Rameses the Great - Oakland Unified School District

Oakland Unified School District
6th Grade – Ancient World Assessment Pilot
Fall Semester, 2007-2008
Topic: Ramses the Great?
OUSD 6th Grade History Assessment Pilot / source documents and student writing / Fall Semester, 2007 / page #1
Ramses II is often referred to as “Ramses the Great.” During the next few days, you are
going to read documents and study images from Ramses II’s reign in Egypt and
determine whether he really deserves that title based on the evidence you find.
As you study each of the different sources you can note whether you believe it shows
Ramses as being
a “really great” leader (+)
an “almost great” leader ()
a not “so great” leader ( -).
1. In order to get you thinking about the topic, brainstorm a few accomplishments and
characteristics that you believe would make for a great leader.
Accomplishment or
Why is this important for a great leader?
OUSD 6th Grade History Assessment Pilot / source documents and student writing / Fall Semester, 2007 / page #2
2. What accomplishment of characteristic is most important to you? ___________ Why?
3. Historians have used a number of categories to determine Ramses’ II greatness. Two
of these categories are military leadership and architectural contributions.
Review your list. Are either of these categories on you list?
Think about the categories the historians chose. What is important about them?
4. Thinking about what you already know about Egypt - write notes about why you think
they might use one of these areas to assess his contributions to Egypt.
You will now begin examining sources – pictures, statements, and ideas about Ramses.
Remember, as you read, note whether you believe the source shows evidence that Ramses
a “really great” leader (+)
an “almost great” () leader
a “not so great” leader (-).
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PART I - Architectural Achievements
Read about some sites Ramses constructed, study the pictures, and begin making some
determinations about Ramses II.
Front of the Temple at Abu Simbel
Notice the size of the people in comparison to the statues.
Nefetari’s Temple at Abu Simbel.
The statues are of Ramses and Nefetari
SOURCE 2 - The Ramesseum
Building began early in Ramses’ reign and
took twenty years to complete… Ramses built
the temple too close to the Nile River and the
floodwaters ruined most of it. Only a single
colonnade [A building that has columns placed at
regular intervals] remains of the First Courtyard.
Arial view of The Ramesseum, the memorial temple
for Ramses.
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Part I Architectural Achievements, continued
The following passage describes how the Pyramids at Giza might have been built – not
the structures that Ramses built. But, they do tell us something about how many people,
how much time and what the cost might have been for Ramses’ structures.
Read the passages, and based on what you have read, rate Ramses according to whether it
shows him being a “really great” ruler (+), an “almost great” () ruler, or a not “so
great” leader (-).
SOURCE 3 - Construction in Ancient Egypt
Rate and Explain
An estimated 20,000 to 30,000 workers built the
Pyramids at Giza over 80 years…
The stones would likely… be polished by hand and
pushed up ramps to their… positions.
Architects achieved an accurate pyramid shape by
running ropes from the outer corners up to the
planned summit.
Priests-astronomers helped choose the pyramids'
sites and orientations.
From stone pusher to priest, every worker would
likely have recognized his or her role in continuing
the life-and-death cycle of the pharaohs, and thereby
in perpetuating the glory of Egypt.
Complete Part I
Thinking of all of the temples and monuments Ramses’ built during his reign, how would you rate
+ 
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PART II - Military Leadership, continued: The Battle of Kadesh
1. Read the sources in each column and then answer the questions below the sources.
The following inscription is taken from
Ramses’ monuments. Source 4a is a
description from someone else describing
the battle. Source 4b is Ramses’
description of the battle.
"He grabbed his weapons, and set off at a
gallop, completely alone. His majesty was an
unstoppable fighting force. Everything near
him was ablaze with fire. All the foreign
lands were blasted by his scorching breath…
His majesty struck them down and killed
them where they stood."
(Source: Tyldesley, J.A., "Egypt's Golden
Empire", London, 2001)
Source 5 is an eyewitness
account of the Hittite
Source 6 Hittite version
of the battle.
"The Hittite [leader], with
his army, [moved to] the
river south of Kadesh,
smashing into [Ramses’]
army when it least
expected an attack."
Because my brother
Muwatalli [fought] against
the king of Egypt… when
he defeated the kings of
Egypt and Amurru, he
went back to Apa [a region
in Syria].
(Source: Tyldesley, J.A.,
"Egypt's Golden Empire",
London, 2001)
-Beal, The Organization of
the Hittite Military (1992)
307 (with modifications)
“There was no officer with me, no charioteer,
no soldier… Everything which I attempted I
succeeded… I found the enemy chariots
scattering before my horses. Not one of them
could fight me. Their hearts quaked with fear
when they saw me, and their arms went limp
so they could not shoot…. I made them
plunge into the water like crocodiles. I
slaughtered them at will….Behold, I am
victorious, me alone!”
(about 1270-1212 BCE, The Ancient
Egyptian World – Oxford textbook)
According to these sources, who won the
Underline the words that support your
According to this source, According to this source,
was Ramses prepared for who won the battle?
