Our Lady of Mount Carmel Religious Education

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Religious Education
Student Registration
Student’s Name __________________________ DOB_____________
School Attending _______________________Grade in school_______
Father’s Name ____________________________________
Mother’s Name (inc. maiden) ________________________
If not with both parents, with whom does child reside? ________________
Parent’s Email ___________________________________
Mailing Address _____________________________
Telephone# ______________________ Emergency# _________________
Religious Education Grade ____________________
Children must complete grade 1 Religious Education before entering grade 2;
Fee paid: $60 grades 1 – 8 _____________________
A family maximum of $125 will be collected for students in grades 1-8. A $20 late fee
may be charged for any registration accepted after September 2nd.
Grade 1 and Confirmation I students not baptized at OLMC must provide a copy of their Baptism Certificate with this
registration Form.
Baptism: _______________________________________________________________________________________
First Communion: ________________________________________________________________________________
Please use the back of this form to provide any information that may be important for us to know
about your child, i.e., allergies, learning disabilities, medical conditions, etc.