國 立 中 正 大 語 言 學 研 究 所 學 Institute of Linguistics 第166次語言學專題演講 Serial Verb Constructions in Chinese 主講人 黃惠華 博士 中正大學語言所博士後研究員 時 間:Friday, 10:00-12:00, Feb. 20, 2009 地 點:文學院413室 Abstract: This talk discusses the linguistic phenomena associated with serial verb constructions (SVCs) in Chinese, focusing on the following three issues. The first issue involves the distribution of zhe in Chinese SVCs (i.e., why in some SVCs the occurrence of the aspect marker zhe with V1 is impossible; why in some SVCs the occurrence of the aspect marker zhe with V1 is required, and why in some SVCs its occurrence with V1 is optional). The second issue focuses on how the verbs denoting different semantic relations in an SVC involving two and more subevents are combined and how different combinations of subevents in an SVC are associated with its ambiguous interpretations. The last issue focuses on adverbial scope in different types of SVCs (i.e., why an adverbial such as like ‘immediately’ has scope over the first verb in some SVCs, but over both or all verbs in others). It is proposed that the occurrence of the aspect marker zhe with V1 in SVCs requires that both the boundedness of the eventualities and the temporal structure of an SVC be taken into consideration and that different temporal structures associated with SVCs have an impact on adverbial modification.