ART 371: MEDIEVAL ART Dr. Woods: Office Art 559; e-mail Office hours: Mon. and Fri. 10:00-10:50 Text: Henry Luttikhuizen, Dorothy Verkerk, Snyder’s Medieval Art, 2nd ed. Prentice Hall, 2006. A copy is on two hour reserve in the library: Art of the Middle Ages by James Snyder, Luttikhuizen and Verkerk; circulation number N5975 S58 2006. Webpage: most of the slides can be viewed at the following site: user name: art371 password: constantine (Due to budget restrictions this site has not been updated in several years, so it will differ slightly from the syllabus.) Class Requirements: Class attendance and reading of the text are required. There will be two midterms and a final consisting of multiple choice questions and essays. A 7-10 page research paper is also required. Grading is based on the following: midterms 25% each; paper 20%; final 30%. Student learning outcomes: Students will learn to think critically about the connections between material culture and the social, political, economic and religious history of the Middle Ages. They will learn to recognize and identify all monuments on the syllabus, and to understand their historical context, style and function. They will write well organized, grammatical essays employing appropriate art historical terminology. The paper assignment will aid students in mastering research skills, critical thinking, visual analysis and written expression. Lecture Schedule: Aug. 26 Aug. 28 Aug. 30 Sept. 2 Sept. 4 Sept. 6 Sept. 9 Sept. 11 Sept. 13 Sept. 16 Sept. 18 Sept. 20 Sept .23 Sept. 25 Sept. 27 Sept. 30 Oct. 2 Oct. 4 Oct. 7 Oct. 9 Oct. 11 Oct. 14 Oct. 16 Oct. 18 Oct. 21 Oct. 23 Introduction: the Classical Tradition Early Christian Art (chpt. 1) Constantine and the 4th c. (chpt. 2) Labor Day Holiday The 5th and 6th centuries: Changing Images of Christ (chpt. 3, pp. 72-73) “Barbarian” Art in the West (pp. 76-79) Byzantine Art before Iconoclasm (chpt. 4) Byzantine Art before Iconoclasm, conted. Iconoclasm and Orthodoxy (pp. 91-96) The Middle Byzantine Period (chpt. 5) Northern Traditions and Insular Art (chpt. 7) Islamic Spain (chpts.10, 12) Spain: Mozarabic Art The Carolingians (chpt. 8) The Carolingians conted. and the Ottonians (pp. 201-213) MIDTERM Sicily (chpt. 6) Venice (chpt. 6) Santiago de Compostela (chpt. 13) The Pilgrimage Roads The Pilgrimage Roads, conted. The Pilgrimage Roads, conted. The Normans (chpt. 15) The Bayeux Tapestry Spain: The Reconquest and Toledo Hildegard von Bingen (p. 306) Oct. 25 Oct. 28 Oct. 30 Nov. 1 Nov. 4 Nov. 6 Nov. 8 Nov. 11 Nov. 13 Nov. 15 Nov. 18 Nov. 20 Nov. 22 Nov. 25 Nov. 27 Nov. 29 Dec. 2 Dec. 4 Dec. 6 Dec. 9 Dec. 11 Abbot Suger and the Beginnings of Gothic Art (chpt. 16) Early Gothic Chartres Cathedral Chartres conted. High Gothic Art in France conted. MIDTERM Crusader Art and Architecture (chpt. 11) Veteran’s Day Holiday Saint Louis (chpt. 17) The Gothic Style in England : Canterbury and St. Thomas Becket (chpt. 18) English Gothic conted. Castles Castles conted. Courtly Love Class canceled Thanksgiving Holiday The Late Medieval City The Medieval City conted. PAPERS DUE Late Gothic Art: The Rise of Personal Devotion (pp.435-39, 450-56) “Marginal Art” Time Dec. 16 8:00-10:00 FINAL EXAM in Art 512 Monuments List: (Numbers in parentheses correspond to illustrations in Snyder) The Classical Tradition: Cult statues of Pagan