Structural Design and Maintenance Equality Impact Assessment

Equalities Impact Assessment
Structural Design and Maintenance
Date: tbc
Record of Equality Impact Assessment
1. Department/Service Area
Structural design and maintenance
2. Equality Areas Assessed
Which of the following equality areas
are being assessed: race, disability,
gender, sexual orientation,
religion/faith, age?
Disability and age
3. Timescale of the assessment
a) What is the start date?
b) What is the finish date?
4. Who is involved in the EIA? (There should be a minimum of at least 3
a) Please list name and areas of
Group Manager
Team Leader
Team Leader
b) Are any service users or stake
holders/partners involved in
the assessment? Please list if
5. Policy, procedure, service assessed
a) What is its purpose?
b) Who is it for?
The policy of our structural design and
maintenance group is to ensure the safe and
economic use of highway bridges that cross
highways, railways, waterways and other
The procedures used are in compliance with
National Standards and Codes of Practice.
The outcomes from the design and
maintenance programmes permit the public
to use the highway to go about its normal
6. Data Collection and consultation
a) What data has been collected
on different sections of the
community, e.g. on ethnic
origin, disability, gender, age,
faith/religion and/or sexual
b) What information is available
on the different rates of
satisfaction; take up of service,
complaints and other relevant
performance information in
relation to the different groups
of people outlined above?
c) What consultation has been
carried out and,
d) Do the results provide data for
different sections of the
e) What other sources of
information have been used to
carry out this assessment? For
 Data from local, regional or
national research
Equality monitoring data for the
6 equality areas
Data on what reasonable
adjustments have been made
for disabled customers and/or
Information on how a policy or
service for other traditionally
excluded groups is currently
being delivered
Consultation of the County’s citizen juries
has no specific references directly relevant to
the Structures service under assessment.
However, implementation of LTP2
recognises that consultation over a wide
range of groups has been undertaken and
that it was subject to an EIA assessment.
Both disability and minority ethnic groups are
considered within LTP2.
7. Findings
a) In summary what are the main
results of the assessment?
b) Which groups or individuals
are most affected and,
c) How does this affect their
access to the service?
Design and maintenance is covered
adequately by National design standards,
which are reviewed and updated as
Disabled and the aged.
Designs permit access for the disabled and
aged wherever possible or desirable.
8. Conclusions
a) Does the policy, procedure or
service have an adverse
impact on the groups being
b) If so, which groups?
9. Actions
a) What actions will be taken to
mitigate adverse impact?
b) How will these actions result in
positive changes in future
c) What equality objectives and
targets resulting from this
assessment will be included in
the next service plan?
Comply with National Standards wherever
possible and, in particular, Eurocodes.
Periodic review of the Standards will ensure
that standards are modified wherever
None identified.
10. Monitoring
a) How will the actions outlined
above be monitored?
b) Is there a need to introduce
equality monitoring systems, if
so by when?
The Department’s Quality System is
externally audited every 6 months.
None required.
11. Authorisation
a) Name and position of officer
Assistant Director (tel: 0116 265 7002)
authorising the EIA (this should
be the head of service)
12. Contact
a) Contact details of officer to
discuss EIA with if different from
section 11. above
tel: 0116 265 7151