OKALOOSA COUNTY SCHOOLS Exceptional Student Education August, 2011 AT Legislation Tech Act (PL 100-407)- Technology Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Act ADA (PL 101-336)- Americans with Disabilities Act IDEA - Individuals with Disabilities Education Act An Assistive Technology Device Is The IDEA defines an assistive technology device as any item, piece of equipment or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities [20 USC Chapter 33, Section 1401 (25)] An Assistive Technology Service Is The legal definition of an assistive technology service as it appears in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA, PL 105-17) is: any service that directly assists an individual with a disability in the selection, acquisition, or use of an assistive technology device [20 USC Chapter 33, Section 1401 (25)] For more information, please visit the Florida Department of Education's Bureau of Instructional Support and Community Services Resource website ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY SERVICES PHILOSOPHY Students with disabilities often require accommodations, modifications, and assistive technology solutions in order to participate in and benefit from the general education curriculum and the individualized education that is provided through special education programs. As a result, general education teachers must work collaboratively with special education teachers, related service providers such as speech-language pathologists, occupational and physical therapist, assistive technology specialists and parents to identify and implement support strategies that are appropriate for students based on their unique needs. Appropriate support strategies are identified and documented during the development and review of students’ Individual Education Plan (IEPs) and Section 504 Accommodation Plans. All educators working with the students must work together to implement the support strategies and to monitor the use of the strategies to determine effectiveness and make changes in the students’ intervention programs. Classroom strategies include accommodations, modifications, and assistive technology solutions that are used by students with disabilities to enhance their participation and achievement in typical classroom activities. Assistive technology services and devices are reflected by a continuum from consultation, brainstorming, low tech devices, evaluation, training and implementation of highly specialized software or devices. Assistive technology can be classified according to the task for which it is helpful. Computer Access Motor aspects of writing Composing written material Augmentative Communication Reading Learning/Studying Math Recreation and Leisure Activities of Daily Living Control of the Environment (or Electronic Aids for Daily Living) Mobility Vision Hearing Vocational Assistive Technology Services and Assessments Assistive Technology is a related service and, as such, referrals are made through the IEP team. Assistive technology services are provided in order for the student to participate in and benefit from Special Education. Services are not provided to students who have not already been identified as having a disability. Assistive Technology Assessments are an ongoing process and not a one time event. The Local Assistive Technology Specialist (LATS) will coordinate the assessment and trial process. The responsibility of implementation lies with the entire IEP team serving the student. Specialists such as ESE Teachers, Speech Pathologists, Teachers of the Visually Impaired, Occupational and Physical Therapists will be called upon to contribute information during the assessment process. Various strategies, devices and/or software may be placed with the student on a trial basis to determine which is most effective. PROCESS FOR REQUESTING ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY A.T. CONSULTATION The IEP team recognizes that a student is struggling to meet an educational goal despite all attempts at remediation. The IEP team contacts the AT Team for a consultation. An assistive technology consult does not require any formal paperwork or parental approval. The AT representative (LATS) and the teacher discuss student strengths, areas of concern, and tools/strategies already in place or previously attempted. The LATS may recommend additional strategies or suggest the use of tools that are free or are already available in the educational setting. The LATS will provide a summary of consultation to the teacher. The teacher decides which strategies to try and in what order. The tools and strategies allow the student to make progress on his/her education goal and are written into the IEP as accommodations or strategies. A.T. Evaluation The use of strategies and tools recommended during the AT consultation have limited benefits; OR the LATS determines during the consultation that a tool above and beyond what is already available with the school may be necessary. The IEP team meets and obtains consent for an AT evaluation (MIS ) A signed copy is sent to the AT office. If an AT consultation was completed prior to the request for an evaluation, the LATS will have a copy of the student’s IEP and a completed “Prior to Making a Request for Assistive Technology” form. If not, the IEP team will provide the LATS with this information. The LATS will make an appointment to observe the student, interview teachers and therapists, and interact with student. The LATS will try a tool or tools with the student in order to assess a variety of features and their benefits. A completed AT evaluation report will be returned to the case manager within 60 days of initiation. The case manager may contact the LATS to discuss the evaluation in depth. An IEP meeting is scheduled to discuss which of the recommendations, if any, are needed for a student to receive F.A.P.E. (It is not necessary to invite the LATS to this meeting). On the IEP this may be documented as: “The IEP team has reviewed the A.T. evaluation dated _______ and the following accommodations have been added to the IEP.” Recommendations to be implemented are at the discretion of the IEP Team. The IEP team is ultimately responsible for initiating use of the accepted AT recommendations as well as collecting data. Send a copy of the entire signed IEP to the AT office. A device will be delivered and training is provided after it is written as an accommodation. Prior to Making a Request for Assistive Technology Date of Referral:________________________________________________________________ Student Name:_________________________________ School:________________________________ Grade:_____________________________ Date of birth:____________________ Parents: _______________________________________________________ Telephone:______________________________ School Contact: __________________________Title: _________________________________ Telephone: ________________________ Email: _______________________________________ Times available for meetings: __________________________________________________ Reason for referral 1. What is the IEP goal or goals that the student is struggling to meet:_______________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________ 2. Has this student been previously screened by the AT Team? 3. What is the task the student needs to accomplish? Yes No Unsure ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 4. What is the student's present level of performance on that task? