Saint Francis` Catholic Church, Maidstone

Baptism Application Form
Congratulations! You have a new baby and you want to have him or
her baptised. What you are asking for is very important because in
Baptism your child, who is already a loved part of your family, will
become a loved part of God’s family – he or she will become a child
of God. The love that God has for you and your child is reflected in
the love that you have for your child. He cares for your family and in
Baptism your child will become part of that world-wide family that is
the Church.
Child’s full name:
Date of birth:
Father’s full name:
Mother’s full name:
Née (Name before marriage)
Father’s Religion:
Mother’s Religion:
Other children: (full names)
(inc postcode):
Telephone No:
How would you prefer to be addressed? Please circle:
Dr / Mr / Mrs / Mr & Mrs / Miss / Ms / The …….. family
Other (Please specify)
Office Use:
Parish Dir:
Having Your Child Baptised
Letter sent:
Date of Bap:
Baptism is one of the seven Sacraments of the Church. A
Sacrament is a sign of God’s love for us in our world; in the
Sacraments the Church continues the mission of Jesus himself
today. Baptism is a Sacrament of initiation – in other words in
Baptism we are initiated into the life of the Church – we become
Christians, followers of Jesus. Jesus himself told his followers: Go,
therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in
the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.
(Matthew 28:19-20). And from the very earliest days of the Church,
the Christian community has baptised children, since it is a grace
and free gift from God.
As parents, you have a very special role in
bringing up your child in the faith. In the
Sacrament of Baptism you take on very serious
responsibilities as you promise before God to help your child on the
way of Christian living. In this you will be helped by the Godparents
you choose, who must also be firm believers and who will share with
you the responsibility of helping your child to grow in faith. This will
mean that you will bring your child to Mass, teach him or her about
God and how to pray, explain the difference between right and
wrong and bring your child up within a loving family. The Church
tells us that you, as parents, are the first and best educators of your
child in the faith. No one can do it better than you. To help you to
do this and to help you to prepare for the Sacrament, we have a
short course, and if you fill in the form in this leaflet you will be sent
details of when the next course is due to take place.
Your Child’s Baptism
If you live in St Francis’ parish or attend Mass regularly at St Francis
Church or one of the Mass Centres, you may have your child
baptised in St Francis Church. If you live in another parish, you
should approach the Parish Priest of that parish.
You can choose to have the Baptism performed either during one of
the Sunday Masses or at an individual ceremony (usually on a
Sunday afternoon). In the latter case, you will be asked to select the
Bible readings, and you may have hymns if you wish.
St Francis Catholic Church
Simply detach and complete the Application Form, and return it to
the Baptism Co-ordinator at the Presbytery (Grove House).
The Parents, and Godparents if they wish, are asked to attend a
preparation course. This consists of two evening meetings in the
Presbytery or Church, of less than hour each. These sessions will
help you to explore the meaning of Baptism for your child, and deal
with the practicalities of the ceremony.
Each child should have at least one Godparent, who should be a
Catholic, aged 16 or over, and be someone other than the actual
father or mother. It is possible to have a ‘non-Catholic witness’ in
addition, provided that person is Baptised. Please check with the
Priest or Deacon officiating about the suitability of Godparents
before you ask anyone to be a Godparent.
Information & Application Form
Document no. 012