged within the scheme. It is expected that trainees would
also wish to further their experience through attendance at courses
and meetings organised by other related groups.
Local educational activities include the National Academic
Programme in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry attended by all Higher
Trainees in Scotland.
There are also a complementary local
programme and Management courses available.
(ii) Therapeutic Skills
Through a variety of clinical placement the scheme aims to help
trainees acquire basic skills in the various therapeutic modalities
used in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
Training to a higher
standard in a particular skill (such as Cognitive Behaviour Therapy)
may involve the individual registering in an appropriate course of
which several are available in Scotland.
(iii) Study Leave and Expenses
Entitlement to Study Leave is according to national Terms and
Conditions of Service. Associated expenses can be claimed from the
Postgraduate Dean subject to a ceiling set for each trainee per year.
Study Leave entitlement is currently under review, please refer to our
There is no charge for attendance at the Academic Course organised
within the Scheme.
(i) The Trainee will be continuously assessed by the supervising trainer
in their place of work with formal assessments every 6 months.
(ii) The Committee in Psychiatry will formally review each trainee
annually under the ARCP procedure.
(iii) If the Trainee fails to show adequate commitment or progress at
annual review, measures of assistance will be discussed with the
Trainee. Exceptionally in these circumstances the training period
may be lengthened or recommendation be made that the contract be
Quality of training is given high priority within the Scheme and Trainees
are actively encouraged to feed back views of their training experience.
The Training Programme Director, Dr Leighton, also chairs the Trainers’
Group which includes all the training consultants in Child and Adolescent
Psychiatry in the West of Scotland. The Director is assisted by an
Executive Committee elected by the Group. Trainees are represented on
this Group and Executive Committee, which meets approximately every
eight weeks. All Trainers and Trainees meet on an annual basis.
The Trainees within the Scheme also meet monthly to discuss topics
related to training. The Chair of the Committee in Psychiatry arranges
regular meetings of all of the Trainees in the various Psychiatric
Subject to prior approval by the Postgraduate Dean and the Specialist
Advisory Committee of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, opportunities
will exist for the Trainee to pursue further experience such as research
fellowships, training overseas or sub-specialty experience. A maximum
of 12 months of such training may count towards the award of the CCT.
The Trainee would retain their Training Number (NTN) during this period.
There is a strong tradition of research in the West of Scotland. Facilities
and support for research activities are available through the Academic
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry of the University of
Glasgow and other hospital departments.
Following appointment the Trainee will be allocated a research supervisor
whose role is to encourage and facilitate research. Two sessions per
week are allowed for research activity.
The Trainee should be aware of the importance of clinical audit and
should participate in audit activities when possible. It is expected that the
trainee will undertake an audit in each placement and have experience of
at least one completed cycle.
Many of the training departments are involved in teaching various groups
including undergraduates, junior medical staff, nursing staff and others.
Trainees are expected to develop their teaching skills as part of their
1. Dumfries
Dept. of Child and Family Psychiatry
Consultant Trainer(s)
No current trainer
01387 244331
2. Glasgow
Caledonia House
Yorkhill G3 8SJ
0141 201 0228
a) Academic Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Dr Helen Minnis - Senior Lecturer
b) Child Psychiatry Inpatient Unit
c) Liaison Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Dr S Hukin
Dr M Morton
d) Scottish Centre for Autism
Dept of Child, Adolescent and Family Psychiatry
Possilpark Health Centre
85 Denmark Street,
Glasgow G22 5EG
Department of Child Psychiatry
(Southfield) Fifth Floor, Twomax Building
187 Rutherglen Road
Adolescent Unit
Skye House
133 Balornock Road
G21 3UT
Dept of Child and Family Psychiatry
90 Kerr Street
G40 2PQ
Dept of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
The West Centre
50 Kinfauns Drive
0141 207 7100
Department of Learning Disabilities CAMHS
Dr. Anne Greer
0141 531 6107
Dr Dianne Forsythe
0141 300 6360
0141 232 6420
0141 531 3301
Dr J Pickett
Templeton Business Centre
62 Templeton Street
Glasgow G40 1DW
Forensic CAMHS
136 Stanley Street
Glasgow G41 1JH
Dr Ama Addo
Dr Aileen Blower
0141 276 3858
CAMHS, Acorn Centre
Vale of Leven Hospital
Dunbartonshire G83 OVA
Dr K Towlson
01389 817324
Larkfield Child & Family Centre
Larkfield Road
PA16 0XN
Dr K Leighton
01475 504447
Child and Family Clinic
49 Airbles Road
Child and Family Clinic
194 Quarry Street
Dr M Vettraino
01698 254551
Dr C Sinclair
Dr A McGrath
01698 427653
6. Stirling
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Stirling Royal Infirmary
1 Randolph Road
01786 434000
7. Ayrshire
Child and Family Service
Ayrshire Central Hospital
Kilwinning Road
KA12 8RU
1. Department of Family Psychiatry: Crichton Royal Hospital,
Consultants: Dr Sawn Renfrew, Dr Jenny Halliday
This department offers an out patient service for children and
adolescents. The department has established experience in the long
term treatment of emotionally disturbed adolescents. Out patient
clinics are held at the department itself, as well as in other venues in
Dumfries and the principal towns of the area.
