Lesson Plan Instructor: Elizabeth Goff Grade Level(s): 9 Course: Intro. To Agriscience Tech. # of Students: 20 Unit Topic: Leadership Lesson Leadership Character Traits Title: Objectives: Broad Goal/Terminal Objective: Students will use leadership training to define character traits for others and analyze own personal leadership styles. Specific Objectives: 1.) Define leadership, given the lesson with all students completing their worksheet. Cognitive/Comprehension 2.) Know the types of character traits for leaders, given the definition of each, with all students giving an oral example of the trait. Cognitive/Knowledge 3.) Analyze your own personal leadership style, given the activity, with all students participating. Cognitive/Analysis Connections: (Identify the Standards to Which the Lesson Connects) Academic Expectations: 2.16 Students observe, analyze, and interpret human behaviors, social groupings, and institutions to better understand people and the relationships among individuals and among groups. (Personality Activity, pg 5) 2.37 Students demonstrate skills and work habits that lead to success in future schooling and work. (Leadership Traits, Interest Approach pg 2) 6.3 Students expand their understanding of existing knowledge by making connections with new knowledge, skills, and experiences. (Leadership Traits, pg 3 & 4) Core Content: PL-HS-1.1.1 Students will explain the importance of effective social interaction skills (e.g., respect, selfadvocacy, cooperation, communication, identifying, different perspectives and points of view, empathy, personal growth, relationship building, fulfilling commitments). (Leadership Traits, pg 3 & 4) PL-HS-1.1.3 Students will identify and explain changes in roles, responsibilities and skills needed to effectively work in groups throughout life (e.g., setting realistic goals, time and task management, planning, decision- making process, perseverance). (Interest Approach & Objective 1, pg 2-3) Skills Standards: AA 001 Read and process information and follow instructions. (Interest Approach pg 2 and Personality Activity pg 5) AA 016 Demonstrate basic leadership skills. (Leadership Traits, pg 3) Context: Where are the learners beginning? This is the first lesson in the leadership series. Any special circumstances? There are no special circumstances for this lesson. Any students on IEPs?/What modifications are necessary? None Resources and Materials: Handouts: Leadership Handout Materials: Markers Resources/References: Action-Centered Training Website www.nconnect.net Developing Leadership and Communication Skills Text Lee/Hunter/Scheil/Stewart/Fraze/T erry Instructor Directions/Methods Content Outline Announcements/Review: (None for this lesson) INTRODUCTION (Preparation/Interest Approach/Learning Context) Interest Approach Today I am going to pass out a piece of paper and a couple Leadership Activity: of markers to each of you and we are going to do a little “ABCs of Me” activity. Directions------------------------- 1. Write your name vertically down the left-hand side of the paper 2. Choose a word that starts with each letter of your name, choose a word that describes you or something you like, 3. Write the words you have chosen horizontally on your paper next to the appropriate letter. 4. When you are finished we will share some of the things written. 5. You will have about 10 minutes to complete this activity. -I have an example to show to you, so that you have an idea of what to do for this (show the example). Presentation---------------------- -Now let’s talk about what you have written on your paper as some of your words and pick a couple for us to write on the board -Possible words: Honest Kind Caring Farmer What do you think that many of these words share in (each student will share a couple of words they wrote on their paper) Instructor Directions/Methods Link-------------------------------- Content Outline common? (Possible Answers) -they are all character traits -they are good personal characteristics Do you think they relate to a particular type of person? -an employer -a boss -a leader position -All of these words relate to a good leader, and today we will learn about what types of traits these are in relation to leadership. -Today I want you to pay close attention, because this will be very helpful for you in FFA as well as the workforce later on in the future, because everyone needs leadership Learning Context----------------- skills for life. LESSON (Presentation, Methods & Application) Objective 1: Define leadership, given the lesson with all students completing their worksheet. Cognitive/Comprehension METHOD: Lecture Now that we have some potential leader words written on the board, let’s define leadership before we get any further. Worksheet----------------------- On your worksheet you will find a space to write in the word leadership along with the definition. Whiteboard----------------------- Leadership is: the