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________ 5. How is the student's disability affecting his/her performance?_____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 6. Where (in what environments) does this task need to be done? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Are there environmental concerns or other issues that the AT assessment team needs to know about? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. Are there specific tools or strategies that someone on the team thinks should be considered? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Current Placement ESE Program: __________________________ Teacher’s name: ___________________________________________ ESE Services: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Names of therapists: Speech/language______________________________ OT_____________________________ PT___________________________________ Other_______________________________________________________________ Medical Considerations: ________________________________________________________________________________ Most recent evaluation results: _______________________________________________________________________ Current educational level: _____________________________________________________________________________ Physical limitations: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Does student walk? Yes: independently with assistance No: manual wheelchair self propelled assisted power wheelchair Is student able to use hands for tasks? yes no Does student need physical accommodations/adaptations for accomplishing tasks (writing, reading, and communicating)? yes No Describe:___________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ***Complete only the areas of concern: Environmental/Computer Access What accommodations are currently in place or previously attempted? (keyboarding with accessibility options, word prediction, keyguard, arm support, track ball/track pad/joytick with on-screen keyboard, alternate keyboard, mouth stick/head mouse with on-screen keyboard, switch, voice recognitions software, other:____________________________________________________________________________________). What was the effect on the student’s performance? ______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Communication Student communicates with: vocalizations device manual communication boards gestures sign language speech voice output eye-gaze writing Accesses system by: direct selection switch auditory scanning visual scanning Symbols used: objects Aware of communication breakdown: yes Frustrated by inability to communicate: yes What accommodations are currently in place or previously attempted? (choices photo line drawings (Boardmaker) no no letters/words sometimes sometimes provided, pictures symbols, communication boards, simple voice output device, other _____________________________________________________________________________________________). What was the effect on the student’s performance?______________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Have you used sign language/gestures? Yes Is there an established yes/no response? Yes Have you consulted with your Speech-Language Pathologist? Yes Motor aspects of writing No No No What accommodations are currently in place or previously attempted? (pencil or pen with adapted grip, adapted paper with raised or highlighted lines, slant board, prewritten words/phrases, computer with word processing software, dictation, NCR paper, copy of notes, note taker, splint, other _____________________________________). What was the effect on the student’s performance? ______________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Can the student recognize/locate letters on a keyboard? Yes __ No __ Has the student had a typing program or class? Have you consulted with the Occupational Therapist? Yes __ No__ Yes __ No __ Composing Written material What accommodations are currently in place or previously attempted? (word cards/word book/word wall, pocket dictionary/thesaurus, writing templates, electronic/talking electronic dictionary/thesaurus/spell checker, word processing with spell checker/grammar checker, graphic organizers, other_______________________________________). What was the effect on the student’s performance? ______________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Does the student have basic keyboarding skills? Yes ___ No ___ Reading What accommodations are currently in place or previously attempted? (predictable books, changes in text size, spacing, color, background color, book adapted for page turning, use of pictures/symbols with text, text to speech, other ____________________________________________________________________________). What was the effect on the student’s performance? ______________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Has this child ever received reading remediation? Yes __ No__ Yes, explain ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Does the student understand grade level text when read to him/her orally? Yes__ No__ Learning/Studying What accommodations are currently in place or previously attempted? (print/picture schedule, tabs/color coded folders, highlight text, recorded material, voice output reminders for assignments/steps of tasks, electronic organizers, pagers/electronic reminders, graphic organizers, other ________________________________). What was the effect on the student’s performance? __________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Math What accommodations are currently in place or previously attempted? (abacus/math line, enlarged math worksheets, money calculator/coinulator, calculator with large keys, talking calculator, on-screen calculator, gridded paper, highlighting, other ________________________________). What was