1 2 Ducts identification description 1- GENERALITIES The duct identification, type and network, is given by a colour sticker (equilateral triangle, side 150 mm ) including a black alphanumerical reference in the middle. According to LHC identification code , general identification for ducts is “UG” followed by a group of characters. The reference UG will be not be included in the triangle reference. Triangle colour and reference for ducts located, either in the surface or underground areas, are detailed in this document. Number of stickers has to be sufficient to identify correctly networks whatever the position of an observer in the concerned areas. 2.1 Général aspect of a sticker, and triangle background colour 2.1.1 First character This character is relative to the assignment of the network with the following possibilities: D = smoke extraction E = general extraction P = supply S = pressurisation R = return air T = transfert Z = gaz extraction 3 2.2 Second character This character defines duct construction, see joined table annexe 1 2.3 Third character This character indicates network affectation: 1 = machine tunnel 2 = accessible area 3 = experimental area (outside) 4 = experimental area (inside) 5 = accessible area 6 = survival area 9 = SGX building 10 = SU building 11 = SUX building 12 = SA, SD, SDH, SDX, SF, SMI/SDI, building 13 = SX building 15 = SH, SHM building 2.4 Fourth character This character indicates the direction of the network in relation to the LHC ring D = right (clock wise) L = left (contra-clock wise) C = to the centre For networks not linked to the LHC machine or experiments areas, surface building for example, Fourth character is not used. In case of multiple similar networks, survival areas for instance, a fifth character is added, it indicates the relative position to the middle of the LHC machine centre, from 1 to 3 . (1 will be the closest to the centre, 3 the Fareast) . A serial of typical stickers are detailed in annexe 2. 4 Annex 1 SECOND CHARACTER DESCRIPTION CHAR. DUCT DESCRIPTION DOUBLE SIMPLE SKIN SKIN A SUPPLY: MACHINE TUNNEL , EXPERIMENTAL ZONE UX25 X B SUPPLY: ACCESSIBLE ZONES, EXP ZONES Ø<1000 X C EXTRACTIO: MACHINE TUNNEL, EXPERIMENTAL ZONE X D SUPPLY: SURVIVAL ZONE ( OUTSIDE CONCRETE MODULE ) X F SMOKE EXTRACT: ACCESSIBLE ZONE X G SUPPLY: MACHINE TUNNEL X H SUPPLY: EXPERIMENTAL ZONE Ø>1000 J GENERAL EXTRACT : EXPERIMENTAL ZONE X K GAS EXTRAT X L SUPPLY: ACCESSIBLE ZONE; EXPERIMENTAL ZONE X M SUPPLY OR EXTRACT ALL ZONES X N SUPPLY OR EXTRACT ALL ZONES 400°C/2H X O SUPPLY ZONES TI X T HOUSING WITH FIRE RESISTANT PANELS 400°C/2H INCL FRAME X U SUPPLY : DETECTORS HIGH PRESSURE NETWORKS X V EXTRACT EXPERIMENTAL ZONE SANDWICH PANEL HOUSING X W EXTRACT : AIR OR GAZ (DETECTORS NETWORKS) X X SUPPLY OR EXTRACT FLEXIBLE DUCT X X X 5 ANNEX 2 EXEMPLE OF STICKERS FOR LHC DUCTWORK IDENTIFICATION 15 0m m PM11 EM11 SUX supply PB4D1 UX supply D1 direction PM12 SUX extract EM12 SDX supply EJ4D2 UX extraction D2 direction SD6C PB2G Supply accessible areas contra-clock wise direction ZK9 SGX building gaz extraction DF 2D Smoke extraction accessible areas clock wise direction Pressurisation network SDX extract