INSTRUCTIONS: Cost Center 362 – Hepatology (includes GI Liver Clinic and Liver Transplant) Dictated Worktype: 9, 19 or 17 Type as Worktype: 11 – Hospital 1, Parnassus Letterhead normal: CC362 There are four different letterheads to choose from. Please choose according to clinic type (GI Liver or Transplant), dictator and/or location. Dr. Peters has two letterheads for her clinics. Letterhead for Liver Clinic CC362:: GASTROENTEROLOGY PRACTICE 350 Parnassus Avenue Suite 410, Box 0657 San Francisco, California 94143-0657 Tel: (415) 353-2318 Fax: (415) 353-2407 BILL AREA: OHP (if subheader necessary, Bill Area goes underneath subheader.) Possible subheadings, bold+center+underline, if dictated: LIVER CLINIC or HEPATOLOGY And possibly a location subtitle LAS VEGAS CLINIC or FRESNO CLINIC Or SANTA CLARA VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Letterhead for Liver Transplant Clinic (CC362LT): UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO LIVER TRANSPLANT SERVICE 505 Parnassus Avenue Room M-884, Box 0657 San Francisco, CA 94143-0657 Tel: (415) 353-1888 Toll-Free: (800) 548-3789 Pre-transplant Fax: (415) 353-8917 Post-transplant Fax: (415) 353-8917 BILL AREA: OHP (if subheader necessary, Bill Area goes underneath subheader.) Page 1 of 5 Confidential Property of Acusis INSTRUCTIONS CC362 (continued) Possible subheadings, bold+center+underline, if dictated: LAS VEGAS CLINIC Or FRESNO CLINIC Attending physicians: NATHAN M. BASS, M.D., PH.D. PROFESSOR OF MEDICINE MEDICAL DIRECTOR, UCSF LIVER TRANSPLANT PROGRAM GASTROENTEROLOGY FACULTY PRACTICE KIRAN BAMBHA, M.D., M.Sc. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF MEDICINE HEPATOLOGY AND LIVER TRANSPLANTATION DIVISION OF GASTROENTEROLOGY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO SCOTT W. BIGGINS, M.D., M.A.S. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF MEDICINE ALEXANDER MONTO, M.D. ASSISTANT CLINICAL PROFESSOR OF MEDICINE GASTROENTEROLOGY FACULTY PRACTICE NORAH A. TERRAULT, M.D. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF MEDICINE GASTROENTEROLOGY FACULTY PRACTICE (see attached memo and sample) FRANCIS YAO, M.D. PROFESSOR OF CLINICAL MEDICINE AND SURGERY MEDICAL DIRECTOR OF LIVER TRANSPLANTATION UCSF GASTROENTEROLOGY FACULTY PRACTICE RENA FOX, M.D. MONTGOMERY BISSELL, M.D. OREN K. FIX, M.D., M.Sc. ASSISTANT CLINICAL PROFESSOR OF MEDICINE HEPATOLOGY AND LIVER TRANSPLANTATION Reminder: Please type Dr. Fix's reports exactly as dictated. Page 2 of 5 Confidential Property of Acusis INSTRUCTIONS CC362 (continued) Other dictators: ELIANA AGUDELO, PA-C SENIOR PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT DIVISION OF GASTROENTEROLOGY Letterhead and signature block for Marion Peters, M.D. Dr. Peters has a separate letterhead for her regular liver patients and for her liver transplant patients. THIS IS ONLY FOR DR. PETERS’ REGULAR LIVER PATIENTS, THAT IS, NOT LIVER TRANSPLANT PATIENTS: Letterhead normal: CC362MP GASTROENTEROLOGY PRACTICE 400 Parnassus Avenue Fourth Floor, Box 0538 San Francisco, California 94143-0538 Tel: (415) 353-2318 Fax: (415) 353-2407 BILL AREA: OHP MARION G. PETERS, M.D. PROFESSOR OF MEDICINE GASTROENTEROLOGY FACULTY PRACTICE THIS IS ONLY FOR DR. PETERS’ LIVER TRANSPLANT PATIENTS: Letterhead normal: CC362MPLT GASTROENTEROLOGY PRACTICE 400 Parnassus Avenue Sixth Floor, Box 0538 San Francisco, California 94143-0538 Tel: (415) 353-2318 Fax: (415) 353-8917 BILL AREA: OHP (if subheader necessary, Bill Area goes underneath subheader.) Page 3 of 5 Confidential Property of Acusis INSTRUCTIONS CC362 (continued) Possible subheadings, bold+center+underline, if dictated: LIVER TRANSPLANT OFFICE CONSULTATION (or FOLLOW-UP or other subtitle) MARION G. PETERS, M.D. PROFESSOR OF MEDICINE GASTROENTEROLOGY FACULTY PRACTICE Memo and sample - Norah Terrault, M.D. Dr. Norah Terrault (cost center 362) has requested we use the same format for all her letters. As per the attached sample, all subheadings should be CAPITALIZED AND BOLD. Use subheadings as dictated, but Dr. Terrault notes that for follow-up patients those are Chief Complaint, Interval History, Medications, Examination, Laboratory Results, and Impression and Plan. For new patient dictations, History of Present Illness is used instead of Interval History, and there are the additional subheadings Past History, Family History, and Social History. For all clinic letters, please use subheadings as dictated. It is not necessary to "convert" headings into narrative text. As Dr. Terrault points out, the use of subheadings lends clarity to particularly lengthy letters. SAMPLE FOR DR TERRAULT: I had the pleasure of seeing this patient in followup today in the UCSF Liver Transplant Clinic. CHIEF COMPLAINT: Status post liver transplantation for fulminant hepatic failure. Hepatitis C acquired in the peritransplant period, with grade 2, stage II disease on most recent biopsy (January 2004). Status post treatment with interferon and ribavirin without viral clearance. INTERVAL HISTORY: The patient returns today to review the results of his liver biopsy. In essence, his disease appears to be stable over the past year with no progression of fibrosis. Given these findings, we are in a position to consider deferring treatment for another year. As you know, he was previously treated with antiviral therapy (interferon and ribavirin combination) but failed to achieve viral eradication. Treatment was most problematic from the standpoint of exacerbating his headaches. CURRENT MEDICATIONS: PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: He looks well. Weight 166.6 pounds (minus 3), blood pressure 122/86, pulse 83, temperature 36.6°. Sclerae are anicteric. Neck supple. No lymphadenopathy. Chest clear to auscultation and percussion. Heart sounds normal. Cardiac rhythm regular. Abdomen soft, nontender and nondistended. A well-healed incision. No peripheral edema. No tremor. LABORATORY RESULTS: From 03/04/2004, white count 4.2, hemoglobin 12.9, platelets 104, pro time 11.7, sodium 141, potassium 3.7, urea 18, creatinine 1.0, AST 75, ALT 70, bilirubin 2.1, alkaline phosphatase 90. IMPRESSION AND PLAN: Status post liver transplantation for fulminant hepatic failure complicated by hepatitis C post transplantation. He is now nearly 15 years post transplantation and is overall doing extremely well. I made no changes in his medications today. He will follow up with the transplant surgeons on his next visit, at which time his immunosuppressive therapy will be re-reviewed. He currently remains on monotherapy with CellCept. He appears to be tolerating this medication very well. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Page 5 of 5 Rev. 03/25/10 Confidential Property of Acusis