Bulletin 110115

Year B: 10th/11th January 2015
The Baptism of the Lord
St. John Bosco’s Parish & Presbytery
29 Muriel Street, Niddrie 3042
St. John Bosco’s School
6 Teague Street, Niddrie 3042
Principal – Peter Monaghan
Email: principal@sjbniddrie.catholic.edu.au
Telephone: 9337 2314
Mass Times
Tuesday: 9.00am
Wednesday: 9.00am
Thursday: 9.00am
Friday: 9.00am
Saturday: 9.00am, 6.00pm (Vigil)
Sunday: 8:30am, 10:30am
Reconciliation: Saturday 9.30am after
Mass or ring to arrange
Baptisms: 1st Sunday of the month
Marriages: Three months notice
Wherever there is water, there is life. As Jesus’ baptism in the
Jordan was the beginning of his life’s work, so our baptism is the
source of our Christian vocation.
Entrance Antiphon: After the Lord was baptised, the
heavens were opened, and the Spirit descended upon
him like a dove, and the voice of the Father thundered:
This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.
Responsorial Psalm: You will draw water joyfully from
the springs of salvation.
Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, alleluia! John saw Jesus
approaching him, and said: This is the Lamb of God
who takes away the sins of the world. Alleluia!
Communion Antiphon: Behold the One of whom John
said: I have seen and testified that this is the Son of
Feast days
Tuesday 13 January
St. Hilary
Saturday 17 January
St. Anthony
Dates to Remember
Monday 26
Recently Deceased: Maureen Dubock, Giussepi Carlo Toppi, Vita Fabbian.
Anniversaries: Fr. Pat McQuillan, Marie Ryan, Roseanne Byrne, Melva Gardner, Desmond Shorten,
Lillian Answerth, Kevin Fleming, Malcolm Richardson, Madge Ginnivan, Patricia Byrne, Maria
Montesano, Nancy Campbell, Frank Kearney and Grace Fernandez.
Please pray for parishioners and family members who are ill: Sian Middleton, Hunter & Brenda
Morales, Agnes Reddan, Mary Barra, Joan Sargeant, Joe Crisafi, Diana Mc Conville, Claudia Galic,
Lorna Holsinger, Norman Sutanto, Hugh Teaney, Carmel Bella, Christina, Luca Luvera, Rocco
Prochilo, Matilda Hurst, Margot Tyrell, Lois Caleo, Mary O’Reilly, Shirley Press and Jordana Kordovic.
Parish Priest - Fr. Brian Cosgriff; Assistant Priest – Fr Devadhas
Parish Secretary – Faye Colaco (Office Hours: Tuesday to Friday 9am to 3pm)
Email: niddrie@cam.org.au Telephone: 9337 9994 Fax: 9337 2495
The event is the baptism of Jesus by John, the Gospel speaks of Christian baptism:
‘He will baptise you with the Holy Spirit.’ Mark 1:8
And it has been Christian baptism ever since:
Baptism points back to the work of God and forward
to the life of faith. (J.A. Motyer)
After their baptism in the Holy Spirit Christians walk
in newness of life, the life of the new creation, the life
of the age to come. (Alan Richardson)
The day when a person is baptised is more important
than the day when a person is ordained priest and
bishop. (Raymond E. Brown)
In baptism, Christ’s passion works a regeneration; a
person dies entirely to the old life and takes on the
new. Therefore baptism washes away the whole guilt
of punishment belonging to the past. (St. Thomas
Our adoptive sonship is in its supernatural reality a
reflection of the sonship of the Word. God has not
communicated to us the whole of his nature but a
participation of it. (R. Garrigou-Lagrange)
Baptise as follows: After first explaining all these
points, baptise in the name of the Father and of the
Son and of the Holy Spirit, in running water. But if you
have no running water, baptise in other water; and if
you cannot in cold, then in warm. But if you have
neither, pour water on the head three times in the
name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit. (Teaching of the Twelve Apostles)
St. Louis of France used to sign his documents not,
‘Louis IX, King’ but ‘Louis of Poissy.’ Someone asked
him why, and he answered: ‘Poissy is the place where
I was baptised. I think more of the place where I was
baptised than of Rheims Cathedral where I was
crowned. It is a greater thing to be a child of God
than to be the ruler of a Kingdom: this last I shall lose
at death, but the other will be my passport to an
everlasting glory.’ (F. H. Drinkwater)
St. Ambrose, in a disquisition on baptism, makes a
big point that the newly baptised is about to be
received in the very best society. With baptism, one
becomes a member of the communion of saints, one
of the richest Catholic doctrines, but one which I feel
is being increasingly neglected today. This is not at all
the mind of the Church, and word ‘holidays’ serve as
a constant reminder how important the Church
always thought it to keep in remembrance; for
encouragement and edification, the lives of heroic
sanctity, and impressive as the company was of
which St. Ambrose was thinking in the 4th century, it
is vastly more numerous now, with striking additions
every generation. (Douglas Woodruff)
By the sacrament of baptism, whenever it is properly
conferred in the way the Lord determined, and
received with the appropriate dispositions of soul, a
man becomes truly incorporated into the crucified
and glorified Christ and is reborn to a sharing of the
divine life, as the apostle says: ‘For you were buried
together with Him in Baptism, and in Him also rose
again through faith in the working of God who raised
Him from the dead.’ (Col. 2:12; cf. Rom. 6:4)
Baptism, therefore, constitutes a sacramental bond
of unity linking all who have been reborn by means of
it. But baptism, of itself, is only a beginning, a point of
departure, for it is wholly directed toward the
acquiring of fullness of life in Christ. Baptism is thus
oriented toward a complete profession of faith, a
complete incorporation into the system of salvation
such as Christ Himself willed it to be, and finally,
toward a complete participation in Eucharistic
communion. (Second Vatican Council – ‘Ecumenism’)
You have been baptised, but think not that you are
straightaway a Christian . . . . The flesh is touched
with salt: what then if the mind remains unsalted?
The body is anointed, yet the mind remains
unanointed. But if you are buried with Christ within,
and already practise walking with Him in newness of
life, I acknowledge you as a Christian. (Erasmus)
Christians are made, not born. (St. Jerome)
Today’s Readings: Is. 55:1-11 • 1 Jn. 5:1-9 • Mk. 1:7-11
Next Week’s Readings: 1 Sam. 3:3-10, 19 • 1 Cor. 6:13-15, 17-20 • Jn. 1:35-42
ROSTERS – 17th /18th January 2015
6.00 pm
Lector 1
Garry Trainor
Lector 2
Jenny Trainor
Gary & Val McKenzie
Lay Minister
Guy Dalmau
Helen Caruana
Lee Toll
Grace Del’Prete
Maria Barra
10.30 am
Maurice Manno Leela Selvendra
Carmel Keogh Jordan Buckley
Francesca DeMaio
Counters: Susan Chivilo, Iris & Gillian Pereira, Tammy Colson
Our Lady of the Rosary Statue: 11th Jan: Dolores Carroll 18th Jan: Julie Lourdes
Cleaning Roster 16th Jan: G. Massimino, S. Hadchiti, A. Pannunzio, J. Petrucelli, G. O’Neill, J. Colina, A. Colina
8.30 am
Trish Downes
Mary Malone
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