University of Portsmouth Full Equality Impact Assessment Final Report Department or Faculty: Human Resources Item facing assessment: Recruitment & Selection Policy Lead assessor: Date of publication: Annette Bourke 19/02/10 Who was involved in the assessment? HR senior management team, Discussion and consultation with the UNCC, Annette Bourke (HR Policy), The disabled staff forum, the multicultural staff forum, the LGBT staff forum. In addition to the involvement stated above the assessment has also involved two EIA panels (made up of staff and student volunteers of a variety of ages, races, religions, sexual orientations, disability statuses and genders) and at least one member of the University's Equality & Diversity Unit. For More Information on EIA Panels please see the document: Information on EIA Assessment Panels What are the potential effects of the item on equality target groups? This is a policy which provides an overview of the recruitment and selection framework for UoP. The policy offers managers and applicants an opportunity to understand the principles and framework. In doing so it helps to promote equality of opportunity and contributes to the duties under equality legislation. The human resources department recognizes that inappropriate or ineffective methods of recruiting candidates could lead to one or more groups of people either not discovering a vacancy, or feeling unwelcome to apply. There are a wide number of people who may be affected by the policy as the UoP have many vacancies over the course of a year, and any member of the public or employee could be a potential applicant. Even if recruitment techniques were to attract a diverse group of candidates there is the potential - if carried out poorly - for discrimination to occur when selecting from this group. The policy will provide a framework to help ensure the best candidates are selected and appointed against the person specification and that the process used is in accordance with developing legislation. Which of the following evidences were used to assess the effects of the item? Evidence Statistics Reports/Studies Surveys/Questionnaires Brief description University of Portsmouth Full Equality Impact Assessment Final Report What conclusions were drawn from the evidence? There have been no negative responses about the current practice in terms of overall framework from applicants or managers. The policy has been ratified by the UNCC following consultation and discussion which led to some amendments being made to wording. Based on the evidence we concluded that the item has a positive impact on users as it provides a written framework where there is none. From the three staff forums only one comment has been received to date as follows: LGBT:- The University job application form doesn't ask about sexual orientation and it's important because it sends a message out to all staff that the University put's sexual orientation on equal level to the other issues. What adjustments to the policy and/or initiatives will be undertaken based on the conclusions drawn above? Initiative 1 Timescale General recruitment statistics are available on an ad During academic year hoc basis. However when the new integrated 2010/11 Payroll and HR system is in place the introduction of a more regular report will be considered. Initiative 2 The Recruitment and Selection Policy has been drafted to reflect current practice and will be reviewed in a year post implementation of the new integrated Payroll and HR system. Initiative 3 During academic year 2010/11 The Recruitment and Selection Procedures will be a separate document to be drafted post implementation of the new integrated Payroll and HR system. Initiative 4 During academic year 2010/11 Apply for two ticks’ registration post implementation of the new integrated Payroll and HR system. During academic year 2010/11 The above form is an easily digestible summary of the EIA's findings and the action taken to either promote equality or to eliminate discrimination. However, much more information was used in coming to the conclusions seen and - subject to confidentiality - this is available upon request from the University's Equality & Diversity Unit.