TUESDAY Self-correct hmwk 3.26 Power up 27 Saxon, Measures of a Circle. pg.141144 Note change in routine! Problem Solving: Individual Boards Today I will learn – Class discuss only Daily quiz: a-d – Individual Boards. Practice, #1-30 WITH Circle measurement vocabulary - homework ELECTIVE 1:30P 2:15P 12:35p -1:30p Self-correct Musculo-Skeletal System Packet; hand-in. Review structure of “Questioning Gravity”. Compare & Contrast ‘Mrs. Jewls’ and ‘Gravity’. Language Skills/Hake Grammar Lesson 20, Simple Prepositions, pt.1, p.90-95; a. Dictation RETURN TO #1(from appendix p.611), b.vocabulary; c.text lesson and d.practice: review set 20, pg. 90-95 is due WED. TBD: 11:30a-Noon: LIBRARY Reading: Pre-reading, a. Teacher reads: Model fluency & Intro Vocabulary: The Iron Princess, T86. b. Vocabulary in Context, p.44-45. C. Target Strategy: Questioning. Prepare ‘Theme & Details’ graphic organizer for tomorrow. RN 18, Proofreading for Spelling Language Skills/Hake Grammar Lesson 21: Simple Prepositions, pt.2, p.96-100: a.vocabulary; b.text lesson and c.NO review set Cumulative Test #3 SCIENCE (Q1&4) (SOCIAL STUDIES : Q2&3) 2:15p-3:25p SIGN New Classroom Contract Reading: ‘A Package for Mrs. Jewls’: self-grade and hand-in sample worksheets from last week. Finish Bill Nye Brain Movie PE Note change in routine! This week, there ALMOST all Daily Quiz/Notes sections will be completed as a class. See details on pg.3 of Weekly Communicator Problem Solving: Individual Boards Today I will learn – Class discuss only Daily quiz: a-I – Individual Boards. Practice, #1-30 - homework TEC H Continue Menus/rehearse presentation (tech skill: presenting with a document camera) Work Session Nervous System Packet Ode to My Brain Rehearse “Questioning Gravity” PE MONDAY Power up 26 Saxon, 3.26 Reduce Fractions w/models; Add/Subtract Mixed Numbers. pg.136-140 RELA (READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS) 10:30A-Noon SUCCESSMAKER :15/:15 1:10-1:30: Work Session. MATHEMATICS 9:00A-10:30A Bring a book every day! SUCCESSMAKER :15/:15 1:10-1:30: Work Session. Hmrm/ Pledge / 8:55A9:05A 9/22-9/26/ 2014 CONTACT MRS. MALE: dmale@fhusd.org or www.mrsmalesclass.com LUNCH 12:0312:33P WEEK OF Math:3.26, #1-30 Reading: CCCReading/Lit. workbook: Lesson12; Compare & Contrast texts, p.48-53 due Wednesday Grammar: review set 20 is due WEDNESDAY Dictation: review #1 P.611 Science: Nervous System Packet is due Friday Ode to My Brain is due Oct.3. School House Rock: Perform “Questioning Gravity” Skits w/teams of 4. Math:3.27, #1-30 Work Session Nervous System Packet Ode to My Brain Rehearse “Questioning Gravity” Grammar: review set 20 is due WEDNESDAY Dictation: review #1 (intonation & expression demonstration) Reading: Science: Packet is due Friday FRIDAY THURSDAY Power up: 29 Saxon 3.29, Multiplying Fractions; reducing using common factors, pg.150-155 DAILY QUIZ as TEAM BIG BOARD Today I will learn – Class discussion Daily quiz: a-k – Individual Boards Practice, #1-30 - homework Self-correct hmwk 3.29 Investigate #3, (1st Fri. of 2) Measuring and Drawing Angle with a Protractor, pg.161-162; complete #1-12. Note: your answers must be in the form of drawn models (pictures) of the fractions. Second reading & Discussions: “A Royal Mystery”, p.48-61. (EQ): “How can art and performance help people understand a text?” (elements of drama & characterization) Lesson 2, Fairy Tale(genre), “The Princess & the Pea”, p.66-74; Compare texts w/similar themes. Language Skills/Hake Grammar Lesson 23: Complete Sentnce or Run-on Sentence, pg.105-109; Dictation#1 TEST, pg.611; b.vocabulary; c.text lesson and d.NO review set 1:15P-1:45P: SUCCESSMAKER 12:40P-1:15P: PE SUCCESSMAKER :15/:15 1:10-1:30: Work Session. Self-correct Grammar 20 from Monday. Language Skills/Hake Grammar Lesson 22: Irregular Plural Nouns, pt.3, p.101-104 a.vocabulary; b.text lesson and c.practice: review set 22, pg. 101-104 is due FRIDAY NOON-12:35P: LUNCH Note change in routine! Problem Solving: Individual Boards Today I will learn – Class discuss only Daily quiz: a-k – Individual Boards. Practice, #1-30 - homework NOON-12:35P: LUNCH Reading: Anchor Text: “A Royal Mystery”, p.48-61. Essential Question(EQ): “How can art and performance help people understand a text?”; Work pages: RN 