Progressivism Study Guide Directions

Progressivism Study Guide
Directions: Be concise and to the point in your answers, no fluff.
Chapter 22 – The Progressive Era
1. Define muckraker. Why was this form of journalism important to the progressive movement?
2. CHART – the name of the muckraker, his work, what it was about, any laws/reforms passed as a result?
Lincoln Steffens
Shame of the cities
corruption in US Cities
Ida Tarbell
Upton Sinclair
Frank Norris
Jack London
Ray Stannard Baker
Jacob Riis
3. Define oligopoly. Why was it significant to American corporate development in the 1920s?
4. Describe working conditions for the following groups:
5. What did the Sheppard-Towner Maternity and Infancy Protection Act do?
6. How did W.E.B. DuBois contribute to civil rights reform in the early 20th century?
7. How/Why were each of the following groups formed and what were the tactics they used toward gaining civil rights
for African Americans?
Niagara Movement
Urban League
8. What political and social developments were most crucial for African Americans during this time?
9. What role did immigrants play in America’s labor force?
10. Who were the padroni and what did they do?
11. Describe what the “Americanization” programs wanted to accomplish
12. Describe these labor unions:
American Federation of Labor (AFL)
Women’s Trade Union League (WTUL)
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)
13. What changes did the Triangle Fire bring for American workers?
14. How did zoning affect urban development?
15. Describe the following forms of entertainment:
Chapter 23 – From Roosevelt to Wilson in the Age of Progressivism
16. What are the six characteristics of Progressivism?
17. What was the purpose of professional societies?
18. What was the purpose/mission of the social justice movement?
19. What were some of the problems within the woman’s suffrage movement?
20. How were the National American Woman’s Suffrage Association (NAWSA) and the Congressional Union (National
Woman’s Party) different?
21. How did the woman’s suffrage groups use progressivism to get the right to vote?
22. Define Pragmatism. How did it effect public education?
23. How did the commission form of city government work (ex: Galveston, Texas)?
24. How did each of these measures “democratize” government?
25. Explain Teddy Roosevelt’s theory on “trust-busting”. Was he a “trustbuster” or a trust manager?
26. Describe how Roosevelt mediated the Coal Strike of 1902.
27. What did Roosevelt promise after the election of 1904?
28. How did the following acts bring railroad reform?
Elkins Act
Hepburn Act
29. What did conservation mean to Roosevelt?
30. Describe each of these and how they affected Taft’s standing with the progressives:
Payne-Aldrich Tariff
Ballinger-Pinchot Affair
Mann-Elkins Act
31. Under TAFT Define and explain the following:
Dollar Diplomacy
Payne-Aldrich Tariff
32. What dramatic gains had the Democratic Party made by 1910?
33. What did each of these pieces of reform passed during Wilson’s presidency do?
Underwood Tariff Act
Federal Reserve Act
Clayton Antitrust Act
Federal Farm Loan Act 1916
Adamson Act
Federal Workman’s Compensation Act
Keating-Owen Act
34. What was Wilson’s record on race?
35. What is the legal significance of the Muller v. Oregon case?