Kittanning, Pennsylvania April 24, 2014 The Board of Supervisors of East Franklin Township met in the Municipal Building at 6:00 p.m. for a regular meeting. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance Present: Barry Peters, Chairman Dan Goldinger, Vice Chairman David Stewart, Supervisor Debra Cornman, Secretary/Treasurer Tim Lewis, Road Master/Zoning Officer PUBLIC COMMENT: John Ochs – Representative of Rosebud Mining - Rosebud Mining is requesting a road variance for Adrian Road. State Industries apply for a road variance ten years ago and was granted the variance. We would like to transfer the variance from State Industries to Rosebud. We would be closing the road for not more than thirty days in the late fall. Barry Peters – Lets us discuss this and we will have a decision for you next month. Bankson Engineering – Ken Howard – Municipal Building – Approve Bank Requisition #17, MASCO Construction, Inc., (Contract 12-1 General) in the amount of $19,427.50. Total amount of Bank Requisition #17 is $19,427.50. This is for the demolition of the municipal building. Motion made by David Stewart and seconded by Dan Goldinger to approve Bank Requisition #17, MASCO Construction, Inc., (Contract 12-1 General) in the amount of $19,427.50. Motion approved unanimously. APPROVALS: MINUTES: Motion made by Dan Goldinger and seconded by David Stewart to approve minutes for the March 20, 2014 regular meeting. Motion approved unanimously. APPROVE BILLS AND INVOICES: Motion made by David Stewart and seconded by Barry Peters to approve paying all bills and invoices for March 21 through April 24, 2014. Motion approved unanimously. REGULAR MEETING – April 24, 2014 APPROVALS (CONTINUED): POLICE REPORT: Total reportable calls - 95. Motion made by Barry Peters and seconded by David Stewart to approve Police Report for a March 21 through April 24, 2014. Motion approved unanimously. ROAD MASTER REPORT: Majority of the month was taken up by brooming the anti-skid off the roadways. Maintenance was done on the John Deere tractors getting them ready for the mowing season. Several dirt roads were graded and this will continue next week after clean-up is over. Portions of the tailgate latch assembly on the Peterbilt had to be replaced due to the aluminum bushings corroding on to a steel shaft. Tim Lewis – Received a quote from Green Acres Contracting for used guide rail for Montgomery Road (2 Areas) and Pleasant View Drive. Total amount of quote $12,220.00. Motion made by Barry Peters and seconded by David Stewart to approve the Road Master Report for March 21 through April 24, 2014 and guide rails. Motion approved unanimously. ZONING OFFICER REPORT: Eleven permits have been written since the last monthly meeting. Two for new home construction, three for swimming pools, two for storage sheds, one for a pole building, one for a carport, one for a private dog kennel and one for a private natural gas refueling station. I met with the Township Planning Board to discuss the Ordinance changes that was discussed at the special public meeting earlier this evening. Motion made by David Stewart and seconded by Barry Peters to approve the Zoning Officer Report for March 1 through March 20, 2014. Motion approved unanimously. PLANNING COMMISSION: None REGULAR MEETING – APRIL 24, 2014 APPROVALS (CONTINUED): SEWAGE REPORT: Motion made by Barry Peters and seconded by Dan Goldinger to approve the Sewage Report for March 21 through April 24, 2014. Motion approved unanimously. TOWNSHIP ANNUAL AUDIT AND FINANCIAL REPORT: Motion made by Dan Goldinger and seconded by Barry Peters to approve annual audit and financial report for the year 2013. Motion approved unanimously. RESOLUTION: MID-COUNTY TRANSIT AUTHORITY – AGREEMENT: Motion made by Barry Peters and seconded by David Stewart to approve the agreement and Resolution #01-2014 with Mid-County Transit Authority in the amount of $4,312.00. Motion approved unanimously. ORDINANCES: Ordinance #01-2014 – An Ordinance of the Township of East Franklin, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, amending the Storm Water Management Ordinance. (Change Map Numbers on the Ordinance to coincide with map). Motion made by David Stewart and seconded by Dan Goldinger to adopt Ordinance #01-2014 – An Ordinance of the Township of East Franklin, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, amending the Storm Water Management Ordinance. Motion approved unanimously. Ordinance #02-2014 – An Ordinance of the Township of East Franklin, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, amending the building setback requirement in R-1, R-2 and R-3 zoning districts, and; amending the size of a permitted electronic sign in the zoning districts where such signs are currently permitted, and; amending the language of the zoning ordinance related to uses in progressively less restrictive districts. This was advertised in the newspaper but we are going to table the adoption for planning commission clarification. REGULAR MEETING – APRIL 24, 2014 AUTHORIZATIONS: Motion made by Dan Goldinger and seconded by David Stewart to authorize road repair/improvements contracts. Motion approved unanimously. ADJOURMENT: Motion made by Dan Goldinger and seconded by Barry Peters to adjourn meeting at 6:35 p.m. Motion approved unanimously. ____________________________________ Debra L. Cornman, Secretary/Treasurer