Equality Impact Assessment - Policies Organisational Change ( which includes Redundancy and Restructuring, Redeployment and Disturbance) Title of policy being assessed: Department and Section: Human Resources Names and roles of officers completing this assessment: Senior/HR Adviser, Corporate Resources HR Services County Hall Glenfield LE3 8GA Contact Telephone Numbers: 0116 3056744 0116 3056028 Date assessment completed: March 2010 Defining the policy 1. Why is the policy necessary? What are its aims and objectives? What outcomes is the policy designed to achieve and for whom? The purpose of the Council’s Organisational Change Policies and Procedures is to provide managers with clear guidance to oversee organisational change within the Council. The Redundancy and Restructuring Policy and Procedure acts as a framework based around statutory requirements whereas the Redeployment and Disturbance Policies and Procedure support its implementation. The aims of the policies are to provide a fair, transparent and effective process for dealing with such situations, ensuring compliance with statutory requirements. Employees will receive as much notice as possible of any organisational change and consultation with Trade Unions will always exist. The objectives are to ensure as far as possible the security of employment for its employees. However, there may be changes to legislation, organisational requirements, financial pressures, technological developments, etc. which may affect staffing requirements. The Council is committed to minimising the number of compulsory redundancies and will seek, wherever possible, to reduce employee numbers by alternative means e.g. reduction in hours, voluntary redundancy in the first instance. The policies are applicable to all employees of Leicestershire County Council. Name of Document: Version 1.0 Last date amended: 16/03/2010 Date created: 16/03/2010 2. How have these aims, objectives and outcomes been determined? What research and engagement/involvement/consultation has been undertaken/used to inform the design and delivery of the policy? How have needs based on race, gender, disability, age, religion/belief or sexual orientation been taken account of? Leicestershire County Council identified that the existing Organisational Changes Policy and Procedure required updating and more comprehensive guidance was needed. Consequently a decision was made to create three distinct policies, Restructuring and Redundancy, Redeployment and Disturbance. Research was undertaken by reviewing similar policies and procedures from other Local Authorities and guidance from the CIPD and ACAS. Consultation has take place with: Trade Unions Manager Focus Groups People Strategy Board Department Workforce Group Workers Groups – Black Workers Group, Disabled Workers Group and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Workers Group Legal Services Employment Committee Feedback was received from the Trade Union which led to the following changes to the policies; Disturbance Eligibility Criteria Originally proposed that employees should travel in excess of 11 miles per day in order to receive disturbance allowance. Following consultation with the Trade Union this requirement was reduced to 6 miles. Compensation Payment It was proposed to stop awarding compensation payments for reduction in hours. Following consultation with the Trade Union the existing condition remained in place. Public Transport In order to support the Councils commitment to green travel it was agreed that employees travelling to work by public transport would be recompensed for the full additional travel costs and not just for the amount in excess of 6 miles per day. 3. (a) Who is responsible for implementing the policy? What processes, procedures and/or criterion will be critical to deliver the policy? Review these against the Name of Document: Version 1.0 Last date amended: 16/03/2010 Date created: 16/03/2010 access needs that various equality groups of people have and consider if they result in barriers which prevent these groups of people from either finding out about the policy or benefiting from it? (See Section 6 for examples) (b) Consider what barriers you can remove, whether reasonable adjustments may be necessary and how any unmet needs that you have identified can be addressed. For disabled people, as defined under the Disability Discrimination Act, this could mean treating them more favourably to ensure that there is equality of outcome. (c) When you are deciding priorities for action you will need to consider whether the barriers result in an adverse impact or discrimination that is illegal. These will constitute your top priority. The other priorities will be dependent on such issues as whether a group is particularly excluded or connected to the core business of the service, whether there are adjustments that would mean several groups benefit. Ensure that the actions you identify are put into the attached equality improvement plan. a) Line managers will be responsible for implementing the policies. In order to deliver the requirements of the policies it is critical that line managers follow the procedures outlined in the documents to ensure that issues prior to, during and subsequent to major organisational change are managed fairly and consistently. In order to support managers with the administration of these policies, a training programme for managers will be conducted. The policies all have accompanying manager guidance and checklists and further