the effect on the student’s performance? __________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Recreation and Leisure What accommodations are currently in place or previously attempted? (toys acapted with Velcro/magnets/handles, toys adapted for single switch operation, adaptive sporting equipment, universal cuff/strap to hold crayons/markers, modified utensils/stamps/brushes, ergo rest or other arm support for drawing/painting, computer games/books/art activities, other ___________________________). What was the effect on the student’s performance? __________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Additional information: ___________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ LATS Recommendations: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ LATS Job Description The competencies listed below will provide for the delivery of high quality assistive technology services as defined by state and federal regulations. They require specific knowledge, understanding, and skills related to the provision of assistive technology devices and services from early childhood through twelfth grade. DOE recommends that practitioners conducting assistive technology assessments in the state of Florida demonstrate the following competencies: be knowledgeable about, and implement the school district’s assistive technology assessment procedures understand federal and state regulations and policies related to the consideration and implementation of assistive technology in Florida schools select and use appropriate measurement tools, strategies, and activities to assess a student’s assistive technology needs consider a continuum of assistive technology devices, services, and resources that may be used to address student needs provide leadership and support to professionals, students, and family members/caregivers of the team conducting assistive technology assessment activities lead the assessment teams in understanding what the student needs relative to his/her abilities, educational goals, and environmental factors that relate to the selection and delivery of assistive technology devices and services interpret and present the results of assistive technology assessments to the IEP teams in a way that supports effective decision-making based on the student, the educational program, and data gathered during the assessment process explain the strengths and challenges of specific assistive technology devices and services and the factors that may affect their use collaborate with those in charge of implementing the IEP to formulate and initiate a plan using assistive technology to support the educational achievement of the student. The Assistive Technology Educational Network (ATEN) regional lab managers will coordinate the training to meet these competencies and provide the criteria for successful completion. While these competencies are not currently required by statute, it is recommended that LATS, FDLRS technology specialists, and regional technology coordinators providing services to ESE students are able to document that they have the competencies needed to provide assessment and services as part of the IEP team. REFERENCES FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION October 15, 2004 MEMORANDUM #04-63 TO: Exceptional Student Education Directors FROM: Bambi J. Lockman SUBJECT: Competencies for Technology Specialists Florida Law requires that individuals who provide special education and related services be certified, endorsed, or licensed in their area of expertise. In addition to this fundamental requirement, the Department of Education (DOE) is recommending competencies for Local Assistive Technology Specialists (LATS), Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resources System (FDLRS) Technology Specialists, and other assistive technology specialists assessing students for assistive technology or providing training in assistive technology assessment. Competencies for technology specialists serving exceptional student education (ESE) pupils are necessary to assure that these special educators and related service providers are equipped with the information and skills to make accurate assessment and evaluation decisions regarding the assistive and instructional technology needed by the ESE students. These competencies can become part of the district’s ESE professional development plan, and technology centers located throughout the state can provide instruction on the skills needed. ESE technology assessment yields information used by the individual educational plan (IEP) team to determine whether ESE technology devices are required and, if so, the nature and extent of those devices and services. Given the breadth of technology available and the complexity of issues related to educational achievement, the importance of an effective ESE technology assessment led by highly qualified personnel cannot be understated. The competencies listed below will provide for the delivery of high quality assistive technology services as defined by state and federal regulations. They require specific knowledge, BAMBIJ. LOCKMAN Chief Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services 325 W. GAINES STREET • SUITE 614 • TALLAHASSEE, FL 32399-0400 • (850) 245-0475 • www.fldoe.org DOE recommends that practitioners conducting assistive technology assessments in the state of Florida demonstrate the following competencies: be knowledgeable about, and implement the school district’s assistive technology assessment procedures understand federal and state regulations and policies related to the consideration and implementation of assistive technology in Florida schools select and use appropriate measurement tools, strategies, and activities to assess a student’s assistive technology needs consider a continuum of assistive technology devices, services, and resources that may be used to address student needs provide leadership and support to professionals, students, and family members/caregivers of the team conducting assistive technology assessment activities lead the assessment teams in understanding what the student needs relative to his/her abilities, educational goals, and environmental factors that relate to the selection and delivery of assistive technology devices and services interpret and present the results of assistive technology assessments to the IEP teams in a way that supports effective decision-making based on the student, the educational program, and data gathered during the assessment process explain the strengths and challenges of specific assistive technology devices and services and the factors that may affect their use collaborate