The Geology of Western Canada & Assembly of the Cordillera T.S. Hamilton, Camosun College (Read this while viewing the maps of the Cordillera in the hallway and at the back of F360 so you can see where the regions, the physiography and structures are found.) Physiographic Belts: The Canadian Cordillera of British Columbia, the Yukon, and parts of Alberta and the Northwest Territories is a region that is both more scenic and more complex than the rest of the North American Craton. Across the Cordillera there are a series of NNW trending physiographic belts totaling 1000 to 1350 km wide, that have distinctive: elevation, relief, bedrock geology and structures. The Cordillera is essentially the youngest and deformed westernmost edge of the North American continent. To understand the geological architecture of the Cordillera is to understand how continents grow. 1 The distinctive physiographic belts (west to east) of the Cordillera are: The Insular Belt, The Coast Belt, The Intermontane Belt, The Omineca Belt and The Foreland or Hinterland Belt. East of this is the Great Plains of the North American Craton, which is underlain by the strata of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin overlying various Precambrian basement terranes of the Canadian Shield. The Geology and Development of the Different Belts from the Coast to the Craton: The Insular Belt: The Insular belt includes Vancouver Island, the Gulf Islands, the Straits and western most slopes of the Coast Mountains, The Queen Charlotte Islands, the island archipelago of the panhandle of Alaska (including the Wrangell Mountains), the SW corner of the Yukon and the SE most corner of mainland Alaska including the Yakutat Block. The physiography of the southern portion of the Insular Belt (South of Dixon Entrance and Prince Rupert) ranges from 3km tall glaciated mountains through foothills to sea level lowlands and basins (Dixon Entrance, Hecate Strait, Queen Charlotte Sound, Georgia Strait) underlain by Quaternary, Tertiary and Cretaceous sediments. The deepest point is at Captain's Island in lower Jervis Inlet, where a fjord glacier eroded to more than 700 m below sea level. Further north in Alaska, NW BC and SW Yukon, the Insular Belt is more mountainous and its physiography resembles the Coast Belt. Because of the convergence across the Queen Charlotte-Fairweather Transform fault, and the Tertiary through modern accretion of the Yakutat Block in the corner of Alaska (near 60 is found in that region (also Mt. St. Elias) as well as the highest uplift rates on the planet (~2 cm/yr). Because of both ongoing uplift and Tertiary through recent subsidence and glaciation in low lying basins, this belt is the most tectonically active. It includes both Canada's most active fault, the Queen Charlotte (1949, M=8.1) and a variety of small Quaternary basaltic volcanoes from Revillagigedo Is. (55.5°N) just north of the Queen Charlottes to Mt. Edgecumbe, a Quaternary volcano on Kruzof Island (57.1°N) a little further north in SE Alaska. The geology of the Insular Belt is characterized by Wrangellia and Alexander, 2 major allochthonous tectonostratigraphic terrane. The oldest rocks are marine sediments and volcanics, Lower Paleozoic sediments as determined from rare conodont microfossils on Moresby Is. and on Vancouver Is. Both sedimentary and volcanic strata are present in the Paleozoic (Devonian through Permian). Apparently this crust was part of an intra-oceanic island arc system from its marine volcanics and sediments (Myra and Nitnat Formations on Vancouver Island) in the Devonian and again in the Pennsylvanian from the marine 2 sediments and sills of the Sicker Group. The marine arc volcanics of the Devonian Myra formation are the host to volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits involving copper and zinc like at the Myra Falls mine west of Campbell River. By Permian this twice thickened Island arc crust was somewhere in more tropical climes from its layers of crinoidal Buttle Lake limestones (now Mount Mark formation, Cowichan Valley and Strathcona Park). In Upper Triassic time there was a massive outpouring of marine flood basalts making up to 5 km of pillow and pillow breccias of the Karmutsen Formation. This section and period is akin to many of the larger high standing intra oceanic lava plateau (Ontong-Java, Shatsky Rise etc.). After some more tropical limestone deposition, by middle Jurassic this transitional crustal fragment was once more over the top of a subduction zone form the calc-alkaline volcanics (Bonanza, Yakoun) and related plutons (Island Intrusions) present on Vancouver Island and in the Queen Charlottes. Those intermediate plutons acted like heat engines in the upper crust and convected enough hot water around to form both disseminated porphyry copper deposits like that on the north end of Vancouver Island at Island Copper and copper-iron skarns like at Tasu where the plutons cut the Karmutsen volcanics and adjacent limestones. Paleomagnetic evidence on these Jurassic rocks (180 to 168 Ma) gives a paleolatitude of about -30° (southern hemisphere). By about 80 Ma in the Cretaceous, the microfossils