Steven Ross - Johns Hopkins University School of Education

Steven M. Ross
Mobile: (901) 573-2479
Professor, CRRE
Office: (410) 616-2407
Johns Hopkins University
The Pennsylvania State University
The Pennsylvania State University
The Pennsylvania State University
Undergraduate Major:
Graduate Major:
Educational Psychology
American Psychological Association
American Educational Research Association
Association for Educational Communications & Technology
International Congress for School Effectiveness and School Improvement
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
The Pennsylvania State
Continuing Education
Lock Haven State College,
Lock Haven, PA
Mitre Corporation
McLean, Virginia
Educational Psychology
The University of Memphis
Educational Psychology
The University of Memphis
Educational Psychology
The University of Memphis
Center for Research in
The University of Memphis
Educational Policy
Educational Research
John Hopkins University
1973 – 1974
Spring Semester
Summer, 1974
1974 – 1979
1980 – 1985
1985 – 2008
2001 – 2008
Theories of Learning
Individual Differences and Learning
Educational Statistics
Undergraduate and Graduate
Educational Research
Computers in Education
Undergraduate and Graduate
Thesis Writing
Educational Assessment
NDEA Fellowship for graduate study at the Pennsylvania State University, 1971-1973
Graduate Student Associate, Southwest Regional Laboratory, Summer, 1971
Distinguished Teaching Service Award, University of Memphis, 1980
Phi Delta Kappa Professional Research Award, Memphis Chapter, 1983
Elected Fellow, Division 15, American Psychological Association, 1986
Visiting Scholar, National Center for Research on Improving Postsecondary Teaching and Learning.
University of Michigan, Summer 1987
Distinguished Research Award, University of Memphis, 1987
Distinguished Teacher Service Award, University of Memphis, 1988
(First eligibility since 1980; no longer eligible)
Memphis State University nominee, CASE Professor of the Year Award, 1989
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Superior Performance in University Research (SPUR) Award, University of Memphis, 1990, 1991,
Distinguished Research Award, University of Memphis, 1993
Board of Visitors Eminent Faculty Award, University of Memphis (first recipient), 1993
Editor, Educational Technology Research and Development, 1993-2009
Editorial Board, Journal of Education for Students Placed At Risk. 1995-present
Invited testimony, U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Youth, and
Families, Committee on Education and the Workforce, June 26, 1998
Invited panelist on comprehensive school reform, discussion with Secretary of Education Richard
Riley, March 16. 1999
Lillian and Morrie Moss Chair of Excellence in Urban Education, 2001
Provost’s Professorship, 2004-2005, The University of Memphis
College of Education Outstanding Research Award, 2002, The University of Memphis
AERA Distinguished Journal Reviewer, 2005
Invited Testimony to the TN Senate Education Committee, April 2005
AERA Distinguished Paper (with D. Lowther, F. Inan, and J. Strahl), “Technology as an Agent of
Change in Teaching and Learning,” for the Technology as an Agent of Change in Teaching of
Learning Special Interest Group, New York City, April, 2008
AECT Distinguished Service Award), October, 2009
Director (Interim), National Charter School Resource Center, 2009-2010.
President, World Conference on Educational Sciences, Malta, February, 2014.
Visiting Distinguished Scholar, School of Education, Hong Kong University, Jan 12-25, 2015.
Publications in Refereed Journals
Book Chapters
Papers Presented at Professional Meetings
Ross, S. M. , and Morrison, J. (2014) Measuring meaningful outcomes in consequential contexts:
Searching for a happy medium in educational technology research (Phase II). Journal of Computing in
Higher Education, 26(1), 4-21.
Morrison, G., & Ross, S. (2015). Experimental research and educational technology. In J. Spector
(Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of educational technology. (pp. 287-291). Thousand Oaks,, CA: SAGE
Publications, Inc. doi:
Morrison, G. R. & Ross, S. M. (2014). Research-based instructional perspectives. In J. M.
Spector, M. D. Merrill, & M. J. Bishop (Eds.). Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and
Technology, 4th Ed. Springer.
