THE SURGEON’S APHORISMS AND QUOTATIONS Foreword Show me your favorite aphorism and I will tell you—who you are (--Karl .H. Bauer, 1890-1978). A good surgical aphorism makes me laugh –or cry –for real aphorisms come directly from the heart! It conveys in a sentence or two what has been learned and experienced for many years. I first became interested in surgical aphorisms during my training. Many aphorisms have been good friends to me, providing valuable advice in times of trouble; others I enjoyed for their insight and intellectual brilliance... Later I started sharing them with my residents. I have practiced surgery in three continents, in vastly different surgical cultures but noticed that while each has it's own "set" of aphorisms, the surgical truths remain the same. According to Howard Fabing: “Since the days of Hippocrates, our father, the aphorism has been the literary vehicle of the doctor...laymen have stolen the trick from time to time, but the aphorism remains the undisputed contribution of the doctor to literature”. The term aphorism (aphorismos in Greek) denotes a “short, pithy sentence” or a “concise statement of a principle” or “a terse and ingenious formulation of a truth or sentiment”. Clearly also “rules” and “quotations” may easily fall under such description. This book brings a medley of 1500 aphorisms, quotations, and rules by surgeons and non- surgeons, about surgery, surgeons and anything which may be relevant to the practice of surgery. In selecting these entries I was guided by Lewis Galantiére: “A truly serviceable book of quotations is not an expression of its complier’s preferences”. Thus, I attempted to gratify all potentials tastes –by including ancient as well as contemporary entries, formal and colloquial, pronounced by surgical giants or anonymous-- only guided by the prerequisite that the entry appeals to the surgical soul. I attempted however to eliminate self-congratulatory and self-righteous clichés –commonly uttered by surgeons who stand up to speak in public. And, I used my editorial prerogative to bring a few of my own aphorisms, or what I think are mine, at the top of selected chapters. My purpose was to provide the surgical reader with a source of large and wide variety of surgical aphorisms and quotations. Most readers will probably use this book to decorate their lectures or manuscripts with relevant “smart” or “entertaining” entries. I hope however that this book would be simply read or browsed for pleasure: you will enjoy many of the entries, you will hate the others, and you’ll discover that surgical truth is old, that what you think is a novel idea has been said before, that what you see around you - was seen many years ago. It may contribute to your humanity and humility, perhaps even add maturity to your surgical personality and practice, and with a bit of luck increase your sense of surgical humor. Listen to Winston Churchill who said: “It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations”. Moshe Schein New York City (2002).