There are close links with Community Child Health and Hospital
Paediatric Services based at Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary.
The department contributes to the Adult Psychiatry Training
Programme and benefits from the post graduate facilities at Crichton
Royal Hospital.
2. Glasgow
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry:
Caledonia House, Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Yorkhill.
Consultant: Dr. Helen Minnis, Senior Lecturer
Chair – Professor Christopher Gillberg
This is the University Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,
which is the only separate academic department in this specialty in
Scotland. The department has a major role in the organisation of
medical under-graduate teaching. There is an active programme of
research and Specialist Registrars with an interest will be strongly
encouraged and supported within the department.
The department maintains a busy caseload which is derived from
several sources. Although there is no sector responsibility, children
and adolescents are referred both for primary and secondary opinion.
Dr Minnis has a research interest in Attachment Disorder.
Within the department has been founded a Psychological Trauma
Consultation Group which is concerned with training, research and
consultation with traumatised children, teenagers and their families.
There is considerable collaborative work undertaken with the
paediatricians at Yorkhill Hospital and the department holds
responsibility for the psychiatric input into the paediatric and young
adult Cystic Fibrosis Services for the city.
3. Scottish Centre for Autism
Consultant: Vacancy
The Communication Disorder Team centres its activities round a
therapeutic day programme for young children with severe
developmental communication disorders such as Autism, Asperger’s
Syndrome and Semantic Pragmatic Disorder.
In addition to the day programme, team activities include out-patient
assessments and treatment programmes. Follow up of children may
extend into adolescence.
The multi-disciplinary team currently consists of a Consultant
Psychiatrist, two nursery nurses, a part-time Occupational Therapist,
a Speech and Language Therapist and a teacher.
An eclectic approach is taken to the choice of treatment modality.
Whilst the predominant approach is based on the theory of the
cognitive development of communication skills, within the team there
is expertise in behavioural and psychodynamic psychotherapy. The
most satisfactory training experience will be gained by those trainees
who are interested in devoting substantial time to the structured
programme and who are prepared to actively gain skills in
assessment and treatment of communication disordered children
under the guidance of the multi-disciplinary team.
4. Child Psychiatry In Patient Unit: Caledonia House, Yorkhill
Consultant: Dr Michael Morton and Dr Sarah Hukin
This is a specialist Child Psychiatry, seven day in patient unit within
Yorkhill Hospital, linked to other specialists and Community Child
Psychiatry Services in Glasgow. The Unit accepts children up to age
twelve. The team comprises nursing and teaching staff. There is a
part-time family therapist and a part-time psychologist, a Speech and
Language Therapist, a Paediatric Occupational Therapist, a
designated dietician and secretarial support.
The Unit provides detailed multi-disciplinary assessment for children
with a full range of disorders, with the exception of children with
medical or learning disability, of a level that precludes their benefiting
from the facilities of the Unit. Consultation is offered in relation to
potential referrals. A range of models is used with a strong emphasis
on systems theory, encompassing biological, psychological and social
systems. Neuro-psychiatric and psychopharmacology experience is
available alongside psychodynamic and cognitive behavioural
assessments, and treatments according to need.
Weekly supervision is available from the Unit Consultant. Supervision
of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and family work is available from
other senior members of the team. The ward is closely linked to the
Liaison Team and there are many research opportunities within the
Children’s Hospital.
Trainees may take on a senior role in
management, audit and teaching activities as well as aspects of
supervision of the Senior House Officer as appropriate. Specialist
Registrars have non-exclusive use of an office and telephone and
secretarial support is provided by the Ward Secretary.