Corcoran, R., Ross, S. (2014). Around the Corner: A randomized controlled trial study of a
technology-enhanced approach to early literacy. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences,, 9, 316-329.
Ross, S. (2013). It Takes a City to" Raise" a Systemic Reform: Early Outcomes from the Say Yes
City-wide Turnaround Strategy in Syracuse. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 8(1), 63-77.
Sheard, M., Ross, S., Cheung, C.-K. (2013). Social-Emotional Learning Championing Freedom,
Education and Development: A Vehicle for At-risk Students to Succeed.. Cypriot Journal of Educational
Sciences, 8(1), 1-18.
Sheard, M., Ross, S., & Cheung, A. (2012). Educational effectiveness of an intervention
programme for social-emotional learning. International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches, 6 (3),
Clifford, M. & Ross, S. M. (2012). The future of principal evaluation. Principal, 35, 16-18.
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Sheard, M. & Ross, S. (2012). Improving social-emotional learning. Better: Evidence-based
Education, 4 (2), 14–15.
Ross, S. M. & Morrison, G. R. (2012). Constructing a deconstructed campus: Instructional design
as vital bricks and mortar. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 23, 119-131. Doi:10.1007/s12528012-9056-0.
Ross, S. M., Sheard, M. K., Cheung, A., Elliott, L., & Slavin, R. E. (2011). Promoting primary
pupils’ social-emotional learning and pro-social behavior: Longitudinal evaluation of the Together 4 All
programme in Northern Ireland. Effective Education, 3 (2), 12, 25.
Lowther, D. L., Inan, F. A., Ross, S., & Strahl, J. (2012). Do one-to-one initiatives bridge the way
to 21st century knowledge and skills? Journal of Educational Computing Research, 46, 20-32.
Munoz, M., & Ross, S.(2012). No Child Left behind and tutoring in reading and mathematics:
Impact of supplemental educational services on large-scale assessment. Journal of Education for
Students Placed At Risk, 17 (3),186-200.
Ross, S., Sheard, M., Slavin, R., & Cheung, C.-K. (2011). Evaluation of T4A: Sweep 4 results.
York, UK: IEE, University of York.
Nunnery, J. A., Ross, S., Chappell, S., Pribesh, S., & Yen, C.-J. (2011). The Impact of the NISL
Executive Development Program on school performance in Pennsylvania. Norfolk, VA: Center for
Educational Partnerships, Old Dominion University.
Ross, S., Sheard, M., Cheung, C.-K., Slavin, R., Elliott, L., Tracey, L., & Hanley, P. (2011).
Together 4 All evaluation: Final report. York, UK: IEE, University of York.
Nunnery, J. A., Ross, S., Chappell, S., & Pribesh, S. (2011). The impact of the NISL Executive
Development Program on school performance in Massachusetts: Round 2 results. Norfolk, VA: The
Center for Educational Partnerships at Old Dominion University.
Clifford, M., & Ross, S. (2011). Designing principal evaluation systems: Research to guide
decision-making. Alexandria, VA: NAESP.
Ross, S. M., Sheard, M. K., Cheung, A., Slavin, R. E., Tracey, L., & Elliott, L. (2011). Promoting
students’ social-emotional learning and pro-social behavior: Longitudinal evaluation of the Together 4 All
program in Northern Ireland. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational
Research Association, New Orleans.
Lowther, D. L., & Ross, S. (2011). Technology integration: Device-driven or outcome-oriented. In
R. Reiser & J. Dempsey (Eds.), Trends and issues in instructional design and technology (pp. 208-217).
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice-Hall.
Ross, S., Morrison, G., & Lowther, D. (2010). Educational technology research past and present:
Balancing rigor and relevance to impact school learning. Contemporary Educational Technology, 1(1), 1725.
Sheard, M. K. & Ross, S. M. (2010, August). Evaluating the effectiveness of an intervention
programme for social-emotional learning. Paper presented at the European Association for Research on
Learning and Instruction Conference. Leuven, Belgium.
Morrison, G. R., Ross, S., M., Kemp, J. E., & Kalman, H. (2010). Designing effective instruction (6th
ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley & Sons.
Ross, S., & Morrison, G. (2009). The role of evaluation in instructional design. In K. Silber & R.
