Shared Reading Lesson Plan Title: Greek City-States Genre: Pub: Shell Education Literacy Core Objective: Language Arts Standard 7 Obj. 2a make connections to text Text Structure: Narrative Informational Enduring Understanding: Purpose for reading Students will broaden their knowledge of ancient Greece by making connections to the text. Content Core Objective: Social Studies Standard 1 Obj. 1 development of ancient civilizations “I Can” Statements: Essential Questions I can add to existing knowledge of ancient Greece I can make self to text connections I can make text to text connections I can make text to world connections to broaden my understanding of ancient Greece ELL Language Objectives: Focus - Comprehension Strategies, Vocabulary & Text Structures/Features Comprehension Strategy: Questioning Predicting Making Connections Inferring, Visualizing, Background knowledge Determining Importance Clarifying and self-monitoring Summarizing Synthesizing Introducing the Text “I Do It” Modeling and Teacher Talk “Today we will learn about a comprehension strategy that good readers use. While they are reading, good readers think about the text and how what they are reading relates to them or to the world. This is called making connections. While reading they ask themselves things like: Has something like this happened in my life? Have I read about this in another book? Have I heard of this happening in the world around me? We call these connections ‘text to self’, ‘text to text’, and ‘text to world’. “We will practice using the strategy of making connections as we read about Greek City-States. Before we begin, I would like to make sure you know some of the more difficult words in the text. Say them with me. Poleis – Greek City-States, polises Minoan – an ancient Greek civilization Mycenaean – an ancient Greek civilization Persians – a civilization of people from modern day Iran Peloponnesian – an area of Greece where Athens and Sparta fought Reading the Text “We Do It” Interacting with and reinforcing strategies and skills “Before we start reading I want you to think about the text and all of the things you already know about ancient Greece. Think about what connections you can already make to your life or to something else you have read or learned about. When I look at the picture at the bottom of the page I see the Greek alphabet. On the third line down, I see the Greek letter Pi. This reminds me of the book we read about Sir Cumference. I’m making a text to text connection, relating what is on this page to something I have already read about. Turn to a partner and talk about what connections you can make now based only on the title and the pictures on the handout. “ Let’s read together “Greek City-States” “As we read, I want you to think about connections you are making to the text.” Graphic Organizer (making connections) Complete graphic organizer “making connections” together as a class. “On the graphic organizer sheet, write down connections you were able to make with the text. Try to come up with at least one for each of the types of connections. Then turn to a partner and discuss one connection you were able to make with the text.” Extending the Reading “You Do It” Students practicing the strategies taught, rereading for fluency, and extending into writing “We have just learned a strategy good readers use to help them comprehend text. You will now practice this strategy on your own while reading another informational article about ancient Greece. When you have completed the graphic organizer, please complete the comprehension questions on the back of the article.” Strategies taught in Shared Reading should be gradually released and reinforced in Guided Reading Groups and Student Independent Practice Content Core Integration:(Science, Soc. St., Math, etc.) Assessment: Activities: *This lesson could be a multiple day plan