Table of Contents 11/22

Table of contents
30. King Tut: The boy King
31. Ramses the Great
32. Hatshepsut: The Queen Who
Became King/Pharaoh
33. Cleopatra: Last of the
34. The Middle East geography.
35. The Middle East religions.
36. What is Veterans Day?
37. Jerusalem:Within these walls.
38. 1st and 2nd Israel and Palestinian
Territories (w.s from book page 338349) Nov. 17, 11
38. How to write a 5 paragraph essay.
30. Tutankhamun—King Tut 13431325 BC
 only famous because his tomb was
found intact with all the treasure
 Not buried in a pyramid—pyramids
were already old when he was born
 buried in the Valley of the Kings—
sand storms probably covered the
site soon after he was buried
 he became pharaoh at 8 or 9
 regents actually ruled- Tut was
pharaoh in name only
 literally became pharaoh at 18
 married his half sister at age 12kept power in the family. This was
common practice for royalty,
not commoners
 died at around 19-theories about his
death—poisoned, illness, murdered
by a blow to the head, fell from a
chariot, infected from broken bone
from accident….
 His tomb was hastily readied for his
burial- originally meant for a rich
 Fabulous treasure accumulated very
quickly-how much more wonderful
might it have been with more time?
 1920 the tomb found by archeologist
Howard Carter
 Mummy was not in good conditionprobably the mummification was
done hurriedly-why? Was someone
trying to cover up something??
 Two mummified babies found that
were stillborn—died at birth.
 In 1920 when Carter found the tomb
he found 5,000 artifacts
 It took 10 years to catalog all of the
31. Ramses the Great
Ruled 1279-1212 BC = 67 years—
longest in Egyptian history. Greatest
Pharaoh of Egypt.
He accomplished great thingsconquered territory, known as the
builder king- temples, statues, etc
People thought he was immortal- he
was over 6 ft tall.
He had 200 or so wives and about 167
He was a very good ruler, this was
known as the golden age in Egypt—
peace and prosperity reigned!!
Ramses is probably the pharaoh in the
Old Testament that Moses went to ask
for the freedom of the Hebrew people.
These people were enslaved in Egypt
at this time.
Ramses’ mummy is the best preserved
example we have-much time and
effort went into making his mummy.
32. Hatshepsut: The Queen Who Became
 Tutmosis I was a King of Egypt
 when he died his daughter, Hatshepsut
married her half brother Tutmosis II at
12 years old and became Queen.
 At 32 Hatshepsut’s husband died.
 Tutmosis III was the rightful heir to
 Hatshepsut made herself King
 She built a temple and new obalisk to
show Egypt was prospering.
 She reigned for 21 years.
 Even Lead troops into battle
33. Cleopatra: Last of the Pharaohs
 born in 70 BC
 18 when her father died
 she and her brother had to rule
even though they hated each other
 spoke 7 languages
 known for her intelligence
 married Caesar
 named their baby “Little Caesar”
 Caesar was killed
 Cleopatra marries Mark Anthony
 They lose Egypt in a battle with
 Cleopatra is the last Pharaoh
34. What is the geography of the
Middle East?
Review: What is culture? Pg. 18
Where did we learn culture? Pg. 18
What is a region? An area that has
one or more common characteristics
that unites or connects it with other
There are 16 countries in the Middle
In alphabetic order, they are: Bahrain,
Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan,
Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Palestine,
Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey,
United Arab Emirates and Yemen.
Except for Egypt which is in the
northern part of Africa, all the other 15
countries are in Asia
Locate and label the Middle East countries.
35. Religions of the Middle East
Use your text book to fill out the graphic
Judaism –R48-R49
Christian- R42-R43
Islam- R46-R47
Use R54
Begin with Judaism. Fill out the graphic
organizer. Why??? Because it is the oldest
monotheistic religion.
Then do Christianity.
Islam will be last.
36. What is Veterans Day?
What is a veteran? A veteran is a person
who served in the military either in war
or in times of peace. For our purpose we
will define them as people who are
serving or who have served in the
 Why is November 11 Veterans Day?
 When did the USA make Armistice
Day a National Holiday?
 When and why did they change to
Veterans Day instead of Armistice
 How do people celebrate Veterans
37. Jerusalem:Within these walls.
Glue in viewing guide here!!
Pg. 38 Use your book 338-343 to
answer the following questions.
1. What foreign rulers have controlled
2. Why do three religions regard Jerusalem as
3. What are the main economic activities in
4. How did Palestine become an Arab region?
5. Why do some Jews regard Jerusalem as
6. How has life on a kibbutz changed?
38. How to write a 5 paragraph essay.
Collect data/research
Organize – using graphic organizers
Write a rough draft
Peer edit/self-edit
Write final draft on the computer use spell
Topic: Compare and contrast the 3 major
religions of the Middle East.
1st Introduction: what the essay will be about.
Includes a thesis statement. Give 3 examples.
Mini outline
3 paragraphs with a topic sentence.
Conclusion restate the thesis.
Talk about the 3 major religions
Contrast (different) the 3 major religions
Compare (alike) the 3 major religions