Foshay (Eds.), Handbook of improving performance in the workplace. Instructional design and training
delivery, Vol. 1 (pp. 554-576). San Francisco, CA: Pfieffer.
Beckett, M., Borman, G., Capizzano, J., Parsely, D., Ross, S., Schirm, A., & Taylor, J. (2009).
Structuring out-of-school time to improve academic achievement: A practice guide. (Vol. NCEE #2009Page 3
012). Washington, DC: Institute of Educational Sciences.
Munoz, M. A., & Ross, S. M. (2009). Supplemental educational services as a component of No
Child Left Behind: A mixed-method analysis of its impact on student achievement. Planning and
Changing, 40 (3),135-139
Morrison, G. R., Ross, S. M., & Lowther, D. L. (2009). Technology as a change agent in the
classroom. In L. Mollwe, D. Harvey, & J. Huett (Eds.), Learning and instructional technologies for the 21st
century (pp. 151-174). New York, NY: Springer.
Munoz, M. A., Potter, A. P., & Ross, S. M. (2008). Supplemental educational services as a
consequence of the NCLB legislation: Evaluating its impact on student achievement in a large urban district.
Journal of Education for Students Placed At Risk, 13 (1), 1-25.
Nunnery, J. A., Ross, S. M., & Bol, L. (2008). The construct validity of teachers’ perceptions of
change in schools implementing comprehensive school reform models. Journal of Educational Research
& Policy Studies, 8 (1), 67-87.
Ross, S. M., Potter, A., Paek, J., McKay, D., Sanders, W., & Ashton, J. (2008). Implementation
and outcomes of supplemental educational services: The Tennessee State-wide Evaluation Study.
Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk, 13 (1), 26-58.
Nunnery, J., Ross, S. M., & McDonald, A. J. (2007). A randomized experimental evaluation of the
impact of Accelerated Reader/ Reading Renaissance implementation on reading achievement in Grades
3 to 6. Journal of Education for Students Placed At Risk, 11(1), 1-18.
Munoz, M., Ross, S. M., & McDonald, A. J. (2007). CSR Model in Middle Schools: The effects of
DWoK on student achievement in a large urban school district. Journal of Education for Students Placed
At Risk, 12(2), 167-183.
Nunnery, J. A., & Ross, S. M. (2007). The effects of the School Renaissance Program on student
achievement in reading and mathematics. Research in the Schools, 14(1), 40-59.
Potter, A., Ross, S. M., Goldfeder, E., & McDonald, A. J. (2007). Small high schools. In K.M.
Borman, S.E. Cahill, & B.A. Cotner (Eds.), The Praeger handbook of American high schools: Vol. 2 (pp.
364-366). Westport, CT: Praeger.
Ross, S. M. (2007). Achievements, challenges and potential advancements in reviewing
educational evidence for consumers. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk, 12(1), 91-100.
Ross, S. M., McDonald, A. J., Alberg, M., & Gallagher, B. (2007). Achievement and climate
outcomes for the Knowledge is Power Program in an inner-city middle school. Journal of Education for
Students Placed at Risk, 12(2), 137-165.
Morrison, G. R., & Ross, S. M. (2007). Designing effective online instruction. In R. Luppicini (Ed.),
Learning communities in online education. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, (75-85).
McDonald, A. J., Ross, S. M., Bol, L., & McSparrin-Gallagher, B. (2007). Charter school as a
vehicle for education reform implementation and outcomes at three inner-city sites. Journal of Education
for Students Placed at Risk, 12(3), 271-300.
Grant, M. M., Lowther, D. L., & Ross, S. M. (2006). Tina Sears: Evaluating the impact of a K-12
laptop program. In P. A. Ertmer & J. Quinn (Eds.), The ID casebook: Case studies in instructional design,
(3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Lowther, D. L., Ross, S. M., & Strahl, J. D. (2006). The influence of technology integration on
instructional practices. International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, 6 (5), 131141.
Grant, M. M., Ross, S. M., Wang, W., & Potter, A. (2005). Computers on wheels: An alternative to
‘each one has one.’ British Journal of Educational Technology, 36 (6), 1017-1034.