indicate more a northerly latitude and "North American" assemblages. The inference from the sedimentary rocks of the Nanaimo Basin on Eastern Vancouver Island is that the Insular Terrane had been emplaced against the cordillera by this time and was now part of North America. While the exact timing and location for this emplacement is under discussion, folding of about 95-90 Ma may mark the emplacement of Wrangellia and the 80-65 Ma rocks of the Nanaimo Group probably mark an overlap assemblage that covers up the newly accreted real estate. At the onset there is a big erosional unconformity with the rocks of Wrangellia and some major river valleys that preserve bolder conglomerates along eastern Vancouver Island (west of Nanaimo and on Mt. Washington). The lowest strata of the Comox formation are terrestrial and coal bearing in some places. (This was the economic incentive for immigrants to settle Vancouver Island.) From the Comox Formation on upsection, the setting then included a broad shallow continental shelf to bathyal basin, possibly a fore arc basin somewhat wider than Georgia Strait today, with large free floating ammonites, benthic flat clams like Inoceramus and big predatory swimming reptiles including: giant turtles, the peg-toothed crocodilian Mosasaur, and long necked Elasmosaurs like those found near Courtenay along the Puntledge River and New Island Highway. Because of the repetitive number of massive conglomerate beds, there was probably active faulting and tectonic activity to the east in the region of the modern Coast Mountains. During and since the Upper Cretaceous there has been a succession of subduction zones just offshore including the Farallon Plate since 95 Ma in the south (Queen Charlottes to Mexico), the Kula Plate from 56 to 10 Ma (SE Alaska) in the North. Today there is a new 3 part ridge system against the Pacific making the Explorer, 3 Juan de Fuca, and Gorda Plates as successors to the Farallon, and currently subducting beneath Vancouver Island, Washington and Oregon since Upper Miocene (about 16 Ma). Some of the 56 Ma seafloor basaltic crust and deep water sediments have been accreted to the coast in westernmost Oregon, Washington and southernmost Vancouver Island (south of the Leech River Fault) and as the Yakutat Block in SE Alaska. In the south this latest terrane accretion was complete by 40 Ma (Late Eocene) because conglomerates of the Sooke Formation overlapping and including rocks fragments from the Sooke Gabbro and Metchosin and Crescent Basalts together with Leech River Schist and locally derived pebbles from the older rocks of Wrangellia. The terrane of marine basalts, seamounts and deep-sea sediments that lies from Sooke to Mendocino California and from the west coast to the Cascades is called Siletzia. This piece of real estate was accreted by Upper Eocene and was responsible for the uplift and high-grade metamorphic rocks on southern Vancouver Island. It is this accretion and uplift event that formed the lode gold deposits at Gold River and the Manganese deposits of the Cowichan valley, both typical of forearc environments. In the north of the Insular Belt, in Southeast Alaska, the Yakutat Block is still being accreted today, leading to much compression and very large uplifts. In between the 2 subduction zones (Cascadia and Aleutians) from Eocene through Upper Miocene (45-5 Ma) there was an extensional basin along the central coast of Queen Charlotte Sound and the Queen Charlotte Islands. There was up to 7 km of subsidence and up to 4 km of rift related volcanics and up to 3 km sediments deposited in a whole series of small grabens. Because of the great sedimentary thickness, high heat flows and good organic source rocks this is Western Canada's most prospective frontier petroleum basin with many geological similarities to Cook Inlet SE Alaska. To date there are only natural oil seeps on land and beneath the sea but so far no productive wells. There has been a defacto moratorium on exploration since 1969, but recent interest in opening this back up from both industry and government. Because of ongoing subduction, the western (outermost) side of the Insular belt is being uplifted, while the inland eastern edge is subsiding. The westerly uplifts are due to compression and doubling up the crustal thickness. The easterly subsidence coincides with a steepening in the dip of the subducting slab. This hinge line runs from the Western side of Puget Sound, along the western edge of Georgia Strait. To the west the rocks are folded, faulted and uplifted with Mesozoic and older rocks exposed at the surface. To the east, it is a deep body of water with several hundred metres of glacial deposits over about 2 km of Tertiary strata having only minor deformation. The Coast Belt: The Coast Belt is dominated by the Coast Mountains, which run from Vancouver to 4 Alaska. In Canada this is not strictly the west coast, but rather the western side of the inner coast eastwards through the mountains that adjoin them. Further South in Washington and Oregon the equivalent mountain belt is called the Cascades. The Coast Mountains and the Cascades are both underlain by Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks in a series of eastwards directed thrust sheets with intervening folds. While you might think of the Cascades Mountains as being our young continental margin volcanic arc, these subduction related volcanics represent only a small percentage of the total volume of the Coast Belt mountains (Coast Mountains and Cascades). These belts are quite distinctive in position, elevation and geology from the Coast Ranges of Oregon and California which lie along the west coast further south and are all comprised of Eocene to Oligocene seafloor and overlying sediments. In the Coast Belt the highest peaks are in the Central Coast at Mt. Waddington and Silverthrone. The bedrock geology is dominated by plutonic suites and metamorphic assemblages that are mainly Mesozoic in age but include Tertiary and younger plutons as well. Much of this bedrock has been uplifted from the mid to lower crust, although there are a few panels of low grade rocks and roof pendants in some of the batholiths that are equivalent to rocks of the Wrangellia allochthon. East of Prince Rupert there is a single Eocene pluton called the great Tonalite Sill (Diorite) that is 5 km thick. This marks the addition of a magma body 5 km thick to the lower crust here. This is tantamount to increasing the crustal thickness by 10-15% in a single intrusive event. The Cascades volcanic Arc in Oregon and Washington has a series of major strato-volcanoes up to 3,500 m spaced about every 50 km from Mt Shasta in northern California through Mt. Baker near Bellingham. While we have Quaternary to Recent volcanics north of the border too (Garibaldi, Mt. Meagher, Mt. Cayley, Salal Creek), these are only thin veneers of volcanic deposits over Cretaceous and older bedrock. This is not due to any great change in arc activity but is mainly due to the fast uplift and erosion in our mountain belt coupled with intense Quaternary glaciations that removed all but the feeder dykes for any older volcanic piles. Tertiary basalt dykes are widespread throughout the Coast Mountains of BC but any volcanic piles which they fed are long since eroded. The Coast Belt to the north of Prince Rupert (in SE Alaska) is unique in the whole of the cordillera, in having some rocks with inherited Precambrian zircons. This is a conundrum as only rocks adjacent to old continental shields exhibit this. This might be due to an older age or tectonic imbrication of the crust there or perhaps to its proximity to ancestral North America (Laurentia). Otherwise there is no continental crustal affinity for this dominantly Mesozoic welt of crust. Because of the thickness and high metamorphic grade (Garnet + Sillimanite) particularly in the Coast Belt, it is thought that this crust was enormously thick in Cretaceous time and represented an Andean type margin. But all of this former 5 thickness has been reduced by crustal extension since the end of Farallon Plate subduction by rifting from there through the Queen Charlotte Basin and profound local erosion that removed most of the super crustal strata preceding the Miocene to modern uplift of the Coast Belt which exposes Eocene plutons (Quottoon) and biotite grade stretched pebble conglomerates both crystallized deep in the crust. Just the same as magnetic minerals having blocking temperatures below which they retain their magnetization, so also do datable minerals have specific blocking temperatures for the retention of their daughter isotopes. Each mineral has a different blocking temperature eg. Hornblende (450°) > Biotite (235°) > Apatite (~ 100°C) especially for the retention of fission tracks due to alpha particles from U or Th fission α-decay. By collecting a suite of minerals form different elevations through a granitic batholith it is possible to date the uplift age by this method rather than the primary cooling age one would get from proportions of daughter isotopes. It is also possible to estimate past geothermal gradients during the time of uplift. This has been done by Randy Parrish and Marcos Zentilli and their students for a variety of localities. The surprise is that the Coast Mountains are relatively young and seem to have been formed only in the last 10-12 Ma. This is a factor of 5 or more younger than the Rockies or 100 or more times younger than the Appalachians. As a consequence we now understand many of the coastal rivers to have been lowered through the Coast Mountains during their uplift but that the rivers themselves (Stikine, Iskut, Skeena, Fraser etc.) are appreciably older as physiographic features. Not only do they cut declivitous canyons (enlarged to fjords) through the Coast Mountains, but these old rivers carried distinctive lithic sediments into coastal basins like the Queen Charlottes. As a final indication of the youth of the uplift in the Coast Belt, there are Miocene volcanic strata on the Eastern side of the Coast Mountains that are tilted down to the East by the young uplift in the last 10 Ma. The Intermontane Belt: The Intermontane belt is a losenge shaped region of sediment and volcanic filled lowlands and plateaux that makes up about 40% of