5. Liaison Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Team: Royal Hospital
for Sick Children, Yorkhill
Consultant: Dr Michael Morton, Dr. Elaine Lockhart
Specialist experience in Liaison Psychiatry is available on a part-time
or fulltime basis. The Liaison Team is closely linked to the Psychiatric
In-Patient Unit and Liaison may be a special interest for trainees
attached to the ward. Trainees attached to the Liaison Team will
share accommodation and secretarial support within Caledonia
The Team includes sessional contributions from Dr Michael Morton,
Dr Elaine Lockhart, Douglas Fraser, (Senior Nurse), Martin Donnelly
(Nurse therapist) Sandra Boyle (Liaison Nurse) and Rachel
Breckenridge, (Clinical Psychologist).
Referrals are accepted from paediatric teams in relation to hospital inpatients or frequent attenders at out patient clinics. Specialist
referrals in relation to psychosomatic disorders and diagnostic and
management problems in children with combined psychiatric and
physical disorders are accepted on an out patient basis. The
team provides emergency cover in the children's hospital during
working hours. There is a staffed bed in the short stay ward for use
by patients who self harm.
The Liaison Team provides a Neuropsychiatry service and has formal
links with the Neurosciences Service, the Pain Team and Home
Ventilation Services at Yorkhill and the Adolescent Cystic Fibrosis
service at Gartnavel. There are close working relationships with
general and specialist paediatricians and paediatric surgeons. Liaison
projects may be undertaken by trainees who are are willing to commit
themselves to working with a paediatric team in relation to a clinical or
research task. The team can broker additional paediatric training
opportunities, particularly in Neurosciences.
6. Child Psychiatry Out Patient Services for Glasgow
Team Consultant: Dr Anne Greer
This team serves the North of Glasgow and is based at Possilpark
Health Centre. The placement offers a wide experience in general
child and adolescent psychiatry out patient work in a community
setting. The team consists of a full time psychiatrist, a Nurse
Therapists, a part time Child Psychotherapist and Clinical
This is a multidisciplinary team offering a range of therapeutic
interventions including CBT and family therapy.
Child Psychotherapy experience is available. We are building active
links with the Child Development Centre, (Glenfarg Suite), in the same
building. Meetings are also held regularly with Health Visitors and
other health professionals involved with children in order to promote
their understanding of children’s mental health needs.
Trainees will be involved in teaching of medical under graduates,
trainees in other disciplines and the core trainee placed with the team.
Supervision will be provided by the consultant and will cover clinical
and academic work as well as management issues and audit.
The trainee will have their own office while on this placement. There
are library facilities on site. Secretarial support is provided by the
Team Secretary.
7. Adolescent Psychiatry Services for Glasgow
a. Department of Adolescent and Family Psychiatry
Fifth Floor, Old Mill Studios, 187 Old Rutherglen Road.
Consultant: Dr Dianne Forsythe
This is a multi-disciplinary out patient team which provides a generic
service to patients and their families, living within the South Glasgow
catchment area. While the department receives the majority of its
referrals from medical agents, especially GP’s, referrals are received
also from other agencies involved in child/adolescent care, such as
Social Work, Educational Psychology and the Children’s Panel.
The multi-disciplinary team comprises medical staff, Nurse Therapists,
a Clinical Psychologist, a Social Worker and have secretarial support.
The team is available to respond to the whole range of adolescent
mental ill health. On occasion, by negotiation, young people aged
eighteen or over can also be seen.
Over and above the generic service available, a specific Liaison
Adolescent Psychiatry Service is provided to the Victoria Infirmary, a
district general hospital in South East Glasgow.
b. Glasgow North West Adolescent Community Psychiatry
Consultants: Dr Jackie Pickett, Dr Christabel Boyle
This service is based at West Centre, Drumchapel and offers a
generic out-patient service to children adolescents and their families
in the North West area of Glasgow. The team currently consists of
two consultants, both part-time, a full time Nurse Therapist, part-time
Social Worker and part-time psychologist. An SHO is often attached
to the team.