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Ross, S. M., Morrison, G., & Lowther, D. L. (2005). Using experimental methods in higher
education research. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 16(2), 39-64.
McDonald, A.J., Sterbinsky, A., Lowther, D., Ross, S.M., Redfield, D., Apodaca, M., & Martelli, S.
(2004). Demonstrating comprehensive school reform: A review of two longitudinal studies. The
International Journal of Educational Policy, Research and Practice, 4 (4), 93-110.
Ross, S.M., & Gil, L. (2004). The past and future of comprehensive school reform: Perspectives
from a researcher and practitioner. In Christopher T. Cross (Ed.), Putting the pieces together: Lessons from
CSR research (pp. 151-174). Washington, DC: NCCSR.
Ross, S. M., Nunnery, J. A., Goldfeder, E., McDonald, A., Rachor, R., Hornbeck, M., & Fleischman,
S. (2004). Using school reform models to improve reading achievement: A longitudinal study of Direct
Instruction and Success for All in an urban district. Journal of Education for Students Placed At Risk, 9 (4),
Publications (1971-2003)
Di Vesta, F. J., & Ross, S. M. (1971). Imagery ability, abstractness, and word order as variables in
recall of adjectives and nouns. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 10, 686-693.
Hanson, R. A., & Ross, S. M. (1975). The adequacy of instructional time allocation. Studies in
Educational Evaluation, 1, 23-28.
Dellow, D. A., Webb, A. B., & Ross, S. M. (1976). Systematic observation strategy in staff
development. J.W. Brister Library Monograph Series, 4, 21-32.
Webb, A. B., Dellow, D. A., & Ross, S. M. (1976). Improving college instruction through
observation and feedback. Teacher Educator, 12, 35-40.
Ross, S. M., & Di Vesta, F. J. (1976). Oral summary as a review strategy for enhancing recall of
textual material. Journal of Educational Psychology, 68, 689-695.
Dellow, D. A., Osmus, K., & Ross, S. M. (1977). Evaluation of student participation in the teacher
apprentice program at Memphis State University. Educational Quest, 21, 21-26.
Ross, S. M., Rakow, E. A., & Dellow, D. A. (1978). Student evaluation and faculty development: A
case for localized evaluation systems. The Educational Catalyst, 8, 146-154.
Di Vesta, F. J., & Ross, S. M. (1978). The effects of imagery ability and contextual saliency on the
semantic interpretation of verbal stimuli. Journal of Mental Imagery, 2, 187-188.
Ross, S. M., Raines, F. B., & Cervetti, M. J. (1978, Nov. 6). Practice teaching is essential.
Christian Science Monitor, B9.
Ross, S. M. (1978). New developments in individualized instruction through application of adaptive
testing. Educational Quest, 2, 26-31.
Ross, S. M., Rakow, E. A., & Dellow, D. A. (1979, Jan. 2). A positive setting for faculty evaluations.
Christian Science Monitor, 21.
Ross, S. A., Sochat, N., & Ross, S. M. (1980). Close encounters of the medical kind: Attitudes
toward male and female physicians. Social Science in Medicine, 14A, 61-64.
Ross, S. M., & Rakow, E. A. (1980). Adaptive design strategies for the teacher-managed course.
Journal of Instructional Psychology, 7, 13-19.
Ross, S. M., & Dellow, D. A. (1980). Adaptive instruction: Past events and future directions.
Educational Catalyst, 10, 33-38.
Page 5
Ross, S. M., Rakow, E. A., & Bush, A. J. (1980). Instructional adaptation for self-managed learning
systems. Journal of Educational Psychology, 72, 312-320.
Ross, S. M., & Bush, A. J. (1980). Orienting statistics instruction for teacher candidates to
classroom applications. Journal of Educational Research, 74, 19-23.
Dellow, D. A., Ross, S. M., & James, T. (1980). Grades: Are they still bothering adolescents? The
High School Journal, 64, 55-59.
Ross, S. M., Raines, F., Cervetti, M. J., & Dellow, D. A. (1980). Field experiences for teacher
candidates: A comparison between tutorial and apprenticeship programs on student activities and attitudes.
