Whitmeyer, S - National University of Ireland, Galway

Research Interests:
Geological and 3D Landscape Visualisation
GIS and Photogrammetry
Geospatial Web Technologies
Google Earth and KML
Science Education Development
Geo-archaeological Landscapes
Railway and Mining Heritage
Ph.D Research
The Application of Visualisation and Multimedia Technologies to Geoscience
Education: Geological Elements of Connemara’s Landscape
Completed in December 2008, this innovative research study focused on the use of 3D
visualisation and multimedia technologies for geoscience education and natural heritage
awareness. The research was carried out with close consideration of the pedagogical benefits
of employing 3D visualisations in the development of visuospatial aptitude and visual literacy.
Funded by an IRCSET (Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology)
Embark Initiative scholarship, was carried out in the Department of Earth and Ocean
Sciences in collaboration with the Environmental Change Institute (ECI) at NUI, Galway.
Aspects of the research involved the development of digital multimedia products for
geoscience instruction and visualisation using a variety of open source and proprietary
technologies (Google Earth KML; GeoVRML; Adobe Flash; Adobe Shockwave; Google Maps
API; QuickTimeVR). Field surveying and mapping carried out in Connemara involved the use
of terrestrial LiDAR scanning and dGPS.
Prior to commencing research in the application of geospatial technologies to education,
Ronán worked for a number of years in the private geospatial services industry. Ronán is a
graduate of National University of Ireland, Galway in 1999 (B.Sc. in Earth Sciences 1.1 Hons)
and National University of Ireland, Maynooth (Higher Diploma in Applied Remote Sensing and
GIS 1.1 Hons).
GIS in Environmental Geoscience
M.Sc Ecosystem Conservation and Landscape Management
Applied Geosciences
Introductory Earth Systems
GIS in Diploma in Social Gerontology (Irish Centre for Social Gerontology)
Computing in Earth Sciences
Digital Mapping and GIS – James Madison Geology Summer School
Other Research
Burren Landscape and Settlement Project
Funded under the Heritage Council’s INSTAR (Irish National Strategic Archaeological
Research) Programme, the project focused on the establishment of a research framework for
Burren archaeology in the context of current heritage management and conservation issues.
The research post as GIS and Photogrammetry Research Assistant with the Department of
Archaeology (NUIG) on the 2008 Burren Landscape and Settlement Project involved a range
of GIS and photogrammetrical tasks.
The research involved the generation of high-resolution (~4cm) colour Orthophotography and
digital elevation models (DEMs of the Burren, Co. Clare. Aerial photogrammetry was carried
out using geospatial and image processing software applications that included PCI
Geomatica 10.1, Adobe Photoshop CS2, ArcGIS 9.2, MapInfo Professional 9.0, GeoTiFF
Examine and KML.
Northern Environmental Education Development (NEED) Project
Funded developing a novel learning tool on the geology and landscape of the Burren region
using state-of-the-art 3D visualisation technologies and Google Earth.
The primary goal of the NEED project is to promote geoscientific and wider environmental
education and educational tourism in the target areas, and to increase skills and
environmental awareness among local inhabitants. In doing so, the project aims to conserve
natural environments and cultural heritage, and to create sustainable economic opportunities
in remote rural areas.
Eskers of East County Galway
Funded by Galway County Council and the Heritage Council, this project focuses of the
mapping and archiving of the spatial distribution of the eskers of a east Galway. The objective
is to provide a spatial distribution map of the glacial deposits in the region.