Although a broad range of therapeutic approaches are taken, there is
a particular interest in Family Therapy within the team. The team is
based within the West Centre which it shares with the local
Community Child Health Team. There is adequate office and clinical
space for the trainee.
c. Skye House, Stobhill Hospital Adolescent Unit
Consultants: Dr Heather Gardiner and Dr. Anne Marie Discombe
The West of Scotland Adolescent Unit is an “all purpose” unit, offering
assessment and management across a ‘generic’ or the whole
spectrum severe and/or complex e.g. OCD, psychosis, eating
disorders, affective disorders etc of adolescent psychiatric
disturbance. Young people aged 12 to 17 years inclusive with major
axis 1 psychiatric disorder who do not suffer from a moderate to
severe learning disability are considered for admission.
The Unit is a regional specialist service for the West of Scotland and
occasionally admits young people from more distant areas. The unit
is staffed by a multi-disciplinary team, offering individually tailored
treatment packages that are developed through assessment for young
people according to their needs.
Admissions are accepted on a planned elective basis or urgently if
necessary. Continuing education is provided by teaching staff within a
well resourced unit school.
d. Child & Adolescent Psychiatry ST4-6 LD-CAMHS Placement
Consultant: Dr Ama Addo
The LD-CAMHS Team is a Mental Health multi-disciplinary team for Children &
Adolescents with Learning Disabilities. It serves the population of Greater
Glasgow, currently ~1 million. The team is currently based in Templeton
Business Centre and:-
provides community-based specialist assessment and treatment to young
people aged 5 -17 years with moderate to profound learning disabilities
and a moderate or severe mental health disorder which is sustained and
persists despite input by another agency e.g. Social Work, Education and
Educational Psychology and
facilitates access to mental health services for children and young people
with learning disabilities by supporting CAMHS colleagues and other
Agencies working with children & adolescents with mild to severe
learning disabilities in Consultation and Joint Working.
The team works exclusively with children and young people with a
moderate to profound learning disability in Scotland. This placement
offers a unique training experience for Higher Trainees. Clinical work
is carried out in the LD-CAMHS base, Community CAMHS bases,
Yorkhill Hospital, schools, homes and other appropriate sites.
The Trainee will, under supervision, complete psychiatric
assessments of children & adolescents with moderate to severe
learning disabilities. This will involve taking histories from index
patients, relatives & carers and carrying physical examinations as
At this stage the Trainee will be expected to complete a formulation of
the index patient’s difficulties which they will feed back in an
accessible form to the patient, their family/carers and involved
professionals as appropriate. The Trainee may then continue to be
involved directly with the patient, for example if they require
medication or they may advise interventions by other LD-CAMHS
team members or professionals outwith the Team.
There are ample opportunities for teaching, management audit and
research this placement. The Trainee may also gain experiences less
likely in other placements e.g. Adults with Incapacity Act work.
8. Larkfield Child and Family Centre, Greenock
Consultant Trainer: Dr Katherine Leighton
This post provides wide experience in Community Child & Adolescent
Psychiatry within a multi-disciplinary team setting. The department
serves a wide catchment area including both urban and rural settings.
Links with community agencies and voluntary sector are well
established. There is also regular liaison and collaboration with the
Community and Hospital Paediatric Departments and local Mental
Health Teams. Experience can be gained in a variety of therapeutic
interventions including individual, family and group therapies,
psychopharmacology and consultation.
The trainee would have the opportunity of co-work with Clinical
Psychologists, Clinical Nurse Therapists and Social Worker within the
department. Within the community there are a range of other
agencies with established CAMHS input for clinical supervision,
consultation and planning. These include projects for Youth Crime
Prevention, Looked After Children and Children and Young People
with Learning Disability. The department is involved in ongoing audit.
There are opportunities for research and teaching.
Office, desk, telephone and IT system would be provided along with
secretarial support. There is a well stocked library on the premises
and access to libraries at both local District General Hospital and
Psychiatric Hospital.
9. Hamilton/East Kilbride
Consultant: Dr Alice McGrath
This post offers a broad experience of a Child and Adolescent Mental
Health Service provided by a multi-disciplinary community based team
for the East Kilbride area of Lanarkshire working out of Hamilton. The
team consists of 1 Consultant Psychiatrist, 2 Mental Health Clinician,
one with a background in OT and the other a nursing background who
is also a trained systemic therapist. There is also a Consultant
Clinical Psychologist in the team and a ST3 Doctor is often attached.
There team uses the CAPA model and works closely together
allowing trainees the opportunity to experience working with all
colleagues in the team. The team works in a solution focused way
and uses CBT, IPT, Systemic Therapy and Psychopharmacology and
is developing cognitive remediation therapy.