Journal of Teacher Education, 31, 57-61.
Krisak, J., & Ross, S. M. (1981). An adaptive instructional model for correctional education.
Journal of Correctional Education, 32, 12-14.
Ross, S. M., & Rakow, E. A. (1981). Learner control versus program control as adaptive strategies
for selection of instructional support on math rules. Journal of Educational Psychology, 73, 745-753.
Ross, S. M. (1981). Student control as a management strategy in individualized instruction.
Journal of Instructional Psychology, 8, 132-138.
Ross, S. M., Hughes, T. M., & Hill, B. E. (1981). Field experiences as meaningful contexts for
learning about learning. Journal of Educational Research, 75, 103-108.
Ross, S. M., & Dellow, D. A. (1981). Second decade of an alternative teaching method.
Educational Catalyst, 11, 7-12.
Ross, S. M., & Wasicsko, M. M. (1982). Field experiences for preservice teachers: What
participants do and learn in the middle schools. TAMS Journal, 6, 10-16.
Wasicsko, M. M., & Ross, S. M. (1982). How to give a test that gets kids to learn. Learning, 11,
Dellow, D. A., & Ross, S. M. (1982-83). Implications of personal computers for social science
faculty. Community College Social Science Journal, 4, 72-75.
Ross, S. M., & Rakow, E. A. (1982). Adaptive instructional strategies for teaching rules in
mathematics. Educational Communication and Technology Journal, 30, 67-74.
Campbell, L., & Ross, S. M. (1982). Computers: Issues relevant to Montessorians. The
Constructive Triangle, Fall issue, 1-6.
Ross, S. M. (1983). Increasing the meaningfulness of quantitative material by adapting context to
student background. Journal of Educational Psychology, 75, 519-529.
Murphy, L., & Ross, S. M. (1983). Student self-control as a basis for instructional adaptation with
behaviorally disordered children. Behavioral Disorders, 8, 237-243.
Wasicsko, M. M., & Ross, S. M. (1983). How to create discipline problems. Clearinghouse, 56,
Ross, S. M., & Wasicsko, M. M. (1983). Teaching principles of learning and instruction through
field experiences. Educational and Psychological Research, 3, 1-10.
Ross, S. M., & Campbell, L. (1983). Computer-based education in the Montessori classroom: A
compatible mixture? Technological Horizons in Education, 10, 105-109.
Wasicsko, M. M., & Ross, S. M. (1983). Teaching children to be discipline problems. Analytic
Teaching, 3, 35-38.
Page 6
Ross, S. M. (1984). Influences of adapting the context of instruction to student background.
Journal of Instructional Psychology, 11, 17-27.
Ross, S. M. (1984). Matching the lesson to the student. Alternative adaptive designs for
individualized learning systems. Journal of Computer-Based Instruction, 22, 42-48.
Ross, S. M., McCormick, D., Krisak, N., & Anand, P. (1985). Personalizing context in teaching
mathematical concepts: Teacher-managed and computer-managed models. Educational Communication
and Technology Journal, 133, 169-178.
Chickering, P., & Ross, S. M. (1985). Critical events in the United Nations Semester II. Forum for
Honors, 3, 27-33.
Ross, S. M., McCormick, D., & Krisak, N. (1986). Adapting the thematic context of mathematical
problems to student interests: Individual versus group-based strategies. Journal of Educational Research,
79, 245-252.
Wasicsko, M. M., & Ross, S. M. (1986). Get your test back? What did you learn? Analytic
Teaching, 6, 16-17.
Murphy, L. O., & Ross, S. M. (1987). Gender differences in the social problem-solving performance
of adolescents. Sex Roles, 16, 251-264.
Anand, P., & Ross, S. M. (1987). Using computer-assisted instruction to personalize arithmetic
materials for elementary school children. Journal of Educational Psychology, 79, 72-77.
Ross, S. M., Davis, T. M., & Etheridge, G. W. (1987). Using "action" research to learn about
teaching. TAMS Journal, 11, 14-19.
