Meal Preparation at Front & Erie House

Recipe for a Good Meal at Front & Erie House
You & A Group of Friends (Max. 10)
A Little of Your Time
o One evening to serve dinner at 6pm (can arrive as early as 2pm to
o One morning on the weekend to serve breakfast at 9am (can arrive
as early as 8:15am to prep)
Menu Planning
o 25-30 people for dinners
o 15-20 people for breakfasts.
Delicious Food
o Salad, protein entree, one vegetarian entrée, starch, and vegetable
side dishes with dessert.
Meal Preparation at Front & Erie House
What the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House Provides:
 Beverages and Condiments:
o Coffee, Tea, and associated condiments
o (donated McDonald’s)
o Milk and Juice (donated by McDonald’s)
o Coke products that families purchase for 25 cents a can
o Ice
o Salad Dressing
 Dishes, Cookware and Appliances:
o Dishes, Silverware, Glasses, Napkins & Straws
o Serving bowls & platters
o Pitchers
o Cutting boards
o Measuring spoons & cups
o Pots & frying pans
o Colanders
o Knives & cooking utensils
o Cookie sheets
o 2 Griddles
o Hand mixers
o 1 Electric Knife
o 3 Crock pots
o Electric blenders
o 4 Ovens & Stoves
o 4 Microwaves
o 2 Propane Grills
o Dishwashers
o Pot holders & Dish Towel
For Leftovers and Clean Up:
o Tupperware containers
o Aluminum foil
o Plastic wrap
o Cleaning supplies
What PRMH Does Not Provide:
 Ingredients for your meal
 Disposable aluminum pans (13’x9’ recommended size)