A trip thru Geological Time Travel Brochure

A trip thru Evolutionary Time Travel Brochure
You will create a tri-fold travel brochure highlighting a trip thru geological time.
Due Wednesday February 25, 2009
1. Select from the list below
alligator; camel; snakes; feline; canine; elephant; shark; frog; bear; penguin
You may NOT use whale or horse
2. Follow the organism thru time tracing its evolution. You must make three stops in time along
the way showing ancient ancestors of your chosen organism.
3. Your Brochure must include all of the following from each stop:
TIME: The era and period of your stop
ANIMAL: A detailed description or picture(s) of your organism
NAME: What that species is called
EARTH: What Earth was like during that era and period
OTHERS: List at least two other organisms that lived at the same time as your ancient animal
ENVIRONMENTAL PRESSURE: Possible reasons for the changes in your organism over time
EVIDENCE: evidence scientists use to link this ancient animal with the present day animal
The evidence can be: Embryological; Anatomical; Molecular; Adaptive; Fossils
Your tour guides for this trip are Charles Darwin, Alfred Wallace, and Thomas Malthus.
You will include a brief biography of each of your guides which will include:
DATES: years of birth and death
CONTROBUTION: how each contributed to the theory of evolution and the approximate
dates of the contribution
5. A picture of your present day animal. At least three interesting facts about your
organism, past or present, that you discovered while on your trip.
The layout
Information about all three stops in time
Era & Period Species name Evidence
Description &/or pictures
Earth’s environment Others
Environmental pressures
Tour Guide
Picture of
modern animal
& Three facts
description of
A Trip thru Evolutionary Time Travel Brochure Rubric
Panel #1 Complete title page 5 pts
 Title
 Organism of choice
 Student names
 Brief description of assignment
Panel #2 Complete tour guide information 11 pts
 Name and year of birth/death
 Contributions to the theory of Evolution
 Approximate dates of contributions
 Other significant events that progressed
the theory
Panel #3, 4 & 5 (entire inside) Contains complete
information pertaining to organism 27 pts
 Minimum 3 stops
 Name of ancestor
 Era and period
 Evidence
 Description or picture of organism
 Possible influences on organism
 Description of environment
 Examples of other organism
Panel #4 (back) Interesting facts about your
organism include a modern day picture 4 pts
Bonus point available for attention to detail, use of pictures and imagination!!!
A Trip thru Evolutionary Time Travel Brochure
Due Wednesday February 25, 2009
Panel 1
Title page
Panel 2
Tour guide
Panel 3, 4 &5
Panel 4
(the back)
Modern day
Organism &
fun facts
Title of trip (1 pt)
Organism of choice (1 pt)
Student’s name (1 pt)
Description of assignment (2 pts)
Includes the following for each tour guide:
Name of guide (3 pts)
Year of birth & year of death (3 pts)
Contributions to theory of evolution (3 pts)
Other significant events that helped with the theory (2 pts)
3 stops are made and contain the following information pertaining
to the organism and environment of the time at each stop.
Name of organism (3 pts)
Period & Era (3 pts)
Evidence (3 pts)
Description or picture of organism (6 pts)
Environmental pressure (6 pts)
Description of earth of the time (3 pts)
Other organisms present during the time (3 pts)
Contains a picture of the modern day organism (1 pt)
Facts or interesting trivia regarding modern day organism (3 pts)
Format for information contained in your brochure
Title page - Panel #1
Title of trip
Picture of modern or ancient organism
Come on a trip through evolutionary time as ________________________ changes over time.
Tour guide information – Panel #2
Charles Darwin
Year of birth & year of death
His contribution to the theory of evolution
What did he do to help develop the theory?
How did he tell the scientific world about his theory?
Alfred Wallace
Year of birth & year of death
His contribution to the theory of evolution
What he did to help the theory.
Thomas Malthus
Year of birth & year of death
What profession was he?
What did he do to help the theory of evolution?
Organism and evolutionary stops – Panels #3, 4, & 5
Stop #1 is in the ___________ Period in the __________Era. __________________ is found living on
Earth at this time. __________, ______________, and ______________also lived during this time. The
scientific evidence that links ___________________ to modern _______________ is
_______________________________________. _________________ is under environmental pressure
from _________________________________ which may cause it to adapt and change over time.
Include a picture or a description of your organism at that time.
Stop #2 is in the ___________ Period in the __________Era. __________________ is found living on
Earth at this time. __________, ______________, and ______________also lived during this time. The
scientific evidence that links ___________________ to modern _______________ is
_______________________________________. _________________ is under environmental pressure
from _________________________________ which may cause it to adapt and change over time.
Include a picture or a description of your organism at that time.
Stop #3 is in the ___________ Period in the __________Era. __________________ is found living on
Earth at this time. __________, ______________, and ______________also lived during this time. The
scientific evidence that links ___________________ to modern _______________ is
_______________________________________. _________________ is under environmental pressure
from _________________________________ which may cause it to adapt and change over time.
Include a picture or a description of your organism at that time.
Fun facts - #6
List 3 interesting things about your modern day organism
Include a picture of the modern day organism
A Trip Thru Evolutionary Time Brochure Rubric
Panel 1
Title page
Missing 3
or more
of the required
0 points
Missing 1
of the required
1 points
3 points
Missing 1 tour guide
or Missing 2 of the
required items for 1
or more of the tour
Missing 1 of the
required items for 1
or more of the tour
3 points
5 points
8 points
One stop is made;
Information is
missing or
incomplete in all
three stops
Only two stops are
Information is
missing or
incomplete in two of
the three stops
Three stops are
made but some
information is
missing or
incomplete in one of
the stops
Missing 2 tour
Panel 2
guides or Missing
Tour guide
3 of the required
items for 1 or
more of the tour
Panel 3
and 3 stops
in time
Missing 2
of the required
5-15 points 15-20 points 20-25 points
Panel 4
Paragraph is not
0 points
Paragraph explains
biological resistance
Paragraph explains
evolution only
1 points
Paragraph regarding
role of evolution to
biological resistance
is incomplete
3 points
Includes all of the
 Title of trip
 Organism
 Student’s name
 Description of
5 points
Includes all of the following
for all three tour guides:
 Name of guide
 Year of birth and
 Contributions to
 Dates of contribution
 Other significant
10 points
3 stops in time are made;
and contains complete
information pertaining to
organism and environment
of the time
 Names of organism
 Period & era
 Evidence
 Description/picture
 Environmental
 Description of Earth
 Lists other organisms
25-30 points
Includes paragraph
explaining role of evolution
to biological resistance
5 points