There is ample
opportunity to liaise, work with and provide consultation to other
agencies such as Integrated Children’s Services, Social Work and
Education. There are opportunities for research and teaching.
10. Forth Valley
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
Consultants: Dr Clive Greenshaw, Dr A Hosking, Dr J Westwater
This is a general Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Out Patient
Service, providing assessment, diagnosis, treatment and consultation
facilities for referral from a wide variety of sources, up to the age of
nineteen. The service operates from two centres; one in Falkirk and
one in Stirling with clinics taking place at a variety of health centre
locations. The trainee will usually be based at the Falkirk Department.
The service contains staff from a variety of backgrounds including
Psychiatry, Clinical Psychology and Nursing. There is also a Primary
Mental Health Worker Service attached to the core CAMHS Service.
The service has adopted the Choice and Partnership approach and as
part of this has developed specialist team including those for ADHD,
ASD, eating disorders, learning disability and looked after children.
The trainee has the opportunity to become involved with some of
these teams.
There are close working relationships with a variety of agencies
including Community Child Health. Given the generalised and
outpatient nature of the service, our philosophy is eclectic with a wide
variety of treatment modalities being made available, including Family
Therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Solution Focused
Treatments, Drug Treatment and EMDR.
11. Lomond Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department
Vale of Leven District General Hospital, Alexandria
Consultants: Dr Kate Towlson and Dr Carol Bindon
The multi-disciplinary out patient team provides a generic service for
children and adolescents. The service is based in the newly
developed Acorn Centre which provides the hub for co-ordinated multi
disciplinary assessment and treatment for children and adolescents
involved in Community Child Health and hospital paediatrics as well
as Mental Health Services. The centre provides an ideal base for an
SpR to gain experience in liaison with these specialties. There are
good working links with community agencies and a Health Visitor/Coordinator in the centre facilitates communication and joint working with
other agencies.
The department is adjacent to the hospital library, which has CD ROM
search facilities, and the ST4-6 would also have access to a
computer. Within the department, an up to date database allows audit
There is a strong emphasis on inter-agency working within a family
systems approach. There are good opportunities for a Specialist
Registrar to gain supervised experience in teaching and a
consultation to outside agencies such as Social Work, Education and
Health Visitors. This last group attends a monthly consultation forum
within the department. There are regular team screenings and Family
Therapy, and good opportunities for supervision in psychodynamic
The team is currently involved in a joint three year project funded by
the Mental Health Development Fund with West Dunbartonshire
Social Work Department, Carrying out an in-depth study of the mental
health needs of children and young people being “looked after” or on
the Child Protection Register. There is a good opportunity for a
trainee to be involved in the service development aspect of this
project. Management experience is available within the trust and the
department is involved in a number of projects in connection with the
local Children’s Services Plan.
The service currently comprises a Consultant Child and Adolescent
Psychiatrist, an Associate Specialist, Nurse Therapists, a Social
Worker and a secretary. Funding is now securely in place to develop
the staffing level further and it is planned that an additional consultant
and Clinical Psychologist will be recruited.
The service has developed a specialist autistic spectrum disorder
team, under the leadership of Dr McLure.
12. Forensic Psychiatry, Glasgow
Consultant: Dr Aileen Blower
The Forensic Service offers a base from which Child and Adolescent
Psychiatry trainees can gain further experience in the forensic
assessment and management of young people. Attachments to the
centre are negotiated on an individual basis and may be combined
with another placement within the Scheme. A specific forensic
adolescent psychiatry service is being developed.
The conditions of service are those laid down and amended from time to time by the
Hospital and Medical & Dental Whitley Council.
Fixed Term
StR LAT/Clinical Fellow
- If appointed as an StR (Locum Appointment for Training) the salary range
will be: £30,002 to £47,175 per annum (pro rata)
- If appointed as a Clinical Fellow the salary range will be: £30,002 to £39,693
per annum (pro rata)
New Entrants to the NHS will normally commence on the minimum point of the
salary scale, (dependent on qualifications and experience). Salary is paid
monthly by Bank Credit Transfer.
Full Time 40.00
You have the option to join the NHS Superannuation Scheme, to participate in
the State Earnings Related Pension Scheme or to take out a Personal
Pension. Employee’s contributions to the NHS Scheme are Tiered based on
your earnings and the employers contribution equates to 13.5 % of salary.
