
Name: _______________________________________ Date: _________________
Chemistry is exciting! Each day in the laboratory you are given the opportunity to confront the
unknown, and to understand it. Each experiment holds many secrets. Look hard and you may see them.
Work hard and you can solve them.
In this class, you are given the opportunity to do what scientists do. You can wonder how things
work, ask why and how, and then try to think of ways to answer your own questions. You are given the
chance to understand what is unknown to you and to many other people.
Chemistry is a laboratory science. As part of your laboratory experience, you will handle many
chemical substances and manipulate specialized lab equipment. Many of these substances pose a health
risk if handled improperly, while some of the laboratory equipment can cause severe injury if used
improperly. This section is a guide to the safe laboratory practices you will use throughout this course.
Preparation and Safety
To get the most out of your laboratory experience, you must be well prepared for each experiment.
This means that you must read the experiment thoroughly before coming to the laboratory. Make sure
you have a clear idea of what the experiment is about. Be sure that you understand each step of the
procedure. If you are unsure of any part of the experiment, ask your teacher for help before the laboratory
Preparation is important not only to understanding, but also to safety. If you are well prepared for
the laboratory, it is much less likely that an accident will occur. In the laboratory, you are responsible not
only for your safety, but also for the safety of your classmates. This is all the more reason for you to take
the time and make the effort to prepare for the laboratory.
Laboratory Hazards
You should be aware of possible hazards in the laboratory and take the appropriate safety
precautions. By doing so, the risks of doing chemistry can be minimized. This safety section is intended
to acquaint you with the hazards that exist in the laboratory and to indicate how you can avoid these
hazards. In addition, information is provided on what to do if an accident should occur.
Thermal Burns
A thermal burn can occur if you touch hot equipment or come too close to an open flame. You
can prevent thermal burns by being aware that hot and cold equipment look the same. If a gas burner or
hot plat has been used, some of the equipment nearby may be hot. Hold your hand near an item to feel for
heat before touching it. Treat a thermal burn by immediately running cold water overt the burned area.
Continue applying the cold water until the pain is reduced. This usually takes several minutes. In
addition to reducing pain, cooling the burned area also serves to speed the healing process. Greases and
oils should not be used to treat burns because they tend to trap heat. Medical assistance should be sought
for any serious burn. Notify your teacher immediately if you are burned.
Chemical Burns
A chemical burn occurs when the skin or a mucous membrane is damaged by contact with a
substance. Chemical burns can be severe. Permanent damage to mucous membranes can occur despite
the best efforts to rinse a chemical from the affected area. Corrosive indicates that the chemical can cause
severe burns. Irritant indicates that the chemical can irritate the skin and the membranes of the eye, nose,
throat, and lungs.
The best defense against chemical burns is prevention. Without exception, wear safety goggles
during all phases of the laboratory period, even during clean-up. Should any chemical splash in your
eye, immediately use a continuous flow of running water to flush your eye for a period of 20 minutes.
Call for help. If you wear contact lenses, remove them immediately. This is especially crucial if the
chemical involved is an acid or base. It can concentrate under the lens and cause extensive damage.
Wear a laboratory apron and close-toed shoes (no sandals) to protect other areas of your body. If
corrosive chemicals should contact your exposed skin, wash the affected area with water for several
An additional burn hazards exists when concentrated acids or bases are mixed with water. The
heat released in mixing these chemicals with water can cause the mixture to boil, spattering corrosive
chemical. The heat can also cause non-Pyrex containers to break.
To avoid these hazards, follow these instructions: Always add acid or base to water, very slowly
and with stirring; never the reverse. One way to remember this critical advice is to think of the phrase,
“pouring acid into water is doing what you ought-er.”
Cuts From Glass
Cuts occur most often when thermometers or pieces of glass tubing are forced into rubber
stoppers. Prevent cuts by using the correct technique for this procedure. The hold should be lubricated
with glycerol or water to facilitate the movement of the glass tubing. The glass should not be gripped
directly with the hands, but rather, by means of paper towels. The towels will protect your hands if the
glass should break. Use a gentle twisting motion to move the tube smoothly into the stopper.
Avoid cuts from other sources by discarding chipped and cracked glassware according to your
teacher’s instructions. If you should receive a minor cut, allow it to bleed for a short time. Wash the
injured area under cold running water, and notify your teacher. Serious cuts and deep puncture wounds
require immediate medical help. Notify your teacher immediately. While waiting for assistance, control
the bleeding by applying pressure with the fingertips or by firmly pressing with a clean towel.
A fire may occur if chemical are mixed improperly or if flammable materials come too close to a
burner flame or hot plate. When using this equipment, prevent fires by tying back long hair and loose
fitting clothing. Do not use a burner when flammable chemicals are present. Use a hot plate as a heat
source instead of a burner when flammable chemicals are present.