Gods Portraits of Emperors Apotheosis of Antoninus Pius and Faustina, 161 CE Forum of Trajan, with Basilica Ulpia, Column of Trajan, 112-13 CE Houses, and wall paintings, Pompeii Terms: barrel or tunnel vault, groin vault, basilica, gallery, clerestory, apse Early Christian Art: Good Shepherd, from Catacomb of Saints Peter and Marcellinus, 4 th c. (1.14) Helios (Christ as Sun God?), tomb of the Julii, 3rd c. (1.10) Catacomb della Via Latina, Biblical scenes, Samson, Hercules, Aristotle(?), Rome, mid-4th c. (1.15,16) The 4th century: St. Peter’s, Rome, ca. 324-40 (2.6-9) Missorium of Theodosius, 388 Priestess of Bacchus, from Symmachus Diptych, ca. 400 (2.18) Projecta Casket, Esquiline Treasure, ca. 380 (2.16-17) Terms: Edict of Milan. Basilica church: atrium, narthex, nave and aisles, clerestory, transept, Latin cross, apse 5th and 6th centuries: Berlin Ivory Pyxis with Christ teaching, 5th c. (3.1) Andrews Diptych, North Italy, ca. 450-460 Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, Ravenna, ca. 425-50 (4.26-28) The Good Shepherd, lunette mosaic Terms: Four creatures of the apocalypse: lion, ox, angel, eagle. “Barbarian” Art in the West: Pair of Bow Fibulae, found in Austria, early 5th c. Ivory Diptych of Stilicho and Serena, Rome or northern Italy, ca. 400 Eagle Fibula, found near Ravenna, ca. 500 Mausoleum of Theodoric, Ravenna, ca. 526 (4.33-34) Sant’ Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna, ca. 500 (4.35-39) mosaics: Processions of saints; Miracles of Christ and Passion cycles Terms: cloisonne, Ostrogoths, Arianism, Theotokos (God-bearer) Byzantine Art before Iconoclasm: Hagia Sophia, Constantinople, 532-537 (4.2-6) The Consul Anastasius, ivory diptych, 517 (4.13) De Materia Medica by Dioscurides, 512 (3.14-16) Portrait of the Author and the discovery of the Mandrake Root San Vitale, Ravenna, completed 546-48 (4.40-47) Apse mosaics: Christ between Angels and Saints: Justinian and retinue; Theodora and her Court Terms: pendentives, squinchs, scroll vs. codex, scriptorium Iconoclasm and Orthodoxy: Christ, Monastery of St. Catherine, Mt. Sinai, ca. 700 (4.23) Virgin and Child Enthroned with Angels and Saints, St. Catherine’s, early 7th c. (4.25) Saint Peter, St. Catherine’s, early 7th c. (4.24) Icon of the Triumph of the Orthodoxy, 2nd ½ 14th c. (5.1) Khludov Psalter, scenes of iconoclasm, crucifixion, ca. 850-75 (5.2-3) Terms: icons, encaustic, Iconoclasts vs. Iconophiles or Iconodules Middle Byzantine Art: 867-1204 Leo VI Making Proskynesis before the Enthroned Christ, Hagia Sophia, ca. 900 (5.4) Coronation of Emperor Romanos II and Eudocia by Christ, ivory, 945-949 (5.7) Paris Psalter, David Composing the Psalms, ca.950 (5.14) Joshua Roll, Joshua nd the Emissaries rom Bibeon, 10 th c. (5.16) Church of the Dormition, Daphni, ca. 1080- 1100 (5.24—28) Dome: Christ Pantocrator. Crucifixion, Nativity Northern Traditions and Insular Art: Visigoths: San Juan de Banos, Cerrato, 7th c. (7.49-50) Crown of Receswinth, 7th c. (7.48) Merovingian Franks: Round fibula (Brooch of Trier), early 7th c. Anglo-Saxons: Gold buckle of Sutton Hoo, 1st ½ of 7th c. (7.30) Insular Art: Book of Durrow, ca, 660-680 (7.7-8) Carpet Page, Evangelist symbols of Eagle, and Man of St. Matthew Lindisfarne Gospels, ca. 710-25 (7.11-12) St. Matthew Terms: animal interlace Islamic Spain: Great Mosque, Cordoba, 