the interior of BC. It extends from the Stikine in the north to the Okanagan in the south and from the Eastern slopes of the Coast Mountains to the Rocky Mountain Trench and the Western slopes and foothills of the Kootenays and Ominecas. This belt includes the flat lying or low relief forested and ranch country of the Nechako, The Chilcotin, the Cariboo and the Okanagan regions. The basement architecture is a series of oceanic tectonostratigraphic terranes, which from west to east are called: Stikinia, Cache Creek Terrane and Quesnellia. The bedrock geology is dominantly formed of Upper Paleozoic marine sediments: limestones, cherts, turbidites and shales, Upper Triassic basaltic volcanics (Nicola, Skolai etc.) and Lower Jurassic arc 6 volcanics (Hazelton Group). The Lower Jurassic marine volcanics are particularly important as they are the host to all of the major volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits in the cordillera (Kutcho, Eskay Creek etc.). This welt of 3 terranes was accreted to BC in Middle Jurassic time as one large block or allochthon that is called Superterrane I. In north central BC between Smithers and the Stikine, the large Jurassic Bowser basin formed, collecting clastic sediments from the first uplift of the Rockies a few hundred Km to the east (Omineca Mountains). Since the accretion of Superterrane I, there have been a series of arc related Middle Jurassic and Cretaceous plutons and Cretaceous volcanics that mark the time of Farallon Plate Subduction, causing crustal thickening and the transformation of this oceanic material into more Continental style crust. These large batholiths formed the many porphyry copper and molybdenite deposits of B.C.'s interior. The Cretaceous volcanics (Tip Top formation) in particular indicate deep mantle sources with Garnet and Amphibole, implying a very thick, Andean style crust (~80 km or more). This is to be expected from the incredibly fast Farallon plate subduction with rates up to 28 cm a year (this is not a typo)! The birth of a new spreading ridge and the Kula Plate offshore transformed the Farallon subduction margin into a Kula plate subduction and transform margin by Lower Eocene. This greatly reduced convergent stresses across the northern half of the cordilleran margin and the crust relaxed and "flowed out" westwards causing many extensional basins and major right lateral strike slip faulting along the Cordillera. The subduction (or over riding) of the easterly directed Kula Farallon Ridge by the Cordillera, created a series of "no-slab" windows where hot asthenosphere came right up to the base of the crust. This eroded the crust from below by partial melting and warmed the crust so that it extended and thinned down to less than 30 km thickness and exposed the Mesozoic volcanic greenstones and greenschist facies Paleozoic sediments over widespread areas. The formation of many elongate grabens, half grabens, rhombochasms and strike slip basins permitted structural lows to collect and preserve mixed extensional continental volcanic suites and continental sediments including some economic coal deposits along the length of the belt, and stream gravel hosted "roll front style" Uranium deposits in the Okanagan Kettle River region. This warmed crust and oblique shear continued crustal thinning in the Intermontane Belt throughout the Miocene to Recent and gave rise to large regions of extensional flood basalts of the Chilcotin, Nechako and Stikine regions and isolated centres of long lived (15 Ma - 1 Ma) alkaline within-plate shield volcano complexes (Itchas, Ilgachuz, Rainbow Range in the Cariboo and Hoodoo Mtn., Edziza, Level Mountain and Heart Peaks in the Iskut and Stikine). To give you an idea of the size of some of these features, Level Mountain is 100 km across, comparable the hotspot volcanoes like the big island of Hawaii. There are also many mantle derived small basaltic lava flows and cinder cone fields sprinkled the length of the belt with more than 178 eruptive centers between the Okanagan and the Stikine many of these erupted in the last 10,000 years since the end of the last ice age. 7 Omineca Belt: The Omineca Belt exposes metamorphic rocks from greenschist to upper amphibolite grade in a series of gneiss domes like at Three Valley Gap, Frenchman's Cap etc. The tectonostratigraphic terranes include the Kootenay Terrane in the south, the Slide Mountain and the Yukon-Tanana Terrane in the north. The original stratigraphy ranges from Proterozoic (Late Precambrian) through Mesozoic but much of this has been metamorphosed and uplifted during the Eocene. Inhereted detrital zircons show clear affinitiies with the adjacent Precambrian basement rocks of the North American Craton. Because of this provenance tie to North American basement, this belt is considered to be peri-cratonic, i.e. next door to the craton. The inference is that while these rocks may be structurally disrupted and moved tens or even a few hundred kilometers, that they originated on or close to the continental margin. There are extensive Proterozoic marine sedimentary rocks like those than that make up the bulk of the Windermere and