Research Publications
Whitmeyer, S.J., Feely, M, De Paor, D, Hennessy, R., Whitmeyer, S. J., Nicoletti, J.,
Santangelo, B., Daniels, J., Rivera, M., 2009 Visualization techniques in Field Geology
Education: A case study from western Ireland. GSA Special Paper (In Press)
Hennessy, R. and Feely, M., 2008 Visualization of Magmatic Emplacement Sequences and
Radioelement Distribution Patterns in a Granite Batholith: An Innovative approach using
Google Earth. In: (ed.) De Paor, D., Google Earth Science, Journal of the Virtual Explorer,
Electronic Edition, ISSN1441-8142, Volume 30 Paper 2
McCaffrey, K.J.W., Feely, M., Hennessy, R. and Thompson, J. 2008 Visualisation of Folding
in Marble Outcrops, Connemara, western Ireland: an application of Virtual Outcrop technology
Geological Society of America: Geosphere Special Paper, Vol. 4, p.588-599
Hennessy, R. and Feely, M. 2007 Galway’s Mining Heritage: Interactive Maps on the Web
Journal of the Mining Heritage Trust of Ireland, Vol. 7, p.23-26
Hennessy, R., and Feely, M., 2007 Travelling on the Virtual Ballast: Rediscovering the
Shared Geological and Railway Heritage of Connemara, Abstracts of the Geological Society
of America 42nd North-Eastern Section Annual Meeting, March 12–14, Durham, NH, USA
Hennessy, R., and Feely, M., 2006 Connemara’s Iconic Folds of Marble: 3D Digital
Geological Perspectives for Internet Visualisation Abstracts of the Geological Society of
America Penrose Meeting, September 17-21, Durham University, UK
Hennessy, R., and Feely, M., 2006 Connemara Geo-Media: Educational Multimedia for
Second Level Geography Curricula Abstracts of the Geological Society of America Annual
Meeting, October 22-25, Philadelphia, PE, USA
Hennessy, R., Feely, M., Kelly, S. and Conroy, M., 2005 Connemara in stone: digital
perspectives of the natural landscape of Connemara. Abstracts of the 48th Irish Geological
Research Meeting, Trinity College Dublin, February 2005. Irish Journal of Earth Sciences,
Vol. 23
Feely, M., Kelly, S., and Hennessy, R., 2005 Digital Mapping and Landscape Modelling using
GIS Irish Scientist 2005 Yearbook, P15
Feely, M., Kelly, S., and Hennessy, R., 2005 Digital Mapping and Landscape Modelling using
GIS, in Bartlett D. (ed.) GIS Ireland. IRLOGI Vol. 9, Issue 1
Digital Publications
Hennessy, R. and Feely, M. 2007a GeoFÍS – Geo-Multimedia for Second Level Geography
(Multimedia CD-ROM)
Hennessy, R. and Feely, M. 2005a Galway County in Stone – The Geological Heritage of
Connemara – Series 1: Twelve Bens (Multimedia CD-ROM)
Public Seminars
‘Chalk and Cheese – Geological Landscapes of the Irish Farmhouse Cheese Industry’ –
Sheridans Cheesemongers, Churchyard St., Galway, May 2009
‘Of Rocks and Rails – The Shared Heritage of Geology and the Railway’ – Clifden
Railway Weekend, Clifden Station House, March 2009
‘Aerial Archaeology of the Burren’ - Burren Landscape and Settlement Seminar, Burren
College of Art, Ballyvaughan, Decemeber 2008
‘Aerial Archaeology of the Burren‘, Helen Roe Lecture Theatre, 63 Merrion Square, Dublin,
October 2008
‘Rocks, Rails and Ríomhaire: A Geo-Multimedia Tour of the Connemara Landscape on
the Galway-Clifden Railway’ - Environmental Change Institute, Galway, Geology Week
Public Lecture May 2007
‘Visualisation Technologies for Communicating Galway’s Geological Heritage’ - Galway
Council Chambers, Galway, October 2007
3D Visualisation in the Lecture Hall – A Real World Challenge - Galway 5th Annual
Conference on Teaching and Learning. Arts Millennium Building, NUI Galway, June 2007
Travelling on the Virtual Ballast: Rediscovering the Shared Geological and Railway
Heritage of Connemara. Geological Society of America 42nd NE Section Annual Meeting,
Durham, New Hampshire, USA. March 2007
Google Earth Science and Virtual Geological Heritage in Connemara. Irish Geological
Research Meeting, University of Ulster, Coleraine. February 2007
Connemara’s Iconic Folds of Marble: 3D Digital Geological Perspectives for Internet
Visualisation. Geological Society of America Penrose Meeting, Durham University, UK
September 2006
Connemara Geo-Media: Educational Multimedia for Second Level Geography Curricula
Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PE, USA, October 2006
Using VRML for 3-Dimensional Interactive Geological Visualisations, Irish Environmental
Researchers Colloquium, U.C.D., Dublin January 2006
Natural Landscape and Geodiversity Visualisation – GIS Applications. Galway County
Heritage Forum Annual Meeting, Galway Council Chambers, February 2006
3D Visualisation for Urban Geological Landscape Awareness. 49th Annual Irish
Geological Research Meeting, U.C.C., Cork, February 2006
A Heritage in Stone: Digital Perspectives of the Natural Landscape of Connemara. Irish
Environmental Researchers Colloquium, Sligo I.T., January 2006
Connemara in Stone: Digital Perspectives of the Natural Landscape of Connemara.
48th Annual Irish Geological Research Meeting, T.C.D., Dublin February 2005
Research Collaboration with:
Geology and Environmental Sciences, James Madison University, Virginia, USA
Reactivation Research Group, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Durham, UK
Geography Support Service, Ireland
The Discovery Programme, Ireland
Galway County Council
Clare County Council
The Heritage Council, Ireland
Galway Education Together School
Child and Family Research Centre, NUI Galway
Galway Science and Technology Festival
Tim Robinson, Folding Landscapes
Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI), NUI Galway