Ancient Civilizations Study Guide: Unit Test Vocabulary (Words that will help you describe what you know) ANCIENT GREECE Zeus (and other Gods) Mount Olympus Myths Sparta, Athens Olive oil Olives, wreath Mediterranean Sea Gladiators Phalanx Theatre Lyre Beliefs Craftsmen Olympics Grapes, wine Courtyard Slaves Democracy Mountainous Trireme Persian and Peloponnesian Wars Hoplite Ancient Greece: Why was the location of Ancient Greece important? Give 2 reasons. How did the Ancient Greek’s use the environment to their advantage? Why might a person from Ancient Greece pray to a God? How did the climate and environment affect what food was eaten during Ancient Greek times? How were the lives of children living in Ancient Greek times different from the lives of children in modern day society? Describe a typical school day in Ancient Greek times. What was the Parthenon and why was it important? What contributions did the Ancient Greeks make to present day society? How did physical fitness play a role in the lives of Ancient Greek boys and men? Describe the wars in Ancient Greece (use words like triremes, hoplites, armour, training, Sparta, and Athens) How have the Olympics changed over the years? How have they stayed the same? Why did wars happen in ancient Greece? Give examples What did people in ancient Greece do for fun? What were some types of entertainment?