Purcell mountains. Three formations in particular, a red argillite (Apekunny), a green argillite (Grinelle) and a dark limestone (Siyeh with Moyie/Purcell sills) extend for hundreds of kilometers along the NW trending strike. Particular turbidite horizons are the host to massive sulfide deposits (Cu, Pb, Zn) like at Sullivan near Trail. This was B.C.'s longest operating and most productive mine and the site of the only working smelter. A particularly pronounced valley is called the Rocky Mountain Trench in the south and the Tintina Trench in the north but its origin is still being debated as to whether it is merely erosional or partly tectonic. Ore deposits in this belt include metamorphic types ranging from Uranium in metavolcanics, tungsten skarns, Columbite-Tantalite in alkaline intrusions in the Wolverine, Beryl (emerald) and sedimentary exhalative barite in the Yukon and NW Washington State in the Prichard (Proterozoic).. Foreland Belt: The Foreland Belt is the fold and thrust belt of the Rocky Mountains. There is a dominantly westwards dipping stack of thrusts that involves Proterozoic Rocks in the Main Ranges and the west side and Paleozoic through Mesozoic rocks on the east side of the mountains. The physiography is classic for fold and thrust belts with elongate mountain ridges held up by tough, erosion resistant rocks like limestones and sandstones separated by valleys underlain by softer more erodable shales. The streams all run either NW or NE, either along or across strike in a classic trellis drainage pattern. Often the stack of thrusts superposed 3 sequences of the same stratigraphy. This was accomplished by EW convergence during the Farallon Plate subduction. The mountain building event certainly spanned the Cretaceous and Lower Eocene. The structural style is more thin 8 skinned with listric thrusts in the south and more thick skinned and blocky often involving basement blocks in the north. Corresponding to the bend in the coastline of Alaska and the position of the thickened Omineca Belt in northern BC and the Yukon, the Foreland belt extends across the Mackenzie Mountains into the Northwest Territories nearly to Great Bear Lake. This is more than 1330 km from the present coastline, with nearly all of the additional thickness to the Cordilleran Orogen being taken up by the Foreland Belt. There are abundant structural plays for oil and gas deposits hosted in Paleozoic and Mesozoic strata. These include both conventional anticline plays, roll overs in thrusts, pinch outs against faults and ramp style duplexes. Many of these potentially productive structures lie in Provincial and National Parks. There are also Cretaceous coal deposits below massive thrusts and in folded sections from Fernie and the Crowsnest Pass in the South to Tumbler Ridge in the north. The Craton and Western Canada Sedimentary Basin: In the basement below the sedimentary cover rocks of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, there are a series of NE striking 200-400 km wide Precambrian basement terranes that include many Archean domains under Alberta (Rae, Slave, Hearne) and Proterozoic Domains (Hottah) further North beneath NE BC and the Northwest Territories. Apparently the North American Continent grew by layers (of accreted terranes) towards the NW in the Precambrian. By Late Proterozoic the continent was stable, drifting and apparently far from any disrupting tectonic influences such that by about 880 Ma it had eroded flat forming a continent wide peneplain. In the far west (now about the Alberta 9 B.C. border) and in the far north against the Yukon, deep water passive margin sequences were deposited. The continent rode below sea level for much of Paleozoic time and formed massive limestone and shale basins. The Devonian limestones are the main reef formers and oil host rocks below the Alberta and Williston Basins. (Things have never been the same in Alberta since the discovery well at Leduc #1.) These older limestones are also hosts to Pine Point and Missisippi style Pb-Zn deposits. Things really picked up by Middle Jurassic with compressional shortening, the beginnings of the formation of the Rockies and terrane accretion that added most of B.C.. This caused uplift in the Rockies, shedding sediments into the interior of the Continent from Jurassic through Eocene. Many of these strata are continental or deposited in a shallow interior seaway that extended from the Gulf of Mexico to the Arctic on top of North American Precambrian basement rocks. There are coal basins, sinuous riverine sands that localize 10 shallow gas deposits and also migrated and biodegraded heavy oils that make up the Tar Sands of Northern Alberta. While the Cretaceous Volcanic Arc reached as far east as SW Montana, the Crowsnest Pass and the Southern Yukon, volcanic ash deposits occur widespread across much of the western Canada Sedimentary Basin. This is the easterly evidence of the West coast active tectonics. By contrast, despite looking for distal equivalents to the Paleozoic and Triassic volcanism of BC, none are found. This corroborates the terrane accretion story for the Cordillera. The Craton has thick cold Precambrian lithosphere, like a keel well down into the mantle. In Eocene while there is abundant volcanism in the Cordillera, there are only isolated tiny kimberlite pipes in Alberta, Saskatchewan and the Northwest Territories. While these igneous bodies are both rare and tiny (< 1km across). they come from great depths, circa 160 km and carry up diamonds as accidental inclusions in the peridotites carried up from the garnet and diamond stability field deep in the Upper Mantle. Apparently the source for all the productive diamonds is in the subducted roots or former Archean oceanic plates that build the lithosphere below the North American Continent (Laurentia). 