Name _______________________________ Date __________________ Science SOL ES.6 1. What process does the number “3” in the rock-cycle diagram indicate? 4. What is intrusive or plutonic igneous rock? A B C D magma that cooled slowly lava that cooled on the surface basalt rock and obsidian magma that formed and cooled underground. 5. Sedimentary rocks can be sorted according to particle size. Which list below is correctly sorted from the smallest to largest particle size? A B C D weathering, erosion, transportation, and deposition chemical change due to heat and pressure cooling and solidifying melting under extremely high temperature 2. What are the two most common elements in the Earth’s crust? A B C D 6. How can limestone be formed? A B C D A B C D oxygen and silicon oxygen and hydrogen carbon and iron carbon and sulfur 3. How are igneous rocks primarily classified? A B C D chemical composition and hardness color and hardness chemical composition and texture texture and color sandstone breccia shale breccia shale sandstone breccia sandstone shale shale sandstone breccia by chemical processes only by organic activity only either by chemical processes or by organic activity either by fragmenting of other rock or by chemical processes 7. Metamorphic rocks are produced by what forces acting on other rocks? A B C D heat only chemical action and pressure pressure and heat heat and chemical action _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 1999, 2000 S.S. Flanagan & D.E. Mott 15 Do not reproduce without permission. 07-15-00 Name _______________________________ Date __________________ Science SOL ES.6 8. The major change that all rocks can undergo is which of the following? A B C D cooling and crystallization erosion and deposition heat and pressure melting 9. Which of the following correctly pairs a rock with its actual metamorphic derivative? A B C D chalk and marble shale and gneiss granite and slate obsidian and quartzite 12. Virginia sedimentary rocks are formed by cementation or chemical deposition. Which of the following is a sedimentary rock? A B C D gneiss limestone slate granite 13. Igneous rocks are formed by cooling magma. Which of these Virginia rocks is igneous? A B C D granite schist marble limestone 10. Which type of rock usually breaks down the quickest? A B C D sedimentary igneous metamorphic magma Continue 11. Virginia metamorphic rocks have undergone a physical or chemical change. Which of the following is a metamorphic rock? A B C D basalt rhyolite gneiss granite _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 1999, 2000 S.S. Flanagan & D.E. Mott 16 Do not reproduce without permission. 07-15-00 Name _______________________________ Date __________________ Science SOL ES.6 Use this chart to answer the next four questions. Changes During Metamorphism Low Temperature Parent Rock shale Low Pressure slate phylite quartz sandstone limestone High Pressure schist marble serpentinite basalt amphibolite or schist slate schist gneiss granite soft coal (bituminous) gneiss hard coal (anthracite) 14. Which of the following rocks can be formed when subjected to high heat and pressure during metamorphism? A B C D granite gneiss felsite shale Very High Temperature Very High Pressure gneiss quartzite peridotite felsite High Temperature Medium Temperature Medium Pressure graphite M E L T I N G 16. Serpentine at low temperature and pressure forms from what rock? A B C D shale basalt peridotite granite 15. Shale cannot be metamorphosed into which of the following rock types? 17. Bituminous coal at medium temperature and pressure forms what type of rock? A B C D A B C D graphite phyilite schist gneiss soft coal anthracite gneiss graphite _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 1999, 2000 S.S. Flanagan & D.E. Mott 17 Do not reproduce without permission. 07-15-00