with those in charge of implementing the IEP to formulate and initiate a plan using assistive technology to support the educational achievement of the student. The Assistive Technology Educational Network (ATEN) regional lab managers will coordinate the training to meet these competencies and provide the criteria for successful completion. While these competencies are not currently required by statute, it is recommended that LATS, FDLRS technology specialists, and regional technology coordinators providing services to ESE students be able to document that they have the competencies needed to provide assessment and services as part of the IEP team. For additional information or questions, contact Dr. Karen Morris by e-mail at Karen.Morris@fldoe.org or by telephone at (850) 245-0478. BL/kmm cc: FDLRS Managers ATEN Regional Technology Coordinators State Advisory Committee for the Education of Exceptional Students ADDITIONAL REFERENCES Assistive Technology for Students with Disabilities http://www.firn.edu/doe/commhome/pdf/y2004-11.pdf The Transfer of Assistive Technology to Home, Other Districts, Other Schools, an Other Agencies http://www.firn.edu/doe/commhome/pdf/y2004-05.pdf Transitioning Assistive Technology Assigned to Graduating Students http://www.firn.edu/doe/commhome/pdf/y2004-06.pdf ATEN (Assistive Technology Education Network) http://www.aten.scps.k12.fl.us/ Florida Alliance for Assistive Services and Technology http://www.faast.org/ Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative http://www.wati.org/ Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology Services in School Settings http://sweb.uky.edu/%7Ejszaba0/QIAT.html Appendix 4. Data Collection for Assistive Technology for Writing 5. Student Achievement Data 6. Assistive Technology Action Plan Data Collection Use of Electronic Tools for Written Output Student:__________________________________________ School: _______________________________ Subject(s):_______________________________________________________________________________ IEP Team Member/ Data Collector: __________________________________________________________ Electronic Tool:_______________________________________ Starting Date:_________________ Assess the effectiveness of using the electronic tool over a time period of one semester. Complete the graph below by placing a check mark in the appropriate box for target behaviors. A Local Assistive Technology Specialist (LATS) may be contacted by phone/email at any time for strategies, suggestions or additional information. LATS contact information is available from the ESE office. 1. Length of documents has increased by using the electronic tool. After 1 Week After 4 ½ weeks After 9 weeks After second 9 weeks Grade level expectation Substantial increase Moderate increase Minimal increase No increase 2. Content of written work has improved (grammar, punctuation, and or vocabulary) using the electronic tool. After 1 Week After 4 ½ weeks After 9 weeks After second 9 weeks After 9 weeks After second 9 weeks Grade level expectation Substantial improvement Moderate improvement Minimal improvement No improvement 3. Assignments are completed on-time using the electronic tool. After 1 Week After 4 ½ weeks Grade level expectation Substantial increase Moderate increase Minimal increase No increase Answer yes or no: Is the electronic tool academically beneficial to this student?_______________ Does the student like using the electronic tool? ______________ Is more support or strategies needed for using the electronic tool? __________ Signature:____________________________________________ Date:____________ File in ESE folder with IEP. Student Achievement Data Student: School: Start date: End of trial period: IEP Team Member/Data Collector: ____________ Assistive Technology Tool: _________________________________________________ Assess the effectiveness of using the assistive technology tool over a period of one semester. Indicate the target goal for using this assistive technology tool that will show an impact on student achievement. A Local Assistive Technology Specialist (LATS) may be contacted by phone/email at any time for strategies, suggestions or additional information. LATS contact information is available from the ESE office. 1. Circle only one target goal per page (If the student is working on other AT goals, use additional sheets) o Increased use of AT Tool o Increased independent use of AT Tool o Increase in work output o Increase in good behavior o Increase in test scores o Other 2. Circle ways you are collecting data to document student improvement. o o o o o Software data Student work product Graded work sample Interview Other (please specify) o o o o Custom data collection form Test scores Documented observation Assessment 3. Please indicate results and write comments: After 1 week:____________________________________________________________ After 4 ½ weeks: _________________________________________________________ After 9 weeks: ___________________________________________________________ After 2nd 9 weeks: ________________________________________________________ Key for Results: Significant improvement Improvement Slight improvement No change Decrease New equipment trial needed Assistive technology is written in the student’s IEP as a goal, an accommodation, or as a related service. File in ESE folder. Send a copy to: Assistive Technology, ESE Office. OKALOOSA COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHOOL BASED ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY ACTION PLAN STUDENT NAME________________________ DOB ______________ST # _______________________ SCHOOL_____________________________________ DATE ______________________________________ GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF STUDENT (age, disability, significant physical problems, etc.) ____________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ W HAT ARE THE NEEDS THAT THE SCHOOL-BASED TEAM HAS IDENTIFIED THAT INTERFERE WITH THE STUDENT’S ABILITY TO MEET EDUCATIONAL GOALS? W HAT ARE THE STUDENT’S STRENGTHS? STRENGTHS NEEDS 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. 6. 6. BASED ON THESE STRENGTHS AND NEEDS, PLEASE IDENTIFY THE STRATEGIES AND TIMELINE FOR THE SCHOOL-BASED TEAM INTERVENTIONS. NEEDS SCHOOL-BASED TEAM STRATEGIES & TIMELINE PERSON RESPONSIBLE 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 4. 4. 4. Comments:_________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Team Signatures: □ □ _________________________ ______________________________ ________________________ ______________________________ Refer for LATS evaluation No further evaluation is needed