If hair or clothing should catch fire, DO NOT run, because running fans a fire. Drop to the floor
and roll slowly to smother the flames. Shout for help. If another person is the victim, get a fire blanket to
smother the flames. If a shower is nearby, help the victim to use it.
In case of a fire on a laboratory bench, turn off all accessible gas outlets and unplug all accessible
appliances. Covering the container with a non-flammable object may put out a fire in a container.
Covering the burning object with a damp cloth could also smother it. If not, call for a fire extinguisher.
Spray the base of the fire with foam from the extinguisher. CAUTION: Never direct the jet of a fire
extinguisher into a person’s face. Use a fire blanket instead. If a fire is not extinguished quickly, leave
the laboratory. Crawl to the door if necessary to avoid the smoke. Do not return to the laboratory.
You should do several things to prevent poisoning. Never eat, chew gum or drink in the
laboratory. Do not touch chemicals. Clean up spills. Keep your hands away from your face. In this way
you will prevent chemicals from reaching your hands, mouth, nose, or eyes.
In some cases, the detection of an odor is used to indicate that a chemical reaction has taken place.
It is important to note, however, that many gases are toxic when inhaled. If you must detect an odor, use
your hand to waft some of the gas toward your nose. Sniff the gas instead of taking a deep breath. This
will minimize the amount of gas sampled.
The equipment can be found on the next two pages. Next to each piece of equipment indicates the
composition (glass, metal, plastic) and the primary use.
Working in the chemistry laboratory, you will be handling potentially dangerous substances and
performing unfamiliar tasks. This section provides you with a guide to the safe laboratory techniques
needed in this course. While performing experiments throughout the year, refer back to this section any
time you are unsure of the proper laboratory techniques.
Pouring Liquids
Read the label at least three times before using the contents of a reagent bottle.
Never lay the reagent bottle’s stopper on the lab table.
Remove the stopper by grasping the stopper between two
fingers, as shown A.
Pick up the reagent bottle making sure the label is toward
the palm of your hand. Note the stopper is still between the
fingers, as shown B.
When pouring a caustic or corrosive liquid into a beaker, use a
stirring rod to avoid drips and spills. Hold the stirring rod against
the lip of the reagent bottle. Estimate the amount of liquid you
need and pour this along the rod into the beaker, as shown C.
Replace the stopper on the reagent bottle once you are finished pouring.
Examine the outside of the reagent bottle for any liquid that has dripped
down the bottle or spilled on the counter top. You teacher will show you
the proper procedures for cleaning up a chemical spill.
NEVER pour reagents back into stock bottles. At the end of the
experiment, any excess chemicals should be properly discarded under the
direction of the teacher.
Volume measurements are important in many experimental procedures. Sometimes volume
measurements must be accurate; other times they can be approximate. Most volume measures in the
laboratory are made using equipment calibrated in milliliters. Although some beakers have graduation
marks, these marks are designed only for quick, rough estimates of volume. Accurate volumes must be
measured with pipets, burets, or volumetric flasks.
Using a Graduated Cylinder
Half-fill a 100 mL graduated cylinder with water, and set the
cylinder on your laboratory bench. Examine the surface of the water.
Notice how the surface curves upward where the water contacts the
cylinder walls. This curved surface is called a meniscus.
A volume measurement is always read at the bottom of the meniscus,
with your eye at the same level as the liquid surface. To make the meniscus more visible, you can place
your finger or a dark piece of paper behind and just below the meniscus while making the reading, as
Graduated cylinders are available in many capacities. The 100 mL cylinder is marked in 1 mL
divisions, and volumes can be estimated to the nearest 0.1 mL. The last digit in these measurements is
therefore significant but uncertain.
Using a Pipet
A pipet is used to accurately measure and deliver volumes of liquids. Two
types are in common use: volumetric pipets and graduated, or measuring, pipets.
See the figure to the right. The use of a volumetric pipet will be described. A
volumetric pipet has a single calibration mark and delivers the volume printed on
the bulb of the pipet at the temperature specified. (A graduated pipet has
calibrations along the length of the pipet.) Volumes can be measured more
accurately with a volumetric pipet than with a graduated pipet.
Decanting and Transferring Liquids
The safest way of transferring a liquid from one test tube to another is
shown to the left. The liquid is transferred at arm’s length with the elbows
slightly bent in a position that enables you to see what you are doing and
still maintain steady control.
Sometimes liquids contain particles of insoluble solids that soon sink to the
bottom of a test tube or beaker and you want to separate the two.
Figure A shows the proper method of decanting a supernatant liquid
in a test tube.
