Knowledge Network Learning Support Organization High School Global Studies Interdisciplinary Curriculum Dr. Kathleen M. Cashin, Ed.D, CEO Course/Unit History 1 – Ancient World Civilizations and Religions Neolithic Revolution and early river civilizations Standards 1-4 Essential Question (s) Students will understand : Students will know and be able to: Interdisciplinary Connections/Resources 1. How do the movements 1. How we can use geography of people, ideas (cultural to understand how people diffusion) affect world live and work. history? 2. How geography played a 2. How does technological significant role on the change affect people, emergence of mankind and places and regions? the birth of civilization. 1. Analyze primary and secondary source materials. English Language Arts: 3. How do the movements 3. How man is able to adapt of people, ideas (cultural to his environment and diffusion) affect world improve life through new history? innovations in migration, technology, change, needs 4. How do the movements and wants, of people, ideas (cultural interdependence, food diffusion) affect world sources and technology. history? 4. How we can use geography 5. How does technological to understand how people change affect people, live and work. places and regions? 5. How geography played a significant role on the emergence of mankind and the birth of civilization. 4. Establish cause and effect relationships. 2. Establish concepts of chronology and sequence. Interdisciplinary Novel Study - The Epic of Gilgamesh The Arts: 3. Construct hypotheses to account for phenomena. 5. Analyze the influence of geography on civilizations. 6. Analyze change from nomadic to sedentary lifestyle. 7. Analyze primary and secondary source materials. 8. Establish concepts of chronology and sequence. 9. Construct hypotheses to account Mysteries of Mankind, National Geographic Society 1992 video Migration Out of Africa j/Normal/ProjAppl/Img/ooa.png Migration patterns of early humans cestry/graphics/ancestry5_medium.jpg The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Timeline of Art History htm?HomePagLink=toah_1 Knowledge Network Learning Support Organization High School Global Studies Interdisciplinary Curriculum Dr. Kathleen M. Cashin, Ed.D, CEO Course/Unit Standards Essential Question (s) Students will understand : Students will know and be able to: for phenomena. 6. How man is able to adapt to his environment and improve life through new innovations in migration, technology, change, needs and wants, interdependence, food sources and technology. 10. Establish cause and effect relationships. 11. Analyze the influence of geography on civilizations. 12. Analyze change from nomadic to sedentary lifestyle. Interdisciplinary Connections/Resources Knowledge Network Learning Support Organization High School Global Studies Interdisciplinary Curriculum Dr. Kathleen M. Cashin, Ed.D, CEO Course/Unit Classical civilizations Standards Essential Question (s) 1. Students will understand : Why do civilizations rise 1. What makes a civilization and fall? “classical?” What were the contributions of classical 2. After it falls, what civilizations to human impact does a civilization history? have on history? 2. What was the status and role of women in the 3. To what extent is life a classical civilizations? constant. 3. How do the geography and climate of an area influence 4. Are conflicts between the success or failure of a nations and/or people civilization? inevitable? 4. How did geography affect the rise of city-states in Greece and the rise of the Roman Empire? 5. What impact did the monsoons have on the historic and economic development of the SubContinent? 6. How did the institution of slavery fit within the Athenian concept of democracy? 7. What forces caused the rise Students will know and be able to: 1. Understand the concept of a Golden Age Interdisciplinary Connections/Resources English Language Arts: Shakespeare's Julius Caesar 2. Compare and contrast multiple Golden Ages throughout history 3. Understand the spread and influence of ideas along major trade routes 4. Analyze the influence of geography on the development of ancient Greece. Roman Twelve Tables Pericles' Funeral Oration The Iliad The Odyssey The Arts: Selections from film The Gladiator 5. Compare and contrast ancient Athens and Sparta Buddhist Images Along the Silk Road 6. Compare and contrast the democracy of ancient Athens and the democracy of the United States Ancient China iasbook.html 7. Understand the influence of Ancient Greece's contributions (case study: Olympics) 8. Examine the spread and ges/hanmap.jpg aphics/2007/02/08/narmy08a.jpg Greek Civilization Knowledge Network Learning Support Organization High School Global Studies Interdisciplinary Curriculum Dr. Kathleen M. Cashin, Ed.D, CEO Course/Unit Standards Essential Question (s) Students will understand : Students will know and be able to: Interdisciplinary Connections/Resources and fall of these classical civilizations? 8. How are contemporary democratic governments rooted in classical traditions? 9. What impact did Greek civilization have over time? 10. Why did the Chinese define their history in terms of dynastic cycles? 11. How did agriculture begin in the Americas? What were the earliest crops? How did the Mayan civilization and its subsequent decline compare to the river valley and classical civilizations of Afro-Eurasia? 12. Do the Mayans exist today? 13. To what extent did the Han and Roman Empires establish institutions and define values that endured for many centuries? 14. What technological innovations were preservation of Greek culture through Hellenistic and later societies. ml ean/index.shtml 9. Compare and contrast Classical Greece and Hellenistic Culture 10. Analyze the effects of geography on the development of Ancient Rome 11. Compare and contrast the Roman contributions on later civilizations (government and law) 12. Compare and contrast the Roman Republic and basic Roman laws of the United States. Growth of Global Trade Routes Indian (Maurya) Empire k.html indu_history/landmaurya.html Mesoamerica – Mayan s.html .html ody_maya.html 13. Examine the effects of engineering (roads, aqueducts) and trade on the growth and power of the empire Status and Role of Women ncient_greece/women.gif 14. Understand the causes and effects of Cultural Diffusion Roman Republic IC.HTM 15. Analyze causes, effects, and end Knowledge Network Learning Support Organization High School Global Studies Interdisciplinary Curriculum Dr. Kathleen M. Cashin, Ed.D, CEO Course/Unit Standards Essential Question (s) Students will understand : introduced during this period? 15. What role did migrating nomadic groups play in the fall of the Han and Roman Empires? 16. In what ways were the Han and Roman Empires similar? different? 17. What caused the fall of the Han and Roman Empires? Students will know and be able to: of Pax Romana 16. Analyze causes of the fall of Rome 17. Examine the formation and growth of the Byzantine Empire 18. Understand the importance of the law codes 19. Examine the preservation of Greco-Roman Culture Interdisciplinary Connections/Resources The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Timeline of Art History htm?HomePagLink=toah_1