additional support will be available from the Employee Service Centre helpdesk and HR Services. The policies will be published on the Council’s intranet site and made available in bases/establishments where there are large numbers of staff based who do not have access to the intranet. In terms of implementation of the policies, each action plan will have an individual EIA which will consider and explore equality issues that may arise. b) As each action plan will be accompanied by its own EIA any barriers that may exist will be identified and necessary reasonable adjustments considered. c) N/a 4. What measures and methods have been designed to monitor the application of the policy, achievement of intended outcomes and identification of any unintended or adverse impact? How frequently will the monitoring be conducted and who will be made aware of the analysis and outcomes? List your answers below. HR Services will monitor the number of Restructurings occurring at any one time across the Council and the number of people affected. This information is shared with the Trade Unions to assist in planning resources. Name of Document: Version 1.0 Last date amended: 16/03/2010 Date created: 16/03/2010 A representative from HR Services will provide advice during the development of action plans and thereafter during any redundancy and redeployment processes, ensuring that the correct procedures are followed fairly and consistently. Approval is required from the HR Business Partner prior to an action plan being circulated for consultation. Following consultation the action plan must be ratified by the Departmental Assistant Director/Director. A copy of all action plans are sent to Employment Committee. Individual EIAs are required to be submitted for each action plan. This would therefore identify any specific issues regarding a particular restructuring or reorganisation. A corporate approach to monitoring the equality aspects of action plans will also be adopted, this will include: Monitoring within HR services of the number of EIAs attached to action plans Departmental Equalities groups quality assuring t completed EIAs In terms of redeployment, a database has been developed which in future would allow management information to be provided to enable analysis of any trends (i.e. the success of otherwise of the redeployment process in general, analysis of ethnicity and diversity issues). It is anticipated that a true analysis of these trends would not be viable until April 2011. 5. Consider the answers given in questions 1, 2, 3 and 4 and assess whether the policy and its implementation results could result in adverse impact on or discrimination against different groups of people. If you consider that there is adverse impact or discrimination, or the potential for either, please outline below and state whether is it justifiable or legitimate and give your reasons for this. Employees with fewer than 2 years Local Government are not eligible for redeployment status which may be considered disadvantageous for younger employees. This timeframe reflects the statutory requirement to receive a compensatory payment. Employees aged 55+ are eligible for immediate pension benefits if made redundant. This could be considered disadvantageous for people below 55 as they would not have access to their pension benefit. This is a condition of Leicestershire County Councils Pension Scheme and as such can not be altered. Conversely employees may feel that their age is a key determinant when undertaking a restructuring exercise due to the associated pension related costs in releasing them. Costs should be only one of several factors when considering requests for voluntary redundancy / flexible retirement and managers need to ensure a robust selection process is in place. As the Council advocates redeployment as a means of reducing the number of redundancies, unfortunately this inhibits external recruitment. This therefore may prevent the Council from meeting targets previously set in recruiting a representative workforce. However, the County Name of Document: Version 1.0 Last date amended: 16/03/2010 Date created: 16/03/2010 Council has a statutory obligation to assist employees secure redeployment, so its necessary for the County Council to provide a framework and processes to assist in the redeployment of employees. 6. (a) If you have identified adverse impact or discrimination that is illegal, you are required to take action to remedy this immediately. (b) If you have identified adverse impact or discrimination that is justifiable or legitimate, you will need to consider what actions can be taken to mitigate its effect on those groups of people. This arises out of the duty to promote good relations between people of different groups and is in keeping with the Council’s approach to social cohesion. Also, the new PSA15 explicitly requires councils to address disadvantage across all six equality strands. Ensure that these actions are listed in the attached equality improvement plan. 6 (a) N/a 6 (B) Individual EIAs are required to be submitted for each action plan. This would therefore identify any specific issues regarding a particular restructuring or reorganisation. OPPORTUNITIES FOR SOCIAL COHESION OR PROMOTING GOOD RELATIONS BETWEEN DIFFERENT GROUPS OF PEOPLE 7. Social cohesion is a priority for councils. Progress made towards building more cohesive, empowered and active communities is now being measured through national Performance Indicators. Essentially social cohesion is