11 Tectonic architecture of an arc-arc collision zone, Newfoundland Appalachiansspecialpapers.gsapubs.org650 × 790Search by imageFigure 3. Tectono-stratigraphic subdivisions of Newfoundland (after Williams, 1995a) and northern Appalachians (from Hibbard et al., 2004). Tectonostratigraphic Terranes and Terrane Accretion: While the rest of the geological research world studied the ocean basins or other regions of continental cratonic geology, a revolution in thought was happening in western Canada. The geologists who worked in the Cordillera were forced to understand and assemble maps where one side of the map had totally different stratigraphy and structural sequences than the other. It made for complicated correlations or no correlations at all. None of the familiar stratigraphy of North America was present but new oceanic successions of volcanics and sediments were described. Large regions of batholiths like the Andes or Indonesia were found and studied. Soon paleontologists started turning up asian and tethyan faunas instead of North American ones. The paleomagnetists like Ted Irving, boldly started talking in terms of displacements of thousands of kilometers. Jim Monger systematically went through everybody's stratigraphy and started redefining it in terms of 12 correlatable and non-correlatable tectonostratigraphic terranes. The US geologists in Alaska and California and workers in western Mexico were coming to grips with many of the same problems. A new paradigm was born that explained much of the disparate geologic history and sequences in terms of accreted terranes on active tectonic margins. This new theory seemed to fit so well that Precambrian geologists working in shield areas reexamined their own geology in terms of different terranes. This is now the new paradigm for how continents grow by continentalizing added pieces of oceanic crust, island arcs, oceanic plateau and rifted microcontinental fragments. This same concept has been applied to the mountain building in the Appalachians (by Researchers like Hank Williams at Memorial University) and Caledonides of the Atlantic margins. In the final analysis the main thing that is “continental” about continental crust, is that it is thicker and more buoyant pieces than the ocean crust nearby which got subducted. Continental crust has grown throughout geological time by terrane accretion of island arcs, older continental fragments, overthrusting of the upper crust during collisions & underplating during arcs. Changing Plate Configurations and Building North America: While there are older microcontinental fragments well back through the Archean and remnant zircon cores form even older > 4 Ga because of plate tectonic processes which rifted prior continents and subducted ocean basins which are no longer available to analyse ridge positions, magnetic stripes, hotspot tracks etc. We can be fairly certain of plate motions and configurations back through Early Cretaceous as we still have ~2/3 of that age seafloor remaining. Pushing reconstructions back further requires studying the geology or different terranes in continental margin (and older now-interior) mobile belts and trying to match them up to their long ago rifted cousins on other continents. The main tools for this are: good old stratigraphic correlations, faunal assemblages, paleo-latitude estimates from paleomagnetic inclinations and matching up the geological map units of different far-travelled basement terranes and their zircon igneous and metamorphic ages. 13 The Grenville age collisional orogens (see brown on map above) which occurred in Middle Proterozoic chiefly along the SE margin of Laurentia which reached from the St. Laurence Seaway to about Sedona Arizona. This was actually comprised of 3-4 mountain building collisional events from about 1250 Ga to about 900 Ga. This was of course a vast amount of geological time and comparable to everything from about Silurian to now! As the rocks are all metamorphic and igneous and Earth held only microbes at that time there is no convenient way to internally subdivide it. At the end of this time a big supercontinent called Rodinia was built and sat astride the South Pole. This led to Snowball Earth Times with Pole to pole ice. In diverse regions of Canada the rocks record these tectonic events along with the Ediacaran fauna of Mistaken Point NF, the Middle Cambrian Burgess Shale of Mt. Stephen BC, the Devonian Reef and the oil deposits of the Western Canada. 14