If you are responsible for researching the geography:
1. Provide a map of this civilization, that you have drawn yourself. No
reproductions will be accepted.
2. You must show how the civilization/empire expanded, and or contracted.
The use of color here is recommended.
3. Provide a general geographic location, identifying current day countries that
may have been a part of this empire at one time. Describe natural resources.
Be sure to explain any geographic changes or changes in resources as a result
of time.
If you are responsible for researching the culture/society:
1. You must identify the social hierarchy when the empire existed.
2. You must identify the various ethnic groups that exist here, and briefly explain
3. You must be able to explain the belief system, or religions that are in this area.
4. You must be able to explain one cultural tradition.
5. You should be able to address languages.
If you are responsible for researching the government/political structures:
1. You must describe early leaders and how they came into power.
2. You must describe the actual structure of the government; who was
responsible for making decisions, and the evolution of government systems.
3. You must describe the responsibilities of leaders, and any accountability
If you are responsible for researching the economic aspects:
1. You must describe what types of resources were available and what they
were used to produce.
2. You must describe who trading partners were what type of trade was
conducted and its effect.
3. You must describe how the economic system was related to the government
in existence.
If you are responsible for researching the history:
1. You must list achievements and anything that is noteworthy concerning this
2. You must describe how this civilization/empire came to be, referring to its
specific history.