13&14 FIRST Textbook Reading test – Selection 2. **Self-grade then hand-in finished Nervous System Packet** Friday Science PODS(AFTER MATH is DONE): N. Share Menus R. Self-grade Nervous System Packet S. Work on Ode to the Brain NOON-12:35P: LUNCH SUCCESSMAKER :15/:15 1:10-1:30: Work PE Session. WEDNESDAY Self-correct hmwk 3.27 Power up 28 Saxon, Angles. pg.145-149 WORK SESSION: Nervous System Packet Ode to My Brain Rehearse “Questioning Gravity” ONE HOUR EARLY RELEASE @ 2:30pm Math:3.28, #1-30 Reading: CCCReading/Lit. workbook: Lesson 10, Drama Structure;p.40-43. Lang.Arts: Review: Dictation test #9 is Thursday Grammar: review set 22 is due FRIDAY Science: as needed Perform “Questioning Gravity” & Cold reads from “A Royal Mystery” and “Princess & the Pea” Math:3.29, #1-30 ONLY Reading: Finish RN23&24 Grammar: Review set 22 is due Friday Science: Nervous System Packet is due tomorrow. Self-correct Grammar 22 from Wednesday Share Menus Tbd: Time for Kids READ :60 EVERYDAY! There is no other homework for the weekend, unless you owe assignments. What’s happening this week in Mrs. Male’s Class? **Our new reading textbook series is finally here! Preparing instruction from brand new material takes quite a bit of extra preparation time, so I took a look to see where the students and I could ease up a bit on our pace. Math has been our most intense instructional area so far. For this week (and possibly next week too), the students and I will complete ALMOST all ‘Daily Quiz/Notes’ assignments as inclass response lessons. This means that no written Math ‘Daily Notes’ are required this week– I will assess all on the spot during class and plan individual reteaches as needed. All students are still responsible for #1-30 homework review, as usual. In next week’s communicator, I will introduce the criterion for ‘Math Contract’ – stay tuned! Mrs. Male First quarter ends in three weeks. I am looking forward to seeing you all during conference week! Video clips to support this week’s lessons: Monday Math: animation that illustrates how a fraction is built from a remainder and the divisor of a division problem. http://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play;_ylt=A0S00Mw2PV5QyUgA8aX7w8QF;_ylu=X3oDMTBrc3VyamVwBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQD?p=re mainders+to+fractions&vid=4BA91187C4A926E5D6394BA91187C4A926E5D639&l=&turl=http%3A%2F%2Fts2.mm.bing.net%2Fvideos%2Fthumbnail.aspx %3Fq%3D4835498227466253%26id%3Dd4f38b5cad718b62cde56677249fb51f%26bid%3DOdblJqnEhxGpSw%26bn%3DLargeThumb%26url%3Dhttp%253a% 252f%252fwww.youtube.com%252fwatch%253fv%253dCMV0eI3eeTU&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DCMV0eI3eeTU&tit=A nimation%3A+Writing+remainders+as+fractions+2&c=5&sigr=11aj7f40i&fr=yfp-t-701 Monday Math: students use tiles to demonstrate remainders as fractions. http://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play;_ylt=A0S00Mw2PV5QyUgA9KX7w8QF;_ylu=X3oDMTBrc3VyamVwBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQD?p=re mainders+to+fractions&vid=0C8A2CF996139C4869780C8A2CF996139C486978&l=&turl=http%3A%2F%2Fts1.mm.bing.net%2Fvideos%2Fthumbnail.aspx%3 Fq%3D4817884562719048%26id%3D6abaeaa063261f597155ea8ea3e1a11f%26bid%3DeGlInBOW%252bSyKDA%26bn%3DLargeThumb%26url%3Dhttp%25 3a%252f%252fwww.youtube.com%252fwatch%253fv%253d1OdV5CfrJzU&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D1OdV5CfrJzU&tit= Division+with+Fraction+Remainders&c=8&sigr=11ac6mdeo&fr=yfp-t-701 Tuesday Science, Nervous System message transmission (Schoolhouse Rock) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bS4ZzBZJdeo Wednesday Science, Nervous System Overview http://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play;_ylt=A0S00M0V7kJQ3XgAgBH7w8QF;_ylu=X3oDMTBrc3VyamVwBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQD?p=Nervous+sys tem&vid=9D94A6394F4A9307CACC9D94A6394F4A9307CACC&l=&turl=http%3A%2F%2Fts2.mm.bing.net%2Fvideos%2Fthumbnail.aspx%3Fq%3D482960981308 2193%26id%3Ddaf172d41fe150d5e2a0549bc17d6f7f%26bid%3DzMoHk0pPOaaUnQ%26bn%3DLargeThumb%26url%3Dhttp%253a%252f%252fwww.youtube.com %252fwatch%253fv%253dsjyI4CmBOA0&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DsjyI4CmBOA0&tit=The+Nervous+System-+AnimationVideo+for+Kids+-from+www+...&c=10&sigr=11a7o8089&fr=my-myy