Employees in the NHS Scheme are “Contracted-out” of the State Earnings
Related Pension Scheme and pay a lower rate of National Insurance
contributions. Employees who choose to participate in the State Earnings
Related Pension Scheme pay the higher rate of National Insurance
contribution. A Stakeholder Pension is also available. A Personal Pension is a
private arrangement agreed with the pension provider that will be an
organisation such as a Bank, Building Society or Insurance Company.
Assistance with removal and associated expenses may be given and would be
discussed and agreed prior to appointment.
Candidates who are requested to attend an interview will be given assistance
with appropriate travelling expenses. Re-imbursement shall not normally be
made to employees who withdraw their application or refuse an offer of
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde operate a No Smoking Policy in all premises
and grounds.
This post is considered to be in the category of “Regulated Work” and
therefore requires a Disclosure Scotland Protection of Vulnerable Groups
Scheme (PVG) Membership.
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) has a legal obligation to
ensure that it’s employees, both EEA and non EEA nationals, are legally
entitled to work in the United Kingdom. Before any person can commence
employment within NHS GGC they will need to provide documentation to
prove that they are eligible to work in the UK. Non EEA nationals will be
required to show evidence that either Entry Clearance or Leave to Remain in
the UK has been granted for the work which they are applying to do. Where
an individual is subject to immigration control under not circumstances will they
be allowed to commence until the right to work in the UK has been verified.
ALL applicants regardless of nationality must complete and return the
Confirmation of Eligibility to Work in the UK Statement with their completed
application form. You will be required provide appropriate documentation prior
to any appointment being made.
The rehabilitation of Offenders act 1974 allows people who have been
convicted of certain criminal offences to regard their convictions as “spent”
after the lapse of a period of years. However, due to the nature of work for
which you are applying this post is exempt from the provisions of Section 4 of
the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 by virtue of the Rehabilitation of
Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions Orders 1975 and 1986). Therefore, applicants
are required to disclose information about convictions which for other purposes
are “spent” under the provision of the act in the event of employment, failure to
disclose such convictions could result in dismissal or disciplinary action by
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. Any information given will be completely
A disability or health problems does not preclude full consideration for the job
and applications from people with disabilities are welcome. All information will
be treated as confidential. NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde guarantees to
interview all applicants with disabilities who meet the minimum criteria for the
post. You will note on our application form that we ask for relevant information
with regard to your disability. This is simply to ensure that we can assist you,
if you are called for interview, to have every opportunity to present your
application in full. We may call you to discuss your needs in more detail if you
are selected for interview.
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde operates flexible staffing arrangements
whereby all appointments are to a grade within a department. The duties of an
officer may be varied from an initial set of duties to any other set, which are
commensurate with the grade of the officer. The enhanced experience
resulting from this is considered to be in the best interest of both NHS Greater
Glasgow and Clyde and the individual.
The postholder will undertake their duties in strict accordance with NHS
Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s Equal Opportunities Policy.
The employment is subject to three months’ notice on either side, subject to
appeal against dismissal.
In terms of NHS Circular 1989 (PCS) 32 dealing with Medical Negligence the
Health Board does not require you to subscribe to a Medical Defence
Health Board indemnity will cover only Health Board
responsibilities. It may, however, be in your interest to subscribe to a defence
organisation in order to ensure you are covered for any work, which does not
fall within the scope of the indemnity scheme.
For further information on NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, please visit our
website on
View all our vacancies at
Subscribe to our Medical Jobs Vacancy Bulletin Click Here
Register for Text Alerts for medical vacancies – email your mobile number
and the grade and specialty you are interested in to
Applicants wishing further information about the post are invited to contact Dr
Katherine Leighton on 01475 505 176 with whom visiting arrangements can also
be made.
To apply for these posts please include your CV and names and addresses of 3
Referees, along with the following documents; (click on the hyperlinks to open)
Medical and Dental Application and Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form
Declaration Form Regarding Fitness to Practice
Immigration Questionnaire
Alternatively please visit and click on the “How
to Apply” tab to access application for and CV submission information.
It is Board policy that no person can act as a member of an Advisory
Appointments Committee and be a referee for a candidate for that post. You
should therefore check with your proposed referees whether there is likely to be
any difficulty in this respect for we may otherwise have to invite you to submit
another name or names
Please return your application by email to or to the
recruitment address below;
Medical and Dental Recruitment Team
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Recruitment Services, 1st Floor
Modular Building, Gartnavel Royal Hospital
1055 Great Western Road
G12 0XH
The closing Date will be 04 October 2013