Spanish for Native Speakers Sr. Arreguin Salón 105F Teléfono 961-2880 x 3711 email: Course overview: Spanish for Native Speakers “Native Spanish speaker” is a broad term used to describe the Hispanic student who has either immigrated to the United States or has grown up in the United States. Consistent with the broad definition of Native Spanish speakers and their diverse backgrounds, linguistic skills vary widely from individual to individual. Native Spanish speakers are generally proficient in speech and oral comprehension, but lack in grammatical structures, literary and technical vocabulary, reading and writing skills, knowledge of history referring to Latin America and knowing classical and contemporary Spanish literature. Accordingly, the Spanish for Native Speakers course focuses on building vocabulary and grammatical knowledge, improving oral fluency, developing reading and writing skills, studying the history of Latin America and becoming familiar with a wide range of Spanish literature. A secondary overall objective of this course is to increase the Native Spanish speakers’ awareness of their cultural heritage. Reading assignments will focus on novels, short stories, and poetry by Spanish and Latin American authors. Comprehension of reading assignments will be monitored using a variety of assessment instruments. All Spanish for Native Speakers classes will be taught exclusively in Spanish. Required materials for this course are binder paper, pen or pencil, notebook and a daily planner or equivalent. This course does not require the use of a textbook. Grading Students will earn grades based on the amount of work completed, quality of work and work that demonstrates their level of learning of lessons taught. All final grades will be a combination of the following categories; Quizes Participation Homework Tests 20% 25% 25% 30% Spanish levels II and III Sr. Arreguin Salón 105F Teléfono 961-2880 x 3711 email: Course overview: Spanish II and III (as a foreign language) Spanish is a sequential series in the foreign language program. The textbook series, Ya Veras, stresses the communicative approach to language learning. The four skills; listening, speaking, reading and writing, (in addition to culture), reinforce each other in an ever-widening spiral. Emphasis the second year is on verb tenses and commands. Listening is addressed by exposure to elongated teacher readings and dialogues, supplemental materials such as CD’s and lesson videos. Speaking skills are encouraged through more role-playing exercises incorporating slightly more sophisticated vocabulary and themes. Reading is covered through textbook dialogues and narrative forms. Some supplemental teacher-chosen material is added to enhance interest and comprehension skills. Writing is practiced through homework exercises, responses to test questions and expansions of chapter themes. Culture is and integral part of language learning and appreciation. Students will learn of the many foods, dances, music, customs, arts and festivals of the Spanish and Hispanic worlds. Students enrolled in Spanish courses should expect short, nightly homework, periodic quizzes and tests at about two week intervals. Seventy percent of all teaching will take place in the target language, Spanish. Required materials for this course are binder paper, pen or pencil, notebook and a daily planner or equivalent. This course requires use of the Ya Veras textbook series. Grading Students will earn grades based on the amount of work completed, quality of work and work that demonstrates their level of learning of lessons taught. All final grades will be a combination of the following categories; Quizes Participation Homework Tests 20% 25% 25% 30%