Robinson, K. D., & Ross, S. M. (1987). Incentives as a treatment variable for facilitating
performance of elderly adults on concrete Piagetian tasks. International Journal of Behavior and
Development, 10, 501-508.
Ross, S. M., & Anand, P. (1987). A computer-based strategy for personalizing verbal problems in
teaching mathematics. Educational Communication and Technology Journal, 35, 151-162.
Morrison, G. R., Ross, S. M., & O'Dell, J. (1988). Text density level as a design variable in
instructional displays. Educational Communication and Technology Journal, 36, 103-115.
Ross, S. M., Anand, P. G., Morrison, G. R., & O'Dell, J. K. (1988). Putting the student into the word
problem: Microcomputer-based strategies that personalize math instruction. Focus on Learning Problems
in Mathematics, 10, 29-42.
Ross, S. M., Anand, P., & Morrison, G. R. (1988). Personalizing math problems: A modern
technology approach to a new idea. Educational Technology, 28, 20-24.
Morrison, G. R., & Ross, S. M. (1988). A four-stage model for planning computer-based instruction.
Journal of Instructional Development, 11, 6-14.
Morrison, G. M., Ross, S. M., O'Dell, J. K., & Schultz, C. W. (1988). Adapting text presentations to
media attributes: Getting more out of less in CBI. Computers and Human Behavior, 4, 65-75.
Dellow, D. A., Douzenis, C., & Ross, S. M. (1988). An analysis of course withdrawals at a rural
community college in Florida. Community College Journal for Research and Planning, 6, 3-13.
Ross, S. M., Morrison, G. R., & O'Dell, J. (1988). Obtaining more out of less text in CBI: Effects of
varied text density levels as a function of learner characteristics and control strategy. Educational
Communication and Technology Journal, 36, 131-142.
Rich, H. L., & Ross, S. M. (1989). Students' time on learning tasks in special education.
Exceptional Children, 55, 508-515.
Page 7
McLaughlin, R. D., & Ross, S. M. (1989). Student cheating in high school: A case of moral
reasoning vs. "fuzzy logic." The High School Journal, 72, 94-104.
Ross, S. M., & Morrison, G. R. (1989). In search of a happy medium in instructional technology
research. Issues concerning external validity, media replications, and learner control. Educational
Technology Research and Development, 37, 19-34.
Ross, S. M., Smith, L., Morrison, G. R., & Erickson, A. (1989). Helping at-risk children learn
through distance tutoring: The Memphis ACOT program. Technological Horizons in Education, 16, 68-71.
Ross, S. M., Smith, L., & Morrison, G. R. (1989). An apple a day and at night: A distance tutoring
program for at-risk students. Educational Technology, 23-28.
Morrison, G. R., & Ross, S. M., Schultz, C. W., & O'Dell, J. K. (1989). Learner preferences for
varying screen densities using realistic stimulus materials with single and multiple designs. Educational
Technology Research and Development, 37, 53-60.
Smith, L. S., & Ross, S. M. (1989). Who's training the teachers for technology? Tennessee
Educational Leadership, 16, 29-33
Morrison, G. R., Ross, S. M., O'Dell, J. K., Schultz, C. W., & Higginbotham-Wheat, N. (1989).
Implications for the design of computer-based instruction screens. Computers and Human Behavior, 5,
Ross, S. M., Morrison, G. R., & O'Dell, J. K. (1989). Uses and effects of learner control of context
and instructional support in computer-based instruction. Educational Technology Research and
Development, 37, 29-40.
McCormick, D., & Ross, S. M. (1990). Effects of computer access and flowcharting on students'
attitudes and performance in learning computer programming. Journal of Educational Computing
Research, 6, 203-214.
Ross, S. M., Morrison, G. R., Smith, L. J., & Cleveland, E. (1990). An evaluation of alternative
distance tutoring models for at-risk elementary school children. Computers and Human Behavior, 6, 247259.
Murphy, L. O., & Ross, S. M. (1990). Protagonist gender as a design variable in adapting
mathematics story problems to learner interests. Educational Technology Research and Development, 38,
Morrison, G. R., & Ross, S. M. (1991). How to get your convention proposal accepted for AECT
'92. Tech Trends, 36, 69-70.