Underline the words that
support your position.
Underline the words that
support your answer.
2. Fill in the three blanks in the following sentences.
According to Source 4a and Source 4b, _______________________ won the battle,
but Source 6 indicates that __________________________ won the battle. Source 5
shows that Ramses ___________________________________.
OUSD 6th Grade History Assessment Pilot / source documents and student writing / Fall Semester, 2007 / page #6
3. The following images/documents describe Ramses’ battle with the Hittites over
Kadesh, a land north of Egypt. This was one of the only battles Ramses was involved
SOURCE 7 – Temple Scenes
Question - Study these images Ramses had etched in his temple. What kind of leader do you think
Ramses was based on these images alone?
4. Ramses had to create an army in order to go to battle. A historian suggests how he
might have done that in Source 8.
SOURCE 8: I can't imagine what it must have been like to be a soldier in pharaoh's army. First, in all
likelihood, you don't want to be there. You've been [forced to fight]. Second, you're rather poorly fed,
you're rather poorly clothed, you have a spear, or if you're lucky, a bow and arrow, and that's it. You are
expected to give your all.
-Professor Kent Weeks, American University Cairo, Tyldesley, J.A., "Egypt's Golden Empire", London,
Question - What would have been the worst part about serving in the army to you?
5. Complete part II
Considering all the information you have studied regarding the Battle of Kadesh, how would you rate
+ 
OUSD 6th Grade History Assessment Pilot / source documents and student writing / Fall Semester, 2007 / page #7
PART III – Historians’ Thoughts/Opinions
1. Read the following quotes from historians about Ramses. This time, rate Ramses
according to what the historian might say.
Source A
"a brash young man...not overburdened with intelligence and… lacking in taste... [who
had] tremendous energy and personal [charm]."
- William C. Hayes, Curator, department of Egyptology, Metropolitan Museum of
Modern Art, New York
Based on the quote, this historian would give Ramses a:
Source B
“Egypt enjoyed [stability in its] government that was the envy of the ancient world.
Whether by luck, or good kingship, Egypt flourished under Ramesses II and [the] people
were grateful.
- Jimmy Dunn, “Ramesses II: Anatomy of a Pharaoh, An Introduction”
Based on the quote, this historian would give Ramses a:
Source C
“Ramses'… glories surpassed all other pharaohs… He is known in history as the builder
of so many magnificent temples all over Egypt, and not only as a great warrior but also as
a peacemaker. He was the first king in history to sign a peace treaty with his enemies the Hittites… The treaty can still be considered a… model, even [by] today’s standards.”
- Dr. Sameh M. Arab, http://www.arabworldbooks.com/ramses.htm#Sameh
Based on the quote, this historian would give Ramses a:
2. Complete Part III
The historians have said different things about Ramses. What do you think? Based on their
statements, how would you rate Ramses?
+ 
OUSD 6th Grade History Assessment Pilot / source documents and student writing / Fall Semester, 2007 / page #8
Name __________________________
PART IV: Writing
I. Getting ready to write:
At the end of each of the three sections, you rated Ramses II as either
a “really great” ( +), “almost great” () or “not so great” (-) leader.
Use the chart below to summarize your conclusions in the areas of
1. The construction of temples and monuments during his reign (from page 4)
2. Military leadership (from page 6)
3. Historians’ Ideas/Opinions (from page 7)
Leadership category
1. Construction
of Temples and
2. Military
3. Historians’
II. Putting it all together, what kind of leader would you say Ramses was? ___________
OUSD 6th Grade History Assessment Pilot / source documents and student writing / Fall Semester, 2007 / page #9
Name __________________________
III. Your final task will be write an essay that explains your thinking on the question of
whether Ramses II was a “really great,” “almost great,” or “not so great” pharaoh of
Egypt. The question…
“Was Ramses II a ‘really great,’ ‘almost great,’ or ‘not so great’ ruler of Egypt?”
Your “thesis statement” or “controlling idea” will be a sentence stating whether you
believe was Ramses II a ‘really great,’ an ‘almost great,’ or ‘not so great’ pharaoh of
1. Write your statement in the space below.
2. What evidence will you use to support or backup your statement?
(Jot down 2-4 pieces of evidence from the packet)
3. Below is a possible introduction to the essay that you may use to start writing – just
fill in the blanks to begin. Then continue writing your essay on the following pages.
(You may recopy the introduction if you’d like, but you don’t have to.)
You may write, if you want to say this in a different way, your own introduction.
Between 1279 - 1212 BCE, Ramses II was the Pharaoh who ruled Egypt. His rule
was the longest of any pharaoh in Egyptian history. He was also known as “Ramses the
Great.” Evidence from his construction projects and military leadership, and also from
what historians have said, demonstrates that he was a _________________ pharaoh of
OUSD 6th Grade History Assessment Pilot / source documents and student writing / Fall Semester, 2007 / page #10
Name __________________________
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