about promoting a sense of connection, trust and belonging both within and across communities and groups. Review all the actions and targets that you have identified as a result of this equality impact assessment to identify what social cohesion issues could arise, for example: (a) Are there ways in which the policy development process could bring different groups of people together, for example to monitor its impact or develop its future shape? (b) Could the implementation of the policy result in different groups of people being brought together? Has the capacity of the policy to bring different groups together been fully utilised? (c) Does the implementation of the policy have the potential to lead to resentment between different groups of people? How can you compensate for perceptions of preferential or differential treatment? Are these implications or decisions being explained to those affected? (d) If the EIA improvement plan identifies addressing a gap in the service for a particular group of people, has this also addressed the potential for perceptions of preferential treatment for the group? (For example, if you give priority treatment to disabled people, how will you manage the negative attitudes that non-disabled people may develop as a result?) Name of Document: Version 1.0 Last date amended: 16/03/2010 Date created: 16/03/2010 (e) How can the policy explicitly demonstrate the council’s commitment to promote equality across race, gender, disability, age, religion/belief and the LGBT communities? List your answers below. Ensure that the actions you identify are put into the attached equality improvement plan. 7 (a) No 7 (B) No 7 (C) Individual EIAs are required to be submitted for each action plan. This would therefore identify any specific issues regarding a particular restructuring or reorganisation. Employees on maternity and adoption leave should be offered a suitable alternative vacancy to return to if a restructure takes place during their absence. This may cause resentment, however, it is a statutory requirement and therefore the County Council needs to continue to follow this practise. 7 (D) The right to return to a suitable alternative post following return from maternity / adoption leave is a statutory entitlement therefore the Councils policy can not be amended. 7 (E) The Council’s commitment to equality of opportunity is demonstrated within the principles of the three policies. The policies advocate that at all times during their operation employees are treated fairly and without discrimination on the grounds of race, nationality, ethnic or national origin, sex, marital status, disability, age, sexual orientation, trade union membership or activity, political or religious belief and unrelated criminal conviction. Each action plan will have an individual EIA which will consider and explore equality issues that may arise. The Council is committed to consulting with the Trade Union and Workers when developing policies and producing action plans to ensure equality exists across all 6 equality strands. The Organisational Change Polices and Procedures will be reviewed cyclically taking on board any feedback received by the Trade Unions and workers groups. The number of employees made redundant as a result of a restructure will be monitored and any apparent inequality will be addressed. Name of Document: Version 1.0 Last date amended: 16/03/2010 Date created: 16/03/2010 Name of Document: Version 1.0 Last date amended: 16/03/2010 Date created: 16/03/2010 8. EQUALITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN Please list all the equality objectives, actions and targets that result from the Equality Impact Assessment (continue on separate sheets as necessary). These now need to be included in the relevant service plan for mainstreaming and performance management purposes. Equality Objective Ensure Policy supports managers to take account of needs based on equality strand when planning restructure or redundancy Ensure Policy supports managers to take account of needs based on equality strand when planning restructure or redundancy Ensure equality issues are considered as part of the formulation of action plans Ensure equality issues are considered as part of the formulation of action plans Name of Document: Version 1.0 Last date amended: 16/03/2010 Date created: 16/03/2010 Action Target Officer responsible By when Inclusion of EIA template as part of restructuring and redundancy action plan template EIA template produced and launched Senior HR Adviser Occurring currently Inclusion of Equality Impact Assessment guidance in restructuring and redundancy policy Guidance included as part of policy documentation Senior HR Adviser 04/2010 Asst Hr Adviser – Resourcing and Strategic Development Team, HR Services Departmental Equalities Groups Departmental Equalities Groups Equalities Board to quality assure Equality regularly quality assure EIA’s Impact Assessments and quarterly report received by Equalities Board Monitor number of action plans received that contain an EIA Quarterly reporting on the number of EIA’s included in action plans On-going On-going 1st Authorised signature (EIA Lead) ……………..……………………… Date: ……………………………………………………….. 2nd Authorised signature (Member of DMT) …………………………………………. Date: ………………………………………… Once completed and authorised, please send a copy of this form to the Equality and Diversity Team in the Chief Executives Department. Name of Document: Version 1.0 Last date amended: 16/03/2010 Date created: 16/03/2010