Ross, S. M., & Morrison, G. R. (1991). Delivering your convention presentations at AECT 91. Tech
Trends, 36, 66-68.
Ross, S. M., Morrison, G. R., & Barnette, J. J. (1991). Using electronic study guides as
instructional aids in college courses. Journal of Structural Learning.
Davis-Dorsey, J., Ross, S. M., & Morrison, G. R. (1991). The role of rewording and context
personalization in the solving of mathematics word problems. Journal of Educational Psychology, 83, 6168.
Rich, H. L., & Ross, S. M. (1991). Regular class or resource for handicapped students? A direct
response to a mixed message. Exceptional Children, 57, 476-477.
Ross, S. M., & Ralston, E. (1991). Uses of computer-assisted instruction in teaching foreign
language in an urban school system. IALL Journal of Language Learning Technologies, 24, 19-26.
Ross, S. M., Smith, L. J., & Woodson, E. (1991). The development of writing skills in a computerintensive environment. Journal of Computing in Childhood Education, 2, 3-20.
Page 8
Clariana, R. B., Ross, S. M., & Morrison, G. R. (1991). The effects on learning of different feedback
strategies using computer-assisted multiple-choice questions as instruction. Educational Technology
Research and Development., 39, 5-18.
Smith, L. J., & Ross, M. (1991). Research implications for computers in classrooms. Tennessee
Educational Leadership, 18, 13-20
Ross, S. M., Smith, L. J., & Morrison, G. R. (1991). The longitudinal influences of computerintensive learning experiences on at-risk elementary students. Educational Technology Research and
Development, 39, 33-46.
Byrd, C. E, & Ross, S. M. (1991). The influence of participation in junior high athletics on students'
attitudes and grades. Physical Educator, 48, 170-176.
Morrison, G. R., Ross, S. M., & Baldwin, W. (1992). Learner control of context and instructional
support in learning elementary school mathematics. Educational Technology Research and Development,
40, 5-14.
Ross, S. M., & Morrison, G. R. (1992). Getting started as a researcher: Designing and conducting
research studies in educational technology. Tech Trends, 37, 19-22.
Johnsey, A., Morrison, G. R., & Ross, S. M. (1992). Using elaboration strategies training in
computer-based instruction to promote generative learning. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 17,
Ross, S. M., Sullivan, H., & Tennyson, R. D (1992). Educational technology: Four decades of
research and theory. Educational Technology Research and Development, 40, 5-8.
Ross, S. M., & Morrison, G. R. (1993). How to get research articles published in professional
journals. Tech Trends, 38, 29-33.
Smith, L. J. , Ross, S. M. , & Nunnery J. (1994). No road too long: A senior citizens’ mentoring
program. Tennessee Reading Teacher, 22, 8-11.
Slavin, R. E., Madden, N. A., Dolan, L. J., Wasik, B. A., Ross, S. M., & Smith, L. J. (1994).
“Whenever and wherever we choose...” The replication of Success for All. Phi Delta Kappan, 639-647.
Baskin, M., & Ross, S. (1993/1994). Selecting teacher candidates via structured interviews: A
validation study of the urban teacher selection interview. Louisiana Educational Research Journal, 19, 2337.
Stewart, M. F., & Ross, S. M. (1994). Standards and assessment: Putting the horse before the
cart. Tennessee Educational Leadership, 21, 6-10.
Wascisko, M. M., & Ross, S. M. (1994). How to create discipline problems. The Clearing House,
67, 248-251.
Bond, C., Ross, S. M., Smith, L. J., & Nunnery, J. (1994). Reading programs for early intervention.
Tennessee Educational Leadership, 21, 18-20.
Ross, S. M. (1994). Delivery trucks or groceries? More food for thought on whether media (will,
may, can't) influence learning. Educational Technology Research and Development, 42, 5-7.
Ross, S. M., Morrison, G. R., & Shultz, C. W. (1994). Preferences for different CBI test screens
based on the density level and realism of the lesson content viewed. Computers and Human Behavior, 10,
Ross, S. M., & Smith, L. J. (1994). Effects of the Success for All Model on kindergarten through
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