Our Lady of Mount Carmel Religious Education Student Registration Student’s Name __________________________ DOB_____________ School Attending _______________________Grade in school_______ Father’s Name ____________________________________ Mother’s Name (inc. maiden) ________________________ If not with both parents, with whom does child reside? ________________ Parent’s Email ___________________________________ Mailing Address _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ Telephone# ______________________ Emergency# _________________ Religious Education Grade ____________________ Children must complete grade 1 Religious Education before entering grade 2; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Fee paid: $60 grades 1 – 8 _____________________ A family maximum of $125 will be collected for students in grades 1-8. A $20 late fee may be charged for any registration accepted after September 2nd. Grade 1 and Confirmation I students not baptized at OLMC must provide a copy of their Baptism Certificate with this registration Form. Baptism: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Church Date First Communion: ________________________________________________________________________________ Church Date Please use the back of this form to provide any information that may be important for us to know about your child, i.e., allergies, learning disabilities, medical conditions, etc.