ST THOMAS OF CANTERBURY CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL Headteacher: Mrs Judith Higgon Dip(Ed) BSC(Hon) MA(Ed) Assistant Head: Mrs Michelle Keating B(Ed) (Hons) High Street Tel: 01920 821450 Puckeridge Fax: 01920 822534 Ware E-Mail: Herts SG11 1RZ Website: ___________________________________________________________________________________ July 2009 Dear Parents, I am pleased to tell you that we have secured adequate funding to go ahead with retiling the dining hall roof. The work will be undertaken during the summer holidays and should be completed by the start of the new term in September. The funding has been obtained from a grant received from the Westminster Diocese plus money we receive from the government for capital projects. As many of you know we have to provide 10% of all such funding as we are a Voluntary Aided school and the building is owned by the Diocese. We have been able to achieve the 10% from your contributions to the School Building Fund, support from the PTA through fund raising events and a loan from the Diocese of £4,700, repayable over a period of 2 years. We are very pleased to have achieved our target of retiling the dining hall roof this year. For your information we have put the report on the school finances for the year 2008/9 on our website: which you can view via a link on the Governors’ page. We are hugely grateful to everyone for providing the support that is so important in enabling us to undertake the many projects necessary to maintain the school. We would particularly like to thank the PTA for all the work that they do in organising and running fund raising events. We know how much it takes to run events successfully and there have been some very successful events, most recently the Summer Fayre. Equally, these events are only successful if they are supported by everyone, parents, staff, children and governors, so we would like to say a huge thank you to everyone. On behalf of the Governors, Dr Breda Jackson Chair of Governors ‘We learn, love and respect through our faith in Jesus Christ’ Archdiocese of Westminster Hertfordshire County Council