act of providing guidance, direction and control for a team Leadership comes from: -gaining experience - applying special skills -developing credibility Objective 2: Know the types of character traits for leaders, given the definition of each, with all students giving an oral example of the trait. Cognitive/Knowledge Instructor Directions/Methods METHOD: Teacher-Led Discussion Content Outline Worksheet---------------------- Whiteboard--------------------- -There are four types of leadership characteristics: -Fill out your worksheet as we go along 1.) Internal- these are personal characteristics (When we come to each category we will put an In for Internal, T for Technical, C for Conceptual and Ip for Interpersonal by each word on the board from the interest approach) What are some of the words that we have written that fits into this category? -creative -driven -moral -hard-working 2.) Technical- these are skills that show you know about leadership and how to do things What are some of the words that we have written that fits into this category? Or words that we should add to the list? -follow directions -conduct of meetings -speaking skills -write well 3.) Conceptual- these are thinking skills May do a think/pair/share about what each one means and come up with a couple of examples. What are some of the words that would fit this category? -thinking logically -anticipate problems -make decisions -see opportunities 4.) Interpersonal- these are people skills What are some of the words that we have listed that would fit into this category? -trustworthy -honest -communicate well -listen well -accepting -These characteristics all help define what a good leader is and what they should do, now let’s talk about Instructor Directions/Methods Content Outline some things that leadership is NOT: What are some things that leadership is not? What is a myth associated with leadership? Misconceptions: #1 Leaders are born, not made #2 Leadership comes from certain positions in a group #3 Leaders make all decisions for the group #4 All leaders are popular #5 Leadership is power #6 Leadership is Management Good Leaders: -make decisions that benefit the whole group, rather than just themselves -must listen to feedback and suggestions from everyone -involve very different and diverse people -don’t dictate, but delegate -monitor progress -consider alternative plans -express appreciation to those that help -help when needed or work through difficult tasks -works for success for all, not just one Objective 3: Analyze your own personal leadership style, given the activity, with all students participating. Cognitive/Analysis METHOD: Activity & Discussion -Now that we have talked about the characteristics that leaders should possess, let’s talk about the different types of leadership styles there are. Handout---------------------------- -I will pass out a handout to you that is a survey, that I want you to fill out, the directions are along with the handout so read those and get started, if you have any questions, raise your hand and I will come help you. (Students will complete the personality leadership style survey) ---------------------- (Use any personality survey available) -Let’s talk about your survey Instructor Directions/Methods Content Outline Discussion------------------------ What characteristics are good for leaders? -Honesty -Creativity -Logical Thinking, etc What are some myths about leadership? -Leaders have power -Born, not made What are the 4 types of leadership traits? 1.) Internal 2.) Technical 3.) Conceptual 4.) Interpersonal What are the different leadership personalities? -Trump -Van Gogh -Mother Teresa -Einstein -Gates -All of these things that we have talked about today will help you build up your leadership skills, all of you can work on all of these characteristics Review: Discussion ------------------- -Thank-You for your good attention today, I look forward to working with many of you in the spring. Instructor Directions/Methods Content Outline Wrap-up: ASSESSMENT Formative Assessment Worksheet The students will be completing the worksheet for participation points for today. Summative Assessment Leadership Presentation Students will work in groups to create a summary of the perfect leader using the concepts used in class. Name:_________________________ Leadership Lesson Definition: Leadership- the ___ of providing ________, ________, and _________ for a team. Leadership comes from: -gaining ___________ -_________special skills -developing ___________ Types of Leadership: 1.) Internal Definition: Examples: 2.) Technical Definition: Examples: 3.) Conceptual Definition: Examples: 4.) Interpersonal Definition: Examples: Misconceptions about Leadership: #1 Leaders are ____, not ________. #2 Leadership comes from certain ______ in a ________. #3 _________ make all decisions for the group. #4 All ________ are _________. #5 Leadership is ___________. #6 Leadership is ______________.