KM Hanson, TJ Pappas, LA Holland , “Electrochemical Detection in Capillary Electrophoresis”, in
Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry (Wilson and Wilson’s), Volume 41: Analysis and Detection by
Capillary Electrophoresis, ML Marina, A Rios, M Valcárcel eds., D. Barceló, series ed., Elsevier
Science, Amsterdam, accepted.
M Gayton-Ely, TJ Pappas, LA Holland
, “Probing Affinity via Capillary Electrophoresis: Advances in
2003-2004”, Analytical Bioanalytical Chemistry , 382(3) , pp. 570-580 2005.
TJ Pappas, M Gayton-Ely, LA Holland “Recent Advances in MEKC”, Electrophoresis , 26(4-5) , pp. 719-
734 2005.
KM Hanson, M Gayton-Ely, LA Holland , P. Zehr, B.C.G. Soderberg, “Rapid Assessment of beta-Asarone content of Acorus calamus by Micellar Electrokinetic Capillary Chromatography”, 26(4-5) , pp. 943-
946 2005.
M. Anderson*, LA Holland , TJ Pappas, “Temperature Control of Running Buffer: An Integrated
Modification to the Beckman P/ACE TM MDQ”, P/ACE Setter , 9(1) , pp. 9-11 2005.
LA Holland , S Tomechko*, A Oommen, AM Leigh*, A Bradford*, A Burns, “Real-Time Distance
Research with IP network Videoconferencing: Extending Undergraduate Research Opportunities”,
Journal of Chemical Education , 81 , pp.1224-1228 2004.
J Mills, LA Holland , “Membrane Mediated Capillary Electrophoresis: Interaction of Cationic Peptides with Bicelles”, Electrophoresis , 25(9) , pp. 1237-1242 2004.
J McKeon, LA Holland , “The Determination of Dissociation Constants for a Heparin-Binding Domain of
Amyloid Precursor Protein and Heparins or Heparan Sulfate by Affinity Capillary Electrophoresis”,
Electrophoresis 25(9) , pp. 1243-1248, 2004.
LA Holland , J. McKeon, “Miniaturized Liquid Separation Techniques in Bioanalysis ” Analytical and
Bioanalytical Chemistry 378(1) , pp. 40-42, 2004.
LA Holland , AM Leigh*, “Bilayered Phospholipid Micelles and Capillary Electrophoresis: A New
Additive for Electrokinetic Chromatography”, Electrophoresis 24(17) , pp. 2935-2939, 2003.
LA Holland , AM Leigh*, “Capillary Electrophoresis/Electrochemistry”, Electrophoresis, 23(21) , pp.
3649-3658, 2002.
L Koch, LA Holland , D Price, L Gonzalez, P Lieske, GL Gonzalez, A Butler, K Wilson, ML Holly,
“Engaging New Faculty in the Scholarship of Teaching”, Innovative Higher Education , 27(2) , pp. 83-
94, 2002.
H Zhou, LA Holland , P Liu, “An Integrated Electrochemical Capillary Liquid Chromatography-Dual
Microelectrode System for Bromine Based Reaction Detection”, Analyst , 126(8) , pp. 1252-1256, 2001 .
Lisa Holland , "Practical Capillary Electrophoresis. 2 nd Edition. By Robert Weinberger (CE Technologies,
Inc.). Academic Press: San Diego and London. 2000.xi + 462 pp. $99.95. ISBN: 0-12-742356-7",
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 123(10) , p. 2468, 2001.
LA Holland , JW Jorgenson, “Characterization of a Comprehensive Two-dimensional Anion Exchange-
Perfusive Reversed Phase Liquid Chromatography System for Improved Separations of Peptides”,
Journal of Microcolumn Separations , 12(6) , pp. 371-7, 2000.