What should Ms. Adelaide know about assistive technology and how


What should Ms. Adelaide know about assistive technology and how it is used by students with disabilities?

I think that she needs to know about the specific technologies that the student will be using in the class. She needs to at least have a basic understanding of how the device works and what it does.

She also needs to know how to handle a situation when the device is not working.

What are the school’s responsibilities regarding assistive technology?

I think that schools are responsible for helping give students the best possible opportunity to succeed. Even if that means providing programs and equipment to students who are gifted or special needs.

What can classroom teachers do to help their students fully succeed in their use of assistive technology?

The teachers can help students to succeed by individualized education program (IEP)

Teachers need to know what it is and what it can do for the student, not necessarily how to it works.

Devices and services, training to know how to operate Assisted Technology

Training of child, family, student, anyone who or directly involved with a student is using the assisted technology needs to be trained

Its about using the right devices appropriately

IEP, students must have/provide free access to assistant education

Defined policy, often problems arise when teachers do not have a process already in place

Remediation vs compensation

Please answer the questions below. If you have difficulty answering them, go back and review the Perspectives and Resources pages in this module.


Name at least three items that could be considered AT and describe how those devices could support a student with a disability in the classroom.

Reacher: allows students with a physical disability to reach more easily reach and pick up things that are normally difficult for them to get too.

Text Reader Software: helps students to understand assignments and stories better by reading the written text on the screen to the student.

Portable reading device: can help students who have difficulty reading fine print because of physical limitations to read more easily in class by magnifying the words.


Explain two reasons why it is necessary to consider AT for students with disabilities.

It can improve the quality of their education and improve the quality of their life outside of school.


Why is it important to consider both AT devices and services?

The device is useless to the student if there is not a support system there to help the student to succeed. The two must work together to benefit the student’s education.


Describe three responsibilities of the Implementation Team.

Determine what device is best to benefit the child, Train the child, teacher, and parent to use the device, and observe the child to make sure that the child is accomplishing the goals that are set for the classroom.


List three outcomes the Implementation Team can determine by evaluating a student's assistive technology.

What AT is appropriate for the student, what training will be needed to operate the device, and how to implement it in the classroom and at home.


Imagine you are a seventh-grade general education language arts teacher and a student in your class has an upcoming IEP meeting. What types of information should you gather ahead of time to contribute to the discussion of the student's

AT needs? Name at least four.

What areas that the student is really struggling in and what areas they are succeeding in, what is the environment of the classroom, what are the goals in the class that the student needs to achieve, and what technologies are already in the classroom.


During the meeting suggested in the example above, the IEP team recommends

AT for the student. As a general education teacher, describe your role in the AT implementation and evaluation processes.

My goal as a teacher is to know what the AT is and what it does for the student to help them learn. I need to have an understanding of how to operate the device in case something is wrong with the device.