Figure B shows the proper method of decanting a supernatant liquid
in a beaker by using a stirring rod. The rod should touch the wall of
the receiving vessel.
Hold the stirring rod against the lip of the beaker containing the supernatant
liquid. As you pour, the liquid will run down the rod and drop off into the
beaker resting below. In this way the liquid will not run down the side of
the beaker from which you are pouring.
Filtering A Mixture
Sometimes it is necessary to separate a solid (for example, a precipitate)
from a liquid. The most common method of separating such a mixture is filtration.
Fold a filter paper circle in half and then quarters. Open the folded paper to
form a cone with one thickness of paper on one side and three thicknesses
on the other as shown below.
Put the paper cone in a filter funnel. Place the funnel in an iron ring
clamped to a ring stand. Moisten the filter paper with a small volume of
distilled water, and gently press the paper against the sides of the funnel to
give a good fit.
Place a beaker beneath the funnel to collect the filtrate. The tip of the
funnel should touch the inside surface of the beaker and extend about one
inch below the rim. See the figure to the right.
Decant the liquid from the solid (precipitate) by pouring it down a glass stir
rod into the funnel. Be careful to keep the liquid below the top edge of the
cone of filter paper at all times; the liquid must not overflow. Finally, use a
jet of distilled water from a wash bottle to wash the solid (precipitate) into
the filter.
When the filtration is complete, wash the solid residue on the filter paper
with distilled water to remove traces of solvent. Dry the solid.
If the filtrate contains a dissolved salt it may be recovered by evaporation, if
Using A Gas Burner
Laboratory gas burners produce various kinds of flames when different mixtures of gas and air are
burned. The two most common models are the Bunsen Burner and the Tirrell Burner. Both have
adjustable air vents; the Tirrell burner also has a gas control valve in its base.
Examine your laboratory burner. Determine which model you have.
Connect the burner to the gas supply with rubber tubing.
Close the air vents. Also, close the gas control valve at the base of the burner.
Hold a lighted match at the top of the burner tube and turn on the gas supply by
opening the main gas supply by opening the main gas supply valve located on top
of the nozzle to which you attached the hose. Open the gas control valve
approximately ½ turn after opening the main gas supply valve. You should get a
yellow or luminous flame, as shown. When a Tirrell burner is used, the main gas
supply valve should be opened fully and the gas flow regulated by the gas control
valve at the base of the burner. Gas supply to a Bunsen burner is controlled by the
main gas valve.
Open the air vents slowly, to admit more air into the flame, to produce a light blue
(non-luminous) cone shaped flame. If the flame “blows out” after lighting, the gas
supply should be reduced.
Adjust the air vents and gas supply to produce the desired size of the flame. For
most laboratory work, the blue inner cone of the flame should be about one inch high
and free of yellow color. If you want a smaller flame, close the air vent slightly and
reduce the gas supply. You will learn how to control the burner flame by trial and error.
Turn the burner off at the main gas supply valve as soon as you have finished.
CAUTION: Confine long hair and loose clothing when using a gas burner. Do not reach over a
burner. Ensure that flammables are not being used when a burner is lit. Never leave a lit burner
unattended. Know the location of fire extinguishers, the fire blanket, and safety shower.
How To Heat Material In A Test Tube
Check to see that the test tube is Pyrex or a similar heat-treated type.
Always use a test tube holder or clamp when heating the test tube.
Never point a heated test tube at anyone, because the liquid may splash
out of the test tube.
Never look down into the test tube while heating it.
Do not heat any one spot on the test tube. Heat the test tube from the upper portions of the tube
downward and continuously move the test tube as shown. Otherwise vapor meeting a head of
liquid above it may cause the bottom of the tube to be blown out.
Heating Substances and Evaporating Solutions
Use care in selecting glassware for high-temperature heating. The glassware should be Pyrex or a
similar heat-treated type.
When heating substances in glassware by means of a gas flame, the glassware should be protected
from direct contact wit the flame through use of a ceramic-centered wire gauze. These wire
gauzes have safer high-heating capabilities and will prevent glassware from breaking.
Figure S-4 shows the proper set-up for evaporating a solution over a water bath.
Figure S-5 shows the proper setup for evaporating a solution in a porcelain evaporating dish with a
watch glass cover that prevents spattering.
In some experiments you are required to heat a substance strongly in a porcelain crucible. Figure
S-6 shows the proper apparatus setup used to accomplish this task.
Heated glassware, porcelain, and iron rings look cool several seconds after heating, but can still
burn for several minutes. Use heat-safety items such as safety tongs, pads, rubber gloves, and
goggles whenever you handle this apparatus.
You can test the temperature of heated apparatus by holding the back of your hand close to the
surface before grasping. Allow time to cool before putting away.