8th-10th c. (12.1-4) Alhambra, Granada ca. 1320-70 (12.22-24) Terms: Moors, minaret, mihrab, muqarnas Mozarabic Art: San Miguel de Escalada, ca. 913 (12.7) Scribe and Miniaturist at Work in the Tower Workshop of Tabara, by Magius and Emeterius(?), 970 (12.11) Morgan Beatus of Liebana, by Magius, mid-10th c. (12.10) The Carolingians: Equestrian Portrait of a Carolingian Emperor, 9 th c. (8.31) Royal Hall and Palace Chapel of Charlemagne, Aachen, 9th c. (8.1-2) Plan of an ideal monastery, St. Gall, ca, 820 (8.10-11) Torhalle, Lorsch, ca. 800 Abbey Church, Corvey, 873-85 (8.6-8) Coronation Gospels, by Demetrius Presbyter, early 9th c. (8.19) Terms: relics, cloister, westwork The Ottonians: Crown of Otto I, first used in 962 Christ Blessing Emperor Otto II and Empress Theophanu, ivory, ca. 982 Terms: Holy Roman Empire Sicily: Christ Crowning King Roger II of Sicily, Palermo, ca. 1148 (6.11) Capella Palatina, Palermo, mid-12th c. (6.12-17) Coronation Mantle of King Roger II, 1133-34 Cathedral and Monastery of the Virgin, Monreale, 1174-83 (6.19-22) Terms: Normans, muqarnas Venice: San Marco, begun 1063 (6.3-7) Pala d’Oro, ca. 1105, 1209, reassembled in 14 th c. (6.8-10) Terms: Translation of relics Romanesque Art: The Pilgrimage Roads: Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, 1075-1120 (13.9-10) Reliquary of Ste. Foye, 11th-12th c. with later additions (13.18) Abbey Church of Ste. Foye, 11ty-12th c. (13.17) Sainte Madeleine, Vezelay, nave, ca. 1120-1132 (13.34) Tympanum: Mission of the Apostles (13.35) Capitals (13.37-39) Autun Cathedral, ca. 1120-35 Tympanum: Last Judgment, by Gislebertus (13.40-41) Eve, nave capitals by Gislebertus (13.42-44) Saint Pierre, Moissac, ca. 1100 Cloister, with capitals and portrait relief of Abbot Durandus (13.19-20) Cistercian Abbey at Fontenay, 1139-1147 (13.46-28) Terms: radiating chapels, nave arcade, gallery or tribune; St. Bernard of Clairvaux The Normans: Saint Etienne, Caen, France, 1064-77, vaulted ca, 1120 (15.1-2) Durham Cathedral, England, 1093-1133 (15.5-7) Bayeux Tapestry, ca.1070-80 (15.3-4) Terms: Battle of Hastings in 1066 CE; rib vaulting, flying buttresses, St. Cuthbert Spain: Pamplona Casket (or Leyre casket), made for Abd al-Malik, 1005 Mosque of Bab al-Maardum. 999, Toledo, turned into Church of Santa Cruz in 1186 Ibn Shoshan Synagogue (Santa Maria Blanca), Toledo, 13th-14th c. (12.20-21) San Roman, nave late 12th c., apse and paintings c. 1221 Puerta del Sol, Toledo, 14th c. Synagogue of Samuel Halevi Abulafia (el Transito), Toledo, 1355-57 (12.21) Terms: The Reconquest, Mudejar Art Hildegard von Bingen: Liber Scivias (Knowing the Ways of the Lord), copy after 12th c. original (14.35) Author portrait, Fall of Adam and Eve, Ecclesia The Book of Divine Works, 13thc. Author portrait, Man and the Cosmos, The Trinity Gothic Art: Abbot Suger and the Beginnings of the Gothic Style: Saint Denis, ca. 1140-1144 (16.2, 4) Tympanum: Last Judgment Chalice of Abbot Suger, ca.1140 (16.1) Terms: Neo-Platonism, jamb statues, rose window, lancet windows Early Gothic Architecture: Laon Cathedral, 1190 - 1205 (16.7-10) Sketchbook of Villard de Honnecourt, 1220-35 (16.11) Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Paris, 1180-1200 (16.13-19) Terms: triforium, flying buttress Chartres: Chartres Cathedral, 1134-1220 (16.20-22) West Portals: 1145-70 (16.23-27) Central Tympanum: Maiestas Domini Virgin Portal with Seven Liberal Arts (16.26-27) North transept portals: 1194-1220 (16.28-31) South transept portal: St. Theodore, ca. 1220 (16.32) Stained glass (16.34-39) Terms: Throne of wisdom, trade windows High Gothic conted: Reims Cathedral, ca.1225-1311. towers 15th c. (16.51-56) Jamb statues: the Annunciation; the Visitation, ca. 1245-55 (16.57) Tombstone of Hugh Libergier, died 1267 Beauvais Cathedral, begun ca. 1235 (16.50) Terms: bar tracery Crusader Art: Map of the World, Psalter, ca. 1260 (11.1) Krak des Chevaliers, Syria, 12th-13th c. (11.11) History of Outremer, William of Tyre, 1281-91 (11.10) Cathedral of Albi, begun 1282 Terms: Cathars, Albigensian Crusade Saint Louis: Blanche of Castile and Her Son, Louis IX, from Bible moralisee, 1226-34 (17.8) Sainte-Chapelle, Paris, 1243-1248 (17.2-4) The grand chasse (reliquary) Terms: Rayonnant or Court style The Gothic Style in England: Canterbury Cathedral, choir and Trinity Chapel, after 1174 (18.1) Wells Cathedral, ca. 1220-40, strainer arches 1338 (18.17-19) Chapter House 1293-1307 King’s College Chapel, Cambridge, 1446-1515 Terms: Thomas Becket, Decorated Style, Perpendicular Style, fan vaults Castles: Castle Hedingham, Essex, ca. 1140 Conisborough, 1180’s Chateau Gaillard, Les Andelys, 1196-1198 Conway Castle, Gwynned, Wales, ca. 1282-92 Bodiam Castle, 1385 Westminster Hall, London, 1394-1402 Terms: motte and bailey, donjon or keep, curtain wall, hammerbeam Courtly Love: Casket with scenes of courtly love, Limoges, ca. 1180 (15.9) Mirror case with God of Love, ca. 1320 Lovers playing Chess, ivory mirror back, ca. 1300 (17.22) The Power of Love, ivory jewelry casket, ca. 1330-50 (17.21) Aristotle and Phyllis, bronze aquamanile, ca. 1400 Terms: Troubadour poetry The Late Medieval City: Carcassonne, walls 1248-1290 Monpazier market square, ca. 1300 Houses, Cluny, 12th c. Campo and Palazzo Pubblico, Siena, 13th -14th c. Allegory of Good Government: The Effects of Good Government in the City and Country, by Ambrogio Lorenzetti, 1338-39 (19.31-32) Hall of the Cloth Guild, Bruges, begun 1298 The Merode Altarpiece, Robert Campin, 1425-28, patron Inghelbrechts Stokesay Castle, 1281-1291 House of Jacques Coeur, Bourges, ca. 1443-51 Terms: bastide, commune, guilds Late Gothic Art: The Rise of Personal Devotion Saint Francis praying before the crucifix, Assisi, early 14th c. (19-30) Choir screen with the Crucifixion, Naumburg Cathedral, ca. 1245-60 (20.15) A nun experiences the three stages of mystical experience, ca. 1310 Elevation of the host, from layfolk’s massbook, ca. 1320 Virgin of Jeanne d’Evreux, St. Denis, silver gilt, 1339 (17.18) Hours of Jeanne d’Evreux, by Jean Pucelle, 1325-28 (17.12) Betrayal of Christ and Annunciation, Crucifixion and Adoration of the Magi “Marginal Art” Gargoyles Misericords The Luttrell Psalter, before 1345 Roman de Fauvel, the Charivari, 1316 Hours of Jeanne d’Evreux, ca.1325 Men defending a Castle from Hares, 1302-16 (18.29) Nun Leading a Monk by his Penis, 1345 (18.30) Time: Tres Riches Heures of the Duke of Berry, Limbourg brothers, ca.1415 Office of the Dead, Rohan Hours by the Rohan Master, ca.1420-30 The Three Living and the Three Dead, ca. 1345 (17.14) Triumph of Death, Francesco Traini(?), from the Campo Santo, Pisa, 1330-40 (19.33) Terms: Black Death 1348-49