Inserting Glass Tubing
In many experimental procedures you are required to insert a thermometer or a length of glass
tubing into a hole in a rubber stopper. It is essential that you know the correct way to do this. Otherwise,
serious injury may result.
Lubricate the end of the glass tubing with a few drops of water, liquid soap, glycerol, or oil.
Hold the glass tubing close to where it enters the hole in the rubber stopper. Protect your hands
with work gloves or pieces of paper towel.
East the tubing into the hole with a gentle twisting motion. Push the tubing through the hole as far
as is required. Do not use force!
Wipe excess lubricating material from the tubing before continuing with the experiment.
If the glass tubing is to be removed from the stopper, it should be done immediately after the
experiment is completed.
CAUTION: The end of the glass tubing should be fire-polished or smoothed with emery cloth before
being inserted into a rubber stopper. Do not try to bend the glass tubing-it will break. Ensure that the
palm of the hand holding the rubber stopper is not in line with the emerging glass tube.
Measuring Mass
In many experiments you are required to determine the mass of a chemical used or produced in a
reaction. An object’s mass is determined by measuring it on a balance. When we determine the mass of
an object, we are comparing its mass with a known mass. In the SI the base unit of mass is the kilogram.
There are many types of laboratory balances. The one used most frequently in school is the
centigram balance. However, we will use the electronic balances to obtain accurate results and save time.
The following general rules apply to the use of all balances:
 Check the balance before you start weighing. The balance pan should be empty and clean, and all
masses should be set on zero (tare). The balance must be level.
 Objects to be weighed directly on the balance pan must be clean, dry, and at room temperature.
Solid chemicals and liquids must never be put directly on the balance pan. Liquid samples should
be placed in beakers or sealed containers. Solid chemicals can be conveniently placed in beakers
or plastic weighing boats.
 The balance is a precision instrument that must be handled with care. To avoid damaging it,
always be sure that the balance is in a secure position.
 If you spill a chemical on or near the balance, clean it up immediately. If in doubt, inform your
teacher. Brushes are available to remove traces of chemicals.
 Never attempt to weigh an object with a mass greater that the maximum capacity of the balance,
usually 200 grams.
 When you finish weighing, return all the masses to zero, and make sure the balance pan is clean.
Lightly gather the cord and return to the scales cabinet.
Testing an Odor Safely
Test for the odor of gases by wafting our hand over the test
tube and cautiously sniffing the fumes as shown to the right.
Do not inhale any fumes directly.
Use a fume hood whenever poisonous or irritating fumes are
evolved and DO NOT waft in this case. Save your nose!!
How to Use A Mortar & Pestle
A mortar and pestle should be used only for grinding one substance. See the figures below.
Never use a mortar and pestle for mixing different substances.
Place the one substance to be broken up into the mortar.
Pound the substance with the pestle and grind to pulverize.
Remove the powdered substance with a spoon or spatula.
CAUTION: Do not blow into the mortar to remove any remaining
powder, for dust may enter into your eyes and nasal passages.
Cutting and Fire Polishing
Place the glass tubing or glass rod on a flat surface (such as the laboratory bench).
Hold the glass tightly with one hand close to the area to be cut.
Using a firm stroke, make a single deep scratch with a triangular file, Figure 12.
CAUTION: Do not use a sawing motion or repeated scratching.
Grasp the glass in both hands, with the scratch facing away from you and both
thumbs directly behind the scratch, Figure 13.
Push firmly with the thumbs and pull with your fingers. The glass should snap
with a clean break.
CAUTION: Be careful with the cut ends of the glass. They may be sharp and
jagged. Do not attempt to break glass tubing having an outside diameter greater
than 6 mm.
The cut ends of the glass tubing should be fire-polished to make the tubing safe to
handle. Rotate one end of the glass tube in the hottest part of a burner flame until
the sharp edges have softened and become rounded, Figure 14.
CAUTION: Do not hold the tubing in the flame too long. If you do, the hole in
the tube will close.
Place the hot glass on a wire gauze square to cool.
CAUTION: Hot glass and cold glass look alike. Make sure one end of a piece of
glass has cooled before you attempt to fire-polish the other end.
Bending Glass Tubing
Light the burner and adjust the flame to give an even blue (hot) flame.
Grasp a length of glass tubing that has been fire-polished at both ends.
Hold the center of it lengthwise in the flame just at the top of the blue
region. This is the hottest part of the flame, Figure 16.
Rotate the tubing in the flame to heat approximately a 5 cm section
uniformly until it becomes soft and just begins to sag.
Remove the tubing from the flame and bend it to the desired shape in
one movement, Figure 17. Examples of good and bad bends are shown
in Figure 18.
When it has hardened, put the glass tubing on a wire gauze to cool